コード例 #1
        private void SetYAnimations(Ellipse g, int offset, LengthAnimationCollection centerYAnimCopy, LengthAnimationCollection centerXAnimCopy, int fallRate, Boolean isShadow)
            LengthAnimation anim = centerXAnimCopy[0] as LengthAnimation;

            anim.By       = new Length(windowWidth - 2 * largestRadius);
            anim.Duration = xAnimDuration;

            // The following 3 animations simulate a bouncing motion.
            anim    = centerYAnimCopy[0] as LengthAnimation;
            anim.By = new Length((isShadow ? 1 : -1) * windowHeight - largestRadius);
            anim    = centerYAnimCopy[1] as LengthAnimation;
            anim.To = g.CenterY;
            anim    = centerYAnimCopy[2] as LengthAnimation;
            anim.To = g.CenterY;

            // Animation that causes general motion in the Y direction.
            anim    = centerYAnimCopy[3] as LengthAnimation;
            anim.By = new Length(-windowHeight * 2 / 3);

            Double lastValue = anim.By.Value;

            // Animation that perturbs motion a bit in Y direction to keep it from being regular.
            anim    = centerYAnimCopy[4] as LengthAnimation;
            anim.By = new Length(lastValue / 10.0);

            // Animation that makes the balls fall off the screen at different rates. Later balls fall at a later time that earlier balls.
            anim             = centerYAnimCopy[5] as LengthAnimation;
            anim.Begin       = new TimeSyncValue(bounceDuration + new Time(1000 + offset * 100));
            anim.By          = new Length(windowHeight * fallRate / 100.0);
            anim.RepeatCount = 1;
コード例 #2
        //  note: the hard-coded numbers within the code were chosen for visual and optimization reasons.

        private void Start(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //  Get size of window
            NavigationApplication NavApp = MSAvalon.Windows.Application.Current as NavigationApplication;
            NavigationWindow      NavWin;

            NavWin       = NavApp.Windows[0] as NavigationWindow;
            windowWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(NavWin.Width.Value);
            windowHeight = Convert.ToInt32(NavWin.Height.Value);
            rng = new Random();

            // Set time for balls to move across screen/explode
            xAnimDuration  = new Time(4000);
            bounceDuration = new Time(25200);

            // Grab the resources from the XAML file.
            LengthAnimationCollection centerXAnim = rootCanvas.FindResource("myCenterXAnim") as LengthAnimationCollection;
            LengthAnimationCollection centerYAnim = rootCanvas.FindResource("myCenterYAnim") as LengthAnimationCollection;
            LengthAnimationCollection radiusAnim  = rootCanvas.FindResource("myRadiusAnim") as LengthAnimationCollection;

            // Create a master timeline that drives the ball animations.
            timeline                = new Timeline();
            timeline.Begin          = new Time(1000);                                   //  Pause to allow window to load
            timeline.Duration       = bounceDuration + new Time(3000);                  //  Added pause after balls fall off screen
            timeline.Repeated      += (new EventHandler(OnRepeated));
            timeline.RepeatDuration = Time.Indefinite;

            // Create a number of balls with animations.
            balls    = new Ellipse[maxBalls];
            shadows  = new Ellipse[maxBalls];
            numBalls = rng.Next(minBalls, maxBalls);
            for (int i = 0; i < balls.Length; i++)
                balls[i]   = CreateGlobe(i, false);
                shadows[i] = CreateGlobe(i, true);
                //  For bursting/falling:
                int randomGrowth = rng.Next(8, 13);                                                             //  Growth rate will be between +8 and +13
                int fallRate     = rng.Next(150, 200);                                                          //  Fall rate will between 150% and 200%

                SetGlobeAnimations(balls[i], i, randomGrowth, fallRate, centerXAnim.Copy(), centerYAnim.Copy(), radiusAnim.Copy(), false);
                SetGlobeAnimations(shadows[i], i, randomGrowth, fallRate, centerXAnim.Copy(), centerYAnim.Copy(), radiusAnim.Copy(), true);

                // Add the ball to the canvas and to our ball collection.
                if (i < numBalls)

            int randomColorMethod = rng.Next(0, 100);                                                   // Used to choose how to generate random colors.
            int randomColorOffset = rng.Next(0, 4);                                                     // Used to choose base color for sequenced colors.

            // Assign colors to the balls
            ColorGlobes(balls, randomColorOffset, randomColorMethod, false);
            ColorGlobes(shadows, randomColorOffset, randomColorMethod, true);
コード例 #3
        private void SetDelayedStart(LengthAnimationCollection centerAnimCopy, int offset)
            foreach (LengthAnimation la in centerAnimCopy)
                int delta = 75 * offset;

                la.Begin          = new TimeSyncValue(delta);
                la.RepeatDuration = bounceDuration - new Time(delta);
コード例 #4
        private void SetGlobeAnimations(Ellipse g, int offset, int randomGrowth, int fallRate, LengthAnimationCollection centerXAnimCopy, LengthAnimationCollection centerYAnimCopy, LengthAnimationCollection radiusAnimCopy, Boolean isShadow)
            // Set the animations so that they start staggered in time.
            SetDelayedStart(centerXAnimCopy, offset);
            SetDelayedStart(centerYAnimCopy, offset);
            foreach (LengthAnimation laR in radiusAnimCopy)
                laR.Begin = new TimeSyncValue(bounceDuration + new Time(10 * offset));
                laR.By    = new Length(laR.By.Value * randomGrowth / 10.0);                       // Have each ball explode to a random size.

            SetYAnimations(g, offset, centerYAnimCopy, centerXAnimCopy, fallRate, isShadow);

            // Bind the animations to the ball's center position.
            g.SetAnimations(Ellipse.CenterXProperty, centerXAnimCopy);
            g.SetAnimations(Ellipse.CenterYProperty, centerYAnimCopy);
            g.SetAnimations(Ellipse.RadiusXProperty, radiusAnimCopy);
            g.SetAnimations(Ellipse.RadiusYProperty, radiusAnimCopy);