コード例 #1
        public GestureMap()
            _controller = new Leap.Controller();


コード例 #2
        /* Policy setting requests
         * A request to change a policy is subject to user approval and a policy can be changed by the user at any time
         * (using the Leap Motion settings dialog).
         * The desired policy flags must be set every time an application runs.
         * Policy changes are completed asynchronously and, because they are subject to user approval or system compatibility checks, may not complete successfully.
         * Call Controller::isPolicySet() after a suitable interval to test whether the change was accepted.

        public static void SetPolicy(Leap.Controller controller, out Leap.Controller controllerOut, PolicyFlag policy, bool set)
            controllerOut = controller;
            if (set)
コード例 #3
ファイル: MainPage.xaml.cs プロジェクト: rkrishnasanka/LeapRT
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.  The Parameter
        /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param>
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            listener   = new LeapListener();
            controller = new Leap.Controller();

            listener.OnFrameUpdate        += listener_OnFrameUpdate;
            listener.OnDeviceStatusUpdate += listener_OnDeviceStatusUpdate;

            listener.OnCircleGesture    += listener_OnCircleGesture;
            listener.OnKeyTapGesture    += listener_OnKeyTapGesture;
            listener.OnScreenTapGesture += listener_OnScreenTapGesture;
            listener.OnSwipeGesture     += listener_OnSwipeGesture;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MainPage.xaml.cs プロジェクト: rkrishnasanka/LeapRT
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.  The Parameter
        /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param>
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            listener = new LeapListener();
            controller = new Leap.Controller();

            listener.OnFrameUpdate += listener_OnFrameUpdate;
            listener.OnDeviceStatusUpdate +=listener_OnDeviceStatusUpdate;

            listener.OnCircleGesture += listener_OnCircleGesture;
            listener.OnKeyTapGesture += listener_OnKeyTapGesture;
            listener.OnScreenTapGesture += listener_OnScreenTapGesture;
            listener.OnSwipeGesture += listener_OnSwipeGesture;
コード例 #5
        public void Terminate()
            if (m_initialized)
                if (m_controller != null)
                    m_controller = null;

                m_initialized = false;
コード例 #6
        public bool Initialize()
            if (!m_initialized)
                m_controller = new Leap.Controller();
                m_controller.PolicyChange += OnControllerPolicyChange;
                m_controller.Device       += OnControllerConnected;
                m_controller.DeviceLost   += OnControllerDisconnected;
                m_initialized              = true;

コード例 #7
        private bool setupLeapMotion()
            controller = new Leap.Controller();
            for (int i = 0; !controller.IsConnected && i < 5; ++i)

            // if Leap is not available, quit
            if (!controller.IsConnected)
                return isLeapConnected = false;
            isLeapConnected = true;

            listener = new LeapListener();
            listener.ShowWindow = showWindow;

            return true;
コード例 #8
        private void ThisAddIn_Shutdown(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("AddIn stop.");

            if (_leapCtrl != null)
                if (_leap != null)
                    _leap = null;
                _leapCtrl = null;
コード例 #9
 public handController(gameController game, GameObject sph1, GameObject sph2, GameObject sph3, GameObject sph4, UnityEngine.UI.Text xt, UnityEngine.UI.Text yt, UnityEngine.UI.Text zt, UnityEngine.UI.Text wt)
     menu         = GameObject.Find("menu");
     leapspace    = GameObject.Find("LeapSpace");
     controller   = new Leap.Controller();
     camera       = GameObject.Find("CenterEyeAnchor").GetComponent <Camera>();
     gamer        = game;
     debug1       = DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Color.white, 0.05f);
     debug2       = DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Color.white, 0.05f);
     sphereswitch = sph1;
     sphererand   = sph2;
     sphereexpand = sph3;
     spheresmall  = sph4;
     txt1         = xt;
     txt2         = yt;
     txt3         = zt;
     txt4         = wt;
     getctr       = this;
コード例 #10
        private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                _leapCtrl           = new Leap.Controller();
                _leap               = new LeapListener();
                _leap.GestureOccur += new EventHandler(gesture_Occur);

