public override void ViewRender() { base.ViewRender(); var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); var product = Flagship; if (!product.hasProduct) { return; } //bool showAudiences = true; bool showAudiences = product.isRelease; if (showAudiences) { SetItems(audiences); } else { // take primary audience only // positioningId will be always less than amount of audiences SetItems(audiences.Where(a => a.ID == Marketing.GetCoreAudienceId(product))); } Teams.UpdateTeamEfficiency(product, Q); }
public override void ViewRender() { base.ViewRender(); var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); if (!product.hasProduct) { return; } //bool showAudiences = true; bool showAudiences = product.isRelease; if (showAudiences) { SetItems(audiences); } else { // take primary audience only // positioningId will be always less than amount of audiences SetItems(audiences.Where(a => a.ID == Marketing.GetCoreAudienceId(product))); } Teams.UpdateTeamEfficiency(product, Q); if (FeatureCap != null) { FeatureCap.text = Visuals.Positive(Products.GetFeatureRatingCap(product).ToString("0.0")); } }
public override void ViewRender() { base.ViewRender(); var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); SetItems(audiences); }
public void SetAudiences(ProductPositioning positioning) { var allAudiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); var audiences = positioning.Loyalties .Select((l, i) => new { l, i }) .Where(pp => pp.l >= 0) .Select(pp => allAudiences[pp.i]); SetItems(audiences); }
public override void ViewRender() { base.ViewRender(); var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); audiences.Take(Flagship.isRelease ? audiences.Count : 1); SetItems(audiences); }
private void OnEnable() { var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); Positioning = Marketing.GetPositioning(Flagship); flag = true; CleanScreen(); ViewRender(); }
void RenderSegmentImage(GameEntity company) { // audience icon if (Marketing.IsFocusingMoreThanOneAudience(company)) { SegmentTypeImage.texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>($"paidClients"); } else { var segmentID = Marketing.GetBaseAudienceId(company); //var segmentID = Marketing.GetCoreAudienceId(company); var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); SegmentTypeImage.texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>($"Audiences/{audiences[segmentID].Icon}"); } }
void RenderSegmentDescription(GameEntity company) { var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); var audiencesSelected = Positioning.Loyalties .Select((l, i) => new { i, isLoyal = l >= 0 }); //Debug.Log() NewPositioningName.text =; HatedLabel.text = $"<size=50><color=red><b>!!! You will LOSE ALL of these users</b></color></size>"; RenderPositioningChangeBenefit(); }
public override void ViewRender() { base.ViewRender(); var infos = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); //.OrderBy(a => a.Size); // TODO DUPLICATED FROM AudiencesOnMainScreenListView.ViewRender() var audiences = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); //bool showAudiences = true; var company = Flagship; bool showAudiences = company.isRelease; if (showAudiences) { SetItems(audiences); } else { // take primary audience only SetItems(audiences.Where(a => a.ID == Marketing.GetCoreAudienceId(company))); } //SetItems(infos); var audience = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos()[segmentId]; var segmentName = audience.Name; var potentialPhrase = $"{Format.Minify(audience.Size)} users"; var incomePerUser = (double)Economy.GetBaseIncomeByMonetizationType(company); // 1L * (segmentId + 1); var worth = (long)(incomePerUser * audience.Size); var worthPhrase = Format.Money(worth, true); AudienceDescription.text = segmentName + $"\n\n<size=30>Potential\n{Visuals.Positive(potentialPhrase)}\n\nIncome\n{Visuals.Positive(worthPhrase)}</size>"; PositionongDescription.text = $"We are making {Marketing.GetPositioningName(company)}"; if (CompaniesInterestedInUsers != null) { //CompaniesInterestedInUsers.text = $"which are interested in {segmentName}"; CompaniesInterestedInUsers.text = $"which are interested in {Marketing.GetPositioningName(company)}"; } //FindObjectOfType<CompaniesFocusingSpecificSegmentListView>().SetSegment(segmentId); }
