private async Task LoadDataAsync() { if (IsBusy) { return; } Exception myEx = null; IsBusy = true; try { if (_arduinoStationID == null || !_arduinoStationID.HasValue || _arduinoStationID.Value == 0) { ArduinoStation = new ArduinoStation() { Id = 0, Description = "arduino 1", Location = "37.973555, 23.680971", WaterStatus = false }; } else { var lst = await HttpService.GetArduinoStationList(); if (lst != null) { ArduinoStation = lst.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == _arduinoStationID.Value); RaiseAllPropertiesChanged(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { myEx = ex; //throw; } finally { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => IsBusy = false); IsBusy = false; } if (myEx != null) { try { var p = new ContentPage(); await p.DisplayAlert("Σφάλμα", myEx.Message, "ΟΚ"); } catch (Exception ex) { Mvx.Exception(ex.Message); } } }
public string GetString(string key) { var translation = _resmgr.GetString(key, _currentLanguage.CultureInfo); if (translation == null) { #if DEBUG // throw new ArgumentException( Mvx.Exception($"Key '{key}' was not found in resources '{_resourceId}' for culture '{_currentLanguage.CultureInfo.Name}'.", "Text"); translation = key; #else translation = key; // HACK: returns the key, which GETS DISPLAYED TO THE USER #endif } return(translation); }
public MvxFrameControl(int templateId, Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) : base(context, attrs) { _templateId = templateId; if (!(context is IMvxLayoutInflaterHolder)) { throw Mvx.Exception("The owning Context for a MvxFrameControl must implement LayoutInflater"); } _bindingContext = new MvxAndroidBindingContext(context, (IMvxLayoutInflaterHolder)context); this.DelayBind(() => { if (Content == null && _templateId != 0) { Mvx.Trace("DataContext is {0}", DataContext?.ToString() ?? "Null"); Content = _bindingContext.BindingInflate(_templateId, this); } }); }