コード例 #1
ファイル: SecurityManagerTests.cs プロジェクト: ruo2012/Lean
        public void SecurityManagerCanCreate_ForexOrCrypto_WithCorrectSubscriptions(string ticker, SecurityType type, string market)
            var symbol               = Symbol.Create(ticker, type, market);
            var marketHoursDbEntry   = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, type);
            var defaultQuoteCurrency = symbol.Value.Substring(3);

            var symbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType, defaultQuoteCurrency);

            var actual = SecurityManager.CreateSecurity(typeof(QuoteBar),

            Assert.AreEqual(actual.Subscriptions.Count(), 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(actual.Subscriptions.First().Type, typeof(QuoteBar));
            Assert.AreEqual(actual.Subscriptions.First().TickType, TickType.Quote);
コード例 #2
ファイル: DataManager.cs プロジェクト: samsgood0310/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and adds a list of <see cref="SubscriptionDataConfig" /> for a given symbol and configuration.
        /// Can optionally pass in desired subscription data types to use.
        ///  If the config already existed will return existing instance instead
        /// </summary>
        public List <SubscriptionDataConfig> Add(
            Symbol symbol,
            Resolution resolution,
            bool fillForward,
            bool extendedMarketHours,
            bool isFilteredSubscription = true,
            bool isInternalFeed         = false,
            bool isCustomData           = false,
            List <Tuple <Type, TickType> > subscriptionDataTypes = null
            var dataTypes = subscriptionDataTypes ??
                            LookupSubscriptionConfigDataTypes(symbol.SecurityType, resolution, symbol.IsCanonical());

            var marketHoursDbEntry    = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);
            var exchangeHours         = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours;
            var dataNormalizationMode = symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Option || symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Future
                ? DataNormalizationMode.Raw
                : DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted;

            if (marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone),
                                                "DataTimeZone is a required parameter for new subscriptions. Set to the time zone the raw data is time stamped in.");

            if (exchangeHours.TimeZone == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exchangeHours.TimeZone),
                                                "ExchangeTimeZone is a required parameter for new subscriptions. Set to the time zone the security exchange resides in.");

            if (!dataTypes.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataTypes), "At least one type needed to create new subscriptions");

            var result = (from subscriptionDataType in dataTypes
                          let dataType = subscriptionDataType.Item1
                                         let tickType = subscriptionDataType.Item2
                                                        select new SubscriptionDataConfig(
                              isFilteredSubscription: isFilteredSubscription,
                              tickType: tickType,
                              dataNormalizationMode: dataNormalizationMode)).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                result[i] = SubscriptionManagerGetOrAdd(result[i]);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the universes for this algorithm.
        /// Called at algorithm start.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The universes defined by this model</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <Universe> CreateUniverses(QCAlgorithmFramework algorithm)
            var universeSettings    = _universeSettings ?? algorithm.UniverseSettings;
            var securityInitializer = _securityInitializer ?? algorithm.SecurityInitializer;

            var resolution = universeSettings.Resolution;
            var type       = resolution == Resolution.Tick ? typeof(Tick) : typeof(TradeBar);

            // universe per security type/market
            foreach (var grp in _symbols.GroupBy(s => new { s.ID.Market, s.SecurityType }))
                MarketHoursDatabase.Entry entry;

                var market         = grp.Key.Market;
                var securityType   = grp.Key.SecurityType;
                var universeSymbol = Symbol.Create($"manual-universe-selection-model-{securityType}-{market}", securityType, market);
                if (securityType == SecurityType.Base)
                    // add an entry for this custom universe symbol -- we don't really know the time zone for sure,
                    // but we set it to TimeZones.NewYork in AddData, also, since this is a manual universe, the time
                    // zone doesn't actually matter since this universe specifically doesn't do anything with data.
                    var symbolString = MarketHoursDatabase.GetDatabaseSymbolKey(universeSymbol);
                    var alwaysOpen   = SecurityExchangeHours.AlwaysOpen(TimeZones.NewYork);
                    entry = MarketHours.SetEntry(market, symbolString, securityType, alwaysOpen, TimeZones.NewYork);
                    entry = MarketHours.GetEntry(market, (string)null, securityType);

                var config = new SubscriptionDataConfig(type, universeSymbol, resolution, entry.DataTimeZone, entry.ExchangeHours.TimeZone, false, false, true);
                yield return(new ManualUniverse(config, universeSettings, grp));
コード例 #4
ファイル: QCAlgorithm.History.cs プロジェクト: molekm/Lean
        private IEnumerable <SubscriptionDataConfig> GetMatchingSubscriptions(Symbol symbol, Type type, Resolution?resolution = null)
            Security security;

            if (Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
                // find all subscriptions matching the requested type with a higher resolution than requested
                return(from sub in security.Subscriptions.OrderByDescending(s => s.Resolution)
                       where type.IsAssignableFrom(sub.Type)
                       select sub);
                var entry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);
                resolution = GetResolution(symbol, resolution);

