コード例 #1
ファイル: Floor.cs プロジェクト: igame3dbill/udg2
        public Vector3 CreateFloor(Vector3 position)
            floor       = this.transform.Find("Floor").gameObject;
            floorAddOns = this.transform.Find("FloorAddOns").gameObject;
            parentInfo  = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <Building>();

            floor.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <Building>().chosenMat;
            Vector3 point = position;

            MeshOps.CreateParall(point, parentInfo.width, this.floorHeight, parentInfo.depth, vertexList, triangleList, uvList);
            CreateWindows(point, position.y, this.floorNumber, parentInfo.width, parentInfo.depth);
            point = new Vector3(point.x, position.y + this.floorHeight, point.z);

            if (parentInfo.separatorList[this.floorNumber])
                //create separator
                MeshOps.CreateParall(point, parentInfo.width + this.separatorOffset * 2, this.separatorHeight, parentInfo.depth + this.separatorOffset * 2, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);
                point = new Vector3(position.x, point.y + this.separatorHeight, position.z);
            if (this.floorNumber == this.transform.parent.GetComponent <Building>().floors - 1)
                //CreateRoof if needed
                if (parentInfo.hasRoof)


            if (floor.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() != null)
                DestroyImmediate(floor.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>());
            if (floorAddOns.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() != null)
                DestroyImmediate(floorAddOns.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>());
            floor.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            floorAddOns.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
コード例 #2
        public void CreateSideWalks(List <GameObject> streetWeb, List <List <Vector3> > streetsPoly)
            List <GameObject> sideWalks = new List <GameObject> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < streetWeb.Count; i++)
                GameObject sideWalk = new GameObject("sideWalk", typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshFilter));
                sideWalk.transform.parent = this.transform;
                sideWalk.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = (Material)Resources.Load("SideWalkMat");

                List <List <IntPoint> > solution = new List <List <IntPoint> > ();
                //transform vertices of each mesh in points for clipper

                //List<IntPoint> intPoint = FromVecToIntPoint(streetWeb[i].GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.vertices);
                List <IntPoint> intPoint = FromVecToIntPoint(streetsPoly [i].ToArray());

                //offset each mesh
                ClipperOffset co = new ClipperOffset();
                co.AddPath(intPoint, JoinType.jtRound, EndType.etOpenRound);
                co.Execute(ref solution, 1000.0);

                List <Vector2> vertices2D = new List <Vector2> ();
                for (int j = 0; j < solution.Count; j++)
                    vertices2D = vertices2D.Concat(FromIntPointToVec(solution [j])).ToList();

                // Use the triangulator to get indices for creating triangles
                Triangulator tr      = new Triangulator(vertices2D.ToArray());
                int[]        indices = tr.Triangulate();

                // Create the Vector3 vertices
                Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertices2D.Count];
                for (int k = 0; k < vertices.Length; k++)
                    vertices [k] = new Vector3(vertices2D [k].x, 0f, vertices2D [k].y);
                // Create the mesh
                Mesh msh = new Mesh();
                msh.vertices  = vertices;
                msh.triangles = indices;

                // Set up game object with mesh;
                sideWalk.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh = msh;


            //foreach intersectionCluster unify streets and sidewalks and subtract
            int swNumber = 1;

            foreach (HashSet <int> cluster in intersectionClusters)
                Mesh newMesh = Subtract(UnifyPolygons(sideWalks, "sidewalks", cluster), UnifyPolygons(streetWeb, "streets", cluster));

                //build 3D sidewalk
                List <GameObject> objs = new List <GameObject> ();

                GameObject sub = new GameObject("unifiedSideWalks", typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer));
                sub.transform.parent = this.transform;
                sub.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = (Material)Resources.Load("SideWalkMat");
                sub.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh       = newMesh;


                GameObject sub1 = new GameObject("unifiedSideWalks", typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer));
                sub1.transform.parent = this.transform;
                sub1.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = (Material)Resources.Load("SideWalkMat");
                sub1.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh       = newMesh;
                sub1.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0.2f, 0f);


                GameObject sidewalk = new GameObject("sidewalk", typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer));
                sidewalk.transform.parent = this.transform;
                sidewalk.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = (Material)Resources.Load("SideWalkMat");
                sidewalk.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh = MeshOps.CreateSolid(newMesh, 0.15f);


