コード例 #1
ファイル: Doumei.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	//Check whether can attacked Kuni trace to doumei Diamyo
	public List<string> traceNeighborDaimyo(int attackedKuniId, int attackedDaimyoId, List<string> doumeiDaimyoList, List<string>seiryokuList, List<string>checkedList, List<string> okDaimyoList){

		List<int> nKuniList = new List<int>();
		KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
		nKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni(attackedKuniId);

		for (int i=0; i<nKuniList.Count; i++) {
			string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[nKuniList[i]-1];

						//no duplication
					//not found
					if(int.Parse(tempDaimyoId) == attackedDaimyoId){
						okDaimyoList = traceNeighborDaimyo(nKuniList[i], attackedDaimyoId, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkedList,okDaimyoList);
		return okDaimyoList;
コード例 #2
    //Check whether can attacked Kuni trace to doumei Diamyo
    public List <string> traceNeighborDaimyo(int attackedKuniId, int attackedDaimyoId, List <string> doumeiDaimyoList, List <string> seiryokuList, List <string> checkedList, List <string> okDaimyoList)
        List <int> nKuniList = new List <int>();
        KuniInfo   kuni      = new KuniInfo();

        nKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni(attackedKuniId);

        for (int i = 0; i < nKuniList.Count; i++)
            string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[nKuniList[i] - 1];

            if (!checkedList.Contains(nKuniList[i].ToString()))
                if (doumeiDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))
                    if (!okDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))
                        //no duplication
                    //not found
                    if (int.Parse(tempDaimyoId) == attackedDaimyoId)
                        okDaimyoList = traceNeighborDaimyo(nKuniList[i], attackedDaimyoId, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkedList, okDaimyoList);
コード例 #3
ファイル: DoBouryaku.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        Message    msg            = new Message();
        Gaikou     gaikou         = new Gaikou();
        DoGaikou   yukouChange    = new DoGaikou();
        int        nowHyourou     = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
        CloseBoard closeScript    = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ();
        int        daimyoBusyoAtk = closeScript.daimyoBusyoAtk;
        int        daimyoBusyoDfc = closeScript.daimyoBusyoDfc;
        int        daimyoId       = closeScript.daimyoId;
        int        kuniId         = closeScript.kuniId;

        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        if (nowHyourou >= 5)
            int TrackBouryakuNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuNo", 0);
            TrackBouryakuNo = TrackBouryakuNo + 1;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuNo", TrackBouryakuNo);

            if (name == "DoGihouBtn")
                //Reduce Hyourou

                //Reduce Shinobi
                //Ge 5-15%, Cyu 15-30%, Jyo 30-50%
                int randomPercent = 0;
                int newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 15);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(15, 30);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30, 50);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float ratio   = (float)randomPercent;
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= ratio)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    //Delete Gunzei

                    //Delete Key
                    string gunzeiKey = Gunzei.name;

                    //Delete Key History
                    char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    string        keyHistory     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("keyHistory");
                    List <string> keyHistoryList = new List <string>();
                    if (keyHistory != null && keyHistory != "")
                        if (keyHistory.Contains(","))
                            keyHistoryList = new List <string> (keyHistory.Split(delimiterChars));
                    string newKeyHistory = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < keyHistoryList.Count; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            newKeyHistory = keyHistoryList[i];
                            newKeyHistory = newKeyHistory + "," + keyHistoryList[i];
                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("keyHistory", newKeyHistory);

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg33", true);

                    //Extension Mark Handling
                    MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                    int TrackGihouHei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackGihouHei", 0);
                    int hei           = Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().myHei;
                    TrackGihouHei = TrackGihouHei + hei;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackGihouHei", TrackGihouHei);

                    string daimyoName = Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei>().srcDaimyoName;
                    string OKtext     = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, misreport was successful. \n" + daimyoName + " army withdrawn.";
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、偽報に成功しましたぞ。\n" + daimyoName + "の軍勢が退却します。";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed misreport. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。偽報に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";


                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);

                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoRyugenBtn")
                //Reduce Hyourou

                //Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
                float randomPercent = 0;
                int   newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 4;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 2;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= randomPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int TrackRyugenNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackRyugenNo", 0);
                    TrackRyugenNo = TrackRyugenNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackRyugenNo", TrackRyugenNo);

                    //Daimyo Id
                    int srcDaimyoId = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoId;

                    //Seiryoku List
                    string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                    List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                    char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //src daimyo kuni list
                    List <string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List <string> ();
                    for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                        string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

                        if (tempDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId.ToString())
                            int temp = i + 1;

                    //src daimyo open kuni list
                    KuniInfo   kuni         = new KuniInfo();
                    List <int> openKuniList = new List <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++)

                    //Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
                    int        myDaimyo      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                    List <int> dstDaimyoList = new List <int>();

                    for (int k = 0; k < openKuniList.Count; k++)
                        int temp         = openKuniList[k] - 1;
                        int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
                        if (tempDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tempDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId)
                            if (!dstDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))

                    //Reduce Yukoudo
                    MainEventHandler main       = new MainEventHandler();
                    Daimyo           daimyo     = new Daimyo();
                    string           ryugenText = "";
                    for (int l = 0; l < dstDaimyoList.Count; l++)
                        int    dstDaimyoId   = dstDaimyoList[l];
                        string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
                        int    reduceYukoudo = main.DownYukouValueWithOther(srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);
                        reduceYukoudo = reduceYukoudo / 2;
                        if (reduceYukoudo == 0)
                            reduceYukoudo = 1;

                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + " friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point \n";
                            ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。\n";

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg31", true);

                    //Extension Mark Handling
                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, bad rumor was successful. \n" + ryugenText;
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、流言に成功しましたぞ。\n " + ryugenText;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed misreport. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。流言に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoGoudatsuBtn")

                //Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
                float randomPercent = 0;
                int   newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 4;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 2;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= randomPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int kuniQty  = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard>().kuniQty;
                    int getMoney = 0;
                    //Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
                    int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                    int    kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    string kahouName     = "";
                    string shigenName    = "";
                    int    addQty        = 0;
                    int    kahouRank     = 0;              //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
                    //shigen Type
                    int shigenType = 0;                    //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

                    if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                        int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 1501);
                        getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
                        int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                        nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
                        if (nowMoney < 0)
                            nowMoney = int.MaxValue;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", nowMoney);
                        //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                        kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                            Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
                            ////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
                            int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);

                            float khPercent = Random.value;
                            khPercent = khPercent * 100;
                            if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                //(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
                                if (khPercent <= 5)
                                    kahouRank = 1;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (5 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                //(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
                                if (khPercent <= 1)
                                    kahouRank = 1;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (1 < khPercent && khPercent <= 16)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (16 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 4;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                //(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
                                if (khPercent <= 5)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (5 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
                            float sgPercent = Random.value;
                            sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
                            addQty    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
                            Item item       = new Item();
                            int  shigenRank = 0;                           //下、中、上=1,2,3

                            if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                //(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 40)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (40 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 81)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (81 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                            else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                //(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 20)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (20 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 51)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (51 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                            else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                //(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 5)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (5 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 26)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (26 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg32", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, successed to rob.\n";
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、強奪に成功しましたぞ。\n";

                    string addText = "";
                    if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            addText = "got " + getMoney + " money.";
                            addText = "金を" + getMoney + "奪って参りました。";
                        if (kahouOrShizai == 0)

                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " got treasure " + kahouName + ".";
                                addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を奪って参りました。";

                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " got " + addQty + " " + shigenName + ".";
                                addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個奪って参りました。";

                    OKtext = OKtext + addText;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed to rob. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。強奪に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoCyouhouBtn")

                //Set Value & REduce Qty
                float missPercent = 0;
                int   newQty      = itemQty - 1;
                int   snbValue    = 0;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    missPercent = 30;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                    snbValue = 1;
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    missPercent = 15;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                    snbValue = 2;
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    missPercent = 5;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);
                    snbValue = 3;

                //Random Check
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent >= missPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int TrackCyouhouNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackCyouhouNo", 0);
                    TrackCyouhouNo = TrackCyouhouNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackCyouhouNo", TrackCyouhouNo);

                    string        cyouhouHist     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
                    char[]        delimiterChars  = { ',' };
                    List <string> cyouhouHistList = new List <string> ();
                    if (cyouhouHist != null && cyouhouHist != "")
                        if (cyouhouHist.Contains(","))
                            cyouhouHistList = new List <string> (cyouhouHist.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //Add new kuni
                    if (!cyouhouHistList.Contains(kuniId.ToString()))

                    string newCyouhouHist = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < cyouhouHistList.Count; i++)
                        string tmpCyouhouKuniId = cyouhouHistList [i];

                        if (i == 0)
                            newCyouhouHist = tmpCyouhouKuniId;
                            newCyouhouHist = newCyouhouHist + "," + tmpCyouhouKuniId;

                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouhou", newCyouhouHist);

                    string cyouhouKuni = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString();
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(cyouhouKuni, snbValue);

                    bool cyouhouFlg = closeScript.cyouhouFlg;

                    if (cyouhouFlg)
                        //Change Icon
                        GameObject shinobi = GameObject.Find("shinobi").gameObject;

                        if (snbValue == 1)
                            Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = lowColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "下";
                        else if (snbValue == 2)
                            Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = midColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "中";
                        else if (snbValue == 3)
                            Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = highColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "上";
                        GameObject smallBoardObj = GameObject.Find("smallBoard(Clone)").gameObject;

                        //new Icon
                        string     shinobiItemPath = "Prefabs/Item/Shinobi/Shinobi";
                        GameObject shinobi         = Instantiate(Resources.Load(shinobiItemPath)) as GameObject;
                        shinobi.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.31f);
                        shinobi.name = "shinobi";
                        RectTransform snbTransform = shinobi.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        snbTransform.anchoredPosition            = new Vector3(-251, 250, 0);
                        shinobi.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                        if (snbValue == 1)
                            Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = lowColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "下";
                        else if (snbValue == 2)
                            Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = midColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "中";
                        else if (snbValue == 3)
                            Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = highColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "上";

                        //Set Flg
                        closeScript.cyouhouFlg       = true;
                        closeScript.cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

                    GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
                    kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> ().cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

                    KuniInfo kuni     = new KuniInfo();
                    string   kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg30", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "Ninja hided in " + kuniName + " well. \n Please check spy report.";
                        OKtext = "忍が上手く" + kuniName + "に潜伏しましたぞ。\n諜報内容をご確認下され。";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "Ninja was caught. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "忍が捕まってしまったようです。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";


                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            audioSources [4].Play();
            //msg.makeMessage (msg.getMessage(7));
コード例 #4
ファイル: DoCyouteiMenu.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void upYukoudo(int addYukoudo){
		//Daimyo Id
		int myDaimyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
		//Seiryoku List
		string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
		List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
		//src daimyo kuni list
		List<string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List<string> ();
		for(int i=0; i<seiryokuList.Count;i++){
			string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];
			if(tempDaimyoId == myDaimyoId.ToString()){
				int temp = i + 1;
		//src daimyo open kuni list
		KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
		List<int> openKuniList = new List<int>();
		for(int j=0; j<srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++){
		//Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
		List<int> dstDaimyoList = new List<int>();
		for(int k=0; k<openKuniList.Count;k++){
			int temp = openKuniList[k] - 1;
			int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
			if(tempDaimyoId != myDaimyoId){
		//Add Yukoudo
		MainEventHandler main = new MainEventHandler();
		Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();
		string cyouteiText = "";
		for(int l=0; l<dstDaimyoList.Count;l++){
			int dstDaimyoId = dstDaimyoList[l];
			string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);

			string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId;
			int nowYukoudo = 0;
			if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (tempGaikou)) {
				nowYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (tempGaikou);
			} else {
				nowYukoudo = 50;
			int newYukoudo = nowYukoudo + addYukoudo;
			if (newYukoudo > 100) {
				newYukoudo = 100;
			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (tempGaikou, newYukoudo);

			cyouteiText = cyouteiText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がりました。\t";


		Message msg = new Message ();
		string OKtext = "周辺大名との友好度が上がります。\t " + cyouteiText;
		msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

コード例 #5
	public void kuniScrollView(GameObject baseObj,  string targetDaimyo, GameObject btn){
		GameObject content = baseObj.transform.FindChild("scroll").transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;

		string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string>();
		seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));

		//my kuni
		int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
		string myKuni = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("clearedKuni"); 
		List<int> myKuniList = new List<int>();
		if (myKuni.Contains (",")) {
			List<string> tempMyKuniList = new List<string> (myKuni.Split (delimiterChars));
			myKuniList = tempMyKuniList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));
		} else {

		//doumei daimyo's opne kuni
		KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
		List<int> doumeiOpenKuniList = new List<int>();
		List<int> doumeiKuniList = new List<int>();
		for(int i=0; i<seiryokuList.Count; i++){
			string tempDaimyo = seiryokuList[i];
			if(tempDaimyo == targetDaimyo){
				int doumeiKuniId = i + 1;

		//"doumei daimyo's opne kuni" minus "my kuni"  
		List<int> doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList = new List<int>();
		foreach(int n in doumeiOpenKuniList){


		//"doumei daimyo's doumei check
		string tempDoumei = "doumei" + targetDaimyo;
		string doumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString (tempDoumei);
		List<string> doumeiList = new List<string>();
		if (doumei.Contains (",")) {
			doumeiList = new List<string> (doumei.Split (delimiterChars));
		} else {

		if (doumei != null && doumei != "") {
			for(int t=0; t<doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList.Count; t++){
			//foreach (int n in doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList) {
				string checkDaimyoId = seiryokuList [doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList[t] - 1];
				if (doumeiList.Contains (checkDaimyoId)) {
					doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList.Remove (doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList[t]);

		//Compare "doumei open" with "my open"
		string myOpenKuni = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("openKuni"); 
		List<int> myOpenKuniList = new List<int>();
		if (myOpenKuni.Contains (",")) {
			List<string> tempMyOpenKuniList = new List<string> (myOpenKuni.Split (delimiterChars));
			myOpenKuniList = tempMyOpenKuniList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));
		} else {

		List<int> sameTargetKuniList = new List<int>();
		foreach(int n in myOpenKuniList){

		/*Slot making*/
		string temp = "gaikou" + targetDaimyo;
		int myYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(temp);

		//Get Chiryaku
		Entity_daimyo_mst daimyoMst = Resources.Load ("Data/daimyo_mst") as Entity_daimyo_mst;
		int myDaimyoBusyoId = daimyoMst.param [myDaimyo - 1].busyoId;
		StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
		int lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (myDaimyoBusyoId.ToString());
		float chiryaku = (float)sts.getDfc(myDaimyoBusyoId,lv);
		chiryaku = chiryaku *10;

		string slotPath = "Prefabs/Map/common/kuniSlot";
		for (int i=0; i<sameTargetKuniList.Count; i++) {
			GameObject prefab = Instantiate (Resources.Load (slotPath)) as GameObject;
			prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1, 1, 1);

			int kuniId = sameTargetKuniList[i];
			int daimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [kuniId - 1]);
			string daimyoName = daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].daimyoName;

			string theirYukouTemp = "";
			if(int.Parse(targetDaimyo) < daimyoId){
				theirYukouTemp = targetDaimyo + "gaikou" + daimyoId.ToString();
				theirYukouTemp = daimyoId.ToString() + "gaikou" + targetDaimyo;

			int theirYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(theirYukouTemp);

			string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
			prefab.transform.FindChild("KuniValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = kuniName;
			prefab.transform.FindChild("DaimyoValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = daimyoName;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().Content = content;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().Btn = btn;

			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().myYukoudo = myYukoudo;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().chiryaku = (int)chiryaku;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().kuniDiff = kuniDiff;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().theirYukoudo = theirYukoudo;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().kuniName = kuniName;
			prefab.GetComponent<GaikouKuniSelect>().targetKuniId = kuniId;

			if(i == 0){

		if (sameTargetKuniList.Count == 0) {
			string msgPath = "Prefabs/Map/gaikou/NoKyoutouMsg";
			GameObject msg = Instantiate (Resources.Load (msgPath)) as GameObject;
			msg.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (0.17f, 0.2f, 1);
			RectTransform msgTransform = msg.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			msgTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (-260, -115, 0);

			GameObject a = baseObj.transform.FindChild ("RequiredMoney").gameObject;
			GameObject b = baseObj.transform.FindChild ("KyoutouRatio").gameObject;

			btn.GetComponent<Button>().enabled = false;

コード例 #6
ファイル: CyouhouSelect.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        if (close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().kuniId != kuniId)
            close.GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().kuniId = kuniId;

            AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
            audioSources [2].Play();

