コード例 #1
		public void IncludeRegionCodes_SetToFalse_DialectsNotReturned()
			var model = new LanguageLookupModel();
			model.IncludeRegionalDialects = false;
			model.SearchText = "english";
			Assert.That(model.MatchingLanguages.Select(li => li.LanguageTag), Has.None.EqualTo("en-US"));
コード例 #2
        public void GetBestLanguageName_ForLotsOfVariants_FindsExpectedName(string codeVariant, string expectedResult)
            var    sut = new LanguageLookupModel();
            string name;

            Assert.That(sut.GetBestLanguageName(codeVariant, out name), Is.True);
            Assert.That(name, Is.EqualTo(expectedResult));
コード例 #3
		public void IncludeRegionCodes_SetToTrue_DialectsReturned()
			var model = new LanguageLookupModel();
			model.IncludeRegionalDialects = true;
			model.SearchText = "english";
			Assert.That(model.MatchingLanguages.Select(li => li.LanguageTag), Contains.Item("en-US"));
コード例 #4
        public void GetBestLanguageName_ForFR_FindsFrench()
            var    sut = new LanguageLookupModel();
            string name;

            Assert.That(sut.GetBestLanguageName("fr", out name), Is.True);
            Assert.That(name, Is.EqualTo("French"));
コード例 #5
        public void GetBestLanguageName_ForARA_FindsArabic()
            var    sut = new LanguageLookupModel();
            string name;

            Assert.That(sut.GetBestLanguageName("ara", out name), Is.True);
            Assert.That(name, Is.EqualTo("Arabic"));
コード例 #6
        public void GetBestLanguageName_ForArab_FindsArab()
            var    sut = new LanguageLookupModel();
            string name;

            Assert.That(sut.GetBestLanguageName("arab", out name), Is.False);
            Assert.That(name, Is.EqualTo("arab"));
コード例 #7
        public void IncludeRegionCodes_SetToFalse_DialectsNotReturned()
            var model = new LanguageLookupModel();

            model.IncludeRegionalDialects = false;
            model.SearchText = "english";
            Assert.That(model.MatchingLanguages.Select(li => li.LanguageTag), Has.None.EqualTo("en-US"));
コード例 #8
        public void IncludeRegionCodes_SetToTrue_DialectsReturned()
            var model = new LanguageLookupModel();

            model.IncludeRegionalDialects = true;
            model.SearchText = "english";
            Assert.That(model.MatchingLanguages.Select(li => li.LanguageTag), Contains.Item("en-US"));
コード例 #9
		public void IncludeRegionCodes_SetToFalseSearchForChinese_ReturnsTaiwanAndMainlandChina()
			var model = new LanguageLookupModel();
			model.IncludeRegionalDialects = false;
			model.SearchText = "chinese";
			string[] codes = model.MatchingLanguages.Select(li => li.LanguageTag).ToArray();
			Assert.That(codes, Contains.Item("zh-CN"));
			Assert.That(codes, Contains.Item("zh-TW"));
コード例 #10
        public void IncludeRegionCodes_SetToFalseSearchForChinese_ReturnsTaiwanAndMainlandChina()
            var model = new LanguageLookupModel();

            model.IncludeRegionalDialects = false;
            model.SearchText = "chinese";
            string[] codes = model.MatchingLanguages.Select(li => li.LanguageTag).ToArray();
            Assert.That(codes, Contains.Item("zh-CN"));
            Assert.That(codes, Contains.Item("zh-TW"));
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// For what languages we know about, return the English name.  If we don't know anything, return null.
        /// This is called only when CultureInfo doesn't supply the information we need.
        /// </summary>
        private static string GetEnglishNameIfKnown(this LanguageLookupModel isoModel, string code)
            string englishName;

            if (!isoModel.GetBestLanguageName(code, out englishName))
                switch (code)
                case "pbu":  englishName = "Northern Pashto";  break;

