public override void OnDisabled() { base.OnDisabled(); UnregisterEvents(); Log.Debug("Unpatching..."); _instance.UnpatchAll(); Log.Debug("Unpatching complete. Goodbye."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { _log.Debug("Debug message"); _log.Info("Info message"); _log.Warn("Warn message"); _log.Error("Error message"); _log.Flush(); Console.WriteLine("Done"); }
private void ExecuteAlertMethod(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { _log.Debug("Alert Process started"); // after initial execution, set timer to its repeating state alertTimer.Interval = _alertMinutes * 60 * 1000; PrintAvailable(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.Message); } finally { } }
private static void MainMenu() { OutMainMenu(); string action = Console.ReadLine(); logger.Debug(action + " selected by user"); switch (action) { case "1": CreateBookService(); break; case "2": service = new BookListService(logger); service.OpenFrom(storage); break; case "3": Console.WriteLine(service.PrintBooks()); break; case "4": BooksMenu(AddBook); break; case "5": BooksMenu(RemoveBook); break; case "6": SortTagsMenu(); break; case "7": FindTagsMenu(); break; case "8": service.SaveTo(storage); break; case "0": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid command"); break; } }
public override void OnEnabled() { base.OnEnabled(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Language> defaultLanguage in Translation.Translation.DefaultLanguages) { this.RegisterTranslation(defaultLanguage.Value, defaultLanguage.Key); } Language t = this.LoadTranslation <Language>(); Exiled.API.Features.Log.Debug(t.ContainDenied); Exiled.API.Features.Log.Debug(t.NotImplementedYet); Exiled.API.Features.Log.Debug(t.IntercomDenied); //Exiled.Events.Events.DisabledPatches.Add(new Tuple<Type, string>(typeof(RespawnManager), nameof(RespawnManager.Spawn))); //Exiled.Events.Events.Instance.ReloadDisabledPatches(); try { Log = new Logger.Logger("GhostSpectator", Loader.ShouldDebugBeShown); Log.Info($"Attempting to set language to {Config.Lang}."); Translation.Translation.LoadTranslations(); CultureInfo ci; try { ci = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(Config.Lang); } catch (Exception e) { ci = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"); Log.Error($"{Config.Lang} is not a valid language. Defaulting to English."); Log.Error($"{e.Message}"); } CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = ci; CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = ci; Log.Info($"Language set to {ci.DisplayName}."); Log.Debug($"Language test {Translation.Translation.GetText().DoorDenied}."); RegisterEvents(); Log.Debug("Patching..."); try { //You must use an incrementer for the harmony instance name, otherwise the new instance will fail to be created if the plugin is reloaded. _patchFixer++; _instance = new Harmony($"ghostspectator.patches{_patchFixer}"); _instance.PatchAll(); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error($"Patching failed! {exception}"); } //Timing.RunCoroutine(EventHandlers.SlowUpdate()); Log.Info($"{Name} loaded. c:"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"There was an error loading the plugin: {e}"); } }