            GameObject kuniIconView   = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
            SendParam  script         = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> ();
            KuniInfo   kuni           = new KuniInfo();
            Daimyo     daimyo         = new Daimyo();
            Gaikou     gaikou         = new Gaikou();
            List <int> targetKuniList = new List <int> ();
            targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni(kuniId);
            char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };

            GameObject daimyoNameObj = status.transform.FindChild("DaimyoName").gameObject;
            string     imagePath     = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString();
            daimyoNameObj.transform.FindChild("Kamon").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

            //Daimyo Name
            daimyoNameObj.transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = daimyoName;

            //Kuni Name
            GameObject kuniNameObj = status.transform.FindChild("KuniName").gameObject;
            kuniNameObj.transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName;

            status.transform.FindChild("Heiryoku").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = script.heiryoku.ToString();

            status.transform.FindChild("Yukoudo").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = script.myYukouValue.ToString();

            //Attack Target
            bool aggressiveFlg = script.aggressiveFlg;
            int  myDaimyoId    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

            int targetKuniId   = getKassenTargetKuni(kuniId, daimyoId, targetKuniList, kuniIconView, aggressiveFlg, seiryokuList, myDaimyoId);
            int targetDaimyoId = 0;
            if (targetKuniId != 0)
                string targetKuniName = kuni.getKuniName(targetKuniId);
                targetDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [targetKuniId - 1]);
                string targetDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(targetDaimyoId);
                status.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = targetKuniName + "(" + targetDaimyoName + ")";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    status.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "None";
                    status.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "無し";

            int targetGaikouKuniId = 0;
            if (snbRank > 1)               //Jyo or Cyu

                targetGaikouKuniId = getGaikouTargetKuni(kuniId, daimyoId, targetKuniList, kuniIconView, aggressiveFlg, seiryokuList, myDaimyoId);
                if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0)
                    string targetGaikouKuniName   = kuni.getKuniName(targetGaikouKuniId);
                    int    targetGaikouDaimyoId   = int.Parse(seiryokuList [targetGaikouKuniId - 1]);
                    string targetGaikouDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(targetGaikouDaimyoId);

                    if (targetDaimyoId != targetGaikouDaimyoId)
                        status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = targetGaikouKuniName + "(" + targetGaikouDaimyoName + ")";
                        sameDaimyoFlg = true;
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "None";
                            status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "無し";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "None";
                        status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "無し";

                string        doumeiTmp    = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString();
                string        doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiTmp);
                List <string> doumeiList   = new List <string> ();
                if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "")
                    if (doumeiString.Contains(","))
                        doumeiList = new List <string> (doumeiString.Split(delimiterChars));

                //Exist Check
                if (doumeiList.Count != 0)
                    List <string> doumeiListTmp = new List <string> (doumeiList);
                    for (int j = 0; j < doumeiListTmp.Count; j++)
                        string doumeiDaimyoId = doumeiListTmp [j];
                        if (!seiryokuList.Contains(doumeiDaimyoId))
                string doumeiNameList = "";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    doumeiNameList = "None";
                    doumeiNameList = "無し";

                for (int j = 0; j < doumeiList.Count; j++)
                    if (j == 0)
                        doumeiNameList = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(doumeiList [j]));
                        doumeiNameList = doumeiNameList + "," + daimyo.getName(int.Parse(doumeiList [j]));

                status.transform.FindChild("Doumei").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = doumeiNameList;
                status.transform.FindChild("Gaiko").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text  = "?";
                status.transform.FindChild("Doumei").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?";

            if (snbRank > 2)               //Jyo
                BusyoInfoGet busyo = new BusyoInfoGet();

                string        qtyAndHeisyu      = busyo.getDaimyoBusyoQtyHeisyu(daimyoId);
                List <string> qtyAndHeisyuiList = new List <string> ();
                qtyAndHeisyuiList = new List <string> (qtyAndHeisyu.Split(delimiterChars));

                status.transform.FindChild("BusyoQty").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = qtyAndHeisyuiList[0];
                status.transform.FindChild("Heisyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text   = qtyAndHeisyuiList[1];
                //Cyu or Ge
                status.transform.FindChild("BusyoQty").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "?";
                status.transform.FindChild("Heisyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text   = "?";

            //Main Map
            foreach (Transform obj in board.transform)
                if (obj.name != "Explanation")

            //Create Map
            GameObject originalKuniMap = GameObject.Find("KuniMap");
            GameObject copiedKuniMap   = Object.Instantiate(originalKuniMap) as GameObject;
            copiedKuniMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 0.8f);
            Vector3       vect    = copiedKuniMap.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).transform.localPosition;
            float         adjstX  = vect.x * -1;
            float         adjustY = vect.y * -1;
            RectTransform mapRect = copiedKuniMap.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            mapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(adjstX, adjustY, 0);

            //Create Kamon
            GameObject originalKamon = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView");
            GameObject copiedKamon   = Object.Instantiate(originalKamon) as GameObject;
            copiedKamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 0.8f);
            RectTransform kamonRect = copiedKamon.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            kamonRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(adjstX, adjustY, 0);

            Entity_kuni_mst kuniMst    = Resources.Load("Data/kuni_mst") as Entity_kuni_mst;
            Color           whiteColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            for (int i = 0; i < kuniMst.param.Count; i++)
                int subKuniId = i + 1;

                GameObject tmpKuniObj  = copiedKuniMap.transform.FindChild(subKuniId.ToString()).gameObject;
                GameObject tmpKamonObj = copiedKamon.transform.FindChild(subKuniId.ToString()).gameObject;
                tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = whiteColor;

                if (subKuniId == kuniId)
                    tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                    tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite   =
                        Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                    string     effectPath = "Prefabs/EffectAnime/point_up";
                    GameObject pointUp    = Instantiate(Resources.Load(effectPath)) as GameObject;
                    pointUp.transform.localScale             = new Vector2(70, 70);
                    pointUp.transform.localPosition          = new Vector2(0, 25);
                    pointUp.GetComponent <Fadeout>().enabled = false;
                    if (targetKuniList.Contains(subKuniId))
                        tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                        int subDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[subKuniId - 1]);

                        if (daimyoId != subDaimyoId)
                            int        yukoudoValue = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(daimyoId, subDaimyoId);
                            string     syukoudoPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/YukoudoLabel";
                            GameObject yukoudoObj   = Instantiate(Resources.Load(syukoudoPath)) as GameObject;
                            yukoudoObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = yukoudoValue.ToString();
                            yukoudoObj.transform.localScale       = new Vector2(0.08f, 0.1f);
                            yukoudoObj.transform.localPosition    = new Vector2(0, 26);
                            tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite =
                                Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                        if (targetKuniId != 0)
                            if (targetKuniId == subKuniId)
                                //kassen target
                                Color atkColor = new Color(180f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                                tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = atkColor;
                        if (snbRank > 1)
                            if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0)
                                if (targetGaikouKuniId == subKuniId)
                                    if (!sameDaimyoFlg)
                                        //gaikou target
                                        Color gaikouColor = new Color(80f / 255f, 100f / 255f, 185f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                                        tmpKamonObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = gaikouColor;
                        Color noSubKuniColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 40f / 255f);
                        tmpKuniObj.GetComponent <Image>().color = noSubKuniColor;


             * string kuniMapPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/kuniImage";
             * GameObject mainMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kuniMapPath)) as GameObject;
             * mainMap.transform.SetParent(board.transform);
             * mainMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (13, 9);
             * mainMap.name = "kuniMap" + kuniId;
             * string kuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/kuniMap/" + kuniId.ToString ();
             * mainMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite =
             *  Resources.Load (kuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
             * int baseX = kuni.getKuniLocationX (kuniId);
             * int baseY = kuni.getKuniLocationY (kuniId);
             * int adjstX = baseX * -1;
             * int adjustY = baseY * -1;
             * float colorR = daimyo.getColorR (daimyoId);
             * float colorG = daimyo.getColorG (daimyoId);
             * float colorB = daimyo.getColorB (daimyoId);
             * Color kuniColor = new Color (colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f);
             * mainMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = kuniColor;
             * RectTransform mapRect = mainMap.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
             * mapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (adjstX, adjustY, 0);
             * //My Kuni Kamon Icon
             * string kamonBackPath ="Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/KamonBack";
             * GameObject kamonBack = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kamonBackPath)) as GameObject;
             * kamonBack.transform.SetParent (board.transform);
             * kamonBack.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
             * kamonBack.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,0);
             * string kamonKuniPath = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/" + kuniId.ToString();
             * GameObject kamonObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kamonKuniPath)) as GameObject;
             * kamonObj.transform.SetParent (kamonBack.transform);
             * kamonObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f);
             * kamonObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,0);
             * kamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite =
             *  Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
             * kamonObj.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
             * //Mapping Kuni
             * Entity_kuni_mst kuniMst = Resources.Load ("Data/kuni_mst") as Entity_kuni_mst;
             * for (int i=0; i < kuniMst.param.Count; i++) {
             * //for (int i=0; i < targetKuniList.Count; i++) {
             *  int subKuniId = i + 1;
             *  GameObject subMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kuniMapPath)) as GameObject;
             *  subMap.transform.SetParent(mainMap.transform);
             *  subMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
             *  subMap.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
             *  subMap.name = "kuniMap" + subKuniId;
             *  string subKuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/kuniMap/" + subKuniId;
             *  subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite =
             *      Resources.Load (subKuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
             *  if (targetKuniList.Contains (subKuniId)) {
             *      //color
             *      int subDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [subKuniId - 1]);
             *      float subColorR = daimyo.getColorR (subDaimyoId);
             *      float subColorG = daimyo.getColorG (subDaimyoId);
             *      float subColorB = daimyo.getColorB (subDaimyoId);
             *      Color subKuniColor = new Color (subColorR / 255f, subColorG / 255f, subColorB / 255f, 255f / 255f);
             *      subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = subKuniColor;
             *      //Kamon
             *      string subKamonKuniPath = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/" + subKuniId.ToString ();
             *      GameObject subKamonObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (subKamonKuniPath)) as GameObject;
             *      subKamonObj.transform.SetParent (board.transform);
             *      subKamonObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f);
             *      if (daimyoId != subDaimyoId) {
             *          string subImagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + subDaimyoId.ToString ();
             *          subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite =
             *              Resources.Load (subImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
             *          //yukoudo
             *          int yukoudoValue = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue (daimyoId, subDaimyoId);
             *          string syukoudoPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/YukoudoLabel";
             *          GameObject yukoudoObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (syukoudoPath)) as GameObject;
             *          yukoudoObj.transform.SetParent (subKamonObj.transform);
             *          yukoudoObj.GetComponent<Text> ().text = yukoudoValue.ToString ();
             *          yukoudoObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (0.08f, 0.1f);
             *          yukoudoObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 26);
             *      } else {
             *          subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite =
             *              Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
             *      }
             *      subKamonObj.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
             *      //Kamon adjustment
             *      int subBaseX = kuni.getKuniLocationX (subKuniId);
             *      int subBaseY = kuni.getKuniLocationY (subKuniId);
             *      int subAdjstX = subBaseX - baseX;
             *      int subAdjstY = subBaseY - baseY;
             *      RectTransform subMapRect = subKamonObj.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
             *      subMapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (subAdjstX, subAdjstY, 0);
             *      if (targetKuniId != 0) {
             *          if (targetKuniId == subKuniId) {
             *              //kassen target
             *              Color atkColor = new Color (180f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
             *              subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().color = atkColor;
             *          }
             *      }
             *      if (snbRank > 1) {
             *          if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0) {
             *              if (targetGaikouKuniId == subKuniId) {
             *                  if (!sameDaimyoFlg) {
             *                      //gaikou target
             *                      Color gaikouColor = new Color (80f / 255f, 100f / 255f, 185f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
             *                      subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().color = gaikouColor;
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  } else {
             *      Color noSubKuniColor = new Color (255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 40f / 255f);
             *      subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = noSubKuniColor;
             *  }
             * }
コード例 #7
    public void upYukoudo(int addYukoudo)
        //Daimyo Id
        int myDaimyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

        //Seiryoku List
        string        seiryoku     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
        List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string> ();

        char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

        //src daimyo kuni list
        List <string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List <string> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
            string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

            if (tempDaimyoId == myDaimyoId.ToString())
                int temp = i + 1;

        //src daimyo open kuni list
        KuniInfo   kuni         = new KuniInfo();
        List <int> openKuniList = new List <int>();

        for (int j = 0; j < srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++)

        //Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
        List <int> dstDaimyoList = new List <int>();

        for (int k = 0; k < openKuniList.Count; k++)
            int temp         = openKuniList[k] - 1;
            int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
            if (tempDaimyoId != myDaimyoId)
                if (!dstDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))

        //Add Yukoudo
        MainEventHandler main        = new MainEventHandler();
        Daimyo           daimyo      = new Daimyo();
        string           cyouteiText = "";

        for (int l = 0; l < dstDaimyoList.Count; l++)
            int    dstDaimyoId   = dstDaimyoList[l];
            string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);

            string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId;
            int    nowYukoudo = 0;
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(tempGaikou))
                nowYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(tempGaikou);
                nowYukoudo = 50;
            int newYukoudo = nowYukoudo + addYukoudo;
            if (newYukoudo > 100)
                newYukoudo = 100;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(tempGaikou, newYukoudo);
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                cyouteiText = cyouteiText + "Friendship with " + dstDaimyoName + " increased " + addYukoudo + " point\n";
                cyouteiText = cyouteiText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がりました。\n";


        Message msg    = new Message();
        string  OKtext = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            OKtext = "Friendship with surrounded families increased.\n " + cyouteiText;
            OKtext = "周辺大名との友好度が上がります。\n " + cyouteiText;
コード例 #8
    //Asset Manager
    //public AssetBundleManager assetBundleManager;
    //public Image image;

    //public IEnumerator Start() {
    //assetBundleManager = GameObject.Find("AssetManager").GetComponent<AssetBundleManager>();
    //    yield return StartCoroutine(assetBundleManager.LoadAssetBundleCoroutine());

    public void OnClick()
        cyouhouSnbRankId = transform.parent.gameObject.transform.FindChild("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard>().cyouhouSnbRankId;

        sound = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponent <AudioSource> ();

        /*Common Process*/
        string     pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Map/Popup";
        GameObject board       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;

        board.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("Map").transform;
        board.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 0.8f);
        board.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
        board.name = "AttackStagePopup";
        Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();

        char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };

        if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialMain")

        /*Indivisual Process by Kuni*/
        string     pathOfKuniMap = "Prefabs/Map/stage/kuniMap";
        GameObject kuniMap       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfKuniMap)) as GameObject;

        board.transform.FindChild("kuniName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName;

        string kuniImagePath   = "Prefabs/Map/stage/MapSprite/stage" + kuniId.ToString();
        string assetBundlePath = "stage" + kuniId.ToString();

        kuniMap.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
            Resources.Load(kuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
        //assetBundleManager.GetSpriteFromAssetBundle(assetBundlePath); //Asset

        GameObject boardObj = board.transform.FindChild("board").gameObject;

        kuniMap.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(9, 6);
        kuniMap.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-145, 4, 0);
        kuniMap.name = "kuniMap" + kuniId;

        //Clear Stage Setting
        string clearedStage       = "kuni" + kuniId;
        string clearedStageString = "";

        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialMain")
            clearedStageString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(clearedStage);
            clearedStageString = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10";
        List <string> clearedStageList = new List <string> ();

        if (clearedStageString != null && clearedStageString != "")
            clearedStageList = new List <string> (clearedStageString.Split(delimiterChars));

        //Data adjustment
        if (!clearFlg && clearedStageList.Count == 10)
            clearedStageList   = new List <string>();
            clearedStageString = "";

        //Default Value
        Entity_stage_mst stageMst = Resources.Load("Data/stage_mst") as Entity_stage_mst;
        int    startline          = 10 * kuniId - 10;
        string stagePath          = "Prefabs/Map/stage/stage";
        string clearedPath        = "Prefabs/Map/cleared";

        int   stageId       = 1;
        bool  clearedFlg    = false;
        int   mySenryoku    = daimyo.getSenryoku(myDaimyoId);
        int   enemySenryoku = daimyo.getSenryoku(daimyoId);
        float senryokuRatio = (float)enemySenryoku / (float)mySenryoku;

        for (int i = startline; i < startline + 10; i++)
            GameObject stage = Instantiate(Resources.Load(stagePath)) as GameObject;
            stage.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
            stage.name = "stage" + stageId.ToString();

            //Cleared Check
            if (clearedStageList.Contains(stageId.ToString()) == true)
                GameObject cleared = Instantiate(Resources.Load(clearedPath)) as GameObject;
                stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().clearedFlg = true;
                cleared.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(3, 5);
                cleared.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
                clearedFlg   = true;
                cleared.name = "cleared";