                case "prs":  englishName = "Dari";             break;

                case "tpi":  englishName = "New Guinea Pidgin English"; break;

                default:     englishName = null;               break;
コード例 #12
        public static LanguageLookup LanguageLookup(this LanguageLookupModel isoModel)
            if (_lookup != null)
            // get value of private LanguageLookup _languageLookup;
            var fieldInfo = isoModel.GetType().GetField("_languageLookup",
                                                        BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (fieldInfo != null)
                _lookup = fieldInfo.GetValue(isoModel) as LanguageLookup;
                if (_lookup != null)
            _lookup = new LanguageLookup();
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// A smarter way to get a name for an iso code. Currently StandardSubtags.RegisteredLanguages.TryGet does not find
        /// an entry at all using 3-letter codes. This adds a fall-back which still finds a language
        /// that has the exact requested language code.
        /// If we can't find ANY name, the out param is set to the code itself, and we return false.
        /// Possibly obsolete, I don't know whether the recent rework of writing systems in libpalaso fixed the problem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if it found a name</returns>
        public static bool GetBestLanguageName(this LanguageLookupModel isoModel, string code, out string name)
            LanguageSubtag match;
            var            codeToMatch = code.ToLowerInvariant();

            if (StandardSubtags.RegisteredLanguages.TryGet(codeToMatch, out match))
                name = match.Name;
            foreach (var lang in StandardSubtags.RegisteredLanguages)
                if (lang.Iso3Code == codeToMatch)
                    name = lang.Name;
            name = code;             // best name we can come up with is the code itself
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Add to the dictionary which maps original to Localized strings an entry for any language code that doesn't already
        /// have one. We have localizations for a few major languages that map e.g. de->German/Deutsch/etc, so they are functioning
        /// not just to localize but to expand from a language code to an actual name. For any other languages where we don't
        /// have localization information, we'd like to at least expand the cryptic code into a name. This method does that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDocument"></param>
        /// <param name="mapOriginalToLocalized"></param>
        internal static void AddLanguagesUsedInPage(XmlDocument xmlDocument, Dictionary <string, string> mapOriginalToLocalized)
            var langs = xmlDocument.SafeSelectNodes("//*[@lang]").Cast <XmlElement>()
                        .Select(e => e.Attributes["lang"].Value)
                        .Where(lang => !mapOriginalToLocalized.ContainsKey(lang))

