private bool IsDuplicateInput(PublicMessageEventArgs e) { // clean up the input, lowercase it and replace all consecutive non-readable characters to a single _ string str = Regex.Replace($"{e.Message?.Text}{e.Message?.Caption}".ToLowerInvariant(), "[^a-zA-Z0-9]*", "_"); if (str.Length < 256) { return(false); } var hash = HashUtils.CalculateSHA1Hash(str); var hashCollection = DB.GetCollection <MessageHash>(); hashCollection.Delete(x => (DateTime.UtcNow - x.UtcWhen) > TimeSpan.FromDays(3)); // keep it clean var hashRecord = hashCollection.Find(x => x.Hash == hash).FirstOrDefault(); if (hashRecord != null) { InsultUserForCopyPasting(e, hashRecord); return(true); } else { hashRecord = new MessageHash { Hash = hash, User = e.Message.From, UtcWhen = DateTime.UtcNow, MessageID = e.Message.MessageID, ChatID = e.Message.Chat.ID }; hashCollection.Insert(hashRecord); _log.Info($"{e.Message.From.ShortName()} just sent a long message with hash {hash}, which I promptly stored."); return(false); } }
private void InsultUserForCopyPasting(PublicMessageEventArgs e, MessageHash hashRecord) { string[] allReplies = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("taunts.duplicate.txt").Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray(); string replyFmt = allReplies[_rnd.Next(allReplies.Length)]; string replyStr = String.Format(replyFmt, MessageUtils.HtmlEscape(hashRecord.User.ShortName()), // {0} TimeService.AsReadableTimespan(DateTime.UtcNow - hashRecord.UtcWhen), // {1} MessageUtils.HtmlEscape(e.Message.From.ShortName()), // {2} hashRecord.MessageID, // {3} hashRecord.ChatID // {4} ); _log.Info($"{e.Message.From.ShortName()} just duplicated {hashRecord.User.ShortName()}'s message and got abused with reply {replyStr}"); Client.SendMessageToChat(e.Message.Chat.ID, replyStr, "HTML", true, false, e.Message.MessageID); }
private Message( ImmutableList<string> topics, string type, ImmutableList<Predecessor> predecessors, Guid objectId, ExpandoObject body, MessageHash hash) { _topics = topics; _type = type; _predecessors = predecessors; _objectId = objectId; _body = body; _hash = hash; }
public Subscription( Uri feedUrl, Uri imageUri, string title, string subtitle, string author, MessageHash hash) { FeedUrl = feedUrl; ImageUri = imageUri; Title = title; Subtitle = subtitle; Author = author; Hash = hash; }
private SearchResult( Uri feedUrl, string title, string subtitle, string author, Uri imageUri, MessageHash hash) { _feedUrl = feedUrl; _title = title; _subtitle = subtitle; _author = author; _imageUri = imageUri; _hash = hash; }
private static Message CreateSearchResultMessage( MessageHash searchHash, Guid searchTermId, SearchResult searchResult) { var searchResultMessage = Message.CreateMessage( searchTermId.ToCanonicalString(), "SearchResult", Predecessors.Set .In("Search", searchHash), searchTermId, new { ProviderId = "", FeedUrl = searchResult.FeedUrl, Title = searchResult.Title, Subtitle = searchResult.Subtitle, Author = searchResult.Author, ImageUri = searchResult.ImageUri }); return searchResultMessage; }
public Predecessor(string role, MessageHash hash) { _role = role; _hash = hash; }
public Predecessors In(string role, MessageHash hash) { _predecessors.Add(new Predecessor(role, hash)); return this; }
public bool IncludesSearchResult(MessageHash hash) { return _hashes.Contains(hash); }
public static Message CreateMessage( TopicSet topicSet, string messageType, Predecessors predecessors, Guid objectId, object body) { // Convert the anonymous typed object to an ExpandoObject. var expandoBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body)); var predecessorList = predecessors.ToImmutableList(); object document = new { MessageType = messageType, Predecessors = predecessorList .Select(p => new { Role = p.Role, Hash = p.Hash.ToString() }) .ToArray(), ObjectId = objectId, Body = expandoBody }; var messageHash = new MessageHash(ComputeHash(document)); return new Message( topicSet.ToImmutableList(), messageType, predecessorList, objectId, expandoBody, messageHash); }