            //Get Stage Info
            string stageName = "";
            int    locationX = stageMst.param [i].LocationX;
            int    locationY = stageMst.param [i].LocationY;
            int    powerType = stageMst.param [i].powerTyp;
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                stageName = stageMst.param[i].stageNameEng;
                stageName = stageMst.param[i].stageName;
            RectTransform stageTransform = stage.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
            stageTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(locationX, locationY, 0);

            //money and exp calculation
            int minExp = getMinExp(powerType, senryokuRatio);
            int maxExp = getMaxExp(powerType, senryokuRatio);
            int exp    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minExp, maxExp + 1);

            int minMoney = minExp * 2;
            int maxMoney = maxExp * 3;
            int money    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minMoney, maxMoney + 1);

            string itemGrp = getRandomItemGrp();
            string itemTyp = "";
            int    itemId  = 0;
            int    itemQty = 1;

            if (itemGrp == "item")
                itemTyp = getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
                if (itemTyp == "tech")
                    itemId = getItemRank(66, 33);
                else if (itemTyp == "Tama")
                    itemId = getItemRank(20, 5);
                    if (itemId == 3)
                        itemQty = 100;
                    else if (itemId == 2)
                        itemQty = 20;
                    else if (itemId == 1)
                        itemQty = 5;
                    itemId = getItemRank(20, 5);
            else if (itemGrp == "kahou")
                itemTyp = getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
                Kahou  kahou     = new Kahou();
                string kahouRank = getKahouRank();
                itemId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(itemTyp, kahouRank);

            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().kuniId    = kuniId;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().stageId   = stageId;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().stageName = stageName;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().exp       = exp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().showExp   = minExp + " - " + maxExp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().money     = money;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().showMoney = minMoney + " - " + maxMoney;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemGrp   = itemGrp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemTyp   = itemTyp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemId    = itemId.ToString();
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemQty   = itemQty;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().powerType = powerType;

            if (powerType == 2)
                string imagePath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Shiro/Sprite/shiro_m";
                stage.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
            else if (powerType == 3)
                string imagePath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Shiro/Sprite/shiro_l";
                stage.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

            stageId = stageId + 1;

        //Line Setting
        Entity_stageLink_mst stageLinkMst = Resources.Load("Data/stageLink_mst") as Entity_stageLink_mst;
        List <string>        myStageLink  = new List <string> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < stageLinkMst.param.Count; i++)
            int tempKuniId = stageLinkMst.param[i].kuniId;
            if (tempKuniId == kuniId)
        List <string> myOriginalStageLink = new List <string>(myStageLink);

        //Reduce Linkcut kousaku
        string        tempLinkuct = "linkcut" + kuniId;
        string        linkcut     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tempLinkuct);
        List <string> linkcutList = new List <string> ();

        if (linkcut != null && linkcut != "")
            if (linkcut.Contains(","))
                linkcutList = new List <string> (linkcut.Split(delimiterChars));


        char[] delimiterChars2 = { '-' };
        string linkPath        = "Prefabs/Map/stage/link";

        for (int j = 0; j < myStageLink.Count; j++)
            List <string> linkList   = new List <string> (myStageLink[j].Split(delimiterChars2));
            string        stage1Name = linkList[0];
            string        stage2Name = linkList[1];

            //if(!clearedStageList.Contains(stage1Name) && !clearedStageList.Contains(stage2Name)){

            string        temp1      = "stage" + stage1Name;
            GameObject    stage1     = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(temp1).gameObject;
            RectTransform rectStage1 = stage1.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            Vector3       vect1      = new Vector3(rectStage1.anchoredPosition.x, rectStage1.anchoredPosition.y, 0);

            string        temp2      = "stage" + stage2Name;
            GameObject    stage2     = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(temp2).gameObject;
            RectTransform rectStage2 = stage2.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            Vector3       vect2      = new Vector3(rectStage2.anchoredPosition.x, rectStage2.anchoredPosition.y, 0);

            GameObject link = Instantiate(Resources.Load(linkPath)) as GameObject;
            link.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
            RectTransform linkRectTransform = link.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            linkRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            link.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(0, vect1);
            link.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(1, vect2);

            if (!clearedStageList.Contains(stage1Name) && !clearedStageList.Contains(stage2Name))
                //Line No
                stage1.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo = stage1.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo + 1;
                stage2.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo = stage2.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo + 1;

            link.name = "link" + stage1Name + "-" + stage2Name;

        //Battle Initial Setting
        StartKassen sk = GameObject.Find("BattleButton").GetComponent <StartKassen> ();

        sk.activeBusyoQty = activeBusyoQty;
        sk.activeBusyoLv  = activeBusyoLv;
        sk.activeButaiQty = activeButaiQty;
        sk.activeButaiLv  = activeButaiLv;
        sk.activeDaimyoId = daimyoId;
        sk.doumeiFlg      = doumeiFlg;

        /*Naisei Button*/
        string        seiryoku     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
        List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string>();

        seiryokuList = new List <string>(seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

        //Only for all clear
        if (clearFlg)
            string     naiseiPath = "Prefabs/Map/NaiseiButton";
            GameObject naiseiBtn  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(naiseiPath)) as GameObject;
            naiseiBtn.GetComponent <StartNaisei> ().activeKuniId   = kuniId;
            naiseiBtn.GetComponent <StartNaisei> ().activeKuniName = kuniName;
            naiseiBtn.GetComponent <StartNaisei> ().clearedFlg     = clearedFlg;
            naiseiBtn.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);
            naiseiBtn.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-490, -300);
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                boardObj.transform.FindChild("stageDtl").transform.FindChild("BattleButton").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Training";
                boardObj.transform.FindChild("stageDtl").transform.FindChild("BattleButton").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "訓練";
            GameObject firstStage = GameObject.Find("stage1");
            firstStage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().OnClick();

            if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialMain")
                GameObject battleBtnObj = boardObj.transform.FindChild("stageDtl").transform.FindChild("BattleButton").gameObject;
                battleBtnObj.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;
                battleBtnObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().color = new Color(220f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

                TutorialController tutorialScript = new TutorialController();
                Vector2            vect           = new Vector2(0, 100);
                GameObject         animObj        = tutorialScript.SetPointer(naiseiBtn, vect);
                animObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(300, 300);
            //enemy attack

            GameObject        closeObj   = boardObj.transform.FindChild("close").gameObject;
            EnemyEventHandler enemyEvent = board.transform.FindChild("board").GetComponent <EnemyEventHandler>();
            enemyEvent.doEnemyEvent(kuniMap, closeObj, kuniId, daimyoId, activeBusyoQty, activeBusyoLv, activeButaiQty, activeButaiLv);

            //open shiro
            List <int> closeStageIdList = new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

            //compare linkKuni with mySeiryoku
            List <int> linkKuniList   = new List <int>();
            List <int> linkMyKuniList = new List <int>();

            KuniInfo kuniScript = new KuniInfo();
            linkKuniList = kuniScript.getMappingKuni(kuniId);
            for (int i = 0; i < linkKuniList.Count; i++)
                int linkKuniId = linkKuniList[i];
                if (seiryokuList[linkKuniId - 1] == myDaimyoId.ToString())

            //open initial stage
            for (int j = 0; j < linkMyKuniList.Count; j++)
                int    srcKuniId = linkMyKuniList[j];
                string linkStage = kuniScript.getLinkStage(srcKuniId, kuniId);
                linkStage = linkStage.Replace("stage", "");
                List <int> linkStageList = new List <int>(Array.ConvertAll(linkStage.Split(','),
                                                                           new Converter <string, int>((s) => { return(Convert.ToInt32(s)); })));

            //open cleared kuni & linked stage
            List <int> clearedStageIntList = clearedStageList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));
            for (int l = 0; l < clearedStageIntList.Count; l++)
                int srcStageId = clearedStageIntList[l];

                for (int m = 0; m < myOriginalStageLink.Count; m++)
                    List <string> linkList = new List <string>(myOriginalStageLink[m].Split(delimiterChars2));
                    int           stage1Id = int.Parse(linkList[0]);
                    int           stage2Id = int.Parse(linkList[1]);
                    if (srcStageId == stage1Id)
                        if (!getStageGunzeiExistFlg(stage1Id, stage2Id))
                    else if (srcStageId == stage2Id)
                        if (!getStageGunzeiExistFlg(stage2Id, stage1Id))

            Color closeColor = new Color(60f / 255f, 60f / 255f, 60f / 255f, 255f / 255f); //Black
            for (int k = 0; k < closeStageIdList.Count; k++)
                int        closeStageId  = closeStageIdList[k];
                string     stageName     = "stage" + closeStageId.ToString();
                GameObject closeStageObj = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(stageName).gameObject;
                closeStageObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                closeStageObj.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = closeColor;

            //Initial Setting
            int initStageId = 1;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                if (!closeStageIdList.Contains(i))
                    initStageId = i;

            string     initStageName = "stage" + initStageId.ToString();
            GameObject firstStage    = GameObject.Find(initStageName);
            firstStage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().OnClick();

        if (!clearFlg)
            string     pathOfScroll = "Prefabs/Map/kousaku/BusyoSelectScroll";
            GameObject scroll       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfScroll)) as GameObject;
            scroll.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
            RectTransform rectScroll = scroll.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
            rectScroll.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(410, 0, 0);
            rectScroll.sizeDelta          = new Vector2(300, 750);
            scroll.name = "BusyoSelectScroll";

            KousakuConfirm kousakuScript = GameObject.Find("LinkCutButton").GetComponent <KousakuConfirm> ();
            kousakuScript.cyouhouSnbRankId = cyouhouSnbRankId;
            kousakuScript.scrollObj        = scroll;

            KousakuConfirm kousakuScript2 = GameObject.Find("CyouryakuButton").GetComponent <KousakuConfirm> ();
            kousakuScript2.cyouhouSnbRankId = cyouhouSnbRankId;
            kousakuScript2.scrollObj        = scroll;
            GameObject LinkCutButton = GameObject.Find("LinkCutButton").gameObject;
            LinkCutButton.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = false;
            LinkCutButton.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = new Color(220f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

            GameObject CyouryakuButton = GameObject.Find("CyouryakuButton").gameObject;
            CyouryakuButton.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = false;
            CyouryakuButton.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = new Color(220f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

        /*Kassen Event Controller Start*/
        KassenEvent kEvent = new KassenEvent();

        kEvent.MakeEvent(clearFlg, kuniId, kuniMap, daimyoId);

        viewKuniLink(board, kuniMap, seiryokuList);

        /*Kassen Event Controller End*/
コード例 #9
    public void OnClick()
        int hyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");

        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
        if (name == "AtkOrderBtn")
            if (hyourou >= 10)
                audioSources [0].Play();

                string     returnPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/Return";
                GameObject returnObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(returnPath)) as GameObject;
                returnObj.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                returnObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-560, 290);
                returnObj.name = "bakuhuReturn";


                //Base Obj
                string     basePath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/Base";
                GameObject baseObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(basePath)) as GameObject;
                baseObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                baseObj.name = "BakuhuBase";
                returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().deleteObj  = baseObj;
                returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().scrollView = scrollView;
                returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().board      = board;
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Attack Order";
                    board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "討伐令";
                string     textPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/ToubatsuText";
                GameObject textObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(textPath)) as GameObject;
                textObj.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0.12f, 0.15f);
                textObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 206);
                textObj.name = "ToubatsuText";

                //View daimyo kuni
                string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                string            kuniPath  = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/";
                Entity_kuni_mst   kuniMst   = Resources.Load("Data/kuni_mst") as Entity_kuni_mst;
                Entity_daimyo_mst daimyoMst = Resources.Load("Data/daimyo_mst") as Entity_daimyo_mst;
                int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

                string     kuniIconPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/BakuhuKuniMap";
                GameObject kuniMapView  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(kuniIconPath)) as GameObject;
                kuniMapView.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.65f);

                string     kuniMapPath  = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/BakuhuKuniIconView";
                GameObject kuniIconView = Instantiate(Resources.Load(kuniMapPath)) as GameObject;
                kuniIconView.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.65f);
                kuniIconView.name = "BakuhuKuniIconView";

                List <int> kuniQtyByDaimyoId = new List <int> ()
                int  myKuniQty             = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ().myKuniQty;
                bool myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < kuniMst.param.Count; i++)
                    int kuniId = kuniMst.param [i].kunId;

                    string newKuniPath = kuniPath + kuniId.ToString();
                    int    locationX   = kuniMst.param [i].locationX;
                    int    locationY   = kuniMst.param [i].locationY;

                    GameObject kuni = Instantiate(Resources.Load(newKuniPath)) as GameObject;
                    kuni.name = kuniId.ToString();
                    kuni.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

                    //Seiryoku Handling
                    int daimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [kuniId - 1]);
                    if (daimyoId == myDaimyo)
                        float colorR    = (float)daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].colorR;
                        float colorG    = (float)daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].colorG;
                        float colorB    = (float)daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].colorB;
                        Color kuniColor = new Color(colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f);

                        kuniMapView.transform.FindChild(kuni.name).GetComponent <Image> ().color = kuniColor;
                        Daimyo daimyoScript = new Daimyo();
                        string daimyoName   = daimyoScript.getName(daimyoId);
                        kuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().bakuhuFlg  = true;
                        kuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().kuniId     = kuniId;
                        kuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().daimyoId   = daimyoId;
                        kuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().daimyoName = daimyoName;
                        int daimyoBusyoIdTemp = daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].busyoId;
                        kuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().daimyoBusyoId = daimyoBusyoIdTemp;

                        /*Kuni Qty Start*/
                        int kuniQty = 0;
                        if (kuniQtyByDaimyoId [daimyoId - 1] == 0)
                            kuniQty = getKuniQty(daimyoId, seiryokuList);
                            kuniQtyByDaimyoId [daimyoId - 1] = kuniQty;
                            kuniQty = kuniQtyByDaimyoId [daimyoId - 1];
                        kuni.GetComponent <SendParam> ().kuniQty = kuniQty;
                        if (kuniQty >= myKuniQty)
                            myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg = false;
                        /*Kuni Qty End*/

                        //Color Handling
                        float colorR    = (float)daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].colorR;
                        float colorG    = (float)daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].colorG;
                        float colorB    = (float)daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].colorB;
                        Color kuniColor = new Color(colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f);

                        kuniMapView.transform.FindChild(kuni.name).GetComponent <Image> ().color = kuniColor;

                        //Daimyo Kamon Image
                        string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString();
                        kuni.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                            Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                        RectTransform kuniTransform = kuni.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        kuniTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(locationX, locationY, 0);
                returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg = myKuniQtyIsBiggestFlg;
                //Hyourou NG
                audioSources [4].Play();

                Message msg = new Message();
                //msg.makeMessageOnBoard (msg.getMessage(7));
        else if (name == "DfcOrderBtn")
            if (hyourou >= 10)
                //Gunzei Exist Check
                int bakuhuTobatsuDaimyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("bakuhuTobatsuDaimyoId");

                bool          gunzeiFlg       = false;
                KuniInfo      kuni            = new KuniInfo();
                string        seiryoku        = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                List <string> seiryokuList    = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars  = { ',' };
                char[]        delimiterChars2 = { ':' };
                seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));
                int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

                //Used Engun List
                List <string> dstEngunDaimyoIdList = new List <string>();
                foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei"))
                    string        dstEngunDaimyoId        = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei>().dstEngunDaimyoId;
                    List <string> tmpDstEngunDaimyoIdList = new List <string>();
                    if (dstEngunDaimyoId != null && dstEngunDaimyoId != "")
                        if (dstEngunDaimyoId.Contains(":"))
                            tmpDstEngunDaimyoIdList = new List <string>(dstEngunDaimyoId.Split(delimiterChars2));

                List <string> okGunzeiList = new List <string> (); //key1:engunSrcKuni1:engunSrcKuni2...,key2:engunSrcKuni1:engunSrcKuni2....

                foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei"))
                    int checkDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId;
                    if (checkDaimyoId != bakuhuTobatsuDaimyoId)
                        int        dstKuni      = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstKuni;
                        int        srcDaimyoId  = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId;
                        int        dstDaimyoId  = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId;
                        List <int> openKuniList = new List <int> ();
                        openKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni(dstKuni);

                        string     tmpString      = "";
                        List <int> usedDaimyoList = new List <int> ();
                        for (int i = 0; i < openKuniList.Count; i++)
                            int tmpDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [openKuniList [i] - 1]);
                            if (tmpDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tmpDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId && tmpDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId)
                                if (!usedDaimyoList.Contains(tmpDaimyoId))
                                    if (!dstEngunDaimyoIdList.Contains(tmpDaimyoId.ToString()))
                                        gunzeiFlg = true;

