コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the TransformedShape struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shape">The shape.</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">The orientation this shape should have.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position this shape should have.</param>
 public TransformedShape(Shape shape, JMatrix orientation, JVector position)
     this.position    = position;
     this.orientation = orientation;
     JMatrix.Transpose(ref orientation, out invOrientation);
     this.shape = shape;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculates the axis aligned bounding box and the inertia
        /// values in world space.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Update()
            if (isParticle)
                this.inertia        = JMatrix.Zero;
                this.invInertia     = this.invInertiaWorld = JMatrix.Zero;
                this.invOrientation = this.orientation = JMatrix.Identity;
                this.boundingBox    = shape.boundingBox;
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Min, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Min);
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Max, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Max);

                // Given: Orientation, Inertia
                JMatrix.Transpose(ref orientation, out invOrientation);
                this.Shape.GetBoundingBox(ref orientation, out boundingBox);
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Min, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Min);
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Max, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Max);

                if (!isStatic)
                    JMatrix.Multiply(ref invOrientation, ref invInertia, out invInertiaWorld);
                    JMatrix.Multiply(ref invInertiaWorld, ref orientation, out invInertiaWorld);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the TransformedShape struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shape">The shape.</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">The orientation this shape should have.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position this shape should have.</param>
 public TransformedShape(Shape shape, JMatrix orientation, JVector position)
     this.position    = position;
     this.orientation = orientation;
     JMatrix.Transpose(ref orientation, out invOrientation);
     this.shape       = shape;
     this.boundingBox = new JBBox();
コード例 #4
        protected override void fireDown()
            RigidBody body; JVector normal; float frac;

            bool result = Scene.world.CollisionSystem.Raycast(GenericMethods.FromOpenTKVector(Position), GenericMethods.FromOpenTKVector(PointingDirection),
                                                              raycastCallback, out body, out normal, out frac);

            Vector4 gpos = new Vector4(Position + PointingDirection * frac, 1);

            JVector hitCoords = GenericMethods.FromOpenTKVector(gpos.Xyz);

            weaponLocalHitCoords  = GenericMethods.Mult(gpos, Matrix4.Invert(weaponModel.ModelMatrix)).Xyz;
            arcModel.Orientation2 = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(weaponLocalHitCoords - new Vector3(0, 0, -5));

            muzzleModel.isVisible = true;

            if (result && body.Tag != null)
                PhysModel curMod = (PhysModel)body.Tag;

                if (curMod.grabable)
                    arcModel.isVisible = true;

                    grabDist = frac;

                    selectedBody            = body;
                    selectedMod             = (PhysModel)body.Tag;
                    selectedMod.selected    = 1;
                    selectedMod.Forceupdate = true;

                    Matrix4 localMaker = Matrix4.Invert(Matrix4.Mult(selectedMod.Orientation, selectedMod.ModelMatrix));
                    modelLocalHitCoords = GenericMethods.Mult(gpos, localMaker);

                    if (body.IsStatic)
                        selModRelPos = body.Position - hitCoords;
                        JVector lanchor = hitCoords - body.Position;
                        lanchor = JVector.Transform(lanchor, JMatrix.Transpose(body.Orientation));

                        body.IsActive = true;

                        //body.SetMassProperties(JMatrix.Identity, 0.1f, false);
                        //body.AffectedByGravity = false;

                        mConst            = new Jitter.Dynamics.Constraints.SingleBody.PointOnPoint(body, lanchor);
                        mConst.Softness   = 0.02f;
                        mConst.BiasFactor = 0.1f;
コード例 #5
ファイル: RigidBody.cs プロジェクト: tksuoran/renderstack_net
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculates the axis aligned bounding box and the inertia
        /// values in world space.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Update()
            // Given: Orientation, Inertia

            JMatrix.Transpose(ref orientation, out invOrientation);
            this.Shape.GetBoundingBox(ref orientation, out boundingBox);
            JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Min, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Min);
            JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Max, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Max);

            if (!isStatic)
                JMatrix.Multiply(ref invOrientation, ref invInertia, out invInertiaWorld);
                JMatrix.Multiply(ref invInertiaWorld, ref orientation, out invInertiaWorld);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once before iteration starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The 5simulation timestep</param>
        public override void PrepareForIteration(double timestep)
            effectiveMass = body1.invInertiaWorld + body2.invInertiaWorld;

            softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;

            effectiveMass.M11 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M22 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M33 += softnessOverDt;