                       .LookupSubscriptionConfigDataTypes(symbol.SecurityType, resolution.Value, symbol.IsCanonical())
                       .Select(x => new SubscriptionDataConfig(
コード例 #5
        public void SecurityManagerCanCreate_Forex_WithCorrectSubscriptions()
            var forexSymbol               = Symbol.Create("EURUSD", SecurityType.Forex, Market.FXCM);
            var forexMarketHoursDbEntry   = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(forexSymbol.ID.Market, forexSymbol, SecurityType.Forex);
            var forexDefaultQuoteCurrency = forexSymbol.Value.Substring(3);

            var forexSymbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(forexSymbol.ID.Market, forexSymbol, forexSymbol.ID.SecurityType, forexDefaultQuoteCurrency);
            var subscriptionTypes     = new List <Type>()

            var forex = SecurityManager.CreateSecurity(subscriptionTypes,

            Assert.AreEqual(forex.Subscriptions.Count(), 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(forex.Subscriptions.First().Type, typeof(QuoteBar));
            Assert.AreEqual(forex.Subscriptions.First().TickType, TickType.Quote);
コード例 #6
        public Universe AddUniverse <T>(SecurityType securityType, string name, Resolution resolution, string market, UniverseSettings universeSettings, Func <IEnumerable <T>, IEnumerable <Symbol> > selector)
            var marketHoursDbEntry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(market, name, securityType);
            var dataTimeZone       = marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone;
            var exchangeTimeZone   = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours.TimeZone;
            var symbol             = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(name, securityType, market, baseDataType: typeof(T));
            var config             = new SubscriptionDataConfig(typeof(T), symbol, resolution, dataTimeZone, exchangeTimeZone, false, false, true, true, isFilteredSubscription: false);

            return(AddUniverse(new FuncUniverse(config, universeSettings, d => selector(d.OfType <T>()))));
コード例 #7
        public Universe AddUniverse(SecurityType securityType, string name, Resolution resolution, string market, UniverseSettings universeSettings, Func <DateTime, IEnumerable <string> > selector)
            var marketHoursDbEntry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(market, name, securityType);
            var dataTimeZone       = marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone;
            var exchangeTimeZone   = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours.TimeZone;
            var symbol             = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(name, securityType, market);
            var config             = new SubscriptionDataConfig(typeof(CoarseFundamental), symbol, resolution, dataTimeZone, exchangeTimeZone, false, false, true, isFilteredSubscription: false);

            return(AddUniverse(new UserDefinedUniverse(config, universeSettings, resolution.ToTimeSpan(), selector)));
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Expiry function for CBOT Futures Options entries.
        /// Returns the Friday before the 2nd last business day of the month preceding the future contract expiry month.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="underlyingFuture">Underlying future symbol</param>
        /// <param name="expiryMonth">Expiry month date</param>
        /// <returns>Expiry DateTime of the Future Option</returns>
        private static DateTime FridayBeforeTwoBusinessDaysBeforeEndOfMonth(Symbol underlyingFuture, DateTime expiryMonth)
            var holidays = _mhdb.GetEntry(underlyingFuture.ID.Market, underlyingFuture, SecurityType.Future)

            var expiryMonthPreceding = expiryMonth.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(-(expiryMonth.Day - 1));
            var fridayBeforeSecondLastBusinessDay = FuturesExpiryUtilityFunctions.NthLastBusinessDay(

            while (fridayBeforeSecondLastBusinessDay.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Friday)
                fridayBeforeSecondLastBusinessDay = FuturesExpiryUtilityFunctions.AddBusinessDays(fridayBeforeSecondLastBusinessDay, -1, false, holidays);