public void SetEntity(int teamId, TeamTask teamTask) { this.teamId = teamId; this.teamTask = teamTask; ChosenTaskLabel.SetTask(teamTask); Draw(ChosenTaskLabel, true); Draw(RemoveTaskButton, true); Draw(RemoveFeatureButton, teamTask.IsFeatureUpgrade); var team =[teamId]; TaskBenefit.text = ""; if (teamTask.IsPending) { TaskBenefit.text = Visuals.Negative("<size=30>This task is not active!</size>") + "\nCause our team is doing other tasks. Hire more teams, to make more tasks at the same time.\n\n"; } if (teamTask.IsFeatureUpgrade) { var f = teamTask as TeamTaskFeatureUpgrade; var segments = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); float sumLoyalty = 0; float sumLoyaltyMax = 0; float sumLoyaltyABS = 0; var featureDescription = ""; var rating = Products.GetFeatureRating(Flagship, f.NewProductFeature.Name); var ratingColor = Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, 10f, rating); foreach (var s in segments) { var segmentId = s.ID; var maxBenefit = Marketing.GetLoyaltyChangeFromFeature(Flagship, f.NewProductFeature, segmentId, true); var benefit = Marketing.GetLoyaltyChangeFromFeature(Flagship, f.NewProductFeature, segmentId, false); sumLoyalty += benefit; sumLoyaltyMax += maxBenefit; sumLoyaltyABS += Mathf.Abs(benefit); var maxBenefitFormatted = Visuals.Colorize(maxBenefit.ToString("+0;-#"), maxBenefit >= 0); var benefitFormatted = Visuals.Colorize(benefit.ToString("+0.0;-#"), ratingColor); //if (benefit != 0) // featureDescription += $"\n\n{maxBenefitFormatted} loyalty for {s.Name}\n\t<i>currently</i>: {benefitFormatted}"; //else // featureDescription += "\n\nNo effects"; } if (f.NewProductFeature.FeatureBonus.isRetentionFeature) { } if (f.NewProductFeature.FeatureBonus.isMonetisationFeature) { var monetisationBenefit = Products.GetFeatureActualBenefit(Flagship, f.NewProductFeature); // f.NewProductFeature.FeatureBonus.Max; var monetisationBenefitMax = f.NewProductFeature.FeatureBonus.Max; featureDescription += Visuals.Positive("\n\nLoyalty will increase after upgrading this feature"); featureDescription += $"\n\n{Visuals.Positive($"Increases income by +{monetisationBenefit.ToString("0.0")}% (max: +{monetisationBenefitMax}%)")}"; } var sumLoyaltyFormatted = Visuals.Colorize(sumLoyalty.ToString("+0.0;-#"), sumLoyalty >= 0); var sumLoyaltyMaxFormatted = Visuals.Colorize(sumLoyaltyMax.ToString("+0.0;-#"), sumLoyaltyMax >= 0); var ratingFormatted = Visuals.Colorize(rating.ToString("0.0"), ratingColor); var ratingCap = Products.GetFeatureRatingCap(Flagship); TaskBenefit.text += $"<size=40>Feature Quality: {ratingFormatted}lvl</size>" + $"\n\nThis feature will be upgraded to level {ratingCap}" + $"\n\n<size=30>Gives you {sumLoyaltyFormatted} loyalty total</size>" + //$"\n\nOn quality=10 you will get:" + //$"\n\n<size=30>{sumLoyaltyMaxFormatted} loyalty total</size>" + $"\n{featureDescription}" ; TaskModifiers.text = $"Will be upgraded to level {ratingCap} due to assigned team"; } if (teamTask.IsMarketingTask) { TaskBenefit.text += $"Marketing task"; TaskModifiers.text = ""; } if (teamTask.IsHighloadTask) { TaskBenefit.text += $"Server"; TaskModifiers.text = ""; } //TaskExecutor.text = $"<b>{Visuals.Link(team.Name)}</b>"; }