                UnifyAndClearMesh(objs, "sideWalk" + swNumber, (Material)Resources.Load("SideWalkMat"));
                swNumber += 1;

            foreach (GameObject sw in sideWalks)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Floor.cs プロジェクト: igame3dbill/udg2
        public void CreateWindows(Vector3 position, float textCoord, int floorNumber, float width, float depth)
            Vector3 point;

            if (this.floorNumber == parentInfo.floors)

            if (this.floorNumber == 0) //create door
                point = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z - depth / 2 - 0.01f);
                MeshOps.CreateParall(point, parentInfo.doorWidth, parentInfo.doorHeight, 0.3f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);

            //create windows
            //front and back windows
            float winBox    = Mathf.Min(this.windowBoxWidth, width);
            int   winNumber = (int)Mathf.Floor(width / winBox);
            float winWidth  = Mathf.Min(winBox - (0.1f * 2), this.windowWidth);
            float winHeight = Mathf.Min(this.windowHeight, this.floorHeight - 0.2f);
            float winDepth  = 0.03f;
            float offset    = width / winNumber;

            for (int i = 0; i < winNumber; i++)
                if (this.frontWindows[i])
                    var balconyWidth = winWidth + 0.3f;
                    point = new Vector3(position.x - width / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2), position.y + 0.05f, position.z - depth / 2 - 0.4f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, balconyWidth, 0.4f, 0.1f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);    //front
                    var newPoint = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z + 0.2f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, balconyWidth, 0.1f, 0.5f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //bottom

                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x - balconyWidth / 2, point.y, point.z + 0.2f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.1f, 0.4f, 0.5f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //left
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x + balconyWidth / 2, point.y, point.z + 0.2f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.1f, 0.4f, 0.5f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //right

                    point = new Vector3(point.x, position.y + 0.05f, position.z - depth / 2 - 0.01f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winWidth, this.floorHeight - (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2 - 0.05f, winDepth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //window
                    point = new Vector3(position.x - width / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2), position.y + (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2, position.z - depth / 2 - 0.01f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winWidth, winHeight, winDepth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);

                if (this.backWindows[i])
                    var balconyWidth = winWidth + 0.3f;
                    point = new Vector3(position.x - width / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2), position.y + 0.05f, position.z + depth / 2);
                    var newPoint = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z + 0.4f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, balconyWidth, 0.4f, 0.1f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //front
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z + 0.2f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, balconyWidth, 0.1f, 0.5f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //bottom
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x - balconyWidth / 2, point.y, point.z + 0.2f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.1f, 0.4f, 0.5f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);         //left side
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x + balconyWidth / 2, point.y, point.z + 0.2f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.1f, 0.4f, 0.5f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);         //right side

                    point = new Vector3(point.x, position.y + 0.05f, position.z + depth / 2 + 0.01f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winWidth, this.floorHeight - (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2 - 0.05f, winDepth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //window
                    point = new Vector3(position.x - width / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2), position.y + (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2, position.z + depth / 2 + 0.01f);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winWidth, winHeight, winDepth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);

            //side windows
            float sideWinBox    = Mathf.Min(this.sideWinBoxWidth, depth);
            int   sideWinNumber = (int)Mathf.Floor(depth / sideWinBox);

            winWidth  = Mathf.Min(sideWinBox - (0.1f * 2), this.sideWindowWidth);
            winHeight = Mathf.Min(this.sideWindowHeight, this.floorHeight - 0.2f);
            winDepth  = 0.03f;
            offset    = depth / sideWinNumber;

            for (int i = 0; i < sideWinNumber; i++)
                if (this.leftWindows[i])
                    var balconyWidth = winWidth + 0.3f;
                    point = new Vector3(position.x - width / 2, position.y + 0.05f, position.z - depth / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2));

                    var newPoint = new Vector3(point.x - 0.4f, point.y, point.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.1f, 0.4f, balconyWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //front
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x - 0.2f, point.y, point.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.5f, 0.1f, balconyWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //bottom
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x - 0.2f, point.y, point.z + balconyWidth / 2);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.1f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);         //left
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x - 0.2f, point.y, point.z - balconyWidth / 2);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.1f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);         //right

                    point = new Vector3(point.x - 0.01f, position.y + 0.05f, point.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winDepth, this.floorHeight - (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2 - 0.05f, winWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //window
                    point = new Vector3(position.x - width / 2 - 0.01f, position.y + (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2, position.z - depth / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2));
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winDepth, winHeight, winWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);

                if (this.rightWindows[i])
                    var balconyWidth = winWidth + 0.3f;
                    point = new Vector3(position.x + width / 2, position.y + 0.05f, position.z - depth / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2));

