public virtual void EnsureInitialized() { lock (LockObject) { if (_initialized) { return; } if (IsInitialisedTaskCompletionSource != null) { Mvx.Trace("EnsureInitialized has already been called so now waiting for completion"); IsInitialisedTaskCompletionSource.Task.Wait(); } else { IsInitialisedTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); _setup.Initialize(); _initialized = true; if (_currentSplashScreen != null) { Mvx.Warning("Current splash screen not null during direct initialization - not sure this should ever happen!"); var dispatcher = Mvx.GetSingleton <IMvxMainThreadDispatcher>(); dispatcher.RequestMainThreadAction(() => { _currentSplashScreen?.InitializationComplete(); }, false); } IsInitialisedTaskCompletionSource.SetResult(true); } } }
public void CreateBindings(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args, Func <string, IEnumerable <MvxBindingDescription> > parseBindingDescriptions) { var attachedObject = sender as FrameworkElement; if (attachedObject == null) { Mvx.Warning("Null attached FrameworkElement seen in Bi.nd binding"); return; } var text = args.NewValue as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return; } var bindingDescriptions = parseBindingDescriptions(text); if (bindingDescriptions == null) { return; } ApplyBindings(attachedObject, bindingDescriptions); }
public override void Close(IMvxViewModel viewModel) { var currentView = _rootFrame.Content as IMvxView; if (currentView == null) { Mvx.Warning("Ignoring close for viewmodel - rootframe has no current page"); return; } if (currentView.ViewModel != viewModel) { Mvx.Warning("Ignoring close for viewmodel - rootframe's current page is not the view for the requested viewmodel"); return; } if (!_rootFrame.CanGoBack) { Mvx.Warning("Ignoring close for viewmodel - rootframe refuses to go back"); return; } _rootFrame.GoBack(); HandleBackButtonVisibility(); }
protected virtual void InjectProperty(object toReturn, PropertyInfo injectableProperty, IMvxPropertyInjectorOptions options) { object propertyValue; if (Mvx.TryResolve(injectableProperty.PropertyType, out propertyValue)) { try { injectableProperty.SetValue(toReturn, propertyValue, null); } catch (TargetInvocationException invocation) { throw new MvxIoCResolveException(invocation, "Failed to inject into {0} on {1}", injectableProperty.Name, toReturn.GetType().Name); } } else { if (options.ThrowIfPropertyInjectionFails) { throw new MvxIoCResolveException("IoC property injection failed for {0} on {1}", injectableProperty.Name, toReturn.GetType().Name); } else { Mvx.Warning("IoC property injection skipped for {0} on {1}", injectableProperty.Name, toReturn.GetType().Name); } } }
protected static BindingMode ConvertMode(MvxBindingMode mode, Type propertyType) { switch (mode) { case MvxBindingMode.Default: // if we return TwoWay for ImageSource then we end up in // problems with WP7 not doing the auto-conversion // see some of my angst in // Note: if we discover other issues here, then we should make a more flexible solution if (propertyType == typeof(ImageSource)) { return(BindingMode.OneWay); } return(BindingMode.TwoWay); case MvxBindingMode.TwoWay: return(BindingMode.TwoWay); case MvxBindingMode.OneWay: return(BindingMode.OneWay); case MvxBindingMode.OneTime: return(BindingMode.OneTime); case MvxBindingMode.OneWayToSource: Mvx.Warning("WinPhone doesn't support OneWayToSource"); return(BindingMode.TwoWay); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mode)); } }
public void CreateBindings(object sender, object oldValue, object newValue, Func <string, IEnumerable <MvxBindingDescription> > parseBindingDescriptions) { var attachedObject = sender as Element; if (attachedObject == null) { Mvx.Warning("Null attached Element seen in Bi.nd binding"); return; } var text = newValue as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return; } var bindingDescriptions = parseBindingDescriptions(text); if (bindingDescriptions == null) { return; } ApplyBindings(attachedObject, bindingDescriptions); }
private void SetCurrentlyActive() { if (_currentlyActive) { Mvx.Warning("MvxImagePickerTask called when task already active"); } _currentlyActive = true; }
private void ClearCurrentlyActive() { if (!_currentlyActive) { Mvx.Warning("Tried to clear currently active - but already cleared"); } _currentlyActive = false; }
public virtual void ReloadTableData() { try { this._tableView.ReloadData(); } catch (Exception exception) { Mvx.Warning("Exception masked during TableView ReloadData {0}", exception.ToLongString()); } }
public virtual void ReloadData() { try { _collectionView.ReloadData(); } catch (Exception exception) { Mvx.Warning("Exception masked during CollectionView ReloadData {0}", exception.ToString()); } }