                                        if (tmpString == "")
                                            tmpString = obs.name + ":" + openKuniList [i];
                                            tmpString = tmpString + ":" + openKuniList [i];
                        if (tmpString != "")

                if (gunzeiFlg)
                    audioSources [0].Play();

                    string     returnPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/Return";
                    GameObject returnObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(returnPath)) as GameObject;
                    returnObj.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    returnObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-560, 290);
                    returnObj.name = "bakuhuReturn";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Defence Order";
                        board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "防衛令";

                    //Base Obj
                    string     basePath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/Base";
                    GameObject baseObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(basePath)) as GameObject;
                    baseObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    baseObj.name = "BakuhuBase";
                    returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().deleteObj  = baseObj;
                    returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().scrollView = scrollView;
                    returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().board      = board;

                    string     boubiScrollPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/BoueiScrollView";
                    GameObject boueiScrollObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(boubiScrollPath)) as GameObject;
                    boueiScrollObj.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    boueiScrollObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    GameObject content = boueiScrollObj.transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;

                    string uniSlotPath     = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/BoueiSlot";
                    string daimyoBusyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Sprite/unit";
                    Daimyo daimyo          = new Daimyo();

                    for (int i = 0; i < okGunzeiList.Count; i++)
                        string        tmp = okGunzeiList [i];
                        List <string> okGunzeiUnitList = new List <string> ();
                        okGunzeiUnitList = new List <string> (tmp.Split(delimiterChars2));

                        string     key              = okGunzeiUnitList [0];
                        GameObject gunzei           = GameObject.Find(key).gameObject;
                        int        dstDaimyoId      = gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId;
                        int        dstDaimyoBusyoId = daimyo.getDaimyoBusyoId(dstDaimyoId);
                        string     dstDaimyoName    = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
                        int        srcDaimyoId      = gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId;
                        int        srcDaimyoBusyoId = daimyo.getDaimyoBusyoId(srcDaimyoId);
                        string     srcDaimyoName    = daimyo.getName(srcDaimyoId);
                        int        dstKuniId        = gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstKuni;
                        string     kuniName         = kuni.getKuniName(dstKuniId);

                        for (int j = 1; j < okGunzeiUnitList.Count; j++)
                            int    engunKuniId        = int.Parse(okGunzeiUnitList [j]);
                            int    engunDaimyoId      = int.Parse(seiryokuList [engunKuniId - 1]);
                            int    engunDaimyoBusyoId = daimyo.getDaimyoBusyoId(engunDaimyoId);
                            string engunDaimyoName    = daimyo.getName(engunDaimyoId);

                            GameObject slot = Instantiate(Resources.Load(uniSlotPath)) as GameObject;
                            slot.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                slot.transform.FindChild("Kuni").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName + " Defence";
                                slot.transform.FindChild("Kuni").GetComponent <Text>().text = kuniName + "防衛";
                            string dfcDaimyoPath = daimyoBusyoPath + dstDaimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                            slot.transform.FindChild("Dfc").transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                                Resources.Load(dfcDaimyoPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                            string atkDaimyoPath = daimyoBusyoPath + srcDaimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                            slot.transform.FindChild("Atk").transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                                Resources.Load(atkDaimyoPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                            string engnDaimyoPath = daimyoBusyoPath + engunDaimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                            slot.transform.FindChild("Egn").transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                                Resources.Load(engnDaimyoPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                            slot.transform.FindChild("DfcName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = dstDaimyoName;
                            slot.transform.FindChild("AtkName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = srcDaimyoName;
                            slot.transform.FindChild("EgnName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = engunDaimyoName;
                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                slot.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Request " + engunDaimyoName + " for reinforcement";
                                slot.transform.FindChild("Exp").GetComponent <Text>().text = engunDaimyoName + "に援軍の出兵支持を出す。";
                            GameObject btn = slot.transform.FindChild("BoueiBtn").gameObject;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().key             = key;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().engunDaimyoId   = engunDaimyoId;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().engunKuniId     = engunKuniId;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().engunDaimyoName = engunDaimyoName;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().dfcDaimyoId     = dstDaimyoId;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().slot            = slot;
                            btn.GetComponent <DoBouei> ().kuniName        = kuniName;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    Message msg = new Message();
                audioSources [4].Play();

                //Hyourou NG
                Message msg = new Message();
                //msg.makeMessageOnBoard (msg.getMessage(7));
        else if (name == "RelationshipBtn")
            if (hyourou >= 5)
                int bakuhuTobatsuDaimyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("bakuhuTobatsuDaimyoId");

                //Not Last Daimyo check
                string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));
                int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

                bool          isLastDaimyoFlg   = false;
                List <string> checkedDaimyoList = new List <string> ();
                foreach (string tmp in seiryokuList)
                    if (tmp != myDaimyo.ToString())
                        if (!checkedDaimyoList.Contains(tmp))
                //include other 2 daimyos = 3
                if (checkedDaimyoList.Count >= 2)
                    isLastDaimyoFlg = true;

                if (isLastDaimyoFlg)
                    audioSources [0].Play();

                    string     returnPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/Return";
                    GameObject returnObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(returnPath)) as GameObject;
                    returnObj.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    returnObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-560, 290);
                    returnObj.name = "bakuhuReturn";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Defence Order";
                        board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "防衛令";

                    //Base Obj
                    string     basePath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/Base";
                    GameObject baseObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(basePath)) as GameObject;
                    baseObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    baseObj.name = "BakuhuBase";
                    returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().deleteObj  = baseObj;
                    returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().scrollView = scrollView;
                    returnObj.GetComponent <BakuhuMenuReturn> ().board      = board;
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Mediation";
                        board.transform.FindChild("popText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "仲裁";
                    string     scrollPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/CyusaiScrollView";
                    GameObject uprScroll  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(scrollPath)) as GameObject;
                    uprScroll.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 95);
                    uprScroll.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    uprScroll.name = "CyusaiScrollViewUpper";
                    GameObject uprContent = uprScroll.transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;
                    GameObject btnScroll  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(scrollPath)) as GameObject;
                    btnScroll.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -170);
                    btnScroll.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    btnScroll.name = "CyusaiScrollViewBottom";
                    GameObject btnContent = btnScroll.transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;

                    //Upper Scroll
                    string slotPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/CyusaiSlot";
                    Daimyo daimyo   = new Daimyo();
                    foreach (string daimyoId in checkedDaimyoList)
                        GameObject uprSlot = Instantiate(Resources.Load(slotPath)) as GameObject;
                        uprSlot.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                        uprSlot.GetComponent <CyusaiDaimyoSelect> ().daimyoId          = daimyoId;
                        uprSlot.GetComponent <CyusaiDaimyoSelect> ().checkedDaimyoList = checkedDaimyoList;
                        uprSlot.GetComponent <CyusaiDaimyoSelect> ().uprContent        = uprContent;
                        uprSlot.GetComponent <CyusaiDaimyoSelect> ().btnContent        = btnContent;

                        int    daimyoBusyoId = daimyo.getDaimyoBusyoId(int.Parse(daimyoId));
                        string daimyoName    = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(daimyoId));
                        uprSlot.GetComponent <CyusaiDaimyoSelect> ().daimyoName = daimyoName;
                        string daimyoBusyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Sprite/unit" + daimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                        uprSlot.transform.FindChild("Image").transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                            Resources.Load(daimyoBusyoPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                        uprSlot.transform.FindChild("DaimyoName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = daimyoName;
                    string     cyusaiTxtPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/CyusaiText";
                    GameObject cTxt          = Instantiate(Resources.Load(cyusaiTxtPath)) as GameObject;
                    cTxt.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.12f, 0.15f);
                    cTxt.name = "CyusaiText";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    Message msg = new Message();
                audioSources [4].Play();

                //Hyourou NG
                Message msg = new Message();
                //msg.makeMessageOnBoard (msg.getMessage(7));
        else if (name == "SobujiKessenBtn")
            if (hyourou >= 30)
                bool myKuniQtyIsTwiceFlg = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController> ().myKuniQtyIsTwiceFlg;
                if (myKuniQtyIsTwiceFlg)
                    audioSources [0].Play();

                    //Confirm Button
                    //Back Cover
                    string     backPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/back";
                    GameObject back     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(backPath)) as GameObject;
                    back.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    RectTransform backTransform = back.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                    backTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    //Message Box
                    GameObject soubujireiConfirmObj = Instantiate(soubujireiConfirm) as GameObject;
                    soubujireiConfirmObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    RectTransform msgTransform = soubujireiConfirmObj.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                    msgTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    msgTransform.name = "SoubujireiConfirmObj";

                    GameObject YesBtn = soubujireiConfirmObj.transform.FindChild("YesButton").gameObject;
                    GameObject NoBtn  = soubujireiConfirmObj.transform.FindChild("NoButton").gameObject;
                    YesBtn.GetComponent <DoSoubujirei> ().board   = board;
                    YesBtn.GetComponent <DoSoubujirei> ().confirm = soubujireiConfirmObj;
                    YesBtn.GetComponent <DoSoubujirei> ().back    = back;
                    NoBtn.GetComponent <DoSoubujirei> ().confirm  = soubujireiConfirmObj;
                    NoBtn.GetComponent <DoSoubujirei> ().back     = back;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    Message msg = new Message();
                audioSources [4].Play();

                //Hyourou NG
                Message msg = new Message();
                //msg.makeMessageOnBoard (msg.getMessage(7));
        else if (name == "KessenBtn")
            if (hyourou >= hyourouNo)
                audioSources [0].Play();

                //Confirm Button

                //Back Cover
                string     backPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/back";
                GameObject back     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(backPath)) as GameObject;
                back.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                RectTransform backTransform = back.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                backTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                //Message Box
                string     msgPath = "Prefabs/Bakuhu/KessenConfirm";
                GameObject msg     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(msgPath)) as GameObject;
                msg.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                RectTransform msgTransform = msg.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                msgTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                msgTransform.name = "KessenConfirm";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    msg.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Operate final war with " + daimyoName + ".";
                    msg.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = daimyoName + "に決戦を仕掛けます";
                GameObject YesBtn = msg.transform.FindChild("YesButton").gameObject;
                GameObject NoBtn  = msg.transform.FindChild("NoButton").gameObject;
                YesBtn.GetComponent <DoKessen> ().daimyoId      = daimyoId;
                YesBtn.GetComponent <DoKessen> ().daimyoName    = daimyoName;
                YesBtn.GetComponent <DoKessen> ().kuniId        = kuniId;
                YesBtn.GetComponent <DoKessen> ().needHyourouNo = hyourouNo;
                NoBtn.GetComponent <DoKessen> ().confirm        = msg;
                NoBtn.GetComponent <DoKessen> ().back           = back;

                YesBtn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").transform.FindChild("hyourouNoValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = hyourouNo.ToString();
                audioSources [4].Play();

                //Hyourou NG
                Message msg = new Message();
                //msg.makeMessageOnBoard (msg.getMessage(7));
コード例 #10
ファイル: CyouhouSelect.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void OnClick(){

		if (close.GetComponent<CloseBoard> ().kuniId != kuniId) {
			close.GetComponent<CloseBoard> ().kuniId = kuniId;

			GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView").gameObject;
			SendParam script = kuniIconView.transform.FindChild (kuniId.ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();
			KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
			Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo ();
			Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou ();
			List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
			targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (kuniId);
			char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };

			GameObject daimyoNameObj = status.transform.FindChild ("DaimyoName").gameObject;
			string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString ();
			daimyoNameObj.transform.FindChild ("Kamon").GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
			Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

			//Daimyo Name
			daimyoNameObj.transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = daimyoName;

			//Kuni Name
			GameObject kuniNameObj = status.transform.FindChild ("KuniName").gameObject;
			kuniNameObj.transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = kuniName;

			status.transform.FindChild ("Heiryoku").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = script.heiryoku.ToString ();

			status.transform.FindChild ("Yukoudo").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = script.myYukouValue.ToString ();

			//Attack Target
			bool aggressiveFlg = script.aggressiveFlg;
			int myDaimyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");

			int targetKuniId = getKassenTargetKuni (kuniId, daimyoId, targetKuniList, kuniIconView, aggressiveFlg, seiryokuList, myDaimyoId);
			if (targetKuniId != 0) {
				string targetKuniName = kuni.getKuniName (targetKuniId);
				int targetDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [targetKuniId - 1]);
				string targetDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (targetDaimyoId);
				status.transform.FindChild ("Atk").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = targetKuniName + "(" + targetDaimyoName + ")";
			} else {
				status.transform.FindChild ("Atk").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "無し";

			int targetGaikouKuniId = 0;
			if (snbRank > 1) { //Jyo or Cyu

				targetGaikouKuniId = getGaikouTargetKuni (kuniId, daimyoId, targetKuniList, kuniIconView, aggressiveFlg, seiryokuList, myDaimyoId);
				if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0) {
					string targetGaikouKuniName = kuni.getKuniName (targetGaikouKuniId);
					int targetGaikouDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [targetGaikouKuniId - 1]);
					string targetGaikouDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (targetGaikouDaimyoId);
					status.transform.FindChild ("Gaiko").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = targetGaikouKuniName + "(" + targetGaikouDaimyoName + ")";
				} else {
					status.transform.FindChild ("Gaiko").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "無し";

				string doumeiTmp = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString ();
				string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString (doumeiTmp);
				List<string> doumeiList = new List<string> ();
				if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") {
					if (doumeiString.Contains (",")) {
						doumeiList = new List<string> (doumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));
					} else {
						doumeiList.Add (doumeiString);

				string doumeiNameList = "無し";
				for (int j = 0; j < doumeiList.Count; j++) {
					if (j == 0) {
						doumeiNameList = daimyo.getName (int.Parse (doumeiList [j]));
					} else {
						doumeiNameList = doumeiNameList + "," + daimyo.getName (int.Parse (doumeiList [j]));

				status.transform.FindChild ("Doumei").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = doumeiNameList;
			} else {
				status.transform.FindChild ("Gaiko").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "?";
				status.transform.FindChild ("Doumei").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "?";


			if (snbRank > 2) { //Jyo
				BusyoInfoGet busyo = new BusyoInfoGet();

				string qtyAndHeisyu = busyo.getDaimyoBusyoQtyHeisyu(daimyoId);
				List<string> qtyAndHeisyuiList = new List<string> ();
				qtyAndHeisyuiList = new List<string> (qtyAndHeisyu.Split (delimiterChars));

				status.transform.FindChild ("BusyoQty").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = qtyAndHeisyuiList[0];
				status.transform.FindChild ("Heisyu").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = qtyAndHeisyuiList[1];
			} else {
				//Cyu or Ge
				status.transform.FindChild ("BusyoQty").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "?";
				status.transform.FindChild ("Heisyu").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "?";


			//Main Map
			foreach(Transform obj in board.transform){
				if (obj.name != "Explanation") {
					Destroy (obj.gameObject);

			string kuniMapPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/kuniImage";
			GameObject mainMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kuniMapPath)) as GameObject;
			mainMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (13, 9);
			mainMap.name = "kuniMap" + kuniId;
			string kuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/kuniMap/" + kuniId.ToString ();
			mainMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
				Resources.Load (kuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

			int baseX = kuni.getKuniLocationX (kuniId);
			int baseY = kuni.getKuniLocationY (kuniId);
			int adjstX = baseX * -1;
			int adjustY = baseY * -1;

			float colorR = daimyo.getColorR (daimyoId);
			float colorG = daimyo.getColorG (daimyoId);
			float colorB = daimyo.getColorB (daimyoId);
			Color kuniColor = new Color (colorR / 255f, colorG / 255f, colorB / 255f, 255f / 255f);
			mainMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = kuniColor;

			RectTransform mapRect = mainMap.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			mapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (adjstX, adjustY, 0);

			//My Kuni Kamon Icon
			string kamonBackPath ="Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/KamonBack";
			GameObject kamonBack = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kamonBackPath)) as GameObject;
			kamonBack.transform.SetParent (board.transform);
			kamonBack.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
			kamonBack.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,0);

			string kamonKuniPath = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/" + kuniId.ToString();
			GameObject kamonObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kamonKuniPath)) as GameObject;
			kamonObj.transform.SetParent (kamonBack.transform);
			kamonObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f);
			kamonObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,0);
			kamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
				Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
			kamonObj.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;

			//Mapping Kuni
			Entity_kuni_mst kuniMst = Resources.Load ("Data/kuni_mst") as Entity_kuni_mst;
			for (int i=0; i < kuniMst.param.Count; i++) {
			//for (int i=0; i < targetKuniList.Count; i++) {
				int subKuniId = i + 1;

