public virtual DateTime NextTickTime(Symbol symbol, DateTime previous, Resolution resolution, DataDensity density) { var increment = resolution.ToTimeSpan(); if (increment == TimeSpan.Zero) { increment = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500); } double steps; switch (density) { case DataDensity.Dense: steps = 0.5 * _random.NextDouble(); break; case DataDensity.Sparse: steps = 5 * _random.NextDouble(); break; case DataDensity.VerySparse: steps = 50 * _random.NextDouble(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(density), density, null); } var delta = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(steps * increment.Ticks)); var tickTime = previous.Add(delta); if (tickTime == previous) { tickTime = tickTime.Add(increment); } var barStart = tickTime.Subtract(increment); var marketHours = _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.SecurityType); if (!marketHours.IsDateOpen(tickTime) || !marketHours.IsOpen(barStart, tickTime, false)) { // we ended up outside of market hours, emit a new tick at market open var nextMarketOpen = marketHours.GetNextMarketOpen(tickTime, false); if (resolution == Resolution.Tick) { resolution = Resolution.Second; } // emit a new tick somewhere in the next trading day at a step higher resolution to guarantee a hit return(NextTickTime(symbol, nextMarketOpen, resolution - 1, density)); } return(tickTime); }
private Insight SetGeneratedAndClosedTimes(Insight insight) { insight.GeneratedTimeUtc = UtcTime; insight.ReferenceValue = _securityValuesProvider.GetValues(insight.Symbol).Get(insight.Type); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(insight.SourceModel)) { // set the source model name if not already set insight.SourceModel = Alpha.GetModelName(); } TimeSpan barSize; Security security; SecurityExchangeHours exchangeHours; if (Securities.TryGetValue(insight.Symbol, out security)) { exchangeHours = security.Exchange.Hours; barSize = security.Resolution.ToTimeSpan(); } else { barSize = insight.Period.ToHigherResolutionEquivalent(false).ToTimeSpan(); exchangeHours = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(insight.Symbol.ID.Market, insight.Symbol, insight.Symbol.SecurityType); } var localStart = UtcTime.ConvertFromUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone); barSize = QuantConnect.Time.Max(barSize, QuantConnect.Time.OneMinute); var barCount = (int)(insight.Period.Ticks / barSize.Ticks); insight.CloseTimeUtc = QuantConnect.Time.GetEndTimeForTradeBars(exchangeHours, localStart, barSize, barCount, false).ConvertToUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone); return(insight); }
private Alpha SetGeneratedAndClosedTimes(Alpha alpha) { alpha.GeneratedTimeUtc = UtcTime; TimeSpan barSize; Security security; SecurityExchangeHours exchangeHours; if (Securities.TryGetValue(alpha.Symbol, out security)) { exchangeHours = security.Exchange.Hours; barSize = security.Resolution.ToTimeSpan(); } else { barSize = alpha.Period.ToHigherResolutionEquivalent(false).ToTimeSpan(); exchangeHours = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(alpha.Symbol.ID.Market, alpha.Symbol, alpha.Symbol.SecurityType); } var localStart = UtcTime.ConvertFromUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone); barSize = QuantConnect.Time.Max(barSize, QuantConnect.Time.OneMinute); var barCount = (int)(alpha.Period.Ticks / barSize.Ticks); alpha.CloseTimeUtc = QuantConnect.Time.GetEndTimeForTradeBars(exchangeHours, localStart, barSize, barCount, false).ConvertToUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone); return(alpha); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an enumerator that defines when this user defined universe will be invoked /// </summary> /// <returns>An enumerator of DateTime that defines when this universe will be invoked</returns> public virtual IEnumerable <DateTime> GetTriggerTimes(DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime endTimeUtc, MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase) { var exchangeHours = marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(Configuration); var localStartTime = startTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone); var localEndTime = endTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone); var first = true; foreach (var dateTime in LinqExtensions.Range(localStartTime, localEndTime, dt => dt + Interval)) { //Console.WriteLine("------------DATE TIME-------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine(localStartTime + " " + localEndTime + " " + Interval); //Console.WriteLine(dateTime); if (first) { yield return(dateTime); first = false; } else if (exchangeHours.IsOpen(dateTime, dateTime + Interval, Configuration.ExtendedMarketHours)) { yield return(dateTime); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the history for the requested security /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The historical data request</param> /// <returns>An enumerable of bars covering the span