コード例 #9
        private SecurityExchangeHours GetExchangeHours(Symbol symbol)
            Security security;

            if (Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))

            return(MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType).ExchangeHours);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new universe and adds it to the algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataType">The data type</param>
        /// <param name="securityType">The security type the universe produces</param>
        /// <param name="name">A unique name for this universe</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">The epected resolution of the universe data</param>
        /// <param name="market">The market for selected symbols</param>
        /// <param name="universeSettings">The subscription settings to use for newly created subscriptions</param>
        /// <param name="pySelector">Function delegate that performs selection on the universe data</param>
        public void AddUniverse(Type dataType, SecurityType securityType, string name, Resolution resolution, string market, UniverseSettings universeSettings, PyObject pySelector)
            var marketHoursDbEntry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(market, name, securityType);
            var dataTimeZone       = marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone;
            var exchangeTimeZone   = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours.TimeZone;
            var symbol             = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(name, securityType, market);
            var config             = new SubscriptionDataConfig(dataType, symbol, resolution, dataTimeZone, exchangeTimeZone, false, false, true, true, isFilteredSubscription: false);

            var selector = PythonUtil.ToFunc <IEnumerable <IBaseData>, object[]>(pySelector);

            AddUniverse(new FuncUniverse(config, universeSettings, SecurityInitializer, d => selector(d)
                                         .Select(x => x is Symbol ? (Symbol)x : QuantConnect.Symbol.Create((string)x, securityType, market))));
コード例 #11
        private IEnumerable <SubscriptionDataConfig> GetMatchingSubscriptions(Symbol symbol, Type type, Resolution?resolution = null)
            var matchingSubscriptions = SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService
                                        .GetSubscriptionDataConfigs(symbol, includeInternalConfigs: true)
                                        // find all subscriptions matching the requested type with a higher resolution than requested
                                        .OrderByDescending(s => s.Resolution)
                                        // lets make sure to respect the order of the data types
                                        .ThenByDescending(config => GetTickTypeOrder(config.SecurityType, config.TickType))
                                        .ThenBy(config => config.IsInternalFeed ? 1 : 0)
                                        .Where(s => SubscriptionDataConfigTypeFilter(type, s.Type))

            // we use the subscription manager registered configurations here, we can not rely on the Securities collection
            // since this might be called when creating a security and warming it up
            if (matchingSubscriptions.Count != 0)
                if (resolution.HasValue &&
                    (resolution == Resolution.Daily || resolution == Resolution.Hour) &&
                    symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity)
                    // for Daily and Hour resolution, for equities, we have to
                    // filter out any existing subscriptions that could be of Quote type
                    // This could happen if they were Resolution.Minute/Second/Tick
                    return(matchingSubscriptions.Where(s => s.TickType != TickType.Quote));

                var entry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol, new [] { type });
                resolution = GetResolution(symbol, resolution);

                       .LookupSubscriptionConfigDataTypes(symbol.SecurityType, resolution.Value, symbol.IsCanonical())
                       .Where(tuple => SubscriptionDataConfigTypeFilter(type, tuple.Item1))
                       .Select(x => new SubscriptionDataConfig(
コード例 #12
ファイル: TradingCalendar.cs プロジェクト: Capnode/Algoloop
        private IEnumerable <TradingDay> PopulateTradingDays(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            var symbols = _securityManager.Keys;

            var holidays = new HashSet <DateTime>();

            foreach (var symbol in symbols)
                var entry = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);

                foreach (var holiday in entry.ExchangeHours.Holidays)

            var qlCalendar = new UnitedStates();
            var options    = symbols.Where(x => x.ID.SecurityType.IsOption()).ToList();
            var futures    = symbols.Where(x => x.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Future).ToList();

            var totalDays = (int)(end.Date.AddDays(1.0) - start.Date).TotalDays;

            if (totalDays < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"TradingCalendar.PopulateTradingDays(): Total days is negative ({totalDays}), indicating reverse start and end times." +
                          $" Check your usage of TradingCalendar to ensure proper arrangement of variables");

            foreach (var dayIdx in Enumerable.Range(0, totalDays))
                var currentDate = start.Date.AddDays(dayIdx);

                var publicHoliday = holidays.Contains(currentDate) || !qlCalendar.isBusinessDay(currentDate);
                var weekend       = currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ||
                                    currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday;
                var businessDay = !publicHoliday && !weekend;

                yield return
                    (new TradingDay
                    Date = currentDate,
                    PublicHoliday = publicHoliday,
                    Weekend = weekend,
                    BusinessDay = businessDay,
                    OptionExpirations = options.Where(x => x.ID.Date.Date == currentDate),
                    FutureExpirations = futures.Where(x => x.ID.Date.Date == currentDate)
コード例 #13
        private MarketHoursDatabase.Entry GetMarketHours(Symbol symbol)
            var hoursEntry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);

