public static void doUserAndPassword() { string droneshareusername = MainV2.getConfig("droneshareusername"); InputBox.Show("Username", "Username", ref droneshareusername); MainV2.config["droneshareusername"] = droneshareusername; string dronesharepassword = MainV2.getConfig("dronesharepassword"); if (dronesharepassword != "") { try { // fail on bad entry var crypto = new Crypto(); dronesharepassword = crypto.DecryptString(dronesharepassword); } catch { } } InputBox.Show("Password", "Password", ref dronesharepassword, true); var crypto2 = new Crypto(); string encryptedpw = crypto2.EncryptString(dronesharepassword); MainV2.config["dronesharepassword"] = encryptedpw; }
private void BUT_setup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form temp = new Setup.Setup(); MainV2.fixtheme(temp); temp.ShowDialog(); }
void loadSettings() { string desc = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_desc"); string low = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_low"); string high = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_high"); string highdesc = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_highdesc"); string lowdesc = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_lowdesc"); if (low != "") { TXT_pwm_low.Text = low; } if (high != "") { TXT_pwm_high.Text = high; } if (desc != "") { TXT_rcchannel.Text = desc; } if (highdesc != "") { BUT_High.Text = highdesc; } if (lowdesc != "") { BUT_Low.Text = lowdesc; } }
public void Activate() { startup = true; SuspendLayout(); foreach (ColumnHeader col in Params.Columns) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MainV2.getConfig("rawtree_" + col.Text + "_width"))) { col.Width = int.Parse(MainV2.config["rawtree_" + col.Text + "_width"].ToString()); } } processToScreen(); ResumeLayout(); Common.MessageShowAgain(Strings.RawParamWarning, Strings.RawParamWarningi); CMB_paramfiles.Enabled = false; BUT_paramfileload.Enabled = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(updatedefaultlist); startup = false; txt_search.Focus(); }
private void BUT_compare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hashtable param2 = new Hashtable(); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.AddExtension = true; ofd.DefaultExt = ".param"; ofd.RestoreDirectory = true; ofd.Filter = "Param List|*.param;*.parm"; DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ofd.OpenFile()); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.Contains("NOTE:")) { MessageBox.Show(line, "Saved Note"); } int index = line.IndexOf(','); if (index == -1) { continue; } string name = line.Substring(0, index); float value = float.Parse(line.Substring(index + 1), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")); MAVLink.modifyParamForDisplay(true, name, ref value); if (name == "SYSID_SW_MREV") { continue; } if (name == "WP_TOTAL") { continue; } if (name == "CMD_TOTAL") { continue; } param2[name] = value; } sr.Close(); ParamCompare temp = new ParamCompare(this, param, param2); MainV2.fixtheme(temp); temp.ShowDialog(); } }
private void Logs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form Log = new Log(); MainV2.fixtheme(Log); inlogview = true; Log.ShowDialog(); inlogview = false; }
void loadSettings() { string low = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_low"); string high = MainV2.getConfig("Servo" + thisservo + "_high"); if (low != "") { TXT_pwm_low.Text = low; } if (high != "") { TXT_pwm_high.Text = high; } }
public static void doUpload(string file) { if (!validcred) { doUserAndPassword(); } string droneshareusername = MainV2.getConfig("droneshareusername"); string dronesharepassword = MainV2.getConfig("dronesharepassword"); if (dronesharepassword != "") { try { // fail on bad entry var crypto = new Crypto(); dronesharepassword = crypto.DecryptString(dronesharepassword); } catch { } } MAVLinkInterface mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); mav.BaseStream = new Comms.CommsFile(); mav.BaseStream.PortName = file; mav.BaseStream.Open(); if (mav.getHeartBeat().Length == 0) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid log"); return; } mav.Close(); string viewurl = Utilities.DroneApi.droneshare.doUpload(file, droneshareusername, dronesharepassword, mav.MAV.Guid, Utilities.DroneApi.APIConstants.apiKey); if (viewurl != "") { try { validcred = true; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(viewurl); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to open url " + viewurl); } } }
private void CMB_videosources_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MainV2.MONO) { return; } int hr; int count; int size; object o; IBaseFilter capFilter = null; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capGraph = null; AMMediaType media = null; VideoInfoHeader v; VideoStreamConfigCaps c; List <GCSBitmapInfo> modes = new List <GCSBitmapInfo>(); // Get the ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capGraph = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); IFilterGraph2 m_FilterGraph = (IFilterGraph2) new FilterGraph(); DsDevice[] capDevices; capDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); // Add the video device hr = m_FilterGraph.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(capDevices[CMB_videosources.SelectedIndex].Mon, null, "Video input", out capFilter); try { DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Can not add video source\n" + ex.ToString()); return; } // Find the stream config interface hr = capGraph.FindInterface(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, capFilter, typeof(IAMStreamConfig).GUID, out o); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IAMStreamConfig videoStreamConfig = o as IAMStreamConfig; if (videoStreamConfig == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to get IAMStreamConfig"); } hr = videoStreamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities(out count, out size); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IntPtr TaskMemPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; hr = videoStreamConfig.GetStreamCaps(i, out media, TaskMemPointer); v = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(media.