				GameObject subMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (kuniMapPath)) as GameObject;
				subMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
				subMap.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);

				subMap.name = "kuniMap" + subKuniId;
				string subKuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/kuniMap/" + subKuniId;
				subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
					Resources.Load (subKuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

				if (targetKuniList.Contains (subKuniId)) {
					int subDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [subKuniId - 1]);
					float subColorR = daimyo.getColorR (subDaimyoId);
					float subColorG = daimyo.getColorG (subDaimyoId);
					float subColorB = daimyo.getColorB (subDaimyoId);
					Color subKuniColor = new Color (subColorR / 255f, subColorG / 255f, subColorB / 255f, 255f / 255f);
					subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = subKuniColor;

					string subKamonKuniPath = "Prefabs/Map/Kuni/" + subKuniId.ToString ();
					GameObject subKamonObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (subKamonKuniPath)) as GameObject;
					subKamonObj.transform.SetParent (board.transform);
					subKamonObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f);
					if (daimyoId != subDaimyoId) {
						string subImagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + subDaimyoId.ToString ();
						subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
							Resources.Load (subImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

						int yukoudoValue = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue (daimyoId, subDaimyoId);
						string syukoudoPath = "Prefabs/Map/cyouhou/YukoudoLabel";
						GameObject yukoudoObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (syukoudoPath)) as GameObject;
						yukoudoObj.transform.SetParent (subKamonObj.transform);
						yukoudoObj.GetComponent<Text> ().text = yukoudoValue.ToString ();
						yukoudoObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (0.08f, 0.1f);
						yukoudoObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 26);

					} else {
						subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
							Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
					subKamonObj.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;

					//Kamon adjustment
					int subBaseX = kuni.getKuniLocationX (subKuniId);
					int subBaseY = kuni.getKuniLocationY (subKuniId);
					int subAdjstX = subBaseX - baseX;
					int subAdjstY = subBaseY - baseY;

					RectTransform subMapRect = subKamonObj.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
					subMapRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (subAdjstX, subAdjstY, 0);

					if (targetKuniId != 0) {
						if (targetKuniId == subKuniId) {
							//kassen target
							Color atkColor = new Color (180f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().color = atkColor;

					if (snbRank > 1) {
						if (targetGaikouKuniId != 0) {
							if (targetGaikouKuniId == subKuniId) {
								//kassen target
								Color gaikouColor = new Color (80f / 255f, 100f / 255f, 185f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
								subKamonObj.GetComponent<Image> ().color = gaikouColor;
				} else {
					Color noSubKuniColor = new Color (255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 40f / 255f);
					subMap.GetComponent<Image> ().color = noSubKuniColor;



コード例 #11
	public int countLinkedKuniQty(int kuniQty, int myKuniId, int myDaimyoId, List<string>seiryokuList, List<string>checkedKuniList){

		List<int> dstKuniList = new List<int>();
		KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();

		dstKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni(myKuniId);

		foreach(int dstKuniId in dstKuniList){
			if (!checkedKuniList.Contains (dstKuniId.ToString())) {

				string tmpDaimyoId = seiryokuList[dstKuniId - 1];
				checkedKuniList.Add (dstKuniId.ToString ());
				checkedKuniList.Add (myKuniId.ToString ());

				if (int.Parse (tmpDaimyoId) == myDaimyoId) {

					kuniQty = countLinkedKuniQty (kuniQty, dstKuniId, myDaimyoId, seiryokuList, checkedKuniList) + 1;



		return kuniQty;
コード例 #12
    public void SyuppeiKuniScrollView(GameObject baseObj, string targetDaimyo, GameObject btn)
        //View kuni which have openkuni

        GameObject content = baseObj.transform.FindChild("scroll").transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;

        string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");

        char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
        List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string>();

        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

        //my kuni
        int        myDaimyo   = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
        string     myKuni     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("clearedKuni");
        List <int> myKuniList = new List <int>();

        if (myKuni.Contains(","))
            List <string> tempMyKuniList = new List <string> (myKuni.Split(delimiterChars));
            myKuniList = tempMyKuniList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));

        //doumei daimyo's opne kuni
        KuniInfo   kuni = new KuniInfo();
        List <int> doumeiOpenKuniList = new List <int>();
        List <int> doumeiKuniList     = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
            string tempDaimyo = seiryokuList[i];
            if (tempDaimyo == targetDaimyo)
                int doumeiKuniId = i + 1;

        //"doumei daimyo's doumei check
        string        tempDoumei = "doumei" + targetDaimyo;
        string        doumei     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tempDoumei);
        List <string> doumeiList = new List <string>();

        if (doumei.Contains(","))
            doumeiList = new List <string> (doumei.Split(delimiterChars));

        //"doumei daimyo's opne kuni" minus "my kuni"  /minus Doumei's doumei
        List <int> doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList = new List <int>();

        foreach (int n in doumeiOpenKuniList)
            if (!myKuniList.Contains(n))
                if (!doumeiKuniList.Contains(n))
                    if (doumeiList.Count != 0)
                        string checkDaimyoId = seiryokuList [n - 1];
                        if (!doumeiList.Contains(checkDaimyoId))

        //delete duplication
        List <int> finalKuniList = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList.Count; i++)
            int tmpKuniId = doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList [i];

            if (!finalKuniList.Contains(tmpKuniId))

        //Src Kuni List
        List <int> srcKuniList = new List <int>();

        for (int j = 0; j < finalKuniList.Count; j++)
            int dstKuniId = finalKuniList [j];

            List <int> targetKuniList = new List <int>();
            for (int k = 0; k < targetKuniList.Count; k++)
                int srcKuniId = targetKuniList [k];
                if (doumeiKuniList.Contains(srcKuniId))

        /*Slot making*/
        string temp      = "gaikou" + targetDaimyo;
        int    myYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(temp);

        //Get Chiryaku
        //Entity_daimyo_mst daimyoMst = Resources.Load ("Data/daimyo_mst") as Entity_daimyo_mst;
        Daimyo       daimyoScript    = new Daimyo();
        int          myDaimyoBusyoId = daimyoScript.getDaimyoBusyoId(myDaimyo);
        BusyoInfoGet busyo           = new BusyoInfoGet();
        int          chiryaku        = busyo.getMaxDfc(myDaimyoBusyoId);

        string slotPath = "Prefabs/Map/common/kuniSlot";

        for (int i = 0; i < finalKuniList.Count; i++)
            GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(slotPath)) as GameObject;
            prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            int    kuniId        = finalKuniList[i];
            int    daimyoId      = int.Parse(seiryokuList [kuniId - 1]);
            string daimyoName    = daimyoScript.getName(daimyoId);
            int    srcKuniId     = srcKuniList [i];
            int    srcDaimyoId   = int.Parse(seiryokuList [srcKuniId - 1]);
            string srcDaimyoName = daimyoScript.getName(srcDaimyoId);

            string theirYukouTemp = "";
            if (int.Parse(targetDaimyo) < daimyoId)
                theirYukouTemp = targetDaimyo + "gaikou" + daimyoId.ToString();
                theirYukouTemp = daimyoId.ToString() + "gaikou" + targetDaimyo;

            int theirYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(theirYukouTemp);

            string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
            prefab.transform.FindChild("KuniValue").GetComponent <Text>().text   = kuniName;
            prefab.transform.FindChild("DaimyoValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = daimyoName;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().Content = content;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().Btn     = btn;

            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().myYukoudo        = myYukoudo;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().chiryaku         = chiryaku;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().kuniDiff         = kuniDiff;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().theirYukoudo     = theirYukoudo;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().kuniName         = kuniName;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().targetKuniId     = kuniId;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().targetDaimyoId   = daimyoId;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().targetDaimyoName = daimyoName;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().srcKuniId        = srcKuniId;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().srcDaimyoId      = srcDaimyoId;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().srcDaimyoName    = srcDaimyoName;

            if (i == 0)
                prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().OnClick();

        if (finalKuniList.Count == 0)
            string     msgPath = "Prefabs/Map/gaikou/NoKyoutouMsg";
            GameObject msg     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(msgPath)) as GameObject;
            msg.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.17f, 0.2f, 1);
            RectTransform msgTransform = msg.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            msgTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(-260, -115, 0);
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                msg.GetComponent <Text>().text = "There is no available country.\nWe are surranded by allianced party.";
                msg.GetComponent <Text>().text = "出兵可能な国はありませぬ\n周辺国は同盟大名しかおりませぬぞ";

            GameObject a = baseObj.transform.FindChild("RequiredMoney").gameObject;
            GameObject b = baseObj.transform.FindChild("KyoutouRatio").gameObject;

            btn.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
            Color NGClorBtn = new Color(133 / 255f, 133 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            Color NGClorTxt = new Color(90 / 255f, 90 / 255f, 40 / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            btn.GetComponent <Image>().color = NGClorBtn;
            btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().color = NGClorTxt;

            btn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").GetComponent <Image>().color = NGClorBtn;
            btn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").transform.FindChild("hyourouNoValue").GetComponent <Text>().color = NGClorTxt;
            btn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").transform.FindChild("hyourouNoValue").transform.FindChild("syouhiText").GetComponent <Text>().color = NGClorTxt;
コード例 #13
    public void kuniScrollView(GameObject baseObj, string targetDaimyo, GameObject btn)
        GameObject content = baseObj.transform.FindChild("scroll").transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;

        string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");

        char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
        List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string>();

        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

        //my kuni
        int        myDaimyo   = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
        string     myKuni     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("clearedKuni");
        List <int> myKuniList = new List <int>();

        if (myKuni.Contains(","))
            List <string> tempMyKuniList = new List <string> (myKuni.Split(delimiterChars));
            myKuniList = tempMyKuniList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));

        //doumei daimyo's opne kuni
        KuniInfo   kuni = new KuniInfo();
        List <int> doumeiOpenKuniList = new List <int>();
        List <int> doumeiKuniList     = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
            string tempDaimyo = seiryokuList[i];
            if (tempDaimyo == targetDaimyo)
                int doumeiKuniId = i + 1;

        //"doumei daimyo's opne kuni" minus "my kuni"
        List <int> doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList = new List <int>();

        foreach (int n in doumeiOpenKuniList)
            if (!myKuniList.Contains(n))

        //"doumei daimyo's doumei check
        string        tempDoumei = "doumei" + targetDaimyo;
        string        doumei     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tempDoumei);
        List <string> doumeiList = new List <string>();

        if (doumei.Contains(","))
            doumeiList = new List <string> (doumei.Split(delimiterChars));

        if (doumei != null && doumei != "")
            for (int t = 0; t < doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList.Count; t++)
                //foreach (int n in doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList) {
                string checkDaimyoId = seiryokuList [doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList[t] - 1];
                if (doumeiList.Contains(checkDaimyoId))

        //Compare "doumei open" with "my open"
        string     myOpenKuni     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("openKuni");
        List <int> myOpenKuniList = new List <int>();

        if (myOpenKuni.Contains(","))
            List <string> tempMyOpenKuniList = new List <string> (myOpenKuni.Split(delimiterChars));
            myOpenKuniList = tempMyOpenKuniList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));

        List <int> sameTargetKuniList = new List <int>();

        foreach (int n in myOpenKuniList)
            if (doumeiOpenKuniMinusMyKuniList.Contains(n))
                if (!doumeiKuniList.Contains(n))
                    if (!sameTargetKuniList.Contains(n))

        /*Slot making*/
        string temp      = "gaikou" + targetDaimyo;
        int    myYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(temp);

        //Get Chiryaku
        Daimyo            daimyoScript = new Daimyo();
        Entity_daimyo_mst daimyoMst    = Resources.Load("Data/daimyo_mst") as Entity_daimyo_mst;
        int          myDaimyoBusyoId   = daimyoMst.param [myDaimyo - 1].busyoId;
        BusyoInfoGet busyo             = new BusyoInfoGet();
        int          chiryaku          = busyo.getMaxDfc(myDaimyoBusyoId);
        //StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
        //int lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (myDaimyoBusyoId.ToString());
        //float chiryaku = (float)sts.getDfc(myDaimyoBusyoId,lv);
        //chiryaku = chiryaku *10;

        string slotPath = "Prefabs/Map/common/kuniSlot";

        for (int i = 0; i < sameTargetKuniList.Count; i++)
            GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(slotPath)) as GameObject;
            prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            int kuniId   = sameTargetKuniList[i];
            int daimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [kuniId - 1]);
            // daimyoName = daimyoMst.param [daimyoId - 1].daimyoName;
            string daimyoName = daimyoScript.getName(daimyoId);

            string theirYukouTemp = "";
            if (int.Parse(targetDaimyo) < daimyoId)
                theirYukouTemp = targetDaimyo + "gaikou" + daimyoId.ToString();
                theirYukouTemp = daimyoId.ToString() + "gaikou" + targetDaimyo;

            int theirYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(theirYukouTemp);

            string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
            prefab.transform.FindChild("KuniValue").GetComponent <Text>().text   = kuniName;
            prefab.transform.FindChild("DaimyoValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = daimyoName;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().Content = content;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().Btn     = btn;

            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().myYukoudo    = myYukoudo;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().chiryaku     = chiryaku;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().kuniDiff     = kuniDiff;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().theirYukoudo = theirYukoudo;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().kuniName     = kuniName;
            prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().targetKuniId = kuniId;

            if (i == 0)
                prefab.GetComponent <GaikouKuniSelect>().OnClick();

        if (sameTargetKuniList.Count == 0)
            string     msgPath = "Prefabs/Map/gaikou/NoKyoutouMsg";
            GameObject msg     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(msgPath)) as GameObject;
            msg.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.17f, 0.2f, 1);
            RectTransform msgTransform = msg.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
            msgTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(-260, -115, 0);

            GameObject a = baseObj.transform.FindChild("RequiredMoney").gameObject;
            GameObject b = baseObj.transform.FindChild("KyoutouRatio").gameObject;

            btn.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
            Color NGClorBtn = new Color(133 / 255f, 133 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            Color NGClorTxt = new Color(90 / 255f, 90 / 255f, 40 / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            btn.GetComponent <Image>().color = NGClorBtn;
            btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().color = NGClorTxt;

            btn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").GetComponent <Image>().color = NGClorBtn;
            btn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").transform.FindChild("hyourouNoValue").GetComponent <Text>().color = NGClorTxt;
            btn.transform.FindChild("hyourouIcon").transform.FindChild("hyourouNoValue").transform.FindChild("syouhiText").GetComponent <Text>().color = NGClorTxt;
コード例 #14
    public void viewKuniLink(GameObject board, GameObject kuniMap, List <string> seiryokuList)
        KuniInfo   kuniScript   = new KuniInfo();
        List <int> linkKuniList = kuniScript.getMappingKuni(kuniId);

        List <int> linkAllKuniList = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < linkKuniList.Count; i++)
            int linkKuniId = linkKuniList[i];

        //view kuni arrow link
        Daimyo daimyoScript = new Daimyo();

        for (int i = 0; i < linkAllKuniList.Count; i++)
            int        srcKuniId      = linkAllKuniList[i];
            List <int> XYList         = kuniScript.getLinkStageXY(srcKuniId, kuniId);
            string     pathOfSrcKuni  = "Prefabs/Map/Stage/ArrowKuniName";
            GameObject srcKuniNameObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfSrcKuni)) as GameObject;
            srcKuniNameObj.name = "Arrow" + srcKuniId;
            srcKuniNameObj.transform.localScale       = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.15f);
            srcKuniNameObj.transform.localPosition    = new Vector2(XYList[0], XYList[1]);
            srcKuniNameObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = kuniScript.getKuniName(srcKuniId);

            string linkStage = kuniScript.getLinkStage(srcKuniId, kuniId);
            linkStage = linkStage.Replace("stage", "");
            List <int> linkStageList = new List <int>(Array.ConvertAll(linkStage.Split(','),
                                                                       new Converter <string, int>((s) => { return(Convert.ToInt32(s)); })));

            string     arrowDaimyoPath = "Prefabs/Map/Stage/ArrowDaimyo";
            GameObject arrowDaimyo     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(arrowDaimyoPath)) as GameObject;
            arrowDaimyo.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(8, 7);
            arrowDaimyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
            arrowDaimyo.transform.FindChild("Effect").GetComponent <DamagePop>().divSpeed       = 5;
            arrowDaimyo.transform.FindChild("Effect").GetComponent <DamagePop>().attackBoardflg = true;

            int    arrowDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[srcKuniId - 1]);
            string daimyoName    = daimyoScript.getName(arrowDaimyoId);
            arrowDaimyo.transform.FindChild("Effect").GetComponent <Text>().text = daimyoName;
            arrowDaimyo.transform.FindChild("Effect").transform.localScale       = new Vector2(0.12f, 0.12f);
            string kamonPath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + arrowDaimyoId.ToString();
            arrowDaimyo.GetComponent <Image>().sprite =
                Resources.Load(kamonPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

            string arrowPath = "Prefabs/PostKassen/Arrow";
            for (int j = 0; j < linkStageList.Count; j++)
                GameObject arrow = Instantiate(Resources.Load(arrowPath)) as GameObject;
                arrow.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(200, 200);
                arrow.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
                string     stageId     = "stage" + linkStageList[j];
                GameObject tgtStageObj = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(stageId).gameObject;
                Vector3    posDif      = tgtStageObj.transform.position - arrow.transform.position;
                float      angle       = Mathf.Atan2(posDif.y, posDif.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                Vector3 euler = new Vector3(0, 0, angle);
                arrow.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(euler);
コード例 #15
	public void mainHandler(){

