} // prepare /// <summary> /// Process /// </summary> /// <returns>summary</returns> protected override String DoIt() { log.Info("C_Lead_ID=" + _C_Lead_ID); if (_C_Lead_ID == 0) { throw new Exception("@C_Lead_ID@ ID=0"); } MLead lead = new MLead(GetCtx(), _C_Lead_ID, Get_TrxName()); if (lead.Get_ID() != _C_Lead_ID) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@: @C_Lead_ID@ ID=" + _C_Lead_ID); } // String retValue = lead.CreateRequest(); if (retValue != null) { throw new SystemException(retValue); } lead.Save(); MRequest request = lead.GetRequest(); // return("@R_Request_ID@ " + request.GetDocumentNo()); } // doIt
} // processRequests private bool SendEmail(MRequest request, String AD_Message) { // Alert: Request {0} overdue String subject = Msg.GetMsg(m_client.GetAD_Language(), AD_Message, new String[] { request.GetDocumentNo() }); return(m_client.SendEMail(request.GetSalesRep_ID(), subject, request.GetSummary(), request.CreatePDF())); } // sendAlert
} // MChangeRequest /** * CRM Request Constructor * @param request request * @param group request group */ public MChangeRequest(MRequest request, MGroup group) : this(request.GetCtx(), 0, request.Get_Trx()) { SetClientOrg(request); SetName(Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "R_Request_ID") + ": " + request.GetDocumentNo()); SetHelp(request.GetSummary()); // SetM_BOM_ID(group.GetM_BOM_ID()); SetM_ChangeNotice_ID(group.GetM_ChangeNotice_ID()); } // MChangeRequest
} // sendAlert private bool Escalate(MRequest request) { // Get Supervisor MUser supervisor = request.GetSalesRep(); // self int supervisor_ID = request.GetSalesRep().GetSupervisor_ID(); if ((supervisor_ID == 0) && (m_model.GetSupervisor_ID() != 0)) { supervisor_ID = m_model.GetSupervisor_ID(); } if ((supervisor_ID != 0) && (supervisor_ID != request.GetAD_User_ID())) { supervisor = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), supervisor_ID); } // Escalated: Request {0} to {1} String subject = Msg.GetMsg(m_client.GetAD_Language(), "RequestEscalate", new String[] { request.GetDocumentNo(), supervisor.GetName() }); String to = request.GetSalesRep().GetEMail(); if ((to == null) || (to.Length == 0)) { log.Warning("SalesRep has no EMail - " + request.GetSalesRep()); } else { m_client.SendEMail(request.GetSalesRep_ID(), subject, request.GetSummary(), request.CreatePDF()); } // Not the same - send mail to supervisor if (request.GetSalesRep_ID() != supervisor.GetAD_User_ID()) { to = supervisor.GetEMail(); if ((to == null) || (to.Length == 0)) { log.Warning("Supervisor has no EMail - " + supervisor); } else { m_client.SendEMail(supervisor.GetAD_User_ID(), subject, request.GetSummary(), request.CreatePDF()); } } // ---------------- request.SetDueType(); request.SetIsEscalated(true); request.SetResult(subject); return(request.Save()); } // escalate
/// <summary> /// Send notice to users. /// </summary> /// <param name="list"> List of columns changed.</param> protected void SendNotices(List <String> list) { bool isEmailSent = false; StringBuilder finalMsg = new StringBuilder(); finalMsg.Append(Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "R_Request_ID") + ": " + _req.GetDocumentNo()).Append("\n").Append(Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "R_NotificSent")); // Subject if (mailText_ID == 0) { subject = Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "R_Request_ID") + " " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "Updated", true) + ": " + _req.GetDocumentNo() + " (●" + MTable.Get_Table_ID(Table_Name) + "-" + _req.GetR_Request_ID() + "●) " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DoNotChange"); } // Message // UpdatedBy: Joe int UpdatedBy = GetCtx().GetAD_User_ID(); MUser from = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), UpdatedBy); FileInfo pdf = CreatePDF(); log.Finer(message.ToString()); // Prepare sending Notice/Mail MClient client = MClient.