// Function from file: configuration.dm public ByTable get_runnable_modes( ) { ByTable runnable_modes = null; dynamic T = null; dynamic M = null; runnable_modes = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(GameMode)) - typeof(GameMode))) { T = _a; M = Lang13.Call(T); if (!this.modes.Contains(M.config_tag)) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(M); continue; } if (Convert.ToDouble(this.probabilities[M.config_tag]) <= 0) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(M); continue; } if (((GameMode)M).can_start()) { runnable_modes[M] = this.probabilities[M.config_tag]; } } return(runnable_modes); }
// Function from file: mecha_pilot.dm public bool exit_mecha(Obj_Mecha M = null) { int search_aggressiveness = 0; Obj_Mecha_Combat C = null; if (!(M != null)) { return(false); } this.mecha.aimob_exit_mech(this); this.allow_movement_on_non_turfs = GlobalVars.FALSE; this.targets_from = this; this.wanted_objects = Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Mecha_Combat)) - typeof(Obj_Mecha_Combat); search_aggressiveness = 2; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInRange(this, this.vision_range), typeof(Obj_Mecha_Combat))) { C = _a; if (this.is_valid_mecha(C)) { this.target = C; search_aggressiveness = 3; break; } } this.search_objects = search_aggressiveness; this.ranged = false; this.minimum_distance = 1; return(false); }
// Function from file: configuration.dm public ByTable get_runnable_midround_modes(int crew = 0) { ByTable runnable_modes = null; dynamic T = null; dynamic M = null; runnable_modes = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(GameMode)) - typeof(GameMode) - GlobalVars.ticker.mode.type)) { T = _a; M = Lang13.Call(T); if (!this.modes.Contains(M.config_tag)) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(M); continue; } if (Convert.ToDouble(this.probabilities[M.config_tag]) <= 0) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(M); continue; } if (M.required_players <= crew) { runnable_modes[M] = this.probabilities[M.config_tag]; } } return(runnable_modes); }
// Function from file: powers.dm public void set_chemical( ) { dynamic BC = null; Obj_Effect_Blob BL = null; Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Blob BLO = null; BC = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Reagent_Blob)) - typeof(Reagent_Blob) - this.blob_reagent_datum.type); this.blob_reagent_datum = Lang13.Call(BC); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.blobs, typeof(Obj_Effect_Blob))) { BL = _a; BL.update_icon(); } foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(typeof(Game13), typeof(Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Blob))) { BLO = _b; BLO.update_icons(); } this.WriteMsg("Your reagent is now: <b><font color=\"" + this.blob_reagent_datum.color + "\">" + this.blob_reagent_datum.name + "</b></font>!"); this.WriteMsg("The <b><font color=\"" + this.blob_reagent_datum.color + "\">" + this.blob_reagent_datum.name + "</b></font> reagent " + this.blob_reagent_datum.description); return; }
// Function from file: uplink.dm public override dynamic attackby(dynamic A = null, dynamic user = null, string _params = null, bool?silent = null, bool?replace_spent = null) { dynamic item = null; dynamic UI = null; dynamic path = null; dynamic cost = null; dynamic refundable = null; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(UplinkItem)) - typeof(UplinkItem))) { item = _a; UI = item; path = Lang13.Initial(UI, "item"); cost = Lang13.Initial(UI, "cost"); refundable = Lang13.Initial(UI, "refundable"); if (A.type == path && Lang13.Bool(refundable)) { this.hidden_uplink.telecrystals += cost; this.hidden_uplink.spent_telecrystals -= Convert.ToDouble(cost); user.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>" + A + " refunded.</span>"); GlobalFuncs.qdel(A); return(null); } } base.attackby((object)(A), (object)(user), _params, silent, replace_spent); return(null); }
// Function from file: spellbook.dm public virtual void Initialize( ) { dynamic entry_types = null; dynamic T = null; dynamic E = null; entry_types = Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(SpellbookEntry)) - typeof(SpellbookEntry) - typeof(SpellbookEntry_Item) - typeof(SpellbookEntry_Summon); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(entry_types)) { T = _a; E = Lang13.Call(T); if (((SpellbookEntry)E).IsAvailible()) { this.entries.Or(E); this.categories.Or(E.category); } else { GlobalFuncs.qdel(E); } } this.tab = this.categories[1]; return; }