		/*Basic Info*/
		//make kuni list
		string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
		List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
		int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
		GameObject targetKuni = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView");

		//1. Randome choice Kassen Qty between 0,1,2,3
		//2. Ratio 50% check
		//3. Random choice Kassen Souce Kuni 1-65
		//4. Destination Check by Mapping
		//		if Same Daimyo between Kassen Souce & Destination Kuni => Skip
		//      else => Make guntai Instance
		//        	 4-1. Destination == myDaimyo
		//			 4-2. Destination == has own relation or master relation  

		List<string> messageList = new List<string> ();

		//Count Kassen Qty
		int kassenQty = CountEnemyKassenAction ();

		for (int i=1; i<kassenQty+1; i++) {
			//Check Kassen or Not

			bool kassenFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio);
			if (kassenFlg == true) {
				//target kuni extraction

				while (true) {
					int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 65);
					string eDaimyo = seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1];
					string tDaimyo = "";
					bool doumeiFlg = false;

					if (eDaimyo != myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
						//Check Kuni Mapping
						List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
						KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
						targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (randomKuni);
						//Yukoudo Check
						int worstGaikouDaimyo = 0;
						int worstGaikouValue = 100;
						int worstGaikouKuni = 0;
						int worstHeiryokuValue = 100000000;

						SendParam srcSendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (randomKuni.ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();
						bool aggressiveFlg = srcSendParam.aggressiveFlg;

						for (int k=0; k<targetKuniList.Count; k++) {						
							SendParam sendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (targetKuniList [k].ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();

							if (aggressiveFlg) {
								//Find worst gaikou daimyo

								tDaimyo = seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1];
								int gaikouValue = 0;

								if (eDaimyo != tDaimyo) {
									if (tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
										//Get Gaikou Value

										string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

									} else {
										//Gaikou Data Check
										string gaikouTemp = "";
										if (int.Parse (eDaimyo) < int.Parse (tDaimyo)) {
											gaikouTemp = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + tDaimyo;
										} else {
											gaikouTemp = tDaimyo + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;

										if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
											gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);

										} else {
											//non exist
											//gaikou check
											gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (int.Parse (eDaimyo), int.Parse (tDaimyo));


									//Compare with Previous one
									if (worstGaikouValue > gaikouValue) {
										worstGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
										worstGaikouDaimyo = int.Parse (tDaimyo);
										worstGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];
							} else {
								//Find worst heiryoku daimyo

								tDaimyo = seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1];

								if (eDaimyo != tDaimyo) {								
									//Heiryoku Check
									int heiryoku = sendParam.heiryoku;

									//Compare with Previous one
									if (worstHeiryokuValue > heiryoku) {
										worstHeiryokuValue = heiryoku;

										int gaikouValue = 0;
										if (tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
											//Get Gaikou Value
											string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

										} else {
											//Gaikou Data Check
											string gaikouTemp = "";
											if (int.Parse (eDaimyo) < int.Parse (tDaimyo)) {
												gaikouTemp = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + tDaimyo;
											} else {
												gaikouTemp = tDaimyo + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
												gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);
											} else {
												//non exist
												gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (int.Parse (eDaimyo), int.Parse (tDaimyo));
										worstGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
										worstGaikouDaimyo = int.Parse (tDaimyo);
										worstGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];



						}//Loop End

						//Create Guntai Instance
						if (worstGaikouValue != 100) {
							int kassenRatio2 = 100 - worstGaikouValue;

							//doumei check
							string doumeiCheck = "doumei" + eDaimyo;
								string cDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiCheck);
								List<string> cDoumeiList = new List<string>();
									cDoumeiList = new List<string> (cDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));


								//If Doumei Daimyo -> Half Ratio
									doumeiFlg = true;
									kassenRatio2 = kassenRatio2/2;
									doumeiFlg = false;

							bool GaikouValueFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio2);
							if (GaikouValueFlg) {
								//Make Guntai Instance
								string key = randomKuni.ToString () + "-" + worstGaikouKuni.ToString ();
								bool ExistFlg = false;

								//Exist Check Same Daimyo
								foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei")){
									int gunzeiSrcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;

									if(int.Parse(eDaimyo) == gunzeiSrcDaimyoId){
										ExistFlg = true;

									string path = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
									GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate (Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;			
									Gunzei.transform.SetParent (GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
									Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);

									int srcX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(randomKuni);
									int srcY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(randomKuni);
									int dstX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(worstGaikouKuni);
									int dstY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(worstGaikouKuni);
									string direction = "";
									Gunzei gunzei = new Gunzei ();

									if(srcX < dstX){
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
										direction = "right";
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (-1, 1);
										direction = "left";
										Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;


									int aveX = (srcX + dstX)/2;
									int aveY = (srcY + dstY)/2;
									RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
									GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (aveX, aveY, 0);

									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().key = key;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcKuni = randomKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (eDaimyo);
									string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse (eDaimyo));
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstKuni = worstGaikouKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId = worstGaikouDaimyo;
									string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (worstGaikouDaimyo);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = dstDaimyoName;
									int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc (randomKuni);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
									Gunzei.name = key;

									//Engun from Doumei
									Doumei doumei = new Doumei();
									List<string> doumeiDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
									bool dstEngunFlg = false;
									string dstEngunDaimyoId = ""; //2:3:5 
									string dstEngunHei = "";
									string dstEngunSts = ""; //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
									int totalEngunHei = 0;

									doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(worstGaikouDaimyo,eDaimyo);

									if(doumeiDaimyoList.Count != 0){
										//Doumei Exist

										//Trace Check
										List<string> okDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
										List<string> checkList = new List<string> ();
										okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(worstGaikouKuni, worstGaikouDaimyo, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList,okDaimyoList);

										if(okDaimyoList.Count !=0){
											//Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

											for(int k=0; k<okDaimyoList.Count; k++){
												string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[k];
												int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), worstGaikouDaimyo);

												//engun check

												dstEngunFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudo);
													//Engun OK
													dstEngunFlg = true;
													if(dstEngunDaimyoId !=null && dstEngunDaimyoId !=""){
														dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;

														dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = tempEngunSts;

											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg = dstEngunFlg;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts;

									//Set Value
									//CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
									string keyValue = "";
									string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString ();
									keyValue = createTime + "," + eDaimyo + "," + worstGaikouDaimyo + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + dstDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + ","+ dstEngunSts;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (key, keyValue);
									string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
									if(keyHistory == null || keyHistory == ""){
										keyHistory = key;
										keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString ("keyHistory", keyHistory);
									flush ();

									string kassenText = "";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしました。";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしました。\n防衛側の同盟国が援軍" + totalEngunHei + "人を派兵しました。";
									messageList.Add (kassenText);

										//Delete doumei
										doumei.deleteDoumei(eDaimyo, worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString());

										//Zero Gaikou
										string tempYukou = "";
										if(tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString()){
											tempYukou = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											if(worstGaikouDaimyo < int.Parse(eDaimyo)){
												tempYukou = worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString() + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
												tempYukou = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString();

										PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

		int gaikouQty = CountEnemyGaikouAction ();
		for (int i=1; i<gaikouQty+1; i++) {

			bool gaikouFlg = CheckByProbability (gaikouRatio);

			if (gaikouFlg == true) {
				//Do gaikou

				int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
				int srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1]);
				string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);

				if (srcDaimyoId != myDaimyo) {	

					List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
					targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (randomKuni);

					//Yukoudo Check
					int bestGaikouDaimyo = 0;
					int bestGaikouValue = 0;
					int bestGaikouKuni = 0;
					int bestHeiryokuValue = 0;

					SendParam sendParamSrc = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (randomKuni.ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();
					bool aggressiveFlg = sendParamSrc.aggressiveFlg;

					for (int k=0; k<targetKuniList.Count; k++) {

						SendParam sendParam = targetKuni.transform.FindChild (targetKuniList [k].ToString ()).GetComponent<SendParam> ();

						if (aggressiveFlg) {
							//Find best gaikou daimyo

							int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1]);
							int gaikouValue = 0;

							if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) {
								if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
									//Get Gaikou Value

									string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;
									gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

								} else {
									//Gaikou Data Check
									string gaikouTemp = "";
									if (srcDaimyoId < dstDaimyoId) {
										gaikouTemp = srcDaimyoId + "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId;
									} else {
										gaikouTemp = dstDaimyoId + "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;

									if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);

									} else {
										//non exist
										//gaikou check
										gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);


								//Compare with Previous one
								//Best one
								if (gaikouValue >= bestGaikouValue) {
									bestGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
									bestGaikouDaimyo = dstDaimyoId;
									bestGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];


						} else {
							//Find best heiryoku daimyo
							int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1]);

							if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) {								
								//Heiryoku Check
								int heiryoku = sendParam.heiryoku;

								//Compare with Previous one
								if (heiryoku >= bestHeiryokuValue) {
									bestHeiryokuValue = heiryoku;

									int gaikouValue = 0;
									if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
										//Get Gaikou Value
										string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

									} else {
										//Gaikou Data Check
										string gaikouTemp = "";
										if (srcDaimyoId < dstDaimyoId) {
											gaikouTemp = srcDaimyoId + "gaikou" + dstDaimyoId;
										} else {
											gaikouTemp = dstDaimyoId + "gaikou" + srcDaimyoId;
										if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
											gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);
										} else {
											//non exist
											gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);
									bestGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
									bestGaikouDaimyo = dstDaimyoId;
									bestGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];



					}//Loop End

					//Gaikou Action
					float percent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;

					int gaikouAction = 0;
					if (percent <= 60) {
						gaikouAction = 1; //Mitsugi
					} else if (60 < percent && percent <= 97) {
						gaikouAction = 2; //Ryugen
					} else if (97 < percent && percent <= 100) {
						gaikouAction = 3; //Doumei

					if (gaikouAction == 1) {
						//1. yukoudo up(Mitsugimono) 

						bool yukoudoUpFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoUpMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoUpFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo

							string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (bestGaikouDaimyo);

							if (bestGaikouDaimyo == myDaimyo) {
								//In the case that MyDaimyo receive Mitsugimono
								int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, bestGaikouDaimyo);
								int addMoney = addYukoudo * 1000;
								string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "殿が御屋形様に、金" + addMoney.ToString() + "の貢物を送って参りました。\t友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
								int myMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
								myMoney = myMoney + addMoney;
								flush ();
								GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = myMoney.ToString();

								messageList.Add (yukouUpText);

							} else {
								//In the case between other daimyos
								int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithOther (srcDaimyoId, bestGaikouDaimyo);
								string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "に貢物をしました。友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
								messageList.Add (yukouUpText);


					} else if (gaikouAction == 2) {
						//2. yukoudo down(Ryugen)

						bool yukoudoDownFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoDownMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoDownFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo
							int reduceYukoudo = 0;

							if (bestGaikouDaimyo != 0) {
								if (bestGaikouDaimyo == myDaimyo) {
									//My Daimyo
									string dstDaimyoName = "";
									reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, srcDaimyoId);
									dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);

									string yukouDownText = "何者かが当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);
								} else {
									reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithOther (srcDaimyoId, bestGaikouDaimyo);
									string dst1stDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);
									string dst2ndDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (bestGaikouDaimyo);
									string yukouDownText = "何者かが" + dst1stDaimyoName + "と" + dst2ndDaimyoName + "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);


					} else if (gaikouAction == 3) {
						//3. doumei
						Gaikou gaiko = new Gaikou();
						int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(srcDaimyoId, bestGaikouDaimyo);
						bool doumeiFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudo);

						if (doumeiFlg == true) {

							if (bestGaikouDaimyo == myDaimyo) {

							} else {
								//Exist Check
								string doumeiTmp = "doumei" + srcDaimyoId;
								string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString (doumeiTmp);
								List<string> doumeiList = new List<string> ();
								if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") {
									if (doumeiString.Contains (",")) {
										doumeiList = new List<string> (doumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));
									} else {
										doumeiList.Add (doumeiString);

								if (!doumeiList.Contains (bestGaikouDaimyo.ToString())) {
									//Not Exist Case
									//Doumei Data Register

									string newDoumei1 = "";
									if (doumeiString != null && doumeiString != "") {
										newDoumei1 = doumeiString + "," + bestGaikouDaimyo;
									} else {
										newDoumei1 = bestGaikouDaimyo.ToString();
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (doumeiTmp, newDoumei1);

									string doumeiTmp2 = "doumei" + bestGaikouDaimyo;
									string doumeiString2 = PlayerPrefs.GetString (doumeiTmp2);
									string newDoumei2 = "";
									if (doumeiString2 != null && doumeiString2 != "") {
										newDoumei2 = doumeiString2 + "," + srcDaimyoId;
									} else {
										newDoumei2 = srcDaimyoId.ToString();
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (doumeiTmp2, newDoumei2);

									flush ();

									string dst1stDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);
									string dst2ndDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (bestGaikouDaimyo);
									string doumeiText = dst1stDaimyoName + "と" + dst2ndDaimyoName + "間に同盟が成立しました。";
									messageList.Add (doumeiText);


					} //else if (gaikouAction == 4) {
						//add here

		//Check Shinobi Cyouhou
		string cyouhou = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
		List<string> cyouhouList = new List<string> ();
		if (cyouhou != null && cyouhou != "") {
				cyouhouList = new List<string> (cyouhou.Split (delimiterChars));
		for(int i=0; i<cyouhouList.Count; i++){
			int kuniId = int.Parse(cyouhouList [i]);
			string snbTmp = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString ();
			int rank = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(snbTmp);

			float missPercent = 0;
			if(rank == 1){
				missPercent = 30;

			}else if(rank == 2){
				missPercent = 15;

			}else if(rank == 3){
				missPercent = 5;


			float percent = Random.value;
			percent = percent * 100;

			if (percent < missPercent) {
				cyouhouList.Remove (kuniId.ToString());
				string newCyouhou = "";
				for(int j=0;j<cyouhouList.Count;j++){
					if (j == 0) {
						newCyouhou = cyouhouList[j];
					} else {
						newCyouhou = newCyouhou + "," + cyouhouList[j];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("cyouhou",newCyouhou);

				//Reset Chouhou Id
				targetKuni.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent<SendParam>().cyouhouSnbRankId = 0;

				KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
				string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);

				int daimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [kuniId - 1]);
				Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo ();
				string daimyoName = daimyo.getName (daimyoId); 

				int reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, daimyoId);

				string cyouhouMissText =  kuniName + "に潜伏中の忍が見つかりました。\n" + daimyoName + "との友好度が"+reduceYukoudo+"下がりました。";
				messageList.Add (cyouhouMissText);



		/*Decrease Yukou with Doumei koku*/
		string myDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("doumei");
		List<string> myDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
		if (myDoumei != null && myDoumei != "") {
				myDoumeiList = new List<string> (myDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
		for (int j=0; j<myDoumeiList.Count; j++) {
			string doumeiDaimyo = myDoumeiList[j];
			string yukouTemp = "gaikou" + doumeiDaimyo;
			int yukouWithDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (yukouTemp);
			int reduceYukou = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,3);
			yukouWithDoumei = yukouWithDoumei - reduceYukou;

			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (yukouTemp,yukouWithDoumei);

			/*Doumei Clear Check*/
				//My Doumei Clear
				string newMyDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<myDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newMyDoumei = myDoumeiList[i];
						newMyDoumei = newMyDoumei + "," + myDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("doumei",newMyDoumei);

				//Opposite Doumei Clear
				string otherTemp = "doumei" + doumeiDaimyo;
				string otherDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString (otherTemp);
				List<string> otherDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
				if (otherDoumei != null && otherDoumei != "") {
						otherDoumeiList = new List<string> (otherDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
				string newOtherDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<otherDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newOtherDoumei = otherDoumeiList[i];
						newOtherDoumei = newOtherDoumei + "," + otherDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString (otherTemp,newOtherDoumei);

