public void OnOpen(SocketIOEvent e) { Debug.Log("[SocketIO] Open(): " +; socket.Emit("joinRoom", JSONObject.StringObject(roomNumber)); //방번호 // sendConnect(); }
IEnumerator UploadPNG() { // We should only read the screen after all rendering is complete yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Create a texture the size of the screen, RGB24 format int width = Screen.width; int height = Screen.height; var tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); // Read screen contents into the texture tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); // Encode texture into PNG & apply it to cube byte[] bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG(); var cubeRender = GameObject.Find("Cube").GetComponent <Renderer>(); cubeRender.material.mainTexture = tex; // Prefefix is necessary to draw image on canvas. // Convert || img -> Byte Array -> String -> JSON obj string prefix = "data:image/png;base64,"; string tempInBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); string payload = prefix + tempInBase64; var jsonPayload = JSONObject.StringObject(payload); Debug.Log("jsonPayload:" + jsonPayload); _socket.Emit("msgFromUnity", jsonPayload); //TODO: May not need to destroy this.... // Destroy(tex); }
private static UserProfile UserProfileFromFBJson(JSONObject fbJsonObject, FacebookProvider provider) { JSONObject soomlaJsonObject = new JSONObject(); soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_PROVIDER, Provider.FACEBOOK.ToString()); soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_PROFILEID, fbJsonObject["id"].str); string name = fbJsonObject ["name"].str; soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_USERNAME, name); string email = fbJsonObject ["email"] != null ? fbJsonObject ["email"].str : null; if (email == null) { email = Regex.Replace(name, @"\s+", ".") + ""; } soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_EMAIL, email); soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_FIRSTNAME, fbJsonObject["first_name"].str); soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_LASTNAME, fbJsonObject["last_name"].str); soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_AVATAR, fbJsonObject["picture"]["data"]["url"].str); if (fbJsonObject["gender"] != null) { soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_GENDER, fbJsonObject["gender"].str); } if (fbJsonObject["languages"] != null && fbJsonObject["languages"].Count > 0 && fbJsonObject["languages"][0] != null && fbJsonObject["languages"][0]["name"] != null) { soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_LANGUAGE, fbJsonObject["languages"][0]["name"].str); } if (fbJsonObject["location"] != null && fbJsonObject["location"]["name"] != null) { soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_LOCATION, fbJsonObject["location"]["name"].str); } if (fbJsonObject["birthday"] != null) { soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_BIRTHDAY, fbJsonObject["birthday"].str); } if (provider != null) //let us to know if method called during own profile receiving { Dictionary <String, JSONObject> extraDict = new Dictionary <String, JSONObject>(); extraDict.Add("access_token", JSONObject.StringObject(AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.TokenString)); JSONObject permissionsObject = JSONObject.Create(JSONObject.Type.ARRAY); foreach (String permission in provider.permissions) { permissionsObject.Add(permission); } extraDict.Add("permissions", permissionsObject); extraDict.Add("expiration_date", new JSONObject((AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.ExpirationTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds)); soomlaJsonObject.AddField(PJSONConsts.UP_EXTRA, new JSONObject(extraDict)); } UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(soomlaJsonObject); return(userProfile); }
protected override void _pushEventInviteFinished(Provider provider, string requestId, List <string> invitedIds, string payload) { if (SoomlaProfile.IsProviderNativelyImplemented(provider)) { return; } List <JSONObject> invited = new List <JSONObject>(); foreach (var id in invitedIds) { invited.Add(JSONObject.StringObject(id)); } JSONObject jsonInvited = new JSONObject(invited.ToArray()); soomlaProfile_PushEventInviteFinished(provider.ToString(), SocialActionType.INVITE.ToString(), requestId, jsonInvited.ToString(), payload); }
protected override void _pushEventGetFeedFinished(Provider provider, SocialPageData <String> feedPage, string payload) { if (SoomlaProfile.IsProviderNativelyImplemented(provider)) { return; } List <JSONObject> feeds = new List <JSONObject>(); foreach (var feed in feedPage.PageData) { feeds.Add(JSONObject.StringObject(feed)); } JSONObject jsonFeeds = new JSONObject(feeds.ToArray()); soomlaProfile_PushEventGetFeedFinished(provider.ToString(), jsonFeeds.ToString(), payload, feedPage.HasMore); }
protected override void _pushEventInviteFinished(Provider provider, string requestId, List <string> invitedIds, string payload) { if (SoomlaProfile.IsProviderNativelyImplemented(provider)) { return; } AndroidJNI.PushLocalFrame(100); using (AndroidJavaClass jniSoomlaProfile = new AndroidJavaClass("com.soomla.profile.unity.ProfileEventHandler")) { List <JSONObject> invited = new List <JSONObject>(); foreach (var id in invitedIds) { invited.Add(JSONObject.StringObject(id)); } JSONObject jsonInvited = new JSONObject(invited.ToArray()); ProfileJNIHandler.CallStaticVoid(jniSoomlaProfile, "pushEventInviteFinished", provider.ToString(), SocialActionType.INVITE.ToString(), requestId, jsonInvited.ToString(), payload); } AndroidJNI.PopLocalFrame(IntPtr.Zero); }