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); c = (VideoStreamConfigCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(TaskMemPointer, typeof(VideoStreamConfigCaps)); modes.Add(new GCSBitmapInfo(v.BmiHeader.Width, v.BmiHeader.Height, c.MaxFrameInterval, c.VideoStandard.ToString(), media)); } Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(TaskMemPointer); DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(media); CMB_videoresolutions.DataSource = modes; if (MainV2.getConfig("video_options") != "" && CMB_videosources.Text != "") { try { CMB_videoresolutions.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(MainV2.getConfig("video_options")); } catch { } // ignore bad entries } }
private void Configuration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { startup = true; // enable disable relevbant hardware tabs if (MainV2.APMFirmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduPlane) { ConfigTabs.SelectedIndex = 0; TabAPM2.Enabled = true; TabAC2.Enabled = false; } else { ConfigTabs.SelectedIndex = 1; TabAPM2.Enabled = false; TabAC2.Enabled = true; } // read tooltips if (tooltips.Count == 0) { readToolTips(); } // prefill all fields param = MainV2.comPort.param; processToScreen(); // setup up camera button states if ( != null) { BUT_videostart.Enabled = false; CHK_hudshow.Checked = GCSViews.FlightData.myhud.hudon; } else { BUT_videostart.Enabled = true; } // setup speech states if (MainV2.config["speechenable"] != null) { CHK_enablespeech.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["speechenable"].ToString()); } if (MainV2.config["speechwaypointenabled"] != null) { CHK_speechwaypoint.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["speechwaypointenabled"].ToString()); } if (MainV2.config["speechmodeenabled"] != null) { CHK_speechmode.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["speechmodeenabled"].ToString()); } if (MainV2.config["speechcustomenabled"] != null) { CHK_speechcustom.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["speechcustomenabled"].ToString()); } if (MainV2.config["speechbatteryenabled"] != null) { CHK_speechbattery.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["speechbatteryenabled"].ToString()); } if (MainV2.config["speechaltenabled"] != null) { CHK_speechaltwarning.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["speechaltenabled"].ToString()); } // this can't fail because it set at startup NUM_tracklength.Value = int.Parse(MainV2.config["NUM_tracklength"].ToString()); // get wps on connect if (MainV2.config["loadwpsonconnect"] != null) { CHK_loadwponconnect.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["loadwpsonconnect"].ToString()); } // setup other config state if (MainV2.config["CHK_resetapmonconnect"] != null) { CHK_resetapmonconnect.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["CHK_resetapmonconnect"].ToString()); } CMB_rateattitude.Text = MainV2.cs.rateattitude.ToString(); CMB_rateposition.Text = MainV2.cs.rateposition.ToString(); CMB_raterc.Text = MainV2.cs.raterc.ToString(); CMB_ratestatus.Text = MainV2.cs.ratestatus.ToString(); if (MainV2.config["CHK_GDIPlus"] != null) { CHK_GDIPlus.Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config["CHK_GDIPlus"].ToString()); } //set hud color state string hudcolor = (string)MainV2.config["hudcolor"]; CMB_osdcolor.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(KnownColor)); if (hudcolor != null) { int index = CMB_osdcolor.Items.IndexOf(hudcolor); CMB_osdcolor.SelectedIndex = index; } else { int index = CMB_osdcolor.Items.IndexOf("White"); CMB_osdcolor.SelectedIndex = index; } // set distance/speed unit states CMB_distunits.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Common.distances)); CMB_speedunits.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Common.speeds)); if (MainV2.config["distunits"] != null) { CMB_distunits.Text = MainV2.config["distunits"].ToString(); } if (MainV2.config["speedunits"] != null) { CMB_speedunits.Text = MainV2.config["speedunits"].ToString(); } // setup language selection CultureInfo ci = null; foreach (string name in new string[] { "en-US", "zh-Hans", "zh-TW", "ru-RU", "Fr" }) { ci = MainV2.getcultureinfo(name); if (ci != null) { languages.Add(ci); } } CMB_language.DisplayMember = "DisplayName"; CMB_language.DataSource = languages; bool match = false; for (int i = 0; i < languages.Count && !match; i++) { ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; while (!ci.Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { if (ci.Equals(languages[i])) { CMB_language.SelectedIndex = i; match = true; break; } ci = ci.Parent; } } CMB_language.SelectedIndexChanged += CMB_language_SelectedIndexChanged; startup = false; }
public MainV2() { CurrentForm = this; InitializeComponent(); }
public void BUT_updatecheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainV2.DoUpdate(); }
private void BUT_updatecheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form loading = new Form(); loading.Width = 400; loading.Height = 150; loading.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(MainV2)); loading.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"))); Label loadinglabel = new Label(); loadinglabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 40); loadinglabel.Name = "load"; loadinglabel.AutoSize = true; loadinglabel.Text = "Checking..."; loadinglabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 20); loading.Controls.Add(loadinglabel); loading.Show(); System.Threading.Thread t12 = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate() { try { MainV2.updatecheck(loadinglabel); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }); // wait for tcp connections t12.Name = "Update check thread"; t12.Start(); MainV2.threads.Add(t12); }