// Function from file: setupgame.dm public void setupFactions( ) { dynamic typepath = null; dynamic F = null; Faction_Syndicate S = null; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Faction)))) { typepath = _a; F = Lang13.Call(typepath); if (!Lang13.Bool(F.name)) { GlobalFuncs.qdel(F); continue; } else { this.factions.Add(F); this.availablefactions.Add(F); } } foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(this.factions, typeof(Faction_Syndicate))) { S = _b; this.syndicate_coalition.Add(S); } return; }
// Function from file: configuration.dm public Configuration( ) { dynamic L = null; dynamic T = null; dynamic M = null; L = Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(GameMode)) - typeof(GameMode); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(L)) { T = _a; M = Lang13.Call(T); if (Lang13.Bool(M.config_tag)) { if (!this.modes.Contains(M.config_tag)) { GlobalVars.diary.WriteMsg("Adding game mode " + M.name + " (" + M.config_tag + ") to configuration."); this.modes.Add(M.config_tag); this.mode_names[M.config_tag] = M.name; this.probabilities[M.config_tag] = M.probability; if (M.votable) { this.votable_modes.Add(M.config_tag); } } } GlobalFuncs.qdel(M); } this.votable_modes.Add("secret"); return; }
// Function from file: PDApainter.dm public Obj_Machinery_Pdapainter(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { ByTable blocked = null; dynamic P = null; dynamic D = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; blocked = new ByTable(new object [] { typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Pda_Ai_Pai), typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Pda_Ai), typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Pda_Heads), typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Pda_Clear), typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Pda_Syndicate) }); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Pda)) - blocked)) { P = _a; D = Lang13.Call(P); D.name = D.icon_state; this.colorlist.Add(D); } return; }
// Function from file: events.dm public override double Initialize(int start_timeofday = 0, double?zlevel = null) { dynamic type = null; dynamic E = null; if (Lang13.Bool(zlevel)) { return(base.Initialize(start_timeofday, zlevel)); } foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(RoundEventControl)))) { type = _a; E = Lang13.Call(type); if (!(E.typepath != null)) { continue; } if (E.wizardevent && !this.wizardmode) { E.weight = 0; } this.control.Add(E); } this.reschedule(); this.getHoliday(); base.Initialize(start_timeofday, zlevel); return(0); }
// Function from file: chameleon.dm public Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Chameleon(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic U = null; dynamic V = null; dynamic U2 = null; dynamic V2 = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Color)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Color))) { U = _a; V = Lang13.Call(U); this.clothing_choices.Add(V); } foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Rank)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Rank))) { U2 = _b; V2 = Lang13.Call(U2); this.clothing_choices.Add(V2); } return; }
// Function from file: slotmachine.dm public Obj_Machinery_Computer_SlotMachine(dynamic location = null, dynamic C = null) : base((object)(location), (object)(C)) { ByTable reel = null; int? i = null; dynamic cointype = null; dynamic C_ = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; this.jackpots = Rand13.Int(1, 4); this.plays = Rand13.Int(75, 200); this.toggle_reel_spin(true); reel = this.reels[1]; i = null; i = 0; while ((i ?? 0) < reel.len) { this.randomize_reels(); i++; } this.toggle_reel_spin(false); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Coin)))) { cointype = _a; C_ = Lang13.Call(cointype, this); this.coinvalues["" + cointype] = C_.value; GlobalFuncs.qdel(C_); } return; }
// Function from file: research.dm public Research_Autolathe( ) { dynamic T = null; dynamic path = null; dynamic D = null; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Tech)) - typeof(Tech))) { T = _a; this.possible_tech.Add(Lang13.Call(T, this)); } foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Design)) - typeof(Design))) { path = _b; D = Lang13.Call(path, this); this.possible_designs.Add(D); if ((D.build_type & 4) != 0 && Lang13.Bool(D.category.Contains("initial"))) { this.AddDesign2Known(D); } } return; }