                    var newPoint = new Vector3(point.x + 0.4f, point.y, point.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.1f, 0.4f, balconyWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //front
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x + 0.2f, point.y, point.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.5f, 0.1f, balconyWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //bottom
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x + 0.2f, point.y, point.z - balconyWidth / 2);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.1f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);         //left
                    newPoint = new Vector3(point.x + 0.2f, point.y, point.z + balconyWidth / 2);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(newPoint, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.1f, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);         //right

                    point = new Vector3(point.x + 0.01f, position.y + 0.05f, point.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winDepth, this.floorHeight - (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2 - 0.05f, winWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2); //window
                    point = new Vector3(position.x + width / 2 + 0.01f, position.y + (this.floorHeight - winHeight) / 2, position.z - depth / 2 + offset * i + (offset / 2));
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, winDepth, winHeight, winWidth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Floor.cs プロジェクト: igame3dbill/udg2
        public void CreateRoof(Vector3 position)
            float rLowWidth;

            if ((parentInfo.roofLowWidth - parentInfo.width) < 0)
                rLowWidth = parentInfo.width;
                rLowWidth = parentInfo.roofLowWidth;

            float rUpWidth = Mathf.Min(rLowWidth, parentInfo.roofUpWidth);

            float rDepth;

            if ((parentInfo.roofDepth - parentInfo.depth) < 0)
                rDepth = parentInfo.depth;
                rDepth = parentInfo.roofDepth;

            var offsetLowX = (rLowWidth - parentInfo.width) / 2;
            var offsetUpX  = (parentInfo.width - rUpWidth) / 2;
            var offsetZ    = (rDepth - parentInfo.depth) / 2;

            //build classic roof
            if (floorNumber <= 3)
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight, position.z));           //top left
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight, position.z));           //top right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2 - offsetZ)); //bot left
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2 - offsetZ)); //bot right

                MeshOps.AddQuad(vertexList, triangleList);

                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight)); //top left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight)); //top right
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y));                        //bot left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y));                        //bot right

                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight, position.z));           //top right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight, position.z));           //top left
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2 + offsetZ)); //bot right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2 + offsetZ)); //bot left

                MeshOps.AddQuad(vertexList, triangleList);

                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight)); //top right
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight)); //top left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y));                        //bot right
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y));                        //bot left

                //left side
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight, position.z));           //top
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2 - offsetZ)); //bot right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2 + offsetZ)); //bot left

                MeshOps.AddTriangle(vertexList, triangleList);

                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight)); //top right
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y));                        //top left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y));                        //bot left

                //right side
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight, position.z));           //top right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2 + offsetZ)); //bot right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2 - offsetZ)); //bot left

                MeshOps.AddTriangle(vertexList, triangleList);

                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetUpX, position.y + parentInfo.roofHeight)); //top right
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y));                        //top left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y));                        //bot left

                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2 - offsetZ)); //top left
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2 - offsetZ)); //top right
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2 + offsetZ)); //bot left
                vertexList.Add(new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2 + offsetZ)); //bot right

                MeshOps.AddQuad(vertexList, triangleList);

                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y)); //top left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y)); //top right
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2 - offsetLowX, position.y)); //bot left
                uvList.Add(new Vector2(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2 + offsetLowX, position.y)); //bot right
            //build skyscraper roof
                Vector3 point;

                //square empty in the middle
                if (parentInfo.roofType == 1)
                    if (offsetZ <= 0.1f)
                        rDepth  = rDepth - offsetZ * 2 + 0.4f;
                        offsetZ = 0.2f;
                    if (offsetLowX <= 0.1f)
                        rLowWidth  = rLowWidth - offsetLowX * 2 + 0.4f;
                        offsetLowX = 0.2f;

                    point = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z - parentInfo.depth / 2);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, Mathf.Min(rLowWidth, parentInfo.width * 11 / 10), 0.4f, offsetZ * 2, vertexList, triangleList, uvList); //front

                    point = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + parentInfo.depth / 2);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, Mathf.Min(rLowWidth, parentInfo.width * 11 / 10), 0.4f, offsetZ * 2, vertexList, triangleList, uvList); //back

                    point = new Vector3(position.x - parentInfo.width / 2, position.y, position.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, 2 * offsetLowX, 0.4f, Mathf.Min(rDepth, parentInfo.depth * 11 / 10), vertexList, triangleList, uvList); //left

                    point = new Vector3(position.x + parentInfo.width / 2, position.y, position.z);
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(point, 2 * offsetLowX, 0.4f, Mathf.Min(rDepth, parentInfo.depth * 11 / 10), vertexList, triangleList, uvList);
                //single big square
                    MeshOps.CreateParall(position, rLowWidth, 0.4f, rDepth, vertexList2, triangleList2, uvList2);