コード例 #1
        //Shows the beam's extremes in the coordinates of the reference model object
        private void ShowExtremesInOtherObjectCoordinates(ModelObject ReferenceObject, Beam Beam)
            //Set the transformation plane to use the beam's coordinate system in order to get the beam's extremes in the local coordinate system
            TransformationPlane CurrentTP = _Model.GetWorkPlaneHandler().GetCurrentTransformationPlane();

            _Model.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(new TransformationPlane(Beam.GetCoordinateSystem()));

            //Update the beam's extremes to the new transformation plane
            T3D.Point LocalStartPoint = Beam.StartPoint;
            T3D.Point LocalEndPoint   = Beam.EndPoint;

            //Get the beam's extremes in the reference object's coordinates
            Matrix TransformationMatrix = MatrixFactory.ByCoordinateSystems(Beam.GetCoordinateSystem(), ReferenceObject.GetCoordinateSystem());

            //Transform the extreme points to the new coordinate system
            T3D.Point BeamStartPoint = TransformationMatrix.Transform(LocalStartPoint);
            T3D.Point BeamEndPoint   = TransformationMatrix.Transform(LocalEndPoint);


            //Transform the points where to show the texts to current work plane coordinate system
            Matrix TransformationToCurrent = MatrixFactory.FromCoordinateSystem(ReferenceObject.GetCoordinateSystem());

            T3D.Point BeamStartPointInCurrent = TransformationToCurrent.Transform(BeamStartPoint);
            T3D.Point BeamEndPointInCurrent   = TransformationToCurrent.Transform(BeamEndPoint);

            //Display results
            GraphicsDrawer.DrawText(BeamStartPointInCurrent, FormatPointCoordinates(BeamStartPoint), TextColor);
            GraphicsDrawer.DrawText(BeamEndPointInCurrent, FormatPointCoordinates(BeamEndPoint), TextColor);
コード例 #2
        public void CK07_Column()
            // Create Column after Pick a Point of this column
            T3D.Point FirstPoint = null;
            Picker    Picker     = new Picker();

                ArrayList PickedPoints = Picker.PickPoints(Picker.PickPointEnum.PICK_ONE_POINT);
                FirstPoint = PickedPoints[0] as T3D.Point;
            catch { FirstPoint = null; }
            if (FirstPoint != null)
                T3D.Point SecondPoint = new T3D.Point(FirstPoint.X, FirstPoint.Y, FirstPoint.Z + 8000);
                Beam      ThisBeam    = CreateBeam("MyColumn", mw.prfStr, FirstPoint, SecondPoint);
                ThisBeam.Finish = "D";
                ThisBeam.Class  = "7";
                ThisBeam.AssemblyNumber.Prefix      = "C";
                ThisBeam.AssemblyNumber.StartNumber = 1;
                ThisBeam.Position.Depth             = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
                ThisBeam.Position.Plane             = Position.PlaneEnum.MIDDLE;
                ThisBeam.Position.Rotation          = Position.RotationEnum.TOP;
                //ThisBeam.SetUserProperty("USER_FIELD_1", "PEOPLE");
                //string UserField = "";
                //ThisBeam.GetUserProperty("USER_FIELD_1", ref UserField);
                //Solid BeamSolid = ThisBeam.GetSolid();
                T3D.CoordinateSystem  BeamCoordinateSystem = ThisBeam.GetCoordinateSystem();
                Assembly              BeamAssembly         = ThisBeam.GetAssembly();
                ModelObjectEnumerator BeamsBolt            = ThisBeam.GetBolts();

                Matrix         FromColumnSystem = MatrixFactory.FromCoordinateSystem(ThisBeam.GetCoordinateSystem());
                T3D.Point      FrontFacePoint   = FromColumnSystem.Transform(new T3D.Point(50, 50, 500));
                GraphicsDrawer Drawer           = new GraphicsDrawer();
                // Label for Front Face
                var label = new Color(0, 0, 0);
                Drawer.DrawLineSegment(new LineSegment(FirstPoint, FrontFacePoint), label);
                Drawer.DrawText(FrontFacePoint, "THIS IS FRONT FACE", label);

                mw.Msg("В выбранной точке создается колонна с осью Х ПСК, направленой вверх."
                       + " Профиль колонны как в поле TextBox выше. Черная надпись показывает"
                       + "  переднюю грань.      [ОК]");
                MessageBox.Show("Создал колонну и вывел репер, указал переднюю грань");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a given polycurve in the local coordsys to global.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curveInLocal">Curve in local coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>The transformed polycurve in global coordinates.</returns>
        private Polycurve TransformToGlobal(Polycurve curveInLocal)
            var coordSys = GetBaseCoordsys(this.BaseCentroid, this.Normal);
            var toGlobal = MatrixFactory.FromCoordinateSystem(coordSys);

            var transformedCurves = curveInLocal.Select(c => TransformGeometryByMatrix(c, toGlobal));
            var builder           = new PolycurveGeometryBuilder();

            foreach (var curve in transformedCurves)
                if (curve is Arc arc)
                else if (curve is LineSegment segment)

 public static Matrix MatrixToGlobal(this CoordinateSystem cs)