				//Icon & Flg Change
				KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();

				string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse(doumeiDaimyo));
				string doumeiClearText = "友好度悪化により、当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間の同盟が解消しました。";
				messageList.Add (doumeiClearText);



		/*Decrease Yukou with Doumei koku in other county*/
		List<string> activeDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
		for (int k=0; k<seiryokuList.Count; k++) {
			string daimyoId = seiryokuList[k];

			if(int.Parse(daimyoId) != myDaimyo && !activeDaimyoList.Contains(daimyoId)){

		for(int l=0; l<activeDaimyoList.Count; l++){
			string activeDaimyoId = activeDaimyoList[l];
			string temp = "doumei" + activeDaimyoId;
				string doumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(temp);

				if(doumeiString != null && doumeiString != ""){

					List<string> doumeiTargetList = new List<string> ();
						doumeiTargetList = new List<string> (doumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));

					for(int m=0; m<doumeiTargetList.Count; m++){
						string targetDaimyoId = doumeiTargetList[m];

						string gaikoTemp = "";
							gaikoTemp = activeDaimyoId + "gaikou" + targetDaimyoId;
							gaikoTemp = targetDaimyoId + "gaikou" + activeDaimyoId;
							int gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(gaikoTemp);

							if(gaikouValue <30){
								//Doumei Clear
								//src to dst
								string newDoumei1 = "";
								for(int n=0; n<doumeiTargetList.Count; n++){
										newDoumei1 = doumeiTargetList[n];
										newDoumei1 = newDoumei1 +"," + doumeiTargetList[n];

								//dst to src
								string tgtTemp =  "doumei" + targetDaimyoId;
								string tgtDoumeiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tgtTemp);
								List<string> tgtDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
								if(tgtDoumeiString!=null && tgtDoumeiString != ""){
										tgtDoumeiList = new List<string> (tgtDoumeiString.Split (delimiterChars));

									string newDoumei2 = "";
									for(int n=0; n<tgtDoumeiList.Count; n++){
											newDoumei2 = tgtDoumeiList[n];
											newDoumei2 = newDoumei2 +"," + tgtDoumeiList[n];

								string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(activeDaimyoId));
								string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(int.Parse(targetDaimyoId));

								string doumeiClearText = "友好度悪化により、"+ srcDaimyoName+"と" + dstDaimyoName + "間の同盟が解消しました。";
								messageList.Add (doumeiClearText);

		//Delete Cyouryaku Data
		string cyoryakuHst = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouryaku");
		List<string> cyoryakuHstList = new List<string> ();

		if(cyoryakuHst != null && cyoryakuHst != ""){
			if (cyoryakuHst.Contains (",")) {
				cyoryakuHstList = new List<string> (cyoryakuHst.Split (delimiterChars));
			} else {
				cyoryakuHstList.Add (cyoryakuHst);

			for (int i=0; i<cyoryakuHstList.Count; i++) {
				string tmp = cyoryakuHstList [i];
				PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey (tmp);
			PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey ("cyouryaku");
			PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

		if (messageList.Count != 0) {
			/*Common Process*/
			//make back
			string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Common/TouchBack";
			GameObject back = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
			back.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			back.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0,0);

			//make board
			string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Event/EventBoard";
			GameObject board = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;
			board.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			board.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

			string pathOfScroll = "Prefabs/Event/EventScrollView";
			GameObject scroll = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfScroll)) as GameObject;
			scroll.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			RectTransform scrollTransform = scroll.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			scrollTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (0, -40, 0);

			string pathOfSlot = "Prefabs/Event/EventSlot";
			foreach (string text in messageList) {
				GameObject slot = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfSlot)) as GameObject;
				slot.transform.FindChild("EventText").GetComponent<Text>().text = text;
				slot.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

コード例 #16
ファイル: DoBouryaku.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void OnClick(){
		Message msg = new Message();
		Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou ();
		int nowHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("hyourou");
		CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ();
		int daimyoBusyoAtk = closeScript.daimyoBusyoAtk;
		int daimyoBusyoDfc = closeScript.daimyoBusyoDfc;
		int daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;
		int kuniId = closeScript.kuniId;

		if(nowHyourou >= 5){
			if (name == "DoGihouBtn") {

				//Reduce Hyourou
				reduceHyourou ();

				//Reduce Shinobi
				//Ge 5-15%, Cyu 15-30%, Jyo 30-50%
				int randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;

				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5,15);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(15,30);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30,50);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);

				float ratio = (float)randomPercent;
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= ratio){
					//Delete Gunzei

					//Delete Key
					string gunzeiKey = Gunzei.name;

					//Delete Key History
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
					List<string> keyHistoryList = new List<string>();
					if (keyHistory != null && keyHistory != "") {
							keyHistoryList = new List<string> (keyHistory.Split (delimiterChars));
					string newKeyHistory = "";
					for(int i=0; i<keyHistoryList.Count; i++){
							newKeyHistory = keyHistoryList[i];
							newKeyHistory = newKeyHistory + "," + keyHistoryList[i];

					string daimyoName = Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoName;
					string OKtext = "御屋形様、偽報に成功しましたぞ。\t " + daimyoName + "の軍勢が退却します。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。偽報に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

			}else if(name == "DoRyugenBtn"){
				//Reduce Hyourou
				reduceHyourou ();

				//Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
				float randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/4;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,1.5f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/2;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f,1.2f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f,1.1f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);


				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= randomPercent){
					//Daimyo Id
					int srcDaimyoId = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ().daimyoId;

					//Seiryoku List
					string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
					List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));

					//src daimyo kuni list
					List<string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List<string> ();
					for(int i=0; i<seiryokuList.Count;i++){
						string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

						if(tempDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId.ToString()){
							int temp = i + 1;

					//src daimyo open kuni list
					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
					List<int> openKuniList = new List<int>();
					for(int j=0; j<srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++){

					//Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
					int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
					List<int> dstDaimyoList = new List<int>();

					for(int k=0; k<openKuniList.Count;k++){
						int temp = openKuniList[k] - 1;
						int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
						if(tempDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tempDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId){

					//Reduce Yukoudo
					MainEventHandler main = new MainEventHandler();
					Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();
					string ryugenText = "";
					for(int l=0; l<dstDaimyoList.Count;l++){
						int dstDaimyoId = dstDaimyoList[l];
						string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
						int reduceYukoudo = main.DownYukouValueWithOther(srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId);
						reduceYukoudo = reduceYukoudo/2;
						ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。\t";

					string OKtext = "御屋形様、流言に成功しましたぞ。\t " + ryugenText;
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。流言に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

			}else if(name == "DoGoudatsuBtn"){
				reduceHyourou ();
				//Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
				float randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/4;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,1.5f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/2;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f,1.2f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f,1.1f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= randomPercent){
					int kuniQty = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard>().kuniQty; 
					int getMoney =0;
					//Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
					int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
					//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
					int kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
					string kahouName = "";
					string shigenName = "";
					int addQty =0;
					int kahouRank = 0; //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
					//shigen Type
					int shigenType = 0; //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

						int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000,1501);
						getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
						int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
						nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;

						//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
						kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
							Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
							////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
							int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,7);

							float khPercent = Random.value;
							khPercent = khPercent * 100;
								//(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
									kahouRank = 1;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

							}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
								//(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
									kahouRank = 1;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(1<khPercent && khPercent <=16){
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(16<khPercent && khPercent <= 41){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 4;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

							}else if(kuniQty<3){
								//(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);



							shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,5);
							float sgPercent = Random.value;
							sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
							addQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,6);
							Item item = new Item();
							int shigenRank = 0;//下、中、上=1,2,3

								//(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(40<sgPercent && sgPercent <=81){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(81<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

							}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
								//(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(20<sgPercent && sgPercent <=51){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(51<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

							}else if(kuniQty<3){
								//(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(5<sgPercent && sgPercent <=26){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(26<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

					string OKtext = "御屋形様、強奪に成功しましたぞ。\t ";
					string addText = "";
						addText = "金を" + getMoney + "奪って参りました。";
							addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を奪って参りました。";
							addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個奪って参りました。";

					OKtext = OKtext + addText;
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。強奪に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);

				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();
			}else if(name == "DoCyouhouBtn"){

				reduceHyourou ();

				//Set Value & REduce Qty
				float missPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				int snbValue = 0;

				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					missPercent = 30;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
					snbValue = 1;

				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					missPercent = 15;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);
					snbValue = 2;

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					missPercent = 5;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);
					snbValue = 3;


				//Random Check
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;
				if (percent >= missPercent) {

					string cyouhouHist = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					List<string> cyouhouHistList = new List<string> ();
					if (cyouhouHist != null && cyouhouHist != "") {
						if (cyouhouHist.Contains (",")) {
							cyouhouHistList = new List<string> (cyouhouHist.Split (delimiterChars));
						} else {
							cyouhouHistList.Add (cyouhouHist);			

					//Add new kuni
					if (!cyouhouHistList.Contains (kuniId.ToString())) {
						cyouhouHistList.Add (kuniId.ToString());

					string newCyouhouHist = "";
					for(int i=0;i<cyouhouHistList.Count;i++){
						string tmpCyouhouKuniId = cyouhouHistList [i];

						if (i == 0) {
							newCyouhouHist = tmpCyouhouKuniId;
						} else {
							newCyouhouHist = newCyouhouHist + "," + tmpCyouhouKuniId;


					string cyouhouKuni = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString ();

					bool cyouhouFlg = closeScript.cyouhouFlg;
					if (cyouhouFlg) {
						//Change Icon
						GameObject shinobi = GameObject.Find("shinobi").gameObject;

						if (snbValue == 1) {
							Color lowColor = new Color (0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = lowColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "下";
						} else if (snbValue == 2) {
							Color midColor = new Color (94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = midColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "中";
						} else if (snbValue == 3) {
							Color highColor = new Color (84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = highColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "上";

						GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView").gameObject;
						kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent<SendParam>().cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
					string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName (kuniId);
					string OKtext = "忍が上手く"+kuniName+"に潜伏しましたぞ。\n諜報内容をご確認下され。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

				} else {
					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "忍が捕まってしまったようです。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

		} else {

			string NGtext = "御屋形様、兵糧が不足しておりますぞ。";
			msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


コード例 #17
ファイル: ShiroAttack.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void UpdateShiroStatus(GameObject kuniMap)
        char[] delimiterChars  = { ',' };
        char[] delimiterChars2 = { '-' };
        int    myDaimyoId      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

        //open shiro
        List <int> closeStageIdList = new List <int> {
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
        string        seiryoku     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
        List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string>();

        seiryokuList = new List <string>(seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

        //compare linkKuni with mySeiryoku
        List <int> linkKuniList   = new List <int>();
        List <int> linkMyKuniList = new List <int>();

        KuniInfo kuniScript = new KuniInfo();

        linkKuniList = kuniScript.getMappingKuni(kuniId);
        for (int i = 0; i < linkKuniList.Count; i++)
            int linkKuniId = linkKuniList[i];
            if (seiryokuList[linkKuniId - 1] == myDaimyoId.ToString())

        //open initial stage
        for (int j = 0; j < linkMyKuniList.Count; j++)
            int    srcKuniId = linkMyKuniList[j];
            string linkStage = kuniScript.getLinkStage(srcKuniId, kuniId);
            linkStage = linkStage.Replace("stage", "");
            List <int> linkStageList = new List <int>(Array.ConvertAll(linkStage.Split(','),
                                                                       new Converter <string, int>((s) => { return(Convert.ToInt32(s)); })));

        //Clear Stage Setting
        string        clearedStage       = "kuni" + kuniId;
        string        clearedStageString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(clearedStage);
        List <string> clearedStageList   = new List <string>();

        if (clearedStageString != null && clearedStageString != "")
            clearedStageList = new List <string>(clearedStageString.Split(delimiterChars));

        //Line Setting
        Entity_stageLink_mst stageLinkMst = Resources.Load("Data/stageLink_mst") as Entity_stageLink_mst;
        List <string>        myStageLink  = new List <string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < stageLinkMst.param.Count; i++)
            int tempKuniId = stageLinkMst.param[i].kuniId;
            if (tempKuniId == kuniId)
        List <string> myOriginalStageLink = new List <string>(myStageLink);

        //open cleared kuni & linked stage
        List <int> clearedStageIntList = clearedStageList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));

        for (int l = 0; l < clearedStageIntList.Count; l++)
            int srcStageId = clearedStageIntList[l];

            for (int m = 0; m < myOriginalStageLink.Count; m++)
                List <string> linkList = new List <string>(myOriginalStageLink[m].Split(delimiterChars2));
                int           stage1Id = int.Parse(linkList[0]);
                int           stage2Id = int.Parse(linkList[1]);
                if (srcStageId == stage1Id)
                else if (srcStageId == stage2Id)

        //Active or Disabled
        Color openColor  = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 0f / 255f); //White
        Color closeColor = new Color(60f / 255f, 60f / 255f, 60f / 255f, 255f / 255f);  //Black
        bool  fireflg    = false;

        for (int k = 1; k < 11; k++)
            string     stageName = "stage" + k.ToString();
            GameObject shiroObj  = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(stageName).gameObject;

            if (closeStageIdList.Contains(k))
                shiroObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                shiroObj.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = closeColor;
                //shiroObj.GetComponent<Button>().enabled = true;
                //shiroObj.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = openColor;
                shiroObj.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().clearedFlg = false;
                if (!fireflg)
                    shiroObj.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().OnClick();
                    fireflg = true;
コード例 #18
	public void mainHandler(){

		/*Basic Info*/
		//make kuni list
		string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
		List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
		int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");

		//1. Randome choice Kassen Qty between 0,1,2,3
		//2. Ratio 50% check
		//3. Random choice Kassen Souce Kuni 1-65
		//4. Destination Check by Mapping
		//		if Same Daimyo between Kassen Souce & Destination Kuni => Skip
		//      else => Make guntai Instance
		//        	 4-1. Destination == myDaimyo
		//			 4-2. Destination == has own relation or master relation  

		List<string> messageList = new List<string> ();

		//Count Kassen Qty
		int kassenQty = CountEnemyAction ();

		for (int i=1; i<kassenQty+1; i++) {
			//Check Kassen or Not

			bool kassenFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio);
			if (kassenFlg == true) {
				//target kuni extraction

				while (true) {
					int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 65);
					string eDaimyo = seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1];
					string tDaimyo = "";
					bool doumeiFlg = false;

					if (eDaimyo != myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
						//Check Kuni Mapping
						List<int> targetKuniList = new List<int> ();
						KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo ();
						targetKuniList = kuni.getMappingKuni (randomKuni);

						//Yukoudo Check
						int worstGaikouDaimyo = 0;
						int worstGaikouValue = 100;
						int worstGaikouKuni = 0;

						for (int k=0; k<targetKuniList.Count; k++) {
							tDaimyo = seiryokuList [targetKuniList [k] - 1];
							int gaikouValue = 0;

							if (eDaimyo != tDaimyo) {
								if (tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString ()) {
									//Get Gaikou Value

									string eGaikouM = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
									gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (eGaikouM);

								} else {
									//Gaikou Data Check
									string gaikouTemp = "";
									if (int.Parse (eDaimyo) < int.Parse (tDaimyo)) {
										gaikouTemp = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + tDaimyo;
									} else {
										gaikouTemp = tDaimyo + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;

									if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (gaikouTemp)) {
										gaikouValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (gaikouTemp);

									} else {
										//non exist
										//gaikou check
										gaikouValue = gaikou.getGaikouValue (int.Parse (eDaimyo), int.Parse (tDaimyo));


								//Compare with Previous one
								if (worstGaikouValue > gaikouValue) {
									worstGaikouValue = gaikouValue;
									worstGaikouDaimyo = int.Parse (tDaimyo);
									worstGaikouKuni = targetKuniList [k];

						}//Loop End

						//Create Guntai Instance
						if (worstGaikouValue != 100) {
							int kassenRatio2 = 100 - worstGaikouValue;

							//doumei check
							string doumeiCheck = "doumei" + eDaimyo;
								string cDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString(doumeiCheck);
								List<string> cDoumeiList = new List<string>();
									cDoumeiList = new List<string> (cDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));


								//If Doumei Daimyo -> Half Ratio
									doumeiFlg = true;
									kassenRatio2 = kassenRatio2/2;
									doumeiFlg = false;
							Debug.Log ("doumeiFlg:"+doumeiFlg +",src:"+eDaimyo +",dst:"+worstGaikouDaimyo + ",kassen Ratio:" + kassenRatio2);

							bool GaikouValueFlg = CheckByProbability (kassenRatio2);
							if (GaikouValueFlg) {
								//Make Guntai Instance
								string key = randomKuni.ToString () + "-" + worstGaikouKuni.ToString ();
								bool ExistFlg = false;