// Called every time that this control is made current in the backstage view public void Activate() { startup = true; // flag to ignore changes while we programatically populate controls CMB_osdcolor.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(KnownColor)); // set distance/speed unit states CMB_distunits.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Common.distances)); CMB_speedunits.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Common.speeds)); CMB_theme.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ThemeManager.Themes)); CMB_theme.Text = ThemeManager.CurrentTheme.ToString(); // setup language selection var cultureCodes = new[] { "en-US", "zh-Hans", "zh-TW", "ru-RU", "Fr", "Pl", "it-IT", "es-ES", "de-DE", "ja-JP", "id-ID" }; _languages = cultureCodes .Select(CultureInfoEx.GetCultureInfo) .Where(c => c != null) .ToList(); CMB_language.DisplayMember = "DisplayName"; CMB_language.DataSource = _languages; var currentUiCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; for (var i = 0; i < _languages.Count; i++) { if (currentUiCulture.IsChildOf(_languages[i])) { try { CMB_language.SelectedIndex = i; } catch { } break; } } // setup up camera button states if ( != null) { BUT_videostart.Enabled = false; CHK_hudshow.Checked = FlightData.myhud.hudon; } else { BUT_videostart.Enabled = true; } // setup speech states SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechenable", CHK_enablespeech); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechwaypointenabled", CHK_speechwaypoint); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechmodeenabled", CHK_speechmode); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechcustomenabled", CHK_speechcustom); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechbatteryenabled", CHK_speechbattery); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechaltenabled", CHK_speechaltwarning); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speecharmenabled", CHK_speecharmdisarm); SetCheckboxFromConfig("speechlowspeedenabled", CHK_speechlowspeed); SetCheckboxFromConfig("beta_updates", CHK_beta); SetCheckboxFromConfig("password_protect", CHK_Password); SetCheckboxFromConfig("advancedview", CHK_advancedview); SetCheckboxFromConfig("showairports", CHK_showairports); SetCheckboxFromConfig("enableadsb", chk_ADSB); // this can't fail because it set at startup NUM_tracklength.Value = int.Parse(MainV2.config["NUM_tracklength"].ToString()); // get wps on connect SetCheckboxFromConfig("loadwpsonconnect", CHK_loadwponconnect); // setup other config state SetCheckboxFromConfig("CHK_resetapmonconnect", CHK_resetapmonconnect); CMB_rateattitude.Text = MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rateattitude.ToString(); CMB_rateposition.Text = MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rateposition.ToString(); CMB_raterc.Text = MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.raterc.ToString(); CMB_ratestatus.Text = MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.ratestatus.ToString(); CMB_ratesensors.Text = MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.ratesensors.ToString(); SetCheckboxFromConfig("analyticsoptout", chk_analytics); SetCheckboxFromConfig("CHK_GDIPlus", CHK_GDIPlus); SetCheckboxFromConfig("CHK_maprotation", CHK_maprotation); SetCheckboxFromConfig("CHK_disttohomeflightdata", CHK_disttohomeflightdata); //set hud color state var hudcolor = (string)MainV2.config["hudcolor"]; var index = CMB_osdcolor.Items.IndexOf(hudcolor ?? "White"); try { CMB_osdcolor.SelectedIndex = index; } catch { } if (MainV2.config["distunits"] != null) { CMB_distunits.Text = MainV2.config["distunits"].ToString(); } if (MainV2.config["speedunits"] != null) { CMB_speedunits.Text = MainV2.config["speedunits"].ToString(); } try { if (MainV2.config["video_device"] != null) { CMB_videosources_Click(this, null); CMB_videosources.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(MainV2.config["video_device"].ToString()); if (MainV2.getConfig("video_options") != "" && CMB_videosources.Text != "") { CMB_videoresolutions.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(MainV2.getConfig("video_options")); } } } catch { } txt_log_dir.Text = MainV2.LogDir; startup = false; }
public static void doUpload(string file) { if (file == null) { return; } if (!validcred) { doUserAndPassword(); } string droneshareusername = MainV2.getConfig("droneshareusername"); string dronesharepassword = MainV2.getConfig("dronesharepassword"); if (dronesharepassword != "") { try { // fail on bad entry var crypto = new Crypto(); dronesharepassword = crypto.DecryptString(dronesharepassword); } catch { } } String tempguid = null; if (!doLogin(droneshareusername, dronesharepassword)) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Bad Credentials", Strings.ERROR); return; } validcred = true; if (uuidcached == "") { UI.VehicleSelection veh = new VehicleSelection(accountuuids); veh.ShowDialog(); tempguid = veh.uuid; uuidcached = veh.uuid; } else { tempguid = uuidcached; } string viewurl = Utilities.DroneApi.droneshare.doUpload(file, droneshareusername, dronesharepassword, tempguid); if (viewurl != "") { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(viewurl); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to open url " + viewurl); } } }