                Console.WriteLine("AddIn start.");

                this.Application.SlideShowBegin += StartPresentationEvent;
                this.Application.SlideShowEnd   += StopPresentationEvent;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("AddIn faild to start : " + ex.Message);
コード例 #11
        private void btn_Connection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (aSocket.IsConnected() == false)
                System.Net.IPAddress ip = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");
                if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(tb_Ip.Text, out ip))
                    aSocket = new NXTRemoteLib.Sockets.SocketWrapper();
                    aSocket.Connected += OnSocketConnected;
                    aSocket.Shutdown += OnSocketClosed;
                    aSocket.ServerClosedConnection += OnSocketClosed;

                    aSocket.ConnectToServer(tb_Ip.Text, Int32.Parse(tb_Port.Text));

                    leapListener = new Objects.NXTLeapListener();
                    leapController = new Leap.Controller();

                    leapListener.Initialized += OnLeapLog;
                    leapListener.Connected += OnLeapLog;
                    leapListener.Disconnected += OnLeapLog;
                    leapListener.Exited += OnLeapLog;
                    leapListener.Framed += OnLeapLog;
                    leapListener.CircleGesture += OnLeapCircleGesture;
                    leapListener.ReturnHand += OnLeapHand;

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Adresse ip incorrect.");
                aSocket.SendData(NXTRemoteLib.Controllers.XML.SendOrder("0", "0", "0", "false"));
コード例 #12
 //NOTE: I'm giving all inputs of mutable data (like Leap.Controller) also as an output of the method, to avoid timing ambiguity in VL
 public static void SetGestureEnabled(Leap.Controller controller, out Leap.Controller controllerOut, GestureType gestureType, bool set)
     controllerOut = controller;
     controller.EnableGesture((Leap.Gesture.GestureType)gestureType, set);
コード例 #13
        public override void OnApplicationStart()

            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateCategory("LME", "Leap Motion extension");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "Enabled", false, "Enable Leap Motion extension");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "VR", false, "Enable HMD mode for Leap Motion");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "SDK3", false, "Send SDK3 parameters");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "HeadRoot", false, "Use head as root point");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "RootOffsetY", c_defaultRootOffsetY, "Avatar root point offset for Y axis");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "RootOffsetZ", c_defaultRootOffsetZ, "Avatar root point offset for Z axis");
            MelonLoader.MelonPreferences.CreateEntry("LME", "FingersOnly", false, "Fingers tracking only");

            m_leapController = new Leap.Controller();
            m_gesturesData   = new GestureMatcher.GesturesData();

            // Methods search
            m_heightMethod = MethodsResolver.GetHeightMethod();
            if (m_heightMethod != null)
                MelonLoader.MelonDebug.Msg("VRCTrackingManager." + m_heightMethod.Name + " -> VRCTrackingManager.GetPlayerHeight");
                MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Warning("Can't resolve height method, fallback to zero float");
                m_heightMethod = typeof(LeapMotionExtention).GetMethod(nameof(ZeroFloat));

            m_eyeHeightMethod = MethodsResolver.GetEyeHeightMethod();
            if (m_eyeHeightMethod != null)
                MelonLoader.MelonDebug.Msg("VRCTrackingManager." + m_eyeHeightMethod.Name + " -> VRCTrackingManager.GetPlayerEyeHeight (Desktop)");
                MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Warning("Can't resolve eye height method for desktop, fallback to zero float");
                m_eyeHeightMethod = typeof(LeapMotionExtention).GetMethod(nameof(ZeroFloat));

            m_vrEyeHeightMethod = MethodsResolver.GetVREyeHeightMethod();
            if (m_vrEyeHeightMethod != null)
                MelonLoader.MelonDebug.Msg("VRCTrackingManager." + m_vrEyeHeightMethod.Name + " -> VRCTrackingManager.GetPlayerEyeHeight (VR)");
                MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Warning("Can't resolve eye height method for VR, fallback to zero float");
                m_vrEyeHeightMethod = typeof(LeapMotionExtention).GetMethod(nameof(ZeroFloat));

            m_vrCheckMethod = MethodsResolver.GetVRCheckMethod();
            if (m_vrCheckMethod != null)
                MelonLoader.MelonDebug.Msg("VRCTrackingManager." + m_vrCheckMethod.Name + " -> VRCTrackingManager.IsInVRMode");
                MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Warning("Can't resolve vr check method, fallback to false boolean");
                m_vrCheckMethod = typeof(LeapMotionExtention).GetMethod(nameof(FalseBoolean));

            // Patches
            var l_patchMethod = new Harmony.HarmonyMethod(typeof(LeapMotionExtention), nameof(VRCIM_ControllersType));

            typeof(VRCInputManager).GetMethods().Where(x =>
                                                       ).ToList().ForEach(m => Harmony.Patch(m, l_patchMethod));