protected override void _pushEventGetFeedFinished(Provider provider, SocialPageData <String> feedPage, string payload) { if (SoomlaProfile.IsProviderNativelyImplemented(provider)) { return; } List <JSONObject> feeds = new List <JSONObject>(); foreach (var feed in feedPage.PageData) { feeds.Add(JSONObject.StringObject(feed)); } JSONObject feedJson = new JSONObject(feeds.ToArray()); AndroidJNI.PushLocalFrame(100); using (AndroidJavaClass jniSoomlaProfile = new AndroidJavaClass("com.soomla.profile.unity.ProfileEventHandler")) { ProfileJNIHandler.CallStaticVoid(jniSoomlaProfile, "pushEventGetFeedFinished", provider.ToString(), feedJson.ToString(), payload, feedPage.HasMore); } AndroidJNI.PopLocalFrame(IntPtr.Zero); }
private void foundBeat(double t) { double avg = (t + startBeat) / 2; //print(avg + " " + lastBeatTime); double bpm = 60000 / (avg - lastBeatTime); if (bpm > 200 || bpm < 72) { //print("Not actually " + bpm + " bpm"); //print("Trace: ") lastBeatTime = avg; return; } if (lastBeatTime != 0) { print("Beat found: " + bpm + " BPM"); bpms[beatcount % 5] = (int)bpm; beatcount++; print("Average bpm: " + avgbpm((int)bpm)); socket.Emit("kinect", JSONObject.StringObject("" + avgbpm((int)bpm))); } lastBeatTime = avg; }
public void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C)) { Debug.Log("Connecting ..."); ddpConnection.Connect(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V)) { ddpConnection.Close(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { friendSub = ddpConnection.Subscribe("friends"); friendSub.OnReady = (Subscription obj) => { Debug.Log("Ready subscription: " +; }; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.U)) { ddpConnection.Unsubscribe(friendSub); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { ddpConnection.Call("friends.removeAll"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { ddpConnection.Call("friends.create", JSONObject.CreateStringObject("Coco")); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { foreach (var entry in friendCollection.documents) { Debug.Log(entry.Key + " " + entry.Value); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) { JSONObject parents = new JSONObject(); parents.AddField("mother", "wonder woman"); parents.AddField("father", "batman"); JSONObject attr = new JSONObject(); attr.AddField("age", 24); attr.AddField("height", 180); attr.AddField("parents", parents); ddpConnection.Call("friends.addAttributes", JSONObject.StringObject("Coco"), attr); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { JSONObject attr = new JSONObject(); attr.AddField("age", 1); attr.AddField("height", 1); attr.AddField("parents.mother", 1); ddpConnection.Call("friends.removeAttributes", JSONObject.StringObject("Coco"), attr); } }
void Update() { if (BodySourceManager == null) { return; } if (socket == null) { print("Null socket"); socket = BodySourceManager.AddComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); //socket.Awake(); socket.Start(); socket.Emit("kinect", JSONObject.StringObject("60")); } _BodyManager = BodySourceManager.GetComponent <BodySourceManager>(); if (_BodyManager == null) { return; } Kinect.Body[] data = _BodyManager.GetData(); if (data == null) { return; } List <ulong> trackedIds = new List <ulong>(); foreach (var body in data) { if (body == null) { continue; } if (body.IsTracked) { trackedIds.Add(body.TrackingId); } } List <ulong> knownIds = new List <ulong>(_Bodies.Keys); // First delete untracked bodies //foreach(ulong trackingId in knownIds) //{ // if(!trackedIds.Contains(trackingId)) // { // Destroy(_Bodies[trackingId]); // _Bodies.Remove(trackingId); // } //} foreach (var body in data) { if (body == null) { continue; } if (body.IsTracked) { if (!_Bodies.ContainsKey(body.TrackingId)) { _Bodies[body.TrackingId] = CreateBodyObject(body.TrackingId); } RefreshBodyObject(body, _Bodies[body.TrackingId]); } } }
public void OnOpen(SocketIOEvent e) { Debug.Log("[SocketIO] Open(): " +; socket.Emit("joinRoom", JSONObject.StringObject("music")); }
static JSONObject ExportToJsonObject(JsonNode jsonNode) { switch (jsonNode.JsonType) { case JsonNode.JsonNodeType.Object: var objData = new JSONObject { type = JSONObject.Type.OBJECT, keys = new List <string>(), list = new List <JSONObject>(), }; if (jsonNode.Keys.Count > 0) { var ch = jsonNode.GetChildren().ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonNode.Keys.Count; i++) { string key = jsonNode.Keys[i]; JSONObject value = ExportToJsonObject(ch[i] as JsonNode); objData.AddField(key, value); } } return(objData); case JsonNode.JsonNodeType.Array: var arrayData = new JSONObject { type = JSONObject.Type.ARRAY, list = new List <JSONObject>(), }; if (jsonNode.ChildCount > 0) { var ch = jsonNode.GetChildren().ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonNode.ChildCount; i++) { JSONObject value = ExportToJsonObject(ch[i] as JsonNode); arrayData.Add(value); } } return(arrayData); case JsonNode.JsonNodeType.String: return(JSONObject.StringObject(jsonNode.str)); case JsonNode.JsonNodeType.Number: return(new JSONObject(jsonNode.f)); case JsonNode.JsonNodeType.Bool: return(new JSONObject(jsonNode.b)); case JsonNode.JsonNodeType.Null: return(JSONObject.nullJO); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown json data type in {jsonNode.displayName}"); } }