specified in the request</returns> public override IEnumerable <BaseData> GetHistory(HistoryRequest request) { var exchangeTimeZone = _marketHours.GetExchangeHours(request.Symbol.ID.Market, request.Symbol, request.Symbol.SecurityType).TimeZone; IEnumerable <BaseData> items; switch (request.Resolution) { case Resolution.Tick: items = DownloadTradeTicks(request.Symbol, request.StartTimeUtc, request.EndTimeUtc, exchangeTimeZone); break; case Resolution.Second: var ticks = DownloadTradeTicks(request.Symbol, request.StartTimeUtc, request.EndTimeUtc, exchangeTimeZone); items = AggregateTicks(request.Symbol, ticks, request.Resolution.ToTimeSpan()); break; default: items = DownloadTradeBars(request.Symbol, request.StartTimeUtc, request.EndTimeUtc, request.Resolution, exchangeTimeZone); break; } foreach (var item in items) { yield return(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Helper class used to set values not required to be set by alpha models /// </summary> /// <param name="insight">The <see cref="Insight"/> to set the values for</param> /// <returns>The same <see cref="Insight"/> instance with the values set</returns> private Insight InitializeInsightFields(Insight insight) { insight.GeneratedTimeUtc = UtcTime; insight.ReferenceValue = _securityValuesProvider.GetValues(insight.Symbol).Get(insight.Type); insight.SourceModel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(insight.SourceModel) ? Alpha.GetModelName() : insight.SourceModel; var exchangeHours = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(insight.Symbol.ID.Market, insight.Symbol, insight.Symbol.SecurityType); insight.SetPeriodAndCloseTime(exchangeHours); return(insight); }
private TimeZoneOffsetProvider GetTimeZoneOffsetProvider(Symbol symbol) { TimeZoneOffsetProvider offsetProvider; if (!_symbolExchangeTimeZones.TryGetValue(symbol, out offsetProvider)) { // read the exchange time zone from market-hours-database var exchangeTimeZone = _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.SecurityType).TimeZone; _symbolExchangeTimeZones[symbol] = offsetProvider = new TimeZoneOffsetProvider(exchangeTimeZone, TimeProvider.GetUtcNow(), Time.EndOfTime); } return(offsetProvider); }
private bool TryGetWarmupHistoryStartTime(out DateTime result) { result = Time; if (_warmupBarCount.HasValue) { var symbols = Securities.Keys; if (symbols.Count != 0) { var startTimeUtc = CreateBarCountHistoryRequests(symbols, _warmupBarCount.Value, _warmupResolution) .DefaultIfEmpty() .Min(request => request == null ? default : request.StartTimeUtc); if (startTimeUtc != default) { result = startTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(TimeZone); return(true); } } var defaultResolutionToUse = UniverseSettings.Resolution; if (_warmupResolution.HasValue) { defaultResolutionToUse = _warmupResolution.Value; } // if the algorithm has no added security, let's take a look at the universes to determine // what the start date should be used. Defaulting to always open result = Time - _warmupBarCount.Value * defaultResolutionToUse.ToTimeSpan(); foreach (var universe in _pendingUniverseAdditions.Concat(UniverseManager.Values)) { var config = universe.Configuration; var resolution = universe.Configuration.Resolution; if (_warmupResolution.HasValue) { resolution = _warmupResolution.Value; } var exchange = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(config); var start = _historyRequestFactory.GetStartTimeAlgoTz(config.Symbol, _warmupBarCount.Value, resolution, exchange, config.DataTimeZone); // we choose the min start result = result < start ? result : start; } return(true); } if (_warmupTimeSpan.HasValue) { result = Time - _warmupTimeSpan.Value; return(true); } return(false); }
private DateTime GetTickTime(Symbol symbol, DateTime utcTime) { DateTimeZone exchangeTimeZone; if (!_symbolExchangeTimeZones.TryGetValue(symbol, out exchangeTimeZone)) { // read the exchange time zone from market-hours-database exchangeTimeZone = _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.SecurityType).TimeZone; _symbolExchangeTimeZones.Add(symbol, exchangeTimeZone); } return(utcTime.ConvertFromUtc(exchangeTimeZone)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a new random future <see cref="Symbol"/>. The generates future contract Symbol will have an /// expiry between the specified minExpiry and maxExpiry. /// </summary> /// <param name="ticker">Optionally can provide a ticker that should be used</param> /// <returns>A new future contract Symbol with the specified expiration parameters</returns> protected override IEnumerable <Symbol> GenerateAsset(string ticker = null) { if (ticker == null) { // get a valid ticker from the Symbol properties database ticker = NextTickerFromSymbolPropertiesDatabase(SecurityType.Future, _market); } var marketHours = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(_market, ticker, SecurityType.Future); var expiry = GetRandomExpiration(marketHours, _minExpiry, _maxExpiry); yield return(Symbol.CreateFuture(ticker, _market, expiry)); }