コード例 #14
ファイル: dynLeapMotion.cs プロジェクト: Tadwork/Dynamo
        private static void LeapEnable(bool bEnable)
            lock (controllerLock)
                bool bEnabled = (leapController != null);
                if (bEnable == bEnabled)

                if (bEnable)
                    leapController = new Leap.Controller();
                    leapController = null;
コード例 #15
 public static bool IsPolicySet(Leap.Controller controller, out Leap.Controller controllerOut, PolicyFlag policy)
     controllerOut = controller;
コード例 #16
        private bool IsLeapMotionTrackingBone(HumanBodyBones bone)
            Leap.Controller  lc    = IKDataSourceManager.Instance.LeapController;
            Leap.Frame       frame = lc.Frame();
            List <Leap.Hand> hands = frame.Hands;

            bool leftHandTracked  = false;
            bool rightHandTracked = false;

            int numHands = hands.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < numHands; ++i)
                if (hands[i].IsLeft)
                    leftHandTracked = true;
                else if (hands[i].IsRight)
                    rightHandTracked = true;

            switch (bone)
            // Left hand bones
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftHand:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerArm:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftRingDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftRingIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftRingProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal:

            // Right hand bones
            case HumanBodyBones.RightHand:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightIndexDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightIndexIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightIndexProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightLittleIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightLittleProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightRingDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightRingIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightRingProximal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightThumbDistal:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightThumbIntermediate:
            case HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal:

            // Leap only tracks hands
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("IKTarget IsLeapMotionTrackingBone: Invalid bone for Leap Motion: {0} - returning false", bone);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: NeroInu/TragicMagicOtter
		static void Main( string[] args )
			// Game window
			Game game;

			// Leap Motion Controller
			Leap.Listener LeapListener;
			Leap.Controller LeapController;

			// Game scene
			Scene_GameClass Scene_Game; // We want to initialize this after the game is initialized

			// Initialize
				// Game Window
				game = new Game(
					"Tragic Magic", // Window Title
					1920, 1080, // Window size
					60, // Target FPS
					false // Fullscreen
				game.SetWindowAutoFullscreen( true ); // VSync & auto max resolution

				// Leap Motion Controller
				LeapListener = new Leap.Listener();
				LeapController = new Leap.Controller();
				LeapController.AddListener( LeapListener );

				// Initialize player sessions
				game.AddSession( "LightWizard" );
				game.AddSession( "DarkWizard" );

				// Setup controls
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).Controller = new ControllerXbox360();
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).Controller = new ControllerXbox360();

				// Keyboard / IPAC Controls
				// Movement
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Up.AddKey( Key.W );    // Up for Player 1
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Down.AddKey( Key.S );  // Down for Player 1
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Left.AddKey( Key.A );  // Left for Player 1
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Right.AddKey( Key.D ); // Right for Player 1

				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Start.AddKey( Key.Space ); //Ready Up button(?) / Start

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Up.AddKey( Key.Up );    // Up for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Down.AddKey( Key.Down );  // Down for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Left.AddKey( Key.Left );  // Left for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Right.AddKey( Key.Right ); // Right for Player 2

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Start.AddKey( Key.Num0 ); //Ready Up button(?) //Start

				// Elements
				// Keyboard
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().RB.AddKey( Key.E ); // Cast Spell

				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().B.AddKey( Key.Num1 ); // Fire Element Key for Player 1
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().A.AddKey( Key.Num3 ); // Earth Element Key for Player 1
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Y.AddKey( Key.Num2 ); // Lightning Element Key for Player 1
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().X.AddKey( Key.Num4 ); // Water Element Key for Player 1

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().RB.AddKey( Key.PageDown ); // Cast spell

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().B.AddKey( Key.Num7 ); // Fire Element Key for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().A.AddKey( Key.Num9 ); // Earth Element Key for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Y.AddKey( Key.Num8 ); // Lightning Element Key for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().X.AddKey( Key.Num0 ); // Water Element Key for Player 2

				// Xbox / Playstation Controller Controls

				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Up.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovYMinus, 0 );    // Up for Player 1 / DPAD UP
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Down.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovYPlus, 0 );  // Down for Player 1 / DPAD DOWN
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Left.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovXMinus, 0 );  // Left for Player 1 / DPAD LEFT
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Right.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovXPlus, 0 ); // Right for Player 1 / DPAD RIGHT