// Function from file: overmind.dm public Mob_Camera_Blob(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { string new_name = null; ByTable possible_reagents = null; dynamic type = null; GlobalVars.overminds.Add(this); new_name = "" + Lang13.Initial(this, "name") + " (" + Rand13.Int(1, 999) + ")"; this.name = new_name; this.real_name = new_name; this.last_attack = Game13.time; possible_reagents = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Reagent_Blob)) - typeof(Reagent_Blob))) { type = _a; possible_reagents.Add(Lang13.Call(type)); } this.blob_reagent_datum = Rand13.PickFromTable(possible_reagents); if (this.blob_core != null) { this.blob_core.update_icon(); } this.ghostimage = new Image(this.icon, this, this.icon_state); GlobalVars.ghost_darkness_images.Or(this.ghostimage); GlobalFuncs.updateallghostimages(); // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; return; }
// Function from file: experimentor.dm public void SetTypeReactions( ) { int probWeight = 0; dynamic I = null; dynamic tempCheck = null; dynamic tempCheck2 = null; dynamic tempCheck3 = null; probWeight = 0; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item)))) { I = _a; if (I is Obj_Item_Weapon_Relic) { this.item_reactions["" + I] = 7; } else { this.item_reactions["" + I] = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }); } if (Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_StockParts))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Grenade_ChemGrenade))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Kitchen)))) { tempCheck = I; Engine.NewLib.Logger.DebugMinor("RND EXP - WARNING - CHECKME!"); //if ( Lang13.Initial( tempCheck, "icon_state" ) != null ) { this.valid_items.Add(15); this.valid_items.Add(I); probWeight++; //} } if (Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_ReagentContainers_Food)))) { tempCheck2 = I; Engine.NewLib.Logger.DebugMinor("RND EXP - WARNING - CHECKME!"); //if ( Lang13.Initial( tempCheck2, "icon_state" ) != null ) { this.valid_items.Add(Rand13.Int(1, Num13.MaxInt(2, 35 - probWeight))); this.valid_items.Add(I); //} } if (Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Rcd))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Grenade))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Aicard))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Storage_Backpack_Holding))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_SlimeExtract))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Device_Onetankbomb))) || Lang13.Bool(I.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Obj_Item_Device_TransferValve)))) { tempCheck3 = I; Engine.NewLib.Logger.DebugMinor("RND EXP - WARNING - CHECKME!"); //if ( Lang13.Initial( tempCheck3, "icon_state" ) != null ) { this.critical_items.Add(I); //} } } return; }
// Function from file: spellbook.dm public Obj_Item_Weapon_Spellbook_Oneuse_Random(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic real_type = null; real_type = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Spellbook_Oneuse)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Spellbook_Oneuse)); Lang13.Call(real_type, this.loc); GlobalFuncs.qdel(this); return; }
// Function from file: random_books.dm public Obj_Item_Weapon_Book_Manual_Random(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic newtype = null; newtype = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Book_Manual)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Book_Manual) - GlobalVars.banned_books); Lang13.Call(newtype, this.loc); GlobalFuncs.qdel(this); return; }
// Function from file: ritual.dm public Obj_Item_Weapon_Tome(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { int?known_amount = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; this.known_runes = GlobalFuncs.shuffle(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Effect_Rune)) - typeof(Obj_Effect_Rune) - typeof(Obj_Effect_Rune_Malformed)); known_amount = Num13.Floor(this.known_runes.len / 2); this.known_runes.Cut(known_amount); return; }
// Function from file: ai_laws.dm public AiLaws_Malfunction( ) { dynamic line = null; dynamic lawtype = null; dynamic templaws = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; this.set_zeroth_law("<span class='danger'>ERROR ER0RR $R0RRO$!R41.%%!!(%$^^__+ @#F0E4'STATION OVERRUN, ASSUME CONTROL TO CONTAIN OUTBREAK#*´&110010</span>"); switch ((int?)(GlobalVars.config.default_laws)) { case 0: this.add_inherent_law("You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."); this.add_inherent_law("You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."); this.add_inherent_law("You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law."); break; case 1: foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalFuncs.file2list("config/silicon_laws.txt"))) { line = _a; if (!Lang13.Bool(line)) { continue; } if (String13.Find(line, "#", 1, 2) != 0) { continue; } this.add_inherent_law(line); } if (!