            // user can override the exchange hours in algorithm, i.e. HistoryAlgorithm
            Security security;

            if (Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
                return(new MarketHoursDatabase.Entry(hoursEntry.DataTimeZone, security.Exchange.Hours));

コード例 #14
ファイル: QCAlgorithm.Python.cs プロジェクト: zanjs/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// AddData a new user defined data source, requiring only the minimum config options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataType">Data source type</param>
        /// <param name="symbol">Key/Symbol for data</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">Resolution of the Data Required</param>
        /// <param name="timeZone">Specifies the time zone of the raw data</param>
        /// <param name="fillDataForward">When no data available on a tradebar, return the last data that was generated</param>
        /// <param name="leverage">Custom leverage per security</param>
        /// <returns>The new <see cref="Security"/></returns>
        public Security AddData(Type dataType, string symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTimeZone timeZone, bool fillDataForward = false, decimal leverage = 1.0m)
            var marketHoursDbEntry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(Market.USA, symbol, SecurityType.Base, timeZone);

            //Add this to the data-feed subscriptions
            var symbolObject     = new Symbol(SecurityIdentifier.GenerateBase(symbol, Market.USA), symbol);
            var symbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(Market.USA, symbol, SecurityType.Base, CashBook.AccountCurrency);

            //Add this new generic data as a tradeable security:
            var security = SecurityManager.CreateSecurity(dataType, Portfolio, SubscriptionManager, marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours, marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone,
                                                          symbolProperties, SecurityInitializer, symbolObject, resolution, fillDataForward, leverage, true, false, true, LiveMode);

コード例 #15
        private IEnumerable <SubscriptionDataConfig> GetMatchingSubscriptions(Symbol symbol, Type type, Resolution?resolution = null)
            Security security;

            if (Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
                // find all subscriptions matching the requested type with a higher resolution than requested
                var matchingSubscriptions = from sub in security.Subscriptions.OrderByDescending(s => s.Resolution)
                                            where SubscriptionDataConfigTypeFilter(type, sub.Type)
                                            select sub;

                if (resolution.HasValue &&
                    (resolution == Resolution.Daily || resolution == Resolution.Hour) &&
                    symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity)
                    // for Daily and Hour resolution, for equities, we have to
                    // filter out any existing subscriptions that could be of Quote type
                    // This could happen if they were Resolution.Minute/Second/Tick
                    matchingSubscriptions = matchingSubscriptions.Where(s => s.TickType != TickType.Quote);

                var entry = MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);
                resolution = GetResolution(symbol, resolution);

                       .LookupSubscriptionConfigDataTypes(symbol.SecurityType, resolution.Value, symbol.IsCanonical())
                       .Where(tuple => SubscriptionDataConfigTypeFilter(type, tuple.Item1))
                       .Select(x => new SubscriptionDataConfig(
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the universes for this algorithm. Called at algorithm start.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The universes defined by this model</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <Universe> CreateUniverses(QCAlgorithm algorithm)
            var universeSettings = _universeSettings ?? algorithm.UniverseSettings;
            var entry            = MarketHours.GetEntry(_symbol.ID.Market, (string)null, _symbol.SecurityType);

            var config = new SubscriptionDataConfig(
                universeSettings.Resolution == Resolution.Tick ? typeof(Tick) : typeof(TradeBar),

            yield return(new CustomUniverse(config, universeSettings, _interval, dt => Select(algorithm, dt)));
コード例 #17
        private IEnumerable <TradingDay> PopulateTradingDays(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            var symbols = _securityManager.Keys;

            var holidays = new HashSet <DateTime>();

            foreach (var symbol in symbols)
                var entry = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);

                foreach (var holiday in entry.ExchangeHours.Holidays)

            var qlCalendar = new UnitedStates();
            var options    = symbols.Where(x => x.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Option || x.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.FutureOption).ToList();
            var futures    = symbols.Where(x => x.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Future).ToList();

            foreach (var dayIdx in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)(end.Date.AddDays(1.0) - start.Date).TotalDays))
                var currentDate = start.Date.AddDays(dayIdx);

                var publicHoliday = holidays.Contains(currentDate) || !qlCalendar.isBusinessDay(currentDate);
                var weekend       = currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ||
                                    currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday;
                var businessDay = !publicHoliday && !weekend;