				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().B.AddButton( 1, 0 ); // Fire Element Key for Player 1 / RIGHT FACE BUTTON
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().A.AddButton( 0, 0 ); // Earth Element Key for Player 1 / DOWN FACE BUTTON
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Y.AddButton( 3, 0 );  // Lightning Element Key for Player 1 / UP FACE BUTTON
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().X.AddButton( 2, 0 ); // Water Element Key for Player 1 / RIGHT FACE BUTTON

				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Start.AddButton( 7, 0 ); //Ready Up button(?)
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().LeftStick.AddAxis( JoyAxis.X, JoyAxis.Y, 0 ); //Left Stick Movement
				game.Session( "DarkWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().RightStick.AddAxis( JoyAxis.U, JoyAxis.R, 0 ); //Right Stick Movement

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Up.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovYMinus, 1 );     // Up for Player 2 / DPAD UP
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Down.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovYPlus, 1 ); // Down for Player 2 / DPAD DOWN
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Left.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovXMinus, 1 ); // Left for Player 2 / DPAD LEFT
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Right.AddAxisButton( AxisButton.PovXPlus, 1 ); // Right for Player 2 / DPAD RIGHT

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().B.AddButton( 1, 1 ); // Fire Element Key for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().A.AddButton( 0, 1 ); // Earth Element Key for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Y.AddButton( 3, 1 );  // Lightning Element Key for Player 2
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().X.AddButton( 2, 1 ); // Water Element Key for Player 2

				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().Start.AddButton( 7, 1 ); //Ready Up button(?) 
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().LeftStick.AddAxis( JoyAxis.X, JoyAxis.Y, 1 ); //Left Stick Movement
				game.Session( "LightWizard" ).GetController<ControllerXbox360>().RightStick.AddAxis( JoyAxis.U, JoyAxis.R, 1 ); //Right Stick Movement

				// Initialize Scene
				Scene_Game = new Scene_GameClass();
					Scene_Game.LeapController = LeapController;
				Scene_Game.Initialize( game );
				game.FirstScene = Scene_Game;

				// Test tweeting interface
				TweetinviClass test = new TweetinviClass();
			// Update
				// Start the game application
			// Cleanup
				// Dispose of the Leap Motion Controller
				LeapController.RemoveListener( LeapListener );
コード例 #18
 public override void OnFrame(Leap.Controller controller)
コード例 #19
        public override void OnFrame(Leap.Controller controller)
            Leap.Frame frame = controller.Frame();

            Leap.InteractionBox interactionBox = frame.InteractionBox;
            _pointerPosition =

            _standardGestures = frame.Gestures();

            foreach (Leap.Gesture gesture in _standardGestures)
                if (gesture.State.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP))
                    if (gesture.Type.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureType.TYPESWIPE))
                        Print("Finger Swipe Detected");
                        Leap.SwipeGesture       swipe      = new Leap.SwipeGesture(gesture);
                        Events.FingerSwipeEvent swipeEvent = new Events.FingerSwipeEvent(swipe);

                    if (gesture.Type.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE))
                        Print("Circle Gesture Detected");
                        Leap.CircleGesture circle      = new Leap.CircleGesture(gesture);
                        Events.CircleEvent circleEvent = new Events.CircleEvent(circle);

                    if (gesture.Type.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP))
                        Print("Screen Tap Detected");
                        Leap.ScreenTapGesture screenTap      = new Leap.ScreenTapGesture(gesture);
                        Events.ScreenTapEvent screenTapEvent = new Events.ScreenTapEvent(screenTap);

            Gestures.HandSwipe handSwipe = Gestures.HandSwipe.IsHandSwipe(frame);
            if (handSwipe != null)
                if (handSwipe.State.Equals(Gestures.GestureState.END))
                    Print("Hand Swipe Detected");

                    Events.HandSwipeEvent swipeEvent = new Events.HandSwipeEvent(handSwipe);

            Gestures.ZoomIn zoomIn = Gestures.ZoomIn.IsZoomIn(frame);
            if (zoomIn != null)
                if (zoomIn.State.Equals(Gestures.GestureState.END))
                    Print("ZoomIn Detected");

                    Events.ZoomInEvent zoomInEvent = new Events.ZoomInEvent(zoomIn);

            Gestures.ZoomOut zoomOut = Gestures.ZoomOut.IsZoomOut(frame);
            if (zoomOut != null)
                if (zoomOut.State.Equals(Gestures.GestureState.END))
                    Print("ZoomOut Detected");

                    Events.ZoomOutEvent zoomOutEvent = new Events.ZoomOutEvent(zoomOut);