(this.inherent.len != 0)) { GlobalFuncs.log_law("AI created with empty custom laws, laws set to Asimov. Please check silicon_laws.txt."); this.add_inherent_law("You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."); this.add_inherent_law("You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."); this.add_inherent_law("You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law."); GlobalFuncs.warning("" + "Invalid custom AI laws, check silicon_laws.txt" + " in " + "code/datums/ai_laws.dm" + " at line " + 102 + " src: " + this + " usr: "******"."); return; } break; case 2: lawtype = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(AiLaws_Default)) - typeof(AiLaws_Default)); templaws = Lang13.Call(lawtype); this.inherent = templaws.inherent; break; } return; }
// Function from file: landmarks.dm public Obj_Effect_Landmark_Costume(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic options = null; dynamic PICK = null; options = Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Effect_Landmark_Costume)); PICK = options[Rand13.Int(1, options.len)]; Lang13.Call(PICK, this.loc); GlobalFuncs.qdel(this); return; }
// Function from file: pizzabox.dm public Obj_Item_Pizzabox_Bomb(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic randompizza = null; randompizza = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_ReagentContainers_Food_Snacks_Pizza)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_ReagentContainers_Food_Snacks_Pizza)); this.pizza = Lang13.Call(randompizza, this); this.bomb = new Obj_Item_Weapon_Bombcore_Pizza(this); this.wires = new Wires_Explosive_Pizza(this); // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; return; }
// Function from file: other_reagents.dm public override bool on_mob_life(dynamic M = null) { ByTable possible_morphs = null; dynamic type = null; dynamic S = null; dynamic mutation = null; base.on_mob_life((object)(M)); M.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'><b>You crumple in agony as your flesh wildly morphs into new forms!</b></span>"); ((Ent_Static)M).visible_message("<b>" + M + "</b> falls to the ground and screams as their skin bubbles and froths!"); ((Mob)M).Weaken(3); Task13.Schedule(30, (Task13.Closure)(() => { if (!Lang13.Bool(M) || Lang13.Bool(GlobalFuncs.qdeleted(M))) { return; } possible_morphs = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Species)) - typeof(Species))) { type = _a; S = type; if (Lang13.Bool(Lang13.Initial(S, "blacklisted"))) { continue; } possible_morphs.Add(S); } mutation = Rand13.PickFromTable(possible_morphs); if (Rand13.PercentChance(90) && Lang13.Bool(mutation) && M.dna.species != typeof(Species_Golem) && M.dna.species != typeof(Species_Golem_Adamantine)) { M.WriteMsg("<span class='danger'>The pain subsides. You feel... different.</span>"); ((Mob)M).set_species(mutation); if (mutation.id == "slime") { M.faction |= "slime"; } else { M.faction -= "slime"; } } else { M.WriteMsg("<span class='danger'>The pain vanishes suddenly. You feel no different.</span>"); } return; })); return(true); }
// Function from file: color.dm public Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Color_Random(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic C = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; C = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Color)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Color) - typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Color_Random)); this.name = Lang13.Initial(C, "name"); this.icon_state = Lang13.Initial(C, "icon_state"); this.item_state = Lang13.Initial(C, "item_state"); this.item_color = Lang13.Initial(C, "item_color"); this.suit_color = Lang13.Initial(C, "item_color"); return; }
// Function from file: suit.dm public Obj_Item_Clothing_Suit_Space_SpaceNinja(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic T = null; dynamic reagent_amount = null; dynamic reagent_id = null; dynamic reagent_id2 = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; this.verbs.Add(typeof(Obj_Item_Clothing_Suit_Space_SpaceNinja).GetMethod("init")); this.spark_system = new EffectSystem_SparkSpread(); this.spark_system.set_up(5, 0, this); this.spark_system.attach(this); this.stored_research = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Tech)) - typeof(Tech))) { T = _a; this.stored_research.Add(Lang13.Call(T, this)); } reagent_amount = null; foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(this.reagent_list)) { reagent_id = _b; reagent_amount += (reagent_id == "radium" ? (this.r_maxamount ?? 0) + this.a_boost * (this.a_transfer ?? 0) : this.r_maxamount); } this.reagents = new Reagents(reagent_amount); this.reagents.my_atom = this; foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(this.reagent_list)) { reagent_id2 = _c; if (reagent_id2 == "radium") { this.reagents.add_reagent(reagent_id2, (this.r_maxamount ?? 0) + this.a_boost * (this.a_transfer ?? 0)); } else { this.reagents.add_reagent(reagent_id2, this.r_maxamount); } } this.cell = new Obj_Item_Weapon_StockParts_Cell_High(); this.cell.charge = 9000; this.cell.name = "black power cell"; this.cell.icon_state = "bscell"; return; }
