コード例 #1
        protected string storeProject(int hasImage)
            string   projectId = "";
            DateTime entryTime = DateTime.Now;

            SqlCommand cmd         = connect.CreateCommand();
            string     description = txtDescription.Text.Replace("'", "''");

            description = description.Replace("\n", "<br />");
            description = description.Replace("\r", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
            string project_name = txtTitle.Text.Replace("'", "''");

            project_name = project_name.Replace("'", "''");
            project_name = project_name.Replace("\n", "");
            project_name = project_name.Replace("\r", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
            //Get the current user's ID:
            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "insert into Projects (project_name, project_description, project_createdBy, project_createdDate, project_isTerminated, project_isDeleted, project_startedDate, project_hasImage) values " +
                              "('" + project_name + "', '" + description + "', '" + userId + "', '" + entryTime + "', 0, 0, '" + calStartDate.SelectedDate + "', '" + hasImage + "') ";
            cmd.CommandText = "select [projectId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY projectId ASC), * FROM [Projects] " +
                              "where project_createdBy = '" + userId + "' and project_name like '" + project_name + "' and project_createdDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(entryTime.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and project_startedDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(calStartDate.SelectedDate.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and project_hasImage = '" + hasImage +
                              "' and project_isDeleted = '0' and project_isTerminated = '0' " +
                              " ) as t where rowNum = '1'";
            projectId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
コード例 #2
ファイル: MyProjects.aspx.cs プロジェクト: alsyefs/Scrum
 protected void rebindValues()
     if (grdProjects.Rows.Count > 0)
         //Hide the header called "User ID":
         grdProjects.HeaderRow.Cells[3].Visible = false;
         //Hide IDs column and content which are located in column index 3:
         for (int i = 0; i < grdProjects.Rows.Count; i++)
             grdProjects.Rows[i].Cells[3].Visible = false;
         SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();
         string     project_name = "", createdBy = "", createdOn = "", creatorId = "";
         for (int row = 0; row < grdProjects.Rows.Count; row++)
             //Set links to review a user:
             project_name = grdProjects.Rows[row].Cells[0].Text;
             createdBy    = grdProjects.Rows[row].Cells[1].Text;
             createdOn    = grdProjects.Rows[row].Cells[2].Text;
             creatorId    = grdProjects.Rows[row].Cells[3].Text;
             //Get the Project ID:
             cmd.CommandText = "select [projectId] from [Projects] where project_name like '" + project_name + "' and " +
                               "project_createdDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(createdOn) + "' and project_createdBy = '" + creatorId + "' ";
             string id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
             //string linkToReviewUser = "******" + id;
             HyperLink projectLink = new HyperLink();
             HyperLink userLink    = new HyperLink();
             HyperLink dateLink    = new HyperLink();
             projectLink.Text        = project_name + " ";
             userLink.Text           = createdBy + " ";
             dateLink.Text           = Layouts.getTimeFormat(createdOn) + " ";
             projectLink.NavigateUrl = "ViewProject.aspx?id=" + id;
             userLink.NavigateUrl    = "Profile.aspx?id=" + creatorId;
             dateLink.NavigateUrl    = "ViewProject.aspx?id=" + id;
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.ToString());
コード例 #3
        protected string storeSprintTask(int hasImage)
            string   sprintTaskId  = "";
            DateTime createdDate   = DateTime.Now;
            string   sprintTaskUId = txtUniqueSprintTaskID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            sprintTaskUId = txtUniqueSprintTaskID.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string userStoryUId = txtUniqueUserStoryID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            userStoryUId = txtUniqueUserStoryID.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string taskDescription = txtTaskDescription.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string dateIntroduced  = calDateIntroduced.SelectedDate.ToString();
            string dateConsidered  = calDateConsidered.SelectedDate.ToString();
            string currentStatus   = drpCurrentStatus.SelectedValue;

            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            //Get the current user's ID:
            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string createdBy = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            //Mark to original Sprint Task as deleted:
            cmd.CommandText = "update SprintTasks set sprintTask_currentStatus = 'Revised', sprintTask_editedBy = '" + createdBy + "', " +
                              "sprintTask_editedDate = '" + createdDate + "', sprintTask_isDeleted = '1'  " +
                              "where sprintTaskId = '" + g_sprintTaskId + "' ";
            //Store the new user story in the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "insert into SprintTasks (userStoryId, sprintTask_createdBy, sprintTask_createdDate, sprintTask_uniqueId, sprintTask_taskDescription, sprintTask_dateIntroduced, " +
                              "sprintTask_dateConsideredForImplementation, sprintTask_hasImage, sprintTask_currentStatus, sprintTask_previousVersion) values " +
                              "('" + g_userStoryId + "', '" + createdBy + "', '" + createdDate + "', '" + sprintTaskUId + "', '" + taskDescription + "', '" + dateIntroduced + "', '" + dateConsidered + "', " +
                              " '" + hasImage + "',  '" + currentStatus + "', '" + g_sprintTaskId + "') ";
            //Get the ID of the newly stored Sprint task from the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "select [sprintTaskId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY sprintTaskId ASC), * FROM [SprintTasks] " +
                              "where userStoryId = '" + g_userStoryId + "' and sprintTask_createdBy = '" + createdBy + "' and sprintTask_createdDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(createdDate.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and sprintTask_uniqueId like '" + sprintTaskUId + "'  "
                              + " and sprintTask_dateIntroduced = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(dateIntroduced.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and sprintTask_dateConsideredForImplementation = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(dateConsidered.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and sprintTask_hasImage = '" + hasImage + "' and sprintTask_currentStatus like '" + currentStatus + "' "
                              + " and sprintTask_isDeleted = '0' "
                              + " ) as t where rowNum = '1'";
            sprintTaskId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
コード例 #4
        protected string storeTestCase(int hasImage)
            string   new_testCaseId = "";
            DateTime createdDate    = DateTime.Now;
            string   testCaseUId    = txtUniqueTestCaseID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            testCaseUId = testCaseUId.Replace("'", "''");
            string sprintTaskUId = txtUniqueSprintTaskID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            sprintTaskUId = sprintTaskUId.Replace("'", "''");
            string userStoryUId = txtUniqueUserStoryID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            userStoryUId = userStoryUId.Replace("'", "''");
            string testScenario   = txtTestCaseScenario.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string expectedOutput = txtExpectedOutput.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string currentStatus  = drpCurrentStatus.SelectedValue;