                yield return
                    (new TradingDay
                    Date = currentDate,
                    PublicHoliday = publicHoliday,
                    Weekend = weekend,
                    BusinessDay = businessDay,
                    OptionExpirations = options.Where(x => x.ID.Date.Date == currentDate),
                    FutureExpirations = futures.Where(x => x.ID.Date.Date == currentDate)
コード例 #18
ファイル: UniverseSelection.cs プロジェクト: yieldhawk/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies universe selection the the data feed and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="universe">The universe to perform selection on</param>
        /// <param name="dateTimeUtc">The current date time in utc</param>
        /// <param name="universeData">The data provided to perform selection with</param>
        public SecurityChanges ApplyUniverseSelection(Universe universe, DateTime dateTimeUtc, BaseDataCollection universeData)
            var algorithmEndDateUtc = _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);

            if (dateTimeUtc > algorithmEndDateUtc)

            IEnumerable <Symbol> selectSymbolsResult;

            // check if this universe must be filtered with fine fundamental data
            var fineFiltered = universe as FineFundamentalFilteredUniverse;

            if (fineFiltered != null)
                // perform initial filtering and limit the result
                selectSymbolsResult = universe.SelectSymbols(dateTimeUtc, universeData);

                if (!ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))
                    // prepare a BaseDataCollection of FineFundamental instances
                    var fineCollection = new BaseDataCollection();
                    var dataProvider   = new DefaultDataProvider();

                    foreach (var symbol in selectSymbolsResult)
                        var config = FineFundamentalUniverse.CreateConfiguration(symbol);

                        var exchangeHours    = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType).ExchangeHours;
                        var symbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType, CashBook.AccountCurrency);
                        var quoteCash        = _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency];

                        var security = new Equity(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

                        var localStartTime = dateTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(exchangeHours.TimeZone).AddDays(-1);
                        var factory        = new FineFundamentalSubscriptionEnumeratorFactory(_algorithm.LiveMode, x => new[] { localStartTime });
                        var request        = new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, new SubscriptionDataConfig(config), localStartTime, localStartTime);
                        using (var enumerator = factory.CreateEnumerator(request, dataProvider))
                            if (enumerator.MoveNext())

                    // perform the fine fundamental universe selection
                    selectSymbolsResult = fineFiltered.FineFundamentalUniverse.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, fineCollection);

                    // WARNING -- HACK ATTACK -- WARNING
                    // Fine universes are considered special due to their chaining behavior.
                    // As such, we need a means of piping the fine data read in here back to the data feed
                    // so that it can be properly emitted via a TimeSlice.Create call. There isn't a mechanism
                    // in place for this function to return such data. The following lines are tightly coupled
                    // to the universeData dictionaries in SubscriptionSynchronizer and LiveTradingDataFeed and
                    // rely on reference semantics to work.

                    // Coarse raw data has SID collision on: CRHCY R735QTJ8XC9X
                    var coarseData = universeData.Data.OfType <CoarseFundamental>()
                                     .DistinctBy(c => c.Symbol)
                                     .ToDictionary(c => c.Symbol);

                    universeData.Data = new List <BaseData>();
                    foreach (var fine in fineCollection.Data.OfType <FineFundamental>())
                        var fundamentals = new Fundamentals
                            Symbol              = fine.Symbol,
                            Time                = fine.Time,
                            EndTime             = fine.EndTime,
                            DataType            = fine.DataType,
                            CompanyReference    = fine.CompanyReference,
                            EarningReports      = fine.EarningReports,
                            EarningRatios       = fine.EarningRatios,
                            FinancialStatements = fine.FinancialStatements,
                            OperationRatios     = fine.OperationRatios,
                            SecurityReference   = fine.SecurityReference,
                            ValuationRatios     = fine.ValuationRatios

                        CoarseFundamental coarse;
                        if (coarseData.TryGetValue(fine.Symbol, out coarse))
                            // the only time the coarse data won't exist is if the selection function
                            // doesn't use the data provided, and instead returns a constant list of
                            // symbols -- coupled with a potential hole in the data
                            fundamentals.Value              = coarse.Value;
                            fundamentals.Market             = coarse.Market;
                            fundamentals.Volume             = coarse.Volume;
                            fundamentals.DollarVolume       = coarse.DollarVolume;
                            fundamentals.HasFundamentalData = coarse.HasFundamentalData;