/// <summary> /// Event invocator for the <see cref="QCAlgorithm.InsightsGenerated"/> event /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This method is sealed because the framework must be able to force setting of the /// generated and close times before any event handlers are run. Bind directly to the /// <see cref="QCAlgorithm.InsightsGenerated"/> event insead of overriding. /// </remarks> /// <param name="insights">The collection of insights generaed at the current time step</param> protected sealed override void OnInsightsGenerated(IEnumerable <Insight> insights) { // set values not required to be set by alpha models base.OnInsightsGenerated(insights.Select(insight => { insight.GeneratedTimeUtc = UtcTime; insight.ReferenceValue = _securityValuesProvider.GetValues(insight.Symbol).Get(insight.Type); insight.SourceModel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(insight.SourceModel) ? Alpha.GetModelName() : insight.SourceModel; var exchangeHours = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(insight.Symbol.ID.Market, insight.Symbol, insight.Symbol.SecurityType); insight.SetPeriodAndCloseTime(exchangeHours); return(insight); })); }
/// <summary> /// Get the calendar open hours for the date. /// </summary> private IEnumerable <MarketHoursSegment> MarketToday(DateTime time, Symbol symbol) { if (Config.GetBool("force-exchange-always-open")) { yield return(MarketHoursSegment.OpenAllDay()); yield break; } var hours = _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType); foreach (var segment in hours.MarketHours[time.DayOfWeek].Segments) { yield return(segment); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the reconciliation for a contract /// </summary> /// <param name="contractDetails"></param> /// <param name="symbol"></param> public void CheckOpenings(ContractDetails contractDetails, Symbol symbol) { if (contractDetails == null || symbol == null) { return; } var exchangeHours = _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.SecurityType); var sourceTz = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[contractDetails.TimeZoneId]; var ibTradingTimes = ConvertTimeZone( PatchTradingTimes( ParseTradingTimes(contractDetails.TradingHours), symbol.ID.Symbol), sourceTz, exchangeHours.TimeZone) .ToArray(); var start = ibTradingTimes[0].Open.AddSeconds(-10); var warnings = new List <string>(); foreach (var(Open, Close) in ibTradingTimes) { var expectedOpen = exchangeHours.GetNextMarketOpen(start, _extendedHours); if (expectedOpen != Open) { warnings.Add($"Market hours mismatch for {symbol.ID.Symbol} expected open: {expectedOpen}[{exchangeHours.TimeZone.Id}], actual open: {Open}[{contractDetails.TimeZoneId}]"); } var expectedClose = exchangeHours.GetNextMarketClose(expectedOpen, _extendedHours); while (expectedClose.Hour == 0 && expectedClose.Minute == 0 && exchangeHours.GetNextMarketOpen(expectedClose.AddSeconds(-10), _extendedHours) == expectedClose) { // potential overnight expectedClose = exchangeHours.GetNextMarketClose(expectedClose, _extendedHours); } if (expectedClose != Close) { warnings.Add($"Market hours mismatch for {symbol.ID.Symbol} expected close: {expectedClose}[{exchangeHours.TimeZone.Id}], actual close: {Close}[{contractDetails.TimeZoneId}]"); } start = Close.AddSeconds(10); } if (warnings.Count > 0) { PublishWarning($"{symbol.ID.Symbol}: {string.Join(Environment.NewLine, warnings)}"); } }
/// <summary> /// From /// </summary> private int GetBusinessDays(DateTime start, DateTime end, Symbol symbol) { var exchangeHours = _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.SecurityType); var current = start.Date; var days = 0; while (current < end) { if (exchangeHours.IsDateOpen(current)) { days++; } current = current.AddDays(1); } return(days); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a new random option <see cref="Symbol"/>. The generated option contract Symbol will have an /// expiry between the specified min and max expiration. The strike /// price will be within the specified maximum strike price deviation of the underlying symbol price /// and should be rounded to reasonable value for the given price. For example, a price of 100 dollars would round /// to 5 dollar increments and a price of 5 dollars would round to 50 cent increments /// </summary> /// <param name="ticker">Optionally can provide a ticker that should be used</param> /// <remarks> /// Standard contracts expiry on the third Friday. /// Weekly contracts expiry every week on Friday /// </remarks> /// <returns>A new option contract Symbol within the specified expiration and strike price parameters along with its underlying symbol</returns> protected override IEnumerable <Symbol> GenerateAsset(string ticker = null) { // first generate the underlying var underlying = NextSymbol(_underlyingSecurityType, _market, ticker); yield return(underlying); var marketHours = MarketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(_market, underlying, _underlyingSecurityType); var