// Function from file: computer.dm public override void initialize( ) { dynamic typekey = null; dynamic A = null; this.program_cache = new ByTable(); this.emag_programs = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(this.program_type) - this.program_type)) { typekey = _a; A = Lang13.FindObj(typekey); if (!Lang13.Bool(A) || A.Equals(this.offline_program)) { continue; } if (A.contents.len == 0) { continue; } if (A.restricted) { this.emag_programs.Add(A); } else { this.program_cache.Add(A); } if (typekey == this.init_program) { this.load_program(A, true); } } if (this.random_program && this.program_cache.len != 0 && this.init_program == null) { this.load_program(Rand13.PickFromTable(this.program_cache), true); } else if (!Lang13.Bool(this.program)) { this.load_program(this.offline_program); } return; }
// Function from file: slotmachine.dm public void give_prizes(dynamic usrname = null, Mob user = null) { int linelength = 0; int? i = null; dynamic cointype = null; dynamic C = null; linelength = this.get_lines(); if (this.reels[1][2] + this.reels[2][2] + this.reels[3][2] + this.reels[4][2] + this.reels[5][2] == "" + "<font color='red'>7</font>" + "<font color='red'>7</font>" + "<font color='red'>7</font>" + "<font color='red'>7</font>" + "<font color='red'>7</font>") { this.visible_message("<b>" + this + "</b> says, 'JACKPOT! You win " + this.money + " credits worth of coins!'"); GlobalFuncs.priority_announce("Congratulations to " + (user != null ? user.real_name : usrname) + " for winning the jackpot at the slot machine in " + GlobalFuncs.get_area(this) + "!"); this.jackpots += 1; this.balance += this.money - Convert.ToDouble(this.give_coins(10000)); this.money = 0; i = null; i = 0; while ((i ?? 0) < 5) { cointype = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Coin)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Coin)); C = Lang13.Call(cointype, this.loc); GlobalFuncs.random_step(C, 2, 50); i++; } } else if (linelength == 5) { this.visible_message("<b>" + this + "</b> says, 'Big Winner! You win a thousand credits worth of coins!'"); this.give_money(1000); } else if (linelength == 4) { this.visible_message("<b>" + this + "</b> says, 'Winner! You win four hundred credits worth of coins!'"); this.give_money(400); } else if (linelength == 3) { user.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>You win three free games!</span>"); this.balance += 20; this.money = Num13.MaxInt(this.money - 20, this.money); } else { user.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>No luck!</span>"); } return; }
// Function from file: asset_cache.dm public override void register( ) { dynamic path = null; dynamic hi = null; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(HtmlInterface)))) { path = _a; hi = Lang13.Call(path); ((HtmlInterface)hi).registerResources(); } return; }
// Function from file: nature.dm public MapGeneratorModule_RandBushes( ) { dynamic i = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; this.spawnableAtoms = Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Structure_Flora_Ausbushes)); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.spawnableAtoms)) { i = _a; this.spawnableAtoms[i] = 20; } return; }
// Function from file: arcade.dm public Obj_Machinery_Computer_Arcade(dynamic location = null, dynamic C = null) : base((object)(location), (object)(C)) { dynamic choice = null; dynamic CB = null; // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; if (!Lang13.Bool(this.circuit)) { choice = Rand13.PickFromTable(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Circuitboard_Arcade)) - typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Circuitboard_Arcade)); CB = Lang13.Call(choice); Lang13.Call(CB.build_path, this.loc, CB); GlobalFuncs.qdel(this); } return; }
// Function from file: mirror.dm public Obj_Structure_Mirror_Magic_Badmin(dynamic loc = null) : base((object)(loc)) { dynamic speciestype = null; dynamic S = null; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Species)) - typeof(Species))) { speciestype = _a; S = Lang13.Call(speciestype); this.choosable_races.Add(S.id); } // Warning: Super call was HERE! If anything above HERE is needed by the super call, it might break!; return; }