            JMatrix.Inverse(ref effectiveMass, out effectiveMass);

            JMatrix orientationDifference;

            JMatrix.Multiply(ref initialOrientation1, ref initialOrientation2, out orientationDifference);
            JMatrix.Transpose(ref orientationDifference, out orientationDifference);

            JMatrix q = orientationDifference * body2.invOrientation * body1.orientation;
            JVector axis;

            double x = q.M32 - q.M23;
            double y = q.M13 - q.M31;
            double z = q.M21 - q.M12;

            double r = JMath.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
            double t = q.M11 + q.M22 + q.M33;

            double angle = (double)Math.Atan2(r, t - 1);

            axis = new JVector(x, y, z) * angle;

            if (r != 0.0f)
                axis = axis * (1.0f / r);

            bias = axis * biasFactor * (-1.0f / timestep);

            // Apply previous frame solution as initial guess for satisfying the constraint.
            if (!body1.IsStatic)
                body1.angularVelocity += JVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse, body1.invInertiaWorld);
            if (!body2.IsStatic)
                body2.angularVelocity += JVector.Transform(-1.0f * accumulatedImpulse, body2.invInertiaWorld);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once before iteration starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The 5simulation timestep</param>
        public override void PrepareForIteration(float timestep)
            effectiveMass = body1.invInertiaWorld;

            softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;

            effectiveMass.M11 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M22 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M33 += softnessOverDt;

            JMatrix.Inverse(ref effectiveMass, out effectiveMass);

            JMatrix q = JMatrix.Transpose(orientation) * body1.orientation;
            JVector axis;

            float x = q.M32 - q.M23;
            float y = q.M13 - q.M31;
            float z = q.M21 - q.M12;

            float r = JMath.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
            float t = q.M11 + q.M22 + q.M33;

            float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(r, t - 1);

            axis = new JVector(x, y, z) * angle;

            if (r != 0.0f)
                axis = axis * (1.0f / r);

            bias = axis * biasFactor * (-1.0f / timestep);

            // Apply previous frame solution as initial guess for satisfying the constraint.
            if (!body1.IsStatic)
                body1.angularVelocity += JVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse, body1.invInertiaWorld);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the inertia of the shape relative to the center of mass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape"></param>
        /// <param name="centerOfMass"></param>
        /// <param name="inertia">Returns the inertia relative to the center of mass, not to the origin</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        #region  public static float CalculateMassInertia(Shape shape, out JVector centerOfMass, out JMatrix inertia)
        public static float CalculateMassInertia(Shape shape, out JVector centerOfMass,
                                                 out JMatrix inertia)
            float mass = 0.0f;

            centerOfMass = JVector.Zero; inertia = JMatrix.Zero;

            if (shape is Multishape)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't calculate inertia of multishapes.", "shape");

            // build a triangle hull around the shape
            List <JVector> hullTriangles = new List <JVector>();

            shape.MakeHull(ref hullTriangles, 3);

            // create inertia of tetrahedron with vertices at
            // (0,0,0) (1,0,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1)
            float   a = 1.0f / 60.0f, b = 1.0f / 120.0f;
            JMatrix C = new JMatrix(a, b, b, b, a, b, b, b, a);

            for (int i = 0; i < hullTriangles.Count; i += 3)
                JVector column0 = hullTriangles[i + 0];
                JVector column1 = hullTriangles[i + 1];
                JVector column2 = hullTriangles[i + 2];

                JMatrix A = new JMatrix(column0.X, column1.X, column2.X,
                                        column0.Y, column1.Y, column2.Y,
                                        column0.Z, column1.Z, column2.Z);

                float detA = A.Determinant();

                // now transform this canonical tetrahedron to the target tetrahedron
                // inertia by a linear transformation A
                JMatrix tetrahedronInertia = JMatrix.Multiply(A * C * JMatrix.Transpose(A), detA);

                JVector tetrahedronCOM  = (1.0f / 4.0f) * (hullTriangles[i + 0] + hullTriangles[i + 1] + hullTriangles[i + 2]);
                float   tetrahedronMass = (1.0f / 6.0f) * detA;

                inertia      += tetrahedronInertia;
                centerOfMass += tetrahedronMass * tetrahedronCOM;
                mass         += tetrahedronMass;

            inertia      = JMatrix.Multiply(JMatrix.Identity, inertia.Trace()) - inertia;
            centerOfMass = centerOfMass * (1.0f / mass);

            float x = centerOfMass.X;
            float y = centerOfMass.Y;
            float z = centerOfMass.Z;