public override string RenderValue() { var text = ""; var audienceInfos = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); var company = Flagship; var info = audienceInfos[segmentId]; var incomePerUser = (double)Economy.GetBaseIncomeByMonetizationType(company); var maxIncome = (long)(info.Size * incomePerUser); var audienceIsPrimary = Marketing.IsTargetAudience(company, segmentId); var audienceColor = audienceIsPrimary ? Colors.COLOR_GOLD : Colors.COLOR_WHITE; var primaryAudience = audienceIsPrimary ? " (Our target audience)" : ""; text = $"<b>" + $"{Visuals.Colorize(info.Name, audienceColor)}" + $"{primaryAudience}" + $"</b>"; text += $"\n\n<b>Potential Income (Audience)</b>" + $"\n{Format.Money(maxIncome, true)} ({Format.Minify(info.Size)} users)"; //text += $"<b>Audience specs</b>"; foreach (var b in info.Bonuses) { if (b.Max == 0) { continue; } var isGood = b.Max >= 0; if (b.isAcquisitionFeature) { //var value = Visuals.Colorize(b.Max.ToString("0.0") + "%", isGood); var value = Visuals.Colorize(b.Max.ToString("+#.#;-#.#;0") + "%", isGood); text += "\n\n<b>Growth</b>\n" + value; } if (b.isMonetisationFeature) { //var value = Visuals.Colorize(b.Max.ToString("0.0"), isGood); var value = b.Max.ToString("0.0"); var income = incomePerUser * (100f + b.Max) / 100f; //text += "\n\n<b>Monetisation</b>\n" + income.ToString("+#.##;-#.##;0") + "$ / user"; text += "\n\n<b>Monetisation</b>\n" + income.ToString("0.00") + "$ / user"; } //if (b.isRetentionFeature) //{ // text += "\nLoyalty: " + value; //} } text += "\n\n"; var companies = Companies.GetCompetitorsOf(company, Q, false).Where(c => Marketing.IsTargetAudience(c, segmentId)); var expenses = companies.Select(c => Economy.GetProductMaintenance(c, Q)); var maxBudget = expenses.Count() > 0 ? expenses.Max() : 0; var averageBudget = expenses.Count() > 0 ? expenses.Average() : 0; //$"\n{Random.Range(0, 4)} companies"; if (averageBudget != 0) { text += $"<b>Average budget</b>\n{Format.Money(averageBudget, true)} / week ({Format.Money(maxBudget, true)} max)"; } else { text += "\n" + Visuals.Positive("It's a free segment, you can take it easily!"); } return(text); }
string DescribeAudience(long cost, int i) => Visuals.Negative($"{Marketing.GetAudienceInfos()[i].Name} ({Format.Money(cost, true)})");
public void SetEntity(ProductPositioning positioning) { var company = Flagship; PositioningID = positioning.ID; var positionings = Marketing.GetNichePositionings(company); SegmentId = Marketing.GetCoreAudienceId(company); var infos = Marketing.GetAudienceInfos(); var info = infos[SegmentId]; var actualPositioning = Marketing.GetPositioning(Flagship); var selectedPositioning = FindObjectOfType <PositioningManagerView>().Positioning; BorderImage.color = Visuals.GetColorFromString(selectedPositioning.ID == positioning.ID ? Colors.COLOR_CONTROL : Colors.COLOR_NEUTRAL); var worth = Marketing.GetPositioningWorth(company, positioning); bool isOurPositioning = company.productPositioning.Positioning == positioning.ID; var positioningColor = isOurPositioning ? Colors.COLOR_CONTROL : Colors.COLOR_WHITE; Title.text = $"{}\nWorth <size=40><b>{Format.Money(worth, true)}</b></size>"; Title.color = Visuals.GetColorFromString(positioningColor); bool ourPositioning = positioning.ID == actualPositioning.ID; if (ourPositioning) { Title.text += $"\n{Visuals.Colorize("(Our positioning)", Colors.COLOR_CONTROL)}"; } //Title.text = Visuals.Colorize($"{}\nWorth <size=40><b>{Format.MinifyMoney(worth)}</b></size>", positioningColor); //Title.text = Visuals.Colorize($"{} \n<b>{Format.MinifyMoney(worth)}</b>", positioningColor); var competition = Companies.GetCompetitionInSegment(Flagship, Q, positioning.ID); if (!ourPositioning) { var competitors = competition.Count(); var comeptitionColor = Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, 5, competitors, true); if (competitors == 0) { Title.text += "\n" + Visuals.Positive("NO COMPETITION"); } else { Title.text += "\n" + Visuals.Colorize($"{competitors} companies", comeptitionColor); } } Icon.texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>($"Audiences/{info.Icon}"); if (SegmentAudiencesListView != null) { SegmentAudiencesListView.SetAudiences(positioning); } //AudienceListView.SetAudiences(positioning.Loyalties.Select((l, i) => new { l, i, asda = infos[i] }).Where(pp => ) //bool isTargetAudience = Marketing.IsTargetAudience(company, segmentId); //var audienceColor = Visuals.GetColorFromString(isTargetAudience ? Colors.COLOR_GOLD : Colors.COLOR_WHITE); //if (isTargetAudience) // PanelImage.color = audienceColor; HideChanges(); }