public void SendTilePacket(MahjongTile tile, bool players, bool spectators) { foreach (var mobile in GetInGameMobiles(players, spectators)) { mobile.NetState.SendMahjongTileInfo(tile, mobile); } }
public void PopOneTile(bool front = true) { MahjongTile tile = _wall [0]; _wall.Remove(tile); MahjongTile.Destroy(tile); }
public int SetupStack(MahjongPile pile, int offset, int num) { MahjongTile tile = null; List <MahjongTile> stack = pile.GetRange(offset, num); _pile = pile; // 0 2 4 ... // 1 3 5 ... for (int i = 0; i < stack.Count; ++i) { tile = stack [i]; tile.transform.parent = null; tile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.PLANE_NEGTIVE; float angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, _direction); if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { angle = 270f; } //Debug.Log (_angle + "," + _direction + "," + _stackPosition); tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, angle, Space.Self); tile.transform.parent = StackLocator; int row = i / 2; int col = i % 2; tile.transform.localPosition = row * _direction * MahjongTile.Width + col * Vector3.up * MahjongTile.Thickness; } return(num); }
public virtual bool Draw(TileDef def) { Debug.Log( + " draw -> " + def.ToString()); _drawTile = MahjongTile.Create(def); _drawTile.transform.parent = null; _drawTile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.STAND_POSITIVE; _angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, _direction); //Debug.Log (angle + " " + Vector3.right + "," + _direction); // unity3d bug from vector3.right to vector3.forward == 90 ? if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { _angle = 270f; } _drawTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, _angle, Space.Self); _drawTile.transform.parent = PocketLocator; Vector3 newPos = (PocketLocator.childCount - 1 + 0.2f) * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; _drawTile.Draw(newPos); _sortPocketList.Add(_drawTile); _proxy.Draw(def); return(true); }
private void destroyChildren(Transform locator) { MahjongTile tile = null; while (locator.childCount > 0) { tile = locator.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MahjongTile> (); tile.Despawn(); } }
public void ResetPocketList(bool lastGap = false) { TileDef def = null; MahjongTile tile = null; destroyChildren(PocketLocator); if (_direction == Vector3.right) { //self _angle = 0f; } else if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { //right _angle = -270f; } else if (_direction == Vector3.left) { //front _angle = -180; } else if (_direction == -Vector3.forward) { //left _angle = -90f; } if (_sortPocketList == null) { _sortPocketList = new List <MahjongTile> (); } else { _sortPocketList.Clear(); } Proxy.PocketList.Sort(TileDef.Comparison); for (int i = 0; i < Proxy.PocketList.Count; ++i) { def = _proxy.PocketList [i]; tile = MahjongTile.Create(def); tile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.PLANE_POSITIVE; tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, -90f, Space.Self); tile.transform.Rotate(-Vector3.forward, _angle, Space.Self); //local space forward tile.transform.parent = PocketLocator; tile.transform.localPosition = i * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; _sortPocketList.Add(tile); } if (lastGap) { tile.transform.localPosition = (Proxy.PocketList.Count - 0.8f) * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; } }
public void RebuildStack(int a, int b, int count, int drawFront, int drawBehind) { _wall.Clear(); MahjongTile tile = null; List <TileDef> list = _proxy.RebuildStack(a, b, count, drawFront, drawBehind); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { tile = MahjongTile.Create(list [i]); _wall.Add(tile); } }
public static MahjongTile Create(TileDef def) { if (!TileDef.IsValid(def.Value)) { Debug.LogError("tile : " + def.Value + " is not a valid tile"); return(null); } Transform inst = null; MahjongTile._Pool = PoolManager.Pools ["mahjongres"]; int point = def.GetPoint(); switch (def.GetKind()) { case TileDef.Kind.CRAK: inst = MahjongTile._Pool.Spawn("Crak_" + point); break; case TileDef.Kind.BAM: inst = MahjongTile._Pool.Spawn("Bam_" + point); break; case TileDef.Kind.DOT: inst = MahjongTile._Pool.Spawn("Dot_" + point); break; default: Debug.LogError("UnValid kind : " + def.GetKind()); return(null); } inst.gameObject.SetActive(true); inst.transform.parent = null; inst.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; inst.transform.position = * 9999f; MahjongTile tile = inst.gameObject.GetComponent <MahjongTile> () ?? inst.gameObject.AddComponent <MahjongTile> (); tile._def = def; tile.ClickCount = 0; BoxCollider collider = inst.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider> (); =; collider.size = ColliderSize; return(tile); }
public MahjongTile FindMahjongTileFromPocketList(TileDef def) { MahjongTile tile = null; for (int i = 0; i < _sortPocketList.Count; ++i) { tile = _sortPocketList [i]; if (tile.Def.Value == def.Value) { return(tile); } } return(null); }