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_Client_ID()); // ReSet from if external if (from.GetEMailUser() == null || from.GetEMailUserPW() == null) { from = null; } _success = 0; _failure = 0; _notices = 0; /** List of users - aviod duplicates */ List <int> userList = new List <int>(); String sql = "SELECT u.AD_User_ID, u.NotificationType, u.EMail, u.Name, MAX(r.AD_Role_ID) " + "FROM RV_RequestUpdates_Only ru" + " INNER JOIN AD_User u ON (ru.AD_User_ID=u.AD_User_ID)" + " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User_Roles r ON (u.AD_User_ID=r.AD_User_ID) " + "WHERE ru.R_Request_ID= " + _req.GetR_Request_ID() + " GROUP BY u.AD_User_ID, u.NotificationType, u.EMail, u.Name"; IDataReader idr = null; try { idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql, null, null); while (idr.Read()) { int AD_User_ID = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(idr[0]); String NotificationType = Util.GetValueOfString(idr[1]); //idr.GetString(1); if (NotificationType == null) { NotificationType = X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_EMail; } String email = Util.GetValueOfString(idr[2]);// idr.GetString(2); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { continue; } String Name = Util.GetValueOfString(idr[3]);//idr.GetString(3); // Role int AD_Role_ID = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(idr[4]); if (idr == null) { AD_Role_ID = -1; } // Don't send mail to oneself // if (AD_User_ID == UpdatedBy) // continue; // No confidential to externals if (AD_Role_ID == -1 && (_req.GetConfidentialTypeEntry().Equals(X_R_Request.CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal) || _req.GetConfidentialTypeEntry().Equals(X_R_Request.CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PrivateInformation))) { continue; } if (X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_None.Equals(NotificationType)) { log.Config("Opt out: " + Name); continue; } if ((X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_EMail.Equals(NotificationType) || X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_EMailPlusNotice.Equals(NotificationType)) && (email == null || email.Length == 0)) { if (AD_Role_ID >= 0) { NotificationType = X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_Notice; } else { log.Config("No EMail: " + Name); continue; } } if (X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_Notice.Equals(NotificationType) && AD_Role_ID >= 0) { log.Config("No internal User: "******"\n").Append(user.GetName()).Append("."); isEmailSent = true; } idr.Close(); // Notification For Role List <int> _users = SendRoleNotice(); for (int i = 0; i < _users.Count; i++) { MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), _users[i], null); int AD_User_ID = user.GetAD_User_ID(); String NotificationType = user.GetNotificationType(); //idr.GetString(1); if (NotificationType == null) { NotificationType = X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_EMail; } String email = user.GetEMail();// idr.GetString(2); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { continue; } String Name = user.GetName(); //idr.GetString(3); // Role if (X_AD_User.NOTIFICATIONTYPE_None.Equals(NotificationType)) { log.Config("Opt out: " + Name); continue; } // SendNoticeNow(_users[i], NotificationType, client, from, subject, message.ToString(), pdf); finalMsg.Append("\n").Append(user.GetName()).Append("."); isEmailSent = true; } if (!isEmailSent) { finalMsg.Clear(); finalMsg.Append(Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "R_Request_ID") + ": " + _req.GetDocumentNo()).Append("\n").Append(Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "R_NoNotificationSent")); } int AD_Message_ID = 834; MNote note = new MNote(GetCtx(), AD_Message_ID, GetCtx().GetAD_User_ID(), X_R_Request.Table_ID, _req.GetR_Request_ID(), subject, finalMsg.ToString(), Get_TrxName()); if (note.Save()) { log.Log(Level.INFO, "ProcessFinished", ""); } } catch (Exception e) { if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } // New Sales Rep (may happen if sent from beforeSave if (!userList.Contains(_req.GetSalesRep_ID())) { SendNoticeNow(_req.GetSalesRep_ID(), null, client, from, subject, message.ToString(), pdf); } }