            if (langs.Any())
                // We don't have a localization for these languages, but we can at least try to give them a name
                var lookup = new LanguageLookupModel();     // < 1ms
                foreach (var lang in langs)                 // may include things like empty string, z, *, but this is harmless as they are not language codes.
                    string match;
                    if (lookup.GetBestLanguageName(lang, out match))                     // some better name found
                        mapOriginalToLocalized[lang] = match;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// A smarter way to get a name for an iso code. Recent rework on writing systems in libpalaso has
        /// apparently fixed much of our problems as StandardSubtags.TryGetLanguageFromIso3Code() finds 3-letter
        /// entries now. This adds fall-backs for 2-letter codes and strips off Script/Region/Variant codes.
        /// If we can't find ANY name, the out param is set to the isoCode itself, and we return false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if it found a name</returns>
        public static bool GetBestLanguageName(this LanguageLookupModel isoModel, string isoCode, out string name)
            // BL-8081/8096: Perhaps we got in here with Script/Region/Variant tag(s).
            // Try to get a match on the part of the isoCode up to the first hyphen.
            var codeToMatch = GetGeneralCode(isoCode.ToLowerInvariant());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeToMatch))
                LanguageSubtag match;
                if (StandardSubtags.TryGetLanguageFromIso3Code(codeToMatch, out match))
                    name = match.Name;
                // Perhaps we only have a 2-letter code (e.g. 'fr'), in that case, this will likely find it.
                if (StandardSubtags.RegisteredLanguages.TryGet(codeToMatch, out match))
                    name = match.Name;
            name = isoCode;             // At this point, the best name we can come up with is the isoCode itself.
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the language name in the indicated language if possible. [n.b., it isn't without ICU or something similar]
        /// Otherwise, get the name in the language itself if possible.
        /// It that doesn't work, return the English name.
        /// If we don't know even that, return the code as the name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is called by the CollectionSettings dialog to get the language names displayed
        /// on two on its tabs for the vernacular, national, and regional languages.  Returning the
        /// English name (from the Ethnologue data via SIL.Windows.Forms.WritingSystems.LanguageLookupModel)
        /// is the best we can do for most minor languages and what was done for all languages before
        /// this method was written.  Unfortunately, the name and inputs of this method remain more of
        /// an aspiration than a reality.  But returning the names of languages that the system (or
        /// our code) does know about in the languages themselves is less objectional (as in less
        /// blatantly ethnocentric) than always returning the English name for every language.
        /// This method is also called by the WorkspaceView class to get the English names of
        /// languages.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GetLocalizedLanguageName(this LanguageLookupModel isoModel, string code, string uiCode)
            // ICU is cheaply available on Linux, but very expensive on Windows (adds ~28MB to the Bloom installer).
            // But it's the only solution that doesn't seem to require coding up our own generalized fix.
            // I'm leaving the code here in case a workable Windows solution to providing ICU is found.
            // But we want identical behavior as much as possible on both platforms, so this code is not
            // used on Linux either.
            string     icuCode        = code.Replace("-", "_");
            string     icuDisplayCode = uiCode.Replace("-", "_");
            Icu.Locale locale;
            if (!_mapCodeToIcuLocale.TryGetValue(icuCode, out locale))
                locale = new Icu.Locale(icuCode);
                _mapCodeToIcuLocale.Add(icuCode, locale);
            Icu.Locale displayLocale;
            if (!_mapCodeToIcuLocale.TryGetValue(icuDisplayCode, out displayLocale))
                displayLocale = new Icu.Locale(icuDisplayCode);
                _mapCodeToIcuLocale.Add(icuDisplayCode, displayLocale);
            var    key = new Tuple <string, string>(code, uiCode);
            string langName;
            if (_mapIsoCodesToLanguageName.TryGetValue(key, out langName))
            var generalUiCode = GetGeneralCode(uiCode);
                var generalCode = GetGeneralCode(code);
                var ci          = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(generalCode);
                // We are depending on CultureInfo.DisplayName returning the language name in the current
                // UI language implicitly.  (The current UI language should match uiCode.)
                // CultureInfo.DisplayName is known to be broken in Mono as it always returns EnglishName.
                // I can't tell that Windows behaves any differently, but maybe it does if the system is
                // installed as a Spanish language, French language, or whatever language, system.
                // If DisplayName does not do what we want (but returns the same as EnglishName), then
                // we return just NativeName if it exists.  This seems less objectionable (ethnocentric)
                // than returning the EnglishName value.
                langName = ci.DisplayName;
                if (langName == ci.EnglishName && generalUiCode != "en")
                    langName = FixBotchedNativeName(ci.NativeName);
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(langName))
                    langName = ci.EnglishName;
                if (!ci.EnglishName.StartsWith("Unknown Language"))                     // Windows .Net behavior
                    _mapIsoCodesToLanguageName.Add(key, langName);
            catch (Exception e)
                // ignore exception, but log on terminal.
                Console.WriteLine(@"GetLocalizedLanguageName ignoring exception: {0}", e.Message);
            // We get here after either an exception was thrown or the returned CultureInfo
            // helpfully told us it is for an unknown language (instead of throwing).
            // Handle a few languages that we do know the English and native names for,
            // and that are being localized for Bloom.
            langName = GetNativeNameIfKnown(code);
            if (generalUiCode == "en" || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(langName))
                langName = GetEnglishNameIfKnown(isoModel, code);
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(langName))
                langName = code;
            _mapIsoCodesToLanguageName.Add(key, langName);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the language name in its own language and script if possible.  If it's not a Latin
        ///     script, add an English name suffix.
        /// If we don't know a native name, but do know an English name, return the language code
        ///     with an English name suffix.
        /// If we know nothing, return the language code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This might be easier to implement reliably with ICU for a larger set of languages, but we
        /// can't use that approach for the reasons given in the previous method.
        /// This method is used to generate menu labels in the UI language chooser menu, which are
        ///     mostly (but not entirely) major languages known to both Windows and Linux.
        /// GetEnglishNameIfKnown and GetNativeNameIfKnown may need to be updated if localizations are
        ///     done into regional (or national) languages of some countries.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GetNativeLanguageNameWithEnglishSubtitle(this LanguageLookupModel isoModel, string code)
            string langName;