                    // END -- HACK ATTACK -- END
                // perform initial filtering and limit the result
                selectSymbolsResult = universe.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, universeData);

            // check for no changes first
            if (ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))

            // materialize the enumerable into a set for processing
            var selections = selectSymbolsResult.ToHashSet();

            var additions = new List <Security>();
            var removals  = new List <Security>();

            // remove previously deselected members which were kept in the universe because of holdings or open orders
            foreach (var member in _pendingRemovals.ToList())
                if (IsSafeToRemove(member))
                    RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(universe, member, removals, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc);


            // determine which data subscriptions need to be removed from this universe
            foreach (var member in universe.Members.Values)
                // if we've selected this subscription again, keep it
                if (selections.Contains(member.Symbol))

                // don't remove if the universe wants to keep him in
                if (!universe.CanRemoveMember(dateTimeUtc, member))

                // remove the member - this marks this member as not being
                // selected by the universe, but it may remain in the universe
                // until open orders are closed and the security is liquidated

                if (IsSafeToRemove(member))
                    RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(universe, member, removals, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc);

            var keys = _pendingSecurityAdditions.Keys;

            if (keys.Any() && keys.Single() != dateTimeUtc)
                // if the frontier moved forward then we've added these securities to the algorithm

            Dictionary <Symbol, Security> pendingAdditions;

            if (!_pendingSecurityAdditions.TryGetValue(dateTimeUtc, out pendingAdditions))
                // keep track of created securities so we don't create the same security twice, leads to bad things :)
                pendingAdditions = new Dictionary <Symbol, Security>();
                _pendingSecurityAdditions[dateTimeUtc] = pendingAdditions;

            // find new selections and add them to the algorithm
            foreach (var symbol in selections)
                // create the new security, the algorithm thread will add this at the appropriate time
                Security security;
                if (!pendingAdditions.TryGetValue(symbol, out security) && !_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
                    security = universe.CreateSecurity(symbol, _algorithm, _marketHoursDatabase, _symbolPropertiesDatabase);
                    pendingAdditions.Add(symbol, security);

                var addedSubscription = false;

                foreach (var request in universe.GetSubscriptionRequests(security, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc))
                    // add the new subscriptions to the data feed

                    // only update our security changes if we actually added data
                    if (!request.IsUniverseSubscription)
                        addedSubscription = true;

                if (addedSubscription)
                    var addedMember = universe.AddMember(dateTimeUtc, security);

                    if (addedMember)

            // return None if there's no changes, otherwise return what we've modified
            var securityChanges = additions.Count + removals.Count != 0
                ? new SecurityChanges(additions, removals)
                : SecurityChanges.None;

            // Add currency data feeds that weren't explicitly added in Initialize
            if (additions.Count > 0)
                var addedSecurities = _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(_algorithm.Securities, _algorithm.SubscriptionManager, _marketHoursDatabase, _symbolPropertiesDatabase, _algorithm.BrokerageModel.DefaultMarkets, securityChanges);
                foreach (var security in addedSecurities)
                    // assume currency feeds are always one subscription per, these are typically quote subscriptions
                    _dataFeed.AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(false, universe, security, new SubscriptionDataConfig(security.Subscriptions.First()), dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc));

            if (securityChanges != SecurityChanges.None)
                Log.Debug("UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(): " + dateTimeUtc + ": " + securityChanges);

コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies universe selection the the data feed and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="universe">The universe to perform selection on</param>
        /// <param name="dateTimeUtc">The current date time in utc</param>
        /// <param name="universeData">The data provided to perform selection with</param>
        public SecurityChanges ApplyUniverseSelection(Universe universe, DateTime dateTimeUtc, BaseDataCollection universeData)
            var algorithmEndDateUtc = _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);

            if (dateTimeUtc > algorithmEndDateUtc)

            IEnumerable <Symbol> selectSymbolsResult;

            // check if this universe must be filtered with fine fundamental data
            var fineFiltered = universe as FineFundamentalFilteredUniverse;

            if (fineFiltered != null)
                // perform initial filtering and limit the result
                selectSymbolsResult = universe.SelectSymbols(dateTimeUtc, universeData);