//play self pocket mahjongtile public virtual bool Play(MahjongTile tile) { if (((odao.scmahjong.NetworkPlayer)_proxy).Play(tile.Def)) { _playIndex = _sortPocketList.IndexOf(tile); if (_playIndex >= 0) { _sortPocketList.Remove(tile); placePlayed(tile); return(true); } } Debug.LogError("!!!!ErrorPlay Specify tile"); return(false); }
public void ResetPlayList() { TileDef def = null; MahjongTile tile = null; destroyChildren(PlayLocator); for (int i = 0; i < Proxy.PlayList.Count; ++i) { def = Proxy.PlayList [i]; if (TileDef.IsValid(def.Value)) { tile = MahjongTile.Create(def); if (tile != null) { placePlayed(tile, false); } } } }
//random play one tile from network command public virtual bool Play(TileDef def) { MahjongTile tile = null; if (((Player)_proxy).Play(def)) { for (int i = 0; i < _sortPocketList.Count; ++i) { if (_sortPocketList [i].Def.Value == def.Value) { _playIndex = i; tile = _sortPocketList [_playIndex]; _sortPocketList.Remove(tile); placePlayed(tile); return(true); } } Debug.Log(_sortPocketList.Count); Debug.Log(Proxy.Index + " Play(TileDef def)####################" + _playIndex); tile = MahjongTile.Create(def); placePlayed(tile); _playIndex = Random.Range(0, _sortPocketList.Count); tile = _sortPocketList [_playIndex]; _sortPocketList.Remove(tile); tile.Despawn(); } else { _proxy.RemovePocketList(1); tile = MahjongTile.Create(def); placePlayed(tile); _playIndex = Random.Range(0, _sortPocketList.Count); tile = _sortPocketList [_playIndex]; _sortPocketList.Remove(tile); tile.Despawn(); } return(false); }
protected void placePlayed(MahjongTile tile, bool withSound = true) { tile.Reset(); _angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, _direction); if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { _angle = 270f; } tile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.PLANE_POSITIVE; tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, _angle, Space.Self); Vector3 down = Vector3.Cross(_direction, Vector3.down); tile.transform.parent = PlayLocator; //Debug.Log (tile.transform.localRotation + "/" + _direction + "/" + _angle); int index = PlayLocator.childCount - 1; int row = index / 6; int col = index % 6; Vector3 newpos = col * _direction * MahjongTile.Width + row * down * MahjongTile.Height; //Debug.Log (row +":"+col); tile.Play(newpos); _playedList.Add(tile); if (withSound) { //AudioManager.Instance.PlayPai (((int)tile.ID).ToString ()); //AudioManager.Instance.PlaySound (AudioManager.Instance.Luo_Pai); //TableController.Instance.SetCurrentPlayedTile (tile); } //close hupaiTips UIGameHuPromptController.Instance.Close(); }
public void SortPocketListAfterPlay() { Debug.Log("!!!!SortPocketListAfterPlay"); if (PocketLocator.childCount <= 0) { Debug.Log("nopockets"); return; } //updatePocketPosition(); if (_playIndex == -1) { Debug.LogError("errororoororororoor"); } // before play, pockets count == n // after play, pockets count == n - 1 // played index caculated before play if (_playIndex == PocketLocator.childCount) { _drawTile = null; _playIndex = -1; Debug.Log("play last one"); return; } MahjongTile iter = null; int insertIndex = -1; if (_drawTile != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _sortPocketList.Count; ++i) { iter = _sortPocketList [i]; iter.ClickCount = 0; if (TileDef.Comparison(_drawTile.Def, iter.Def) <= 0) { insertIndex = i; break; } } Debug.Log("!!!!_drawTile " + _drawTile + " " + Proxy.Index + " sort after play " + insertIndex + "####" + _playIndex); } if (insertIndex == -1 && _playIndex >= 0) { for (int i = _playIndex; i < _sortPocketList.Count; ++i) { Vector3 pos = i * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; _sortPocketList [i].Moveto(pos, true); } Debug.Log("!!!!return" + Proxy.Index + " sort after play " + insertIndex + "####" + _playIndex); return; } Debug.Log(Proxy.Index + " sort after play " + insertIndex + "####" + _playIndex); if (insertIndex > _playIndex) { for (int i = _playIndex; i < insertIndex; ++i) { Vector3 pos = i * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; _sortPocketList [i].ClickCount = 0; _sortPocketList [i].Moveto(pos, true); } } else if (insertIndex < _playIndex) { for (int i = insertIndex; i < _playIndex; ++i) { Vector3 pos = (i + 1) * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; _sortPocketList [i].ClickCount = 0; _sortPocketList [i].Moveto(pos, true); } } Vector3 insertPosition = insertIndex * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; _sortPocketList.Remove(_drawTile); _sortPocketList.Insert(insertIndex, _drawTile); if (insertIndex < _sortPocketList.Count - 1) { _drawTile.Insert(insertPosition, true); } else { _drawTile.Moveto(insertPosition, true); } _drawTile = null; _playIndex = -1; Debug.Log(Proxy.Index + "playindex -1 @@@"); }
public void PlaceWin(MahjongTile tile, bool withSound = true) { tile.Reset(); tile.transform.parent = WinLocator; }