            if (_mapIsoCodeToSubtitledLanguageName.TryGetValue(code, out langName))
            string nativeName;
            var    generalCode = GetGeneralCode(code);

                // englishNameSuffix is always an empty string if we don't need it.
                string englishNameSuffix = String.Empty;
                var    ci = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(generalCode);                    // this may throw or produce worthless empty object
                if (NeedEnglishSuffixForLanguageName(ci))
                    englishNameSuffix = " (" + ci.EnglishName + ")";
                nativeName = FixBotchedNativeName(ci.NativeName);
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nativeName))
                    nativeName = code;
                // Remove any country (or script?) names apart from Chinese (Simplified)
                if (ci.Name != "zh-CN")
                    var idxCountry = englishNameSuffix.LastIndexOf(" (");
                    if (englishNameSuffix.Length > 0 && idxCountry > 0)
                        englishNameSuffix = englishNameSuffix.Substring(0, idxCountry) + ")";
                    idxCountry = nativeName.IndexOf(" (");
                    if (idxCountry > 0)
                        nativeName = nativeName.Substring(0, idxCountry);
                    // I have seen more cruft after the country name a few times, so remove that as well.
                    // The parenthetical expansion always seems to start "(Simplified", which we want to keep.
                    // We need double close parentheses because there's one open parenthesis before
                    // "Chinese" and another open parenthesis before "Simplified" (which precedes ", China").
                    // Also, we don't worry about the parenthetical content of the native Chinese name.
                    var idxCountry = englishNameSuffix.IndexOf(", China");
                    if (englishNameSuffix.Length > 0 && idxCountry > 0)
                        englishNameSuffix = englishNameSuffix.Substring(0, idxCountry) + "))";
                langName = nativeName + englishNameSuffix;
                if (!ci.EnglishName.StartsWith("Unknown Language"))                     // Windows .Net behavior
                    _mapIsoCodeToSubtitledLanguageName.Add(code, langName);
            catch (Exception e)
                // ignore exception, but log on terminal.
                Console.WriteLine(@"GetNativeLanguageNameWithEnglishSubtitle ignoring exception: {0}", e.Message);
            // We get here after either an exception was thrown or the returned CultureInfo
            // helpfully told us it is for an unknown language (instead of throwing).
            // Handle a few languages that we do know the English and native names for,
            // and that are being localized for Bloom.
            var englishName = GetEnglishNameIfKnown(isoModel, generalCode);

            nativeName = GetNativeNameIfKnown(generalCode);
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nativeName) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(englishName))
                langName = code;
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nativeName))
                langName = code + " (" + englishName + ")";
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(englishName))
                // I don't think this will ever happen...
                if (IsLatinChar(nativeName[0]))
                    langName = nativeName;
                    langName = nativeName + " (" + code + ")";
                if (IsLatinChar(nativeName[0]))
                    langName = nativeName;
                    langName = nativeName + " (" + englishName + ")";
            _mapIsoCodeToSubtitledLanguageName.Add(code, langName);