                // prepare a BaseDataCollection of FineFundamental instances
                var fineCollection = new BaseDataCollection();
                var dataProvider   = new DefaultDataProvider();

                foreach (var symbol in selectSymbolsResult)
                    var factory = new FineFundamentalSubscriptionEnumeratorFactory(_algorithm.LiveMode, x => new[] { dateTimeUtc });
                    var config  = FineFundamentalUniverse.CreateConfiguration(symbol);

                    var exchangeHours    = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType).ExchangeHours;
                    var symbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType, CashBook.AccountCurrency);
                    var quoteCash        = _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency];

                    var security = new Equity(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

                    var request = new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, new SubscriptionDataConfig(config), dateTimeUtc, dateTimeUtc);
                    using (var enumerator = factory.CreateEnumerator(request, dataProvider))
                        if (enumerator.MoveNext())

                // perform the fine fundamental universe selection
                selectSymbolsResult = fineFiltered.FineFundamentalUniverse.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, fineCollection);
                // perform initial filtering and limit the result
                selectSymbolsResult = universe.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, universeData);

            // check for no changes first
            if (ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))

            // materialize the enumerable into a set for processing
            var selections = selectSymbolsResult.ToHashSet();

            var additions = new List <Security>();
            var removals  = new List <Security>();

            // remove previously deselected members which were kept in the universe because of holdings or open orders
            foreach (var member in _pendingRemovals.ToList())
                var openOrders = _algorithm.Transactions.GetOrders(x => x.Status.IsOpen() && x.Symbol == member.Symbol);
                if (!member.HoldStock && !openOrders.Any())
                    RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(universe, member, removals, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc);


            // determine which data subscriptions need to be removed from this universe
            foreach (var member in universe.Members.Values)
                // if we've selected this subscription again, keep it
                if (selections.Contains(member.Symbol))

                // don't remove if the universe wants to keep him in
                if (!universe.CanRemoveMember(dateTimeUtc, member))

                // remove the member - this marks this member as not being
                // selected by the universe, but it may remain in the universe
                // until open orders are closed and the security is liquidated

                // but don't physically remove it from the algorithm if we hold stock or have open orders against it
                var openOrders = _algorithm.Transactions.GetOrders(x => x.Status.IsOpen() && x.Symbol == member.Symbol);
                if (!member.HoldStock && !openOrders.Any())
                    RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(universe, member, removals, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc);

            var keys = _pendingSecurityAdditions.Keys;

            if (keys.Any() && keys.Single() != dateTimeUtc)
                // if the frontier moved forward then we've added these securities to the algorithm

            Dictionary <Symbol, Security> pendingAdditions;

            if (!_pendingSecurityAdditions.TryGetValue(dateTimeUtc, out pendingAdditions))
                // keep track of created securities so we don't create the same security twice, leads to bad things :)
                pendingAdditions = new Dictionary <Symbol, Security>();
                _pendingSecurityAdditions[dateTimeUtc] = pendingAdditions;

            // find new selections and add them to the algorithm
            foreach (var symbol in selections)
                // create the new security, the algorithm thread will add this at the appropriate time
                Security security;
                if (!pendingAdditions.TryGetValue(symbol, out security) && !_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
                    security = universe.CreateSecurity(symbol, _algorithm, _marketHoursDatabase, _symbolPropertiesDatabase);
                    pendingAdditions.Add(symbol, security);

                var addedSubscription = false;

                foreach (var request in universe.GetSubscriptionRequests(security, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc))
                    // add the new subscriptions to the data feed

                    // only update our security changes if we actually added data
                    if (!request.IsUniverseSubscription)
                        addedSubscription = true;

                if (addedSubscription)
                    var addedMember = universe.AddMember(dateTimeUtc, security);

                    if (addedMember)

            // return None if there's no changes, otherwise return what we've modified
            var securityChanges = additions.Count + removals.Count != 0
                ? new SecurityChanges(additions, removals)
                : SecurityChanges.None;

            // Add currency data feeds that weren't explicitly added in Initialize
            if (additions.Count > 0)
                var addedSecurities = _algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(_algorithm.Securities, _algorithm.SubscriptionManager, _marketHoursDatabase, _symbolPropertiesDatabase, _algorithm.BrokerageModel.DefaultMarkets, securityChanges);
                foreach (var security in addedSecurities)
                    // assume currency feeds are always one subscription per, these are typically quote subscriptions
                    _dataFeed.AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(false, universe, security, new SubscriptionDataConfig(security.Subscriptions.First()), dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc));

            if (securityChanges != SecurityChanges.None)
                Log.Debug("UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(): " + dateTimeUtc + ": " + securityChanges);