            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            //Get the current user's ID:
            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string createdBy = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            //Mark to original Test Case as deleted:
            cmd.CommandText = "update TestCases set testCase_currentStatus = 'Revised', testCase_editedBy = '" + createdBy + "', " +
                              "testCase_editedDate = '" + createdDate + "', testCase_isDeleted = '1'  " +
                              "where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            //Store the new user story in the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "insert into TestCases (sprintTaskId, testCase_createdBy, testCase_createdDate, testCase_uniqueId, testCase_testCaseScenario, testCase_expectedOutput, " +
                              "testCase_hasImage, testCase_currentStatus, testCase_previousVersion) values " +
                              "('" + g_sprintTaskId + "', '" + createdBy + "', '" + createdDate + "', '" + testCaseUId + "', '" + testScenario + "', '" + expectedOutput + "',  " +
                              " '" + hasImage + "',  '" + currentStatus + "', '" + g_sprintTaskId + "') ";
            //Get the ID of the newly stored test case from the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "select testCaseId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY testCaseId ASC), * FROM TestCases " +
                              "where sprintTaskId = '" + g_sprintTaskId + "' and testCase_createdBy = '" + createdBy + "' and testCase_createdDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(createdDate.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and testCase_uniqueId like '" + testCaseUId + "'  "
                              + " and testCase_hasImage = '" + hasImage + "' and testCase_currentStatus like '" + currentStatus + "' "
                              + " and testCase_isDeleted = '0' "
                              + " ) as t where rowNum = '1'";
            new_testCaseId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            //Store the parameters:
            foreach (var p in drpInputParametersList.Items)
                cmd.CommandText = "insert into Parameters (testCaseId, parameter_name) values ('" + new_testCaseId + "', '" + p.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "')";
コード例 #5
ファイル: EditUserStory.aspx.cs プロジェクト: alsyefs/Scrum
        protected string storeUserStory(int hasImage)
            string     newUserStoryId = "";
            DateTime   entryTime      = DateTime.Now;
            SqlCommand cmd            = connect.CreateCommand();

            string newUniqueId = txtUniqueUserStoryID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            newUniqueId = txtUniqueUserStoryID.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string asARole = "";
            int    counter = 0;

            foreach (ListItem listItem in drpAsRole.Items)
                if (listItem.Selected)
                    var val = listItem.Value;
                    var txt = listItem.Text;
                    if (counter == 1)
                        asARole += val.ToString();
                        asARole = asARole + ", " + val.ToString();
            string iWant          = txtIWantTo.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string soThat         = txtSoThat.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string currentStatus  = drpCurrentStatus.SelectedValue;
            string dateIntroduced = calDateIntroduced.SelectedDate.ToString();
            string dateConsidered = calDateConsidered.SelectedDate.ToString();

            //Get the current user's ID:
            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            //Mark to original User Story as deleted:
            cmd.CommandText = "update UserStories set userStory_currentStatus = 'Revised', userStory_editedBy = '" + userId + "', " +
                              "userStory_editedDate = '" + entryTime + "', userStory_isDeleted = '1'  " +
                              "where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
            //Add a new user story with another unique ID according to the format x.x:
            cmd.CommandText = "insert into UserStories (projectId, userStory_createdBy, userStory_createdDate, userStory_uniqueId, userStory_asARole, userStory_iWantTo, " +
                              "userStory_soThat, userStory_dateIntroduced, userStory_dateConsideredForImplementation," +
                              " userStory_hasImage, userStory_currentStatus, userStory_previousVersion) values " +
                              "('" + g_projectId + "', '" + userId + "', '" + entryTime + "', '" + newUniqueId + "', '" + asARole + "', '" + iWant + "', '" + soThat + "', '" + dateIntroduced + "'," +
                              " '" + dateConsidered + "',  '" + hasImage + "', '" + currentStatus + "', '" + userStoryId + "') ";
            //Get the ID of the newly stored User Story from the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "select [userStoryId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY userStoryId ASC), * FROM [UserStories] " +
                              "where projectId = '" + g_projectId + "' and userStory_createdBy = '" + userId + "' and userStory_createdDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(entryTime.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and userStory_asARole like '" + asARole + "' and userStory_iWantTo like '" + iWant + "' and userStory_soThat like '" + soThat + "' "
                              + " and userStory_dateIntroduced = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(dateIntroduced.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and userStory_dateConsideredForImplementation = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(dateConsidered.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and userStory_hasImage = '" + hasImage + "' and userStory_currentStatus like '" + currentStatus + "' "
                              + " and userStory_isDeleted = '0' "
                              + " ) as t where rowNum = '1'";
            newUserStoryId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();