expiry = GetRandomExpiration(marketHours, _minExpiry, _maxExpiry); var strikes = new HashSet <decimal>(); for (var i = 0; i < _symbolChainSize; i++) { decimal strike; do { // generate a random strike while respecting the maximum deviation from the underlying's price // since these are underlying prices, use Equity as the security type strike = Random.NextPrice(_underlyingSecurityType, _market, _underlyingPrice, _maximumStrikePriceDeviation); // round the strike price to something reasonable var order = 1 + Math.Log10((double)strike); strike = strike.RoundToSignificantDigits((int)order); } // don't allow duplicate strikes while (!strikes.Add(strike)); foreach (var optionRight in new [] { OptionRight.Put, OptionRight.Call }) { // when providing a null option w/ an expiry, it will automatically create the OSI ticker string for the Value yield return(Symbol.CreateOption(underlying, _market, underlying.SecurityType.DefaultOptionStyle(), optionRight, strike, expiry)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the DataManager /// </summary> public DataManager( IDataFeed dataFeed, UniverseSelection universeSelection, IAlgorithm algorithm, ITimeKeeper timeKeeper, MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase) { _dataFeed = dataFeed; UniverseSelection = universeSelection; UniverseSelection.SetDataManager(this); _algorithmSettings = algorithm.Settings; AvailableDataTypes = SubscriptionManager.DefaultDataTypes(); _timeKeeper = timeKeeper; _marketHoursDatabase = marketHoursDatabase; var liveStart = DateTime.UtcNow; // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => { switch (args.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType <Universe>()) { var config = universe.Configuration; var start = algorithm.LiveMode ? liveStart : algorithm.UtcTime; var end = algorithm.LiveMode ? Time.EndOfTime : algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(algorithm.TimeZone); Security security; if (!algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(config.Symbol, out security)) { // create a canonical security object if it doesn't exist security = new Security( _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(config), config, algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency), algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook ); } AddSubscription( new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, config, start, end)); } break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType <Universe>()) { RemoveSubscription(universe.Configuration); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action); } }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the DataManager /// </summary> public DataManager( IDataFeed dataFeed, UniverseSelection universeSelection, IAlgorithm algorithm, ITimeKeeper timeKeeper, MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase, bool liveMode, IRegisteredSecurityDataTypesProvider registeredTypesProvider, IDataPermissionManager dataPermissionManager) { _dataFeed = dataFeed; UniverseSelection = universeSelection; UniverseSelection.SetDataManager(this); _algorithmSettings = algorithm.Settings; AvailableDataTypes = SubscriptionManager.DefaultDataTypes(); _timeKeeper = timeKeeper; _marketHoursDatabase = marketHoursDatabase; _liveMode = liveMode; _registeredTypesProvider = registeredTypesProvider; _dataPermissionManager = dataPermissionManager; // wire ourselves up to receive notifications when universes are added/removed algorithm.UniverseManager.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => { switch (args.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: foreach (var universe in args.NewItems.OfType <Universe>()) { var config = universe.Configuration; var start = algorithm.UtcTime; var end = algorithm.LiveMode ? Time.EndOfTime : algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(algorithm.TimeZone); Security security; if (!algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(config.Symbol, out security)) { // create a canonical security object if it doesn't exist security = new Security( _marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(config), config, algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[algorithm.AccountCurrency], SymbolProperties.GetDefault(algorithm.AccountCurrency), algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook, RegisteredSecurityDataTypesProvider.Null, new SecurityCache() ); } AddSubscription( new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, config, start, end)); } break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: foreach (var universe in args.OldItems.OfType <Universe>()) { // removing the subscription will be handled by the SubscriptionSynchronizer // in the next loop as well as executing a UniverseSelection one last time. if (!universe.DisposeRequested) { universe.Dispose(); } } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("The specified action is not implemented: " + args.Action); } }; }