public void OnClientEvent(Client client, string eventName, params object[] arguments) //arguments param can contain multiple params { switch (eventName) { case "KeyboardKey_E_Pressed": if (!client.isInVehicle) { if (client.hasData("player")) { ATM atm = ATMService.ATMList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position.DistanceTo(client.position) <= 1); if (atm != null) { OpenATM(client); API.sendChatMessageToPlayer(client, "ATM with ID: ~y~" + atm.Id + " ~w~found"); } } } break; case "ATM_Withdraw": if (MoneyService.HasPlayerEnoughBank(client, Convert.ToDouble(arguments[0]))) { MoneyService.WithdrawMoney(client, Convert.ToDouble(arguments[0])); API.sendNotificationToPlayer(client, "~g~" + arguments[0] + " $~w~ was withdrawn from the account."); API.triggerClientEvent(client, "ATM_CloseMenu"); } else { API.sendNotificationToPlayer(client, "~r~You don't have enough money on your account."); } break; case "ATM_Deposit": if (MoneyService.HasPlayerEnoughCash(client, Convert.ToDouble(arguments[0]))) { MoneyService.DepositMoney(client, Convert.ToDouble(arguments[0])); API.sendNotificationToPlayer(client, "There were ~g~" + arguments[0] + " $~w~ added to your account."); API.triggerClientEvent(client, "ATM_CloseMenu"); } else { API.sendNotificationToPlayer(client, "~r~You don't have enough money at your wallet."); } break; } }