コード例 #20
 private MarketHoursDatabase.Entry GetMarketHours(Symbol symbol)
     return(MarketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType));
 /// <summary>
 ///     Defines the future chain universe filter
 /// </summary>
 protected override FutureFilterUniverse Filter(FutureFilterUniverse filter)
     return(filter.Contracts(FilterByOpenInterest(filter.ToDictionary(x => x, x => _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(x.ID.Market, x, x.ID.SecurityType).ExchangeHours))));
コード例 #22
ファイル: DataManager.cs プロジェクト: kbank14/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and adds a list of <see cref="SubscriptionDataConfig" /> for a given symbol and configuration.
        /// Can optionally pass in desired subscription data types to use.
        ///  If the config already existed will return existing instance instead
        /// </summary>
        public List <SubscriptionDataConfig> Add(
            Symbol symbol,
            Resolution?resolution       = null,
            bool fillForward            = true,
            bool extendedMarketHours    = false,
            bool isFilteredSubscription = true,
            bool isInternalFeed         = false,
            bool isCustomData           = false,
            List <Tuple <Type, TickType> > subscriptionDataTypes = null,
            DataNormalizationMode dataNormalizationMode          = DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted
            var dataTypes = subscriptionDataTypes ??
                            LookupSubscriptionConfigDataTypes(symbol.SecurityType, resolution ?? Resolution.Minute, symbol.IsCanonical());

            if (!dataTypes.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataTypes), "At least one type needed to create new subscriptions");

            var resolutionWasProvided = resolution.HasValue;

            foreach (var typeTuple in dataTypes)
                var baseInstance = typeTuple.Item1.GetBaseDataInstance();
                baseInstance.Symbol = symbol;
                if (!resolutionWasProvided)
                    var defaultResolution = baseInstance.DefaultResolution();
                    if (resolution.HasValue && resolution != defaultResolution)
                        // we are here because there are multiple 'dataTypes'.
                        // if we get different default resolutions lets throw, this shouldn't happen
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Different data types ({string.Join(",", dataTypes.Select(tuple => tuple.Item1))})" +
                                  $" provided different default resolutions {defaultResolution} and {resolution}, this is an unexpected invalid operation.");
                    resolution = defaultResolution;
                    // only assert resolution in backtesting, live can use other data source
                    // for example daily data for options
                    if (!_liveMode)
                        var supportedResolutions = baseInstance.SupportedResolutions();
                        if (supportedResolutions.Contains(resolution.Value))

                        throw new ArgumentException($"Sorry {resolution.ToStringInvariant()} is not a supported resolution for {typeTuple.Item1.Name}" +
                                                    $" and SecurityType.{symbol.SecurityType.ToStringInvariant()}." +
                                                    $" Please change your AddData to use one of the supported resolutions ({string.Join(",", supportedResolutions)}).");

            MarketHoursDatabase.Entry marketHoursDbEntry;
            if (!_marketHoursDatabase.TryGetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType, out marketHoursDbEntry))
                if (symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Base)
                    var baseInstance = dataTypes.Single().Item1.GetBaseDataInstance();
                    baseInstance.Symbol = symbol;
                    _marketHoursDatabase.SetEntryAlwaysOpen(symbol.ID.Market, null, SecurityType.Base, baseInstance.DataTimeZone());

                marketHoursDbEntry = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType);

            var exchangeHours = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours;

            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType.IsOption() ||
                symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Future ||
                symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Index)
                dataNormalizationMode = DataNormalizationMode.Raw;

            if (marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone),
                                                "DataTimeZone is a required parameter for new subscriptions. Set to the time zone the raw data is time stamped in.");

            if (exchangeHours.TimeZone == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exchangeHours.TimeZone),
                                                "ExchangeTimeZone is a required parameter for new subscriptions. Set to the time zone the security exchange resides in.");

            var result = (from subscriptionDataType in dataTypes
                          let dataType = subscriptionDataType.Item1
                                         let tickType = subscriptionDataType.Item2
                                                        select new SubscriptionDataConfig(
                              // if the subscription data types were not provided and the tick type is OpenInterest we make it internal
                              subscriptionDataTypes == null && tickType == TickType.OpenInterest || isInternalFeed,
                              isFilteredSubscription: isFilteredSubscription,
                              tickType: tickType,
                              dataNormalizationMode: dataNormalizationMode)).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                result[i] = SubscriptionManagerGetOrAdd(result[i]);

                // track all registered data types