private bool showPocketList(Transform locator, bool lastGap = true) { TileDef def = null; MahjongTile tile = null; FiniteTimeAction delay = null; FiniteTimeAction rb = null; float angle = 0f; if (_direction == Vector3.right) { //self angle = 0f; } else if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { //right angle = -270f; } else if (_direction == Vector3.left) { //front angle = -180; } else if (_direction == -Vector3.forward) { //left angle = -90f; } for (int i = 0; i < _sortPocketList.Count; ++i) { tile = _sortPocketList [i]; tile.transform.parent = null; tile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.PLANE_NEGTIVE; tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, angle, Space.Self); tile.transform.parent = locator; tile.transform.localPosition = i * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; } if (lastGap) { tile.transform.localPosition = tile.transform.localPosition + _direction * 0.2f * MahjongTile.Width; } for (int i = 0; i < locator.transform.childCount; ++i) { tile = locator.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <MahjongTile> (); List <FiniteTimeAction> list = new List <FiniteTimeAction> (); /* * if (_DelayShowHand > 0f) { * delay = DelayTime.Create (_DelayShowHand); * list.Add (delay); * } */ rb = RotateBy.Create(0.1f, Vector3.right, 180f, Space.Self); list.Add(rb); ActionManager.Instance.RunAction(tile.gameObject, list); } return(true); }
private IEnumerator initDraw(bool banker) { _initDrawFinished = false; float angle = 0f; if (_direction == Vector3.right) { //self angle = 0f; } else if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { //right angle = -270f; } else if (_direction == Vector3.left) { //front angle = -180; } else if (_direction == -Vector3.forward) { //left angle = -90f; } RotateBy rb = null; TileDef def = null; MahjongTile tile = null; Transform locator = PocketLocator; float duration = 0.1f; float waitDuration = 0.3f; int index = 0; int drawCountPerTime = 4; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (i == 3) { drawCountPerTime = 1; } for (int j = 0; j < drawCountPerTime; ++j) { //_pile.PopOneTile (); def = _proxy.PocketList [index]; tile = MahjongTile.Create(def); tile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.PLANE_NEGTIVE; tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, angle, Space.Self); tile.transform.parent = locator.transform; tile.transform.localPosition = index * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; rb = RotateBy.Create(duration, Vector3.right, 90f, Space.Self); ActionManager.Instance.RunAction(tile.gameObject, rb); //yield return new WaitForSeconds (duration); ++index; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitDuration)); } for (int i = 0; i < locator.childCount; ++i) { tile = locator.GetChild(i).GetComponent <MahjongTile> (); rb = RotateBy.Create(duration, Vector3.right, -90f, Space.Self); ActionManager.Instance.RunAction(tile.gameObject, rb); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitDuration)); //_proxy.SortPocketList (TileDef.Comparison); _sortPocketList = SortMahjongTile(locator); for (int i = 0; i < _sortPocketList.Count; ++i) { tile = _sortPocketList [i]; tile.transform.localPosition = i * _direction * MahjongTile.Width; rb = RotateBy.Create(duration, Vector3.right, 90f, Space.Self); ActionManager.Instance.RunAction(tile.gameObject, rb); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitDuration)); if (banker) { if (_proxy.PocketList.Count == 14) { def = _proxy.PocketList [13]; _proxy.RemovePocketList(def, 1); Draw(def); _drawTile = null; } else { def = TileDef.Create(); Draw(def); _drawTile = null; } } _initDrawFinished = true; }
// param id is a combo list public void Combo(TileDef def, int num, int flipNum = 0, bool withAnimation = true) { MahjongTile tile = null; Vector3 localPos =; if (ComboLocator.childCount > 0) { localPos = - MahjongTile.Width * _direction * ComboLocator.childCount - MahjongTile.Width * _direction * 0.2f; } else { localPos =; } for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { tile = MahjongTile.Create(def); tile.Reset(); if (i < flipNum) { tile.Direction = MahjongTile.Face.PLANE_NEGTIVE; _angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, _direction); //Debug.Log (_angle + " " + Vector3.right + "," + _direction); // unity3d bug from vector3.right to vector3.forward == 90 ? if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { _angle = 270f; } tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, _angle, Space.Self); } else { _angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, _direction); //Debug.Log (_angle + " " + Vector3.right + "," + _direction); // unity3d bug from vector3.right to vector3.forward == 90 ? if (_direction == Vector3.forward) { _angle = 270f; } tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, _angle, Space.Self); } //往左偏移的起始位置 tile.transform.parent = ComboLocator; tile.transform.localPosition = localPos - i * MahjongTile.Width * _direction; if (withAnimation) { //再往左偏移一段位置从起始位置起 然后播放动画 Vector3 localDstPosition = tile.transform.localPosition; tile.transform.localPosition = tile.transform.localPosition - _direction * MahjongTile.Width * 3f; ActionBase act = MoveTo.Create(0.2f, localDstPosition, true); ActionManager.Instance.RunAction(tile.gameObject, act); } } //Debug.Log (_comboLocator.transform.childCount); }
public static void Destroy(MahjongTile tile) { tile.Reset(); _Pool.Despawn(tile.transform); }