            // now translate the inertia by the center of mass
            JMatrix t = new JMatrix(
                -mass * (y * y + z * z), mass * x * y, mass * x * z,
                mass * y * x, -mass * (z * z + x * x), mass * y * z,
                mass * z * x, mass * z * y, -mass * (x * x + y * y));

            JMatrix.Add(ref inertia, ref t, out inertia);

コード例 #9
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            padState   = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
            keyState   = Keyboard.GetState();
            mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            if (PressedOnce(Keys.Escape, Buttons.Back))

            if (PressedOnce(Keys.M, Buttons.A))
                multithread = !multithread;

            if (PressedOnce(Keys.P, Buttons.A))
                var e = World.RigidBodies.GetEnumerator();
                e.MoveNext(); e.MoveNext(); e.MoveNext();
                e.MoveNext(); e.MoveNext(); e.MoveNext();
                e.MoveNext(); e.MoveNext(); e.MoveNext();
                (e.Current as RigidBody).IsStatic = true;
                (e.Current as RigidBody).IsStatic = true;

            if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed &&
                 mousePreviousState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) ||
                (padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.RightThumbstickDown) &&
                var ray  = Conversion.ToJitterVector(RayTo(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y));
                var camp = Conversion.ToJitterVector(Camera.Position);

                ray = JVector.Normalize(ray) * 100;

                bool result = World.CollisionSystem.Raycast(camp, ray, RaycastCallback, out grabBody, out hitNormal, out float fraction);

                if (result)
                    hitPoint = camp + (fraction * ray);

                    if (grabConstraint != null)

                    var lanchor = hitPoint - grabBody.Position;
                    lanchor = JVector.Transform(lanchor, JMatrix.Transpose(grabBody.Orientation));

                    grabConstraint = new SingleBodyConstraints.PointOnPoint(grabBody, lanchor)
                        Softness   = 0.01f,
                        BiasFactor = 0.1f

                    hitDistance           = (Conversion.ToXNAVector(hitPoint) - Camera.Position).Length();
                    scrollWheel           = mouseState.ScrollWheelValue;
                    grabConstraint.Anchor = hitPoint;

            if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed || padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.RightThumbstickDown))
                hitDistance += (mouseState.ScrollWheelValue - scrollWheel) * 0.01f;
                scrollWheel  = mouseState.ScrollWheelValue;

                if (grabBody != null)
                    var ray = RayTo(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y); ray.Normalize();
                    grabConstraint.Anchor = Conversion.ToJitterVector(Camera.Position + (ray * hitDistance));
                    grabBody.IsActive     = true;
                    if (!grabBody.IsStatic)
                        grabBody.LinearVelocity  *= 0.98f;
                        grabBody.AngularVelocity *= 0.98f;
                if (grabConstraint != null)

                grabBody       = null;
                grabConstraint = null;

            if (PressedOnce(Keys.Space, Buttons.B))
                                     Conversion.ToJitterVector((Camera.Target - Camera.Position) * 40.0f));

            if (PressedOnce(Keys.Add, Buttons.X))
                currentScene = currentScene % PhysicScenes.Count;

            if (PressedOnce(Keys.Subtract, Buttons.Y))
                currentScene += PhysicScenes.Count - 1;
                currentScene  = currentScene % PhysicScenes.Count;


            float step = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (step > 1.0f / 100.0f)
                step = 1.0f / 100.0f;

            World.Step(step, multithread);

            gamePadPreviousState  = padState;
            keyboardPreviousState = keyState;
            mousePreviousState    = mouseState;

コード例 #10
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (codeFormVisible)

            KeyboardState keyState   = Keyboard.GetState();
            MouseState    mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))

            bool leftHold  = (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed);
            bool spaceHold = (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space));
            bool enterHold = (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter));
            bool mHold     = (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.M));

            #region Turn multithreading on/off
            if (mHold)
                if (!mClicked)
                    multithread = !multithread; mClicked = true;