protected virtual void RealNotifyDataSetChanged() { try { base.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception exception) { Mvx.Warning("Exception masked during Adapter RealNotifyDataSetChanged {0}", exception.ToLongString()); } }
protected override void PlatformSpecificStart(MvxLocationOptions options) { lock (this) { if (_locationManager != null) { throw new MvxException("You cannot start the MvxLocation service more than once"); } _locationManager = new CLLocationManager(); _locationManager.Delegate = new LocationDelegate(this); if (options.MovementThresholdInM > 0) { _locationManager.DistanceFilter = options.MovementThresholdInM; } else { _locationManager.DistanceFilter = CLLocationDistance.FilterNone; } _locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = options.Accuracy == MvxLocationAccuracy.Fine ? CLLocation.AccuracyBest : CLLocation.AccuracyKilometer; if (options.TimeBetweenUpdates > TimeSpan.Zero) { Mvx.Warning("TimeBetweenUpdates specified for MvxLocationOptions - but this is not supported in iOS"); } if (options.TrackingMode == MvxLocationTrackingMode.Background) { if (IsIOS8orHigher) { _locationManager.RequestAlwaysAuthorization(); } else { Mvx.Warning("MvxLocationTrackingMode.Background is not supported for iOS before 8"); } } else { if (IsIOS8orHigher) { _locationManager.RequestWhenInUseAuthorization(); } } if (CLLocationManager.HeadingAvailable) { _locationManager.StartUpdatingHeading(); } _locationManager.StartUpdatingLocation(); } }
private static TFragment SafeCast <TFragment>(Fragment fragment) where TFragment : Fragment { if (!(fragment is TFragment)) { Mvx.Warning("Fragment type mismatch got {0} but expected {1}", fragment.GetType().FullName, typeof(TFragment).FullName); return(default(TFragment)); } return((TFragment)fragment); }
/// <summary> /// Register your ViewModel to be presented at a IMvxFragmentHost. Backingstore for this is a /// Dictionary, hence you can only have a ViewModel registered at one IMvxFragmentHost at a time. /// Just call this method whenever you need to change the host. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TViewModel">Type of the ViewModel to present</typeparam> /// <param name="host">Which IMvxFragmentHost (Activity) to present it at</param> public void RegisterViewModelAtHost <TViewModel>(IMvxFragmentHost host) where TViewModel : IMvxViewModel { if (host == null) { Mvx.Warning("You passed a null IMvxFragmentHost, removing the registration instead"); UnRegisterViewModelAtHost <TViewModel>(); } _dictionary[typeof(TViewModel)] = host; }
public static void LoadViewModelFrom(this IMvxFragmentView view, MvxViewModelRequest request, IMvxBundle savedState = null) { var loader = Mvx.Resolve <IMvxViewModelLoader>(); var viewModel = loader.LoadViewModel(request, savedState); if (viewModel == null) { Mvx.Warning("ViewModel not loaded for {0}", request.ViewModelType.FullName); return; } view.ViewModel = viewModel; }
public static TFragment FindFragmentByTag <TFragment>(this Views.MvxActivity activity, string tag) where TFragment : Fragment { var fragment = activity.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag(tag); if (fragment == null) { Mvx.Warning("Failed to find fragment tag {0} in {1}", tag, activity.GetType().Name); return(default(TFragment)); } return(SafeCast <TFragment>(fragment)); }
public static TFragment FindFragmentById <TFragment>(this Views.MvxActivity activity, int resourceId) where TFragment : Fragment { var fragment = activity.FragmentManager.FindFragmentById(resourceId); if (fragment == null) { Mvx.Warning("Failed to find fragment id {0} in {1}", resourceId, activity.GetType().Name); return(default(TFragment)); } return(SafeCast <TFragment>(fragment)); }
protected virtual void RealNotifyDataSetChanged() { try { base.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception exception) { Mvx.Warning( "Exception masked during Adapter RealNotifyDataSetChanged {0}. Are you trying to update your collection from a background task? See", exception.ToLongString()); } }
public void Execute(object parameter = null) { if (_wrapped == null) { return; } if (parameter != null) { Mvx.Warning("Non-null parameter overridden in MvxWrappingCommand"); } _wrapped.Execute(_commandParameterOverride); }
private static bool ReadIsTvosVersionOrHigher(int target, bool defaultValue) { IMvxTvosSystem touchSystem; Mvx.TryResolve <IMvxTvosSystem>(out touchSystem); if (touchSystem == null) { Mvx.Warning("IMvxTvosSystem not found - so assuming we {1} on tvOS {0} or later", target, defaultValue ? "are" : "are not"); return(defaultValue); } return(touchSystem.Version.Major >= target); }
public static IEnumerable <Type> ExceptionSafeGetTypes(this Assembly assembly) { try { return(assembly.GetTypes()); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) { Mvx.Warning("ReflectionTypeLoadException masked during loading of {0} - error {1}", assembly.FullName, e.ToLongString()); return(new Type[0]); } }
