public string login([FromForm] Models.FormModel user) { var output = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { //Define credentials var username = user.Username; var password = user.Password; //Try login service method var token = _ls.SignIn(username, password); //If successful var usernameCookieOptions = new CookieOptions { SameSite = SameSiteMode.Strict }; var authTokenCookieOptions = new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = true, SameSite = SameSiteMode.Strict }; Response.Cookies.Append("username", username, usernameCookieOptions); Response.Cookies.Append("auth-token", token, usernameCookieOptions); //**Note** As of now the frontend needs the authtoken to not be HttpOnly. If we have the time available research ways we can use this cookie in frontend while set to httpOnly=true. output["status"] = "ok"; output["message"] = "Sign in successful"; } catch (UserDoesNotExistException) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.BadUsername.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Username does not exist"; } catch (IncorrectPasswordException) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.BadPassword.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Incorrect or otherwise bad password"; } catch (BadUsernameException) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.BadUsername.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Username is formatted poorly"; } catch (Exception e) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.Unknown.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Unknown Error Encountered of type: " + e.GetType(); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(output, Formatting.Indented)); }
private void GetFormModel(string surveyid, int UserId, Guid UserId1, out int OrgnizationId, out FormModel FormModel) { FormModel = new Models.FormModel(); FormModel.UserHighestRole = int.Parse(Session["UserHighestRole"].ToString()); // Get OrganizationList OrganizationRequest Request = new OrganizationRequest(); Request.UserId = UserId; Request.UserRole = FormModel.UserHighestRole; OrganizationResponse Organizations = _isurveyFacade.GetOrganizationsByUserId(Request); FormModel.OrganizationList = Mapper.ToOrganizationModelList(Organizations.OrganizationList); //Get Forms OrgnizationId = Organizations.OrganizationList[0].OrganizationId; FormModel.FormList = GetFormsInfoList(UserId1, OrgnizationId); // Set user Info FormModel.UserFirstName = Session["UserFirstName"].ToString(); FormModel.UserLastName = Session["UserLastName"].ToString(); FormModel.SelectedForm = surveyid; }
public string signup([FromForm] Models.FormModel user) { var output = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { var username = user.Username; var password = user.Password; _ls.SignUp(username, password); output["status"] = "ok"; output["message"] = "Sign up successful"; } catch (UserAlreadyExistsException) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.UserAlreadyExists.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Username already exists"; } catch (BadPasswordException) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.BadPassword.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Password is formatted poorly. Password requirements: 8 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special character."; } catch (BadUsernameException) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.BadUsername.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Username is formatted poorly"; } catch (Exception e) { output["status"] = "error"; output["errorCode"] = ErrorTypes.Unknown.ToString("G"); output["message"] = "Unknown Error Encountered of type: " + e.GetType(); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(output, Formatting.Indented)); }
private FormModel GetFormModel(string surveyId, int userId, Guid userIdGuid, out int orgnizationId) { FormModel formModel = new Models.FormModel(); formModel.UserHighestRole = GetIntSessionValue(UserSession.Key.UserHighestRole); // Get OrganizationList OrganizationRequest request = new OrganizationRequest(); request.UserId = userId; request.UserRole = formModel.UserHighestRole; OrganizationResponse organizations = _securityFacade.GetOrganizationsByUserId(request); formModel.OrganizationList = organizations.OrganizationList.ToOrganizationModelList(); //Get Forms orgnizationId = organizations.OrganizationList[0].OrganizationId; formModel.FormList = GetFormsInfoList(userIdGuid, orgnizationId); // Set user Info formModel.UserFirstName = GetStringSessionValue(UserSession.Key.UserFirstName); formModel.UserLastName = GetStringSessionValue(UserSession.Key.UserLastName); formModel.SelectedForm = surveyId; return(formModel); }
public ActionResult Index(Models.FormModel form) { //make sure there is some form of input if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("~/Views/Home/PleaseTryAgain.cshtml")); } string keywords = form.Keywords; //spaces must be replaced with +, for use in google search query keywords = keywords.Replace(" ", "+"); string url = form.Url; //create http request HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //directly produce only the first 100 results with &num=100 var response = client.GetStringAsync($" {keywords} &num=100"); //parse html content with regular expression to find urls var r = Regex.Matches(response.Result, @"href\s*=\s*(?:[""'](?<1>[^""']*)[""']|(?<1>\S+))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); List <string> ListOfUrls = new List <string>(); //iterate through regex matches and populate the list foreach (Match m in r) { //filter out urls which are not part of the results rankings, all google results start with /url?q= string validLink = "/url?q="; if (m.Groups[1].Value.StartsWith(validLink)) { ListOfUrls.Add(m.Groups[1].Value); } } List <int> SearchResult = new List <int>(); //iterate through list of urls and retrieve rank of specified url for (int i = 0; i < ListOfUrls.Count; i++) { if (ListOfUrls[i].Contains(url)) { //add 1 to list to show actual ranking and not 0 based list SearchResult.Add(i + 1); } } //convert list to a single string for ease of use with ViewBag SearchResult.ConvertAll(delegate(int i) { return(i.ToString()); }); string searchConverted = string.Join(",", SearchResult); ViewBag.searchConverted = searchConverted; //if no results have been found, display the PleaseTryAgain view. Otherwise redirect to SearchResult view bool check = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchConverted); if (check == false) { return(View("~/Views/Home/SearchResult.cshtml")); } else { return(View("~/Views/Home/PleaseTryAgain.cshtml")); } }