            #region Object drag & drop

            if (leftHold && !leftClicked)
                JVector ray  = Conversion.ToJitterVector(RayTo(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y)); ray.Normalize();
                JVector camp = Conversion.ToJitterVector(Camera.Position);

                float fraction;
                bool  result = world.CollisionSystem.Raycast(camp, ray * 100, RaycastCallback, out resBody, out hitNormal, out fraction);

                if (result)
                    hitPoint = camp + fraction * ray * 100;

                    if (wp != null)

                    JVector lanchor = hitPoint - resBody.Position;
                    lanchor = JVector.Transform(lanchor, JMatrix.Transpose(resBody.Orientation));

                    wp = new WorldPointConstraint(resBody, lanchor);

                    hitDistance = (Conversion.ToXNAVector(hitPoint) - Camera.Position).Length();
                    scrollWheel = mouseState.ScrollWheelValue;
                    wp.Anchor   = hitPoint;

                leftClicked = true;

            if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                hitDistance += (mouseState.ScrollWheelValue - scrollWheel) * 0.001f;
                scrollWheel  = mouseState.ScrollWheelValue;

                if (resBody != null)
                    Vector3 ray = RayTo(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y); ray.Normalize();
                    wp.Anchor = Conversion.ToJitterVector(Camera.Position + ray * hitDistance);
                resBody = null;
                if (wp != null)


            #region Show code form

            if (enterHold && !enterClicked && gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds > 0.1f)
                display.DisplayText[5] = string.Empty;

                System.Windows.Forms.Form form =

                codeFormVisible = true;
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = codeForm.ShowDialog(form);
                codeFormVisible = false;

                enterClicked = true;

            #region Spawn random primitive
            if (spaceHold && !spaceClicked)
                int rndn = random.Next(6);

                RigidBody body;

                if (rndn == 0)
                    body = new RigidBody(new ConeShape((float)random.Next(5, 50) / 20.0f, (float)random.Next(10, 20) / 20.0f));
                else if (rndn == 1)
                    body = new RigidBody(new BoxShape(new JVector(
                                                          (float)random.Next(10, 30) / 20.0f,
                                                          (float)random.Next(10, 30) / 20.0f, (float)random.Next(10, 30) / 20.0f)));
                else if (rndn == 2)
                    body = new RigidBody(new SphereShape((float)random.Next(30, 100) / 100.0f));
                else if (rndn == 3)
                    body = new RigidBody(new CylinderShape(1.0f, 0.5f));
                else if (rndn == 4)
                    body = new RigidBody(new CapsuleShape(1.0f, 0.5f));
                    Shape b1 = new BoxShape(new JVector(3, 1, 1));
                    Shape b2 = new BoxShape(new JVector(1, 1, 3));
                    Shape b3 = new CylinderShape(2.0f, 0.5f);

                    CompoundShape.TransformedShape t1 = new CompoundShape.TransformedShape(b1, JMatrix.Identity, JVector.Zero);
                    CompoundShape.TransformedShape t2 = new CompoundShape.TransformedShape(b2, JMatrix.Identity, JVector.Zero);
                    CompoundShape.TransformedShape t3 = new CompoundShape.TransformedShape(b3, JMatrix.Identity, new JVector(0, 0, 0));

                    CompoundShape ms = new CompoundShape(new CompoundShape.TransformedShape[3] {
                        t1, t2, t3

                    body = new RigidBody(ms);


                body.Position       = Conversion.ToJitterVector(Camera.Position);
                body.LinearVelocity = Conversion.ToJitterVector((Camera.Target - Camera.Position) * 40.0f);

                spaceClicked = true;

            spaceClicked = spaceHold;
            leftClicked  = leftHold;
            enterClicked = enterHold;
            mClicked     = mHold;

            int contactCount = 0;
            foreach (Arbiter ar in world.ArbiterMap.Values)
                contactCount += ar.ContactList.Count;

            display.DisplayText[0] = "Arbitercount: " + world.ArbiterMap.Values.Count.ToString() + ";" + " Contactcount: " + contactCount.ToString();
            display.DisplayText[2] = "Bodycount: " + world.RigidBodies.Count;
            display.DisplayText[3] = (multithread) ? "Multithreaded" : "Single Threaded";

            float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            if (elapsedTime > 1.0f / 100.0f)
                elapsedTime = 1.0f / 100.0f;
            world.Step(elapsedTime, multithread);