								//Exist Check Same Daimyo
								foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei")){
									int gunzeiSrcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;

									if(int.Parse(eDaimyo) == gunzeiSrcDaimyoId){
										ExistFlg = true;

									string path = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
									GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate (Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;			
									Gunzei.transform.SetParent (GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
									Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);

									int srcX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(randomKuni);
									int srcY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(randomKuni);
									int dstX = kuni.getKuniLocationX(worstGaikouKuni);
									int dstY = kuni.getKuniLocationY(worstGaikouKuni);
									string direction = "";
									Gunzei gunzei = new Gunzei ();

									if(srcX < dstX){
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
										direction = "right";
										Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (-1, 1);
										direction = "left";
										Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;


									int aveX = (srcX + dstX)/2;
									int aveY = (srcY + dstY)/2;
									RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
									GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (aveX, aveY, 0);

									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().key = key;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcKuni = randomKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (eDaimyo);
									string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse (eDaimyo));
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstKuni = worstGaikouKuni;
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId = worstGaikouDaimyo;
									string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (worstGaikouDaimyo);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = dstDaimyoName;
									int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc (randomKuni);
									Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
									Gunzei.name = key;

									//Engun from Doumei
									Doumei doumei = new Doumei();
									List<string> doumeiDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
									bool dstEngunFlg = false;
									string dstEngunDaimyoId = ""; //2:3:5 
									string dstEngunHei = "";
									string dstEngunSts = ""; //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
									int totalEngunHei = 0;

									doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(worstGaikouDaimyo,eDaimyo);

									if(doumeiDaimyoList.Count != 0){
										//Doumei Exist

										//Trace Check
										List<string> okDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
										List<string> checkList = new List<string> ();
										okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(worstGaikouKuni, worstGaikouDaimyo, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList,okDaimyoList);

										if(okDaimyoList.Count !=0){
											//Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

											for(int k=0; k<okDaimyoList.Count; k++){
												string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[k];
												int yukoudo = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), worstGaikouDaimyo);

												//engun check

												dstEngunFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudo);
													//Engun OK
													dstEngunFlg = true;
													if(dstEngunDaimyoId !=null && dstEngunDaimyoId !=""){
														dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;

														dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
														string tempEngunSts = getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
														int tempEngunHei = getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
														dstEngunHei = tempEngunHei.ToString();
														totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
														dstEngunSts = tempEngunSts;

											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg = dstEngunFlg;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei = dstEngunHei;
											Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts = dstEngunSts;

									//Set Value
									//CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
									string keyValue = "";
									string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString ();
									keyValue = createTime + "," + eDaimyo + "," + worstGaikouDaimyo + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + dstDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + ","+ dstEngunSts;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString (key, keyValue);
									string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
									if(keyHistory == null || keyHistory == ""){
										keyHistory = key;
										keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
									PlayerPrefs.SetString ("keyHistory", keyHistory);
									flush ();

									string kassenText = "";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしましたぞ。";
										kassenText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "討伐の兵" + myHei + "人を起こしましたぞ。\t同盟国が援軍" + totalEngunHei + "人を派兵しました。";
									messageList.Add (kassenText);

										//Delete doumei
										Debug.Log (eDaimyo +":"+ worstGaikouDaimyo);
										doumei.deleteDoumei(eDaimyo, worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString());

										//Zero Gaikou
										string tempYukou = "";
										if(tDaimyo == myDaimyo.ToString()){
											tempYukou = "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
											if(worstGaikouDaimyo < int.Parse(eDaimyo)){
												tempYukou = worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString() + "gaikou" + eDaimyo;
												tempYukou = eDaimyo + "gaikou" + worstGaikouDaimyo.ToString();

										PlayerPrefs.Flush ();


		int gaikouQty = CountEnemyAction ();
		for (int i=1; i<gaikouQty+1; i++) {

			bool gaikouFlg = CheckByProbability (gaikouRatio);
			if (gaikouFlg == true) {
				//Do gaikou

				int randomKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
				int srcDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomKuni - 1]);
				string srcDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (srcDaimyoId);

				if (srcDaimyoId != myDaimyo) {
					int gaikouAction = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 3);

					if (gaikouAction == 1) {
						//1. yukoudo up(Mitsugimono) 

						bool yukoudoUpFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoUpMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoUpFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo
							int randomDstKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
							int dstDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomDstKuni - 1]);
							string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dstDaimyoId);

							if (srcDaimyoId != dstDaimyoId) {
								if (dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
									//In the case that MyDaimyo receive Mitsugimono
									int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dstDaimyoId);
									int addMoney = addYukoudo * 1000;
									string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "殿が御屋形様に、金" + addMoney.ToString() + "の貢物を送って参りました。\t友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
									int myMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
									myMoney = myMoney + addMoney;
									flush ();
									GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = myMoney.ToString();

									messageList.Add (yukouUpText);

								} else {
									//In the case between other daimyos
									int addYukoudo = UpYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dstDaimyoId);
									string yukouUpText = srcDaimyoName + "が" + dstDaimyoName + "に貢物をしました。友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がります。";
									messageList.Add (yukouUpText);

					} else if (gaikouAction == 2) {
						//2. yukoudo down(Ryugen)

						bool yukoudoDownFlg = CheckByProbability (yukoudoDownMissRatio);

						if (yukoudoDownFlg == true) {
							//Choose Target Daimyo
							int randomDst1stKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
							int dst1stDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomDst1stKuni - 1]);

							int randomDst2ndKuni = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 66);
							int dst2ndDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [randomDst2ndKuni - 1]);
							if (dst1stDaimyoId != dst2ndDaimyoId) {
								int reduceYukoudo = 0;

								//My Daimyo
								if (dst1stDaimyoId == myDaimyo || dst2ndDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {
									string dstDaimyoName = "";
									if (dst1stDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {	
										reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dst2ndDaimyoId);
										dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst1stDaimyoId);
									if (dst2ndDaimyoId == myDaimyo) {	
										reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithMyDaimyo (myDaimyo, dst1stDaimyoId);
										dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst2ndDaimyoId);
									//string yukouDownText = srcDaimyoName + "が当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "に流言を流し、友好度が" + dstDaimyoName + "下がりました。";
									string yukouDownText = "何者かが当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);
								} else {
									reduceYukoudo = DownYukouValueWithOther (dst1stDaimyoId, dst2ndDaimyoId);
									string dst1stDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst1stDaimyoId);
									string dst2ndDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (dst2ndDaimyoId);
									string yukouDownText = "何者かが" + dst1stDaimyoName + "と" + dst2ndDaimyoName +  "間に流言を流し、友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。";
									messageList.Add (yukouDownText);


					} else if (gaikouAction == 3) {
						bool doumeiFlg = CheckByProbability (doumeiRatio);

						if (doumeiFlg == true) {

					} else if (gaikouAction == 4) {





		/*Decrease Yukou with Doumei koku*/
		string myDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("doumei");
		List<string> myDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
		if (myDoumei != null && myDoumei != "") {
				myDoumeiList = new List<string> (myDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
		for (int j=0; j<myDoumeiList.Count; j++) {
			string doumeiDaimyo = myDoumeiList[j];
			string yukouTemp = "gaikou" + doumeiDaimyo;
			int yukouWithDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (yukouTemp);
			int reduceYukou = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,3);
			yukouWithDoumei = yukouWithDoumei - reduceYukou;

			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (yukouTemp,yukouWithDoumei);

			/*Doumei Clear Check*/
				//My Doumei Clear
				string newMyDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<myDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newMyDoumei = myDoumeiList[i];
						newMyDoumei = newMyDoumei + "," + myDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("doumei",newMyDoumei);

				//Opposite Doumei Clear
				string otherTemp = "doumei" + doumeiDaimyo;
				string otherDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString (otherTemp);
				List<string> otherDoumeiList = new List<string> ();
				if (otherDoumei != null && otherDoumei != "") {
						otherDoumeiList = new List<string> (otherDoumei.Split (delimiterChars));
				string newOtherDoumei = "";
				for(int i=0; i<otherDoumeiList.Count; i++){
						newOtherDoumei = otherDoumeiList[i];
						newOtherDoumei = newOtherDoumei + "," + otherDoumeiList[i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString (otherTemp,newOtherDoumei);

				//Icon & Flg Change
				KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();

				string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName (int.Parse(doumeiDaimyo));
				string doumeiClearText = "友好度悪化により、当家と" + dstDaimyoName + "間の同盟が解消しました。";
				messageList.Add (doumeiClearText);



		if (messageList.Count != 0) {
			/*Common Process*/
			//make back
			string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Common/TouchBack";
			GameObject back = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
			back.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			back.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0,0);

			//make board
			string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Event/EventBoard";
			GameObject board = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;
			board.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform);
			board.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

			string pathOfScroll = "Prefabs/Event/EventScrollView";
			GameObject scroll = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfScroll)) as GameObject;
			scroll.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);
			RectTransform scrollTransform = scroll.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			scrollTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (0, -40, 0);

			string pathOfSlot = "Prefabs/Event/EventSlot";
			foreach (string text in messageList) {
				GameObject slot = Instantiate(Resources.Load (pathOfSlot)) as GameObject;
				slot.transform.FindChild("EventText").GetComponent<Text>().text = text;
				slot.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1,1);

コード例 #19
    public void OnClick()
        audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        CloseLayer closeLayerScript = GameObject.Find("CloseSyoukaijyo").GetComponent <CloseLayer> ();
        string     rank             = closeLayerScript.syoukaijyoRank;
        bool       occupiedFlg      = closeLayerScript.occupiedFlg;

        int     nowPoint = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("cyouteiPoint");
        Message msg      = new Message();

        if (name == "DoKenjyoButton")
            audioSources [3].Play();

            //Reduce Action Qty

            //Get Money Value & reduce money
            int giveMoney = int.Parse(GameObject.Find("GiveMoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text);
            int money     = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            int newMoney  = money - giveMoney;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", newMoney);
            GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newMoney.ToString();

            //Add Kouken Value
            float addPoint = 0;
            if (rank == "Jyo")
                addPoint = giveMoney / 200;
            else if (rank == "Cyu")
                addPoint = giveMoney / 300;
            else if (rank == "Ge")
                addPoint = giveMoney / 500;

            if (occupiedFlg)
                addPoint = addPoint * 1.5f;

            int          rdmId        = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 6);
            List <float> rdmValueList = new List <float> ()
                1.0f, 1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f, 1.5f
            float rdmValue = rdmValueList [rdmId];

            addPoint = addPoint * rdmValue;
            int newPoint = nowPoint + Mathf.CeilToInt(addPoint);
            if (newPoint > 100)
                newPoint = 100;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyouteiPoint", newPoint);

            GameObject.Find("CyouteiValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newPoint.ToString() + "%";


            string     pathOfAnim = "Prefabs/EffectAnime/point_up";
            GameObject anim       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfAnim)) as GameObject;
            anim.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(80, 80);
            anim.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(40, 30);

            GameObject menu = GameObject.Find("MenuKenjyo").gameObject;
            menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();

        else if (name == "DoCyouteiButton")
            int addYukoudo  = closeLayerScript.yukouAddValue;
            int reducePoint = closeLayerScript.yukouReducePoint;

            if (reducePoint <= nowPoint)
                audioSources [3].Play();

                //Reduce Action Qty

                int newPoint = nowPoint - reducePoint;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyouteiPoint", newPoint);
                GameObject.Find("CyouteiValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newPoint.ToString() + "%";


                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject menu = GameObject.Find("MenuCyoutei").gameObject;
            menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();
        else if (name == "DoTeisenButton")
            int stropBattleRatio = closeLayerScript.stopBattleRatio;
            int reducePoint      = closeLayerScript.stopBattleReducePoint;

            if (reducePoint <= nowPoint)
                //Reduce Action Qty

                bool successFlg = teisen(stropBattleRatio);

                if (successFlg)
                    int newPoint = nowPoint - reducePoint;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyouteiPoint", newPoint);
                    GameObject.Find("CyouteiValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newPoint.ToString() + "%";
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject menu = GameObject.Find("MenuTeisen").gameObject;
            menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();
        else if (name == "DoKanniButton")
            int reducePoint = closeLayerScript.kanniReducePoint;
            if (reducePoint <= nowPoint)
                //Reduce Action Qty

                int    ratio     = closeLayerScript.kanniRatio;
                int    kanniId   = closeLayerScript.kanniId;
                string kanniName = closeLayerScript.kanniName;

                bool successFlg = registerKanni(ratio, kanniId, kanniName);

                if (successFlg)
                    int newPoint = nowPoint - reducePoint;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyouteiPoint", newPoint);
                    GameObject.Find("CyouteiValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newPoint.ToString() + "%";

                    Color      enableImageColor = new Color(35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
                    Color      enableTextColor  = new Color(125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                    GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("Kanni").gameObject;
                    btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
                    btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
                    btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject menu = GameObject.Find("MenuKanni").gameObject;
            menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();
        else if (name == "DoCyoutekiButton")
            int reducePoint = closeLayerScript.cyoutekiReducePoint;

            if (reducePoint <= nowPoint)
                audioSources [3].Play();
                //Reduce Action Qty

                int newPoint = nowPoint - reducePoint;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyouteiPoint", newPoint);
                GameObject.Find("CyouteiValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newPoint.ToString() + "%";

                int    targetDaimyoId   = closeLayerScript.cyoutekiDaimyo;
                string targetDaimyoName = closeLayerScript.cyoutekiDaimyoName;

                //reduce yukoudo
                string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                //src daimyo kuni list
                List <string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List <string> ();
                GameObject    KuniIconView      = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;

                for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                    string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList [i];

                    if (tempDaimyoId == targetDaimyoId.ToString())
                        int temp = i + 1;

                        //Change Map Valye
                        KuniIconView.transform.FindChild(temp.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> ().myYukouValue = 0;

                //src daimyo open kuni list
                KuniInfo   kuni         = new KuniInfo();
                List <int> openKuniList = new List <int> ();
                for (int j = 0; j < srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++)
                    openKuniList.AddRange(kuni.getMappingKuni(int.Parse(srcDaimyoKuniList [j])));

                //Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
                int        myDaimyo      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                List <int> dstDaimyoList = new List <int> ();

                for (int k = 0; k < openKuniList.Count; k++)
                    int temp         = openKuniList [k] - 1;
                    int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [temp]);
                    if (tempDaimyoId != targetDaimyoId)
                        if (!dstDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))

                //Reduce Yukoudo
                for (int l = 0; l < dstDaimyoList.Count; l++)
                    int dstDaimyoId = dstDaimyoList [l];
                    DownYukouToZeroWithOther(targetDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId, myDaimyo);

                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyoutekiDaimyo", targetDaimyoId);

                string OKtext = "";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    OKtext = "Royal court declared " + targetDaimyoName + " is the enemy.\n friendship with surrounded families decreased.";
                    OKtext = targetDaimyoName + "討伐の勅令が出されました。\n周辺大名との関係が著しく悪化しますぞ。";
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject menu = GameObject.Find("MenuCyouteki").gameObject;
            menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();
        else if (name == "DoBakuhuButton")
            int reducePoint = 100;

            if (reducePoint <= nowPoint)
                audioSources [3].Play();
                //Reduce Action Qty

                int newPoint = nowPoint - reducePoint;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("cyouteiPoint", newPoint);
                GameObject.Find("CyouteiValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newPoint.ToString() + "%";

                string year            = GameObject.Find("YearValue").GetComponent <Text>().text;
                string season          = GameObject.Find("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text;
                string daimyoBusyoName = GameObject.Find("DaimyoValue").GetComponent <Text>().text;
                string text            = "";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    text = year + " " + season + "," + daimyoBusyoName + " was assigned syogun.\n You opened shogunate.";
                    text = year + "年" + season + "," + daimyoBusyoName + "は征夷大将軍に任じられました。\n幕府を開き、天下に号令をかけます。";

                //Change Value
                int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("syogunDaimyoId", myDaimyo);

                //Up yukoudo
                int rdmAddYukoudo = UnityEngine.Random.Range(20, 50);

                //Enable Syogun Button
                GameObject oya = GameObject.Find("SubButtonViewRight").gameObject;
                GameObject ko  = oya.transform.FindChild("Bakuhu").gameObject;

                string     pathOfAnim = "Prefabs/EffectAnime/point_up";
                GameObject anim       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfAnim)) as GameObject;
                anim.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(200, 200);
                anim.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 100);
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject menu = GameObject.Find("MenuBakuhu").gameObject;
            menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();