protected virtual void BackButtonOnBackRequested(object sender, BackRequestedEventArgs backRequestedEventArgs) { var currentView = _rootFrame.Content as IMvxView; if (currentView == null) { Mvx.Warning("Ignoring close for viewmodel - rootframe has no current page"); return; } var navigationService = Mvx.Resolve <IMvxNavigationService>(); navigationService.Close(currentView.ViewModel); }
public override void OnLayoutChildren(Android.Support.V7.Widget.RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, Android.Support.V7.Widget.RecyclerView.State state) { try { base.OnLayoutChildren(recycler, state); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { Mvx.Warning( "Workaround of issue - - IndexOutOfBoundsException " + e.Message); } }
public bool CanExecute(object parameter = null) { if (_wrapped == null) { return(false); } if (parameter != null) { Mvx.Warning("Non-null parameter will be ignored in MvxWrappingCommand.CanExecute"); } return(_wrapped.CanExecute(_commandParameterOverride)); }
private static void SetTextInputLayoutControlColor(TextInputLayout textInputLayoutControl, ColorStateList textHintColor) { try { var defaultTextColor = Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(TextInputLayout)).GetDeclaredField("mDefaultTextColor"); defaultTextColor.Accessible = true; defaultTextColor.Set(textInputLayoutControl, textHintColor); var focusedTextColor = Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(TextInputLayout)).GetDeclaredField("mFocusedTextColor"); focusedTextColor.Accessible = true; focusedTextColor.Set(textInputLayoutControl, textHintColor); } catch (Exception e) { Mvx.Warning($"Failed to use reflection to set the hint color :{e.Message}"); } }
protected virtual void SetCookieContainer(MvxRestRequest restRequest, HttpWebRequest httpRequest) { // note that we don't call // httpRequest.SupportsCookieContainer // here - this is because Android complained about this... try { if (restRequest.CookieContainer != null) { httpRequest.CookieContainer = restRequest.CookieContainer; } } catch (Exception exception) { Mvx.Warning("Error masked during Rest call - cookie creation - {0}", exception.ToLongString()); } }
protected static void ReplaceFont(string staticTypefaceFieldName, Typeface newTypeface) { try { var staticField = Class.FromType(typeof(Typeface)).GetDeclaredField(staticTypefaceFieldName); staticField.Accessible = true; staticField.Set(null, newTypeface); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { Mvx.Warning(e.Message); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Mvx.Warning(e.Message); } }
private void TryChangeViewPresentation(ChangePresentationHint hint) { var view = CurrentTopViewController as IChangePresentation; if (view != null) { view.ChangePresentation(hint); foreach (var subview in CurrentTopViewController.View.FindSubviewsOfType <IChangePresentation>()) { subview.ChangePresentation(hint); } } else { Mvx.Warning("Can't change presentation, view controller doesn't support IChangePresentation"); } }
private void RemovePreviousViewFromHistory() { var navController = Mvx.Resolve <UINavigationController>(); var controllers = navController.ViewControllers; if (controllers.Length > 1) { var listOfControllers = new List <UIViewController>(controllers); listOfControllers.RemoveAt(listOfControllers.Count - 2); navController.ViewControllers = listOfControllers.ToArray(); } else { Mvx.Warning("Can't remove previous view, not enough UIViewControllers in the stack"); } }
public override void Show(IMvxIosView view) { if (view is IMvxModalIosView) { PresentModalViewController(view as UIViewController, true); return; } var viewController = view as UIViewController; if (viewController == null) { throw new MvxException("Passed in IMvxIosView is not a UIViewController"); } if (this.RootViewController == null) { this.InitRootViewController(); } var viewPresentationAttribute = GetViewPresentationAttribute(view); //Create fall back viewPresentationAttribute, when nothing is set if (viewPresentationAttribute == null) { Mvx.Warning("No " + nameof(MvxPanelPresentationAttribute) + " has been set, each viewcontroller should provide one."); viewPresentationAttribute = new MvxPanelPresentationAttribute(MvxPanelEnum.Center, MvxPanelHintType.ActivePanel, true); } switch (viewPresentationAttribute.HintType) { case MvxPanelHintType.PopToRoot: ChangePresentation(new MvxSidebarPopToRootPresentationHint(viewPresentationAttribute.Panel, RootViewController, viewController)); break; case MvxPanelHintType.ResetRoot: ChangePresentation(new MvxSidebarResetRootPresentationHint(viewPresentationAttribute.Panel, RootViewController, viewController)); break; case MvxPanelHintType.ActivePanel: default: ChangePresentation(new MvxSidebarActivePanelPresentationHint(viewPresentationAttribute.Panel, RootViewController, viewController)); break; } }