コード例 #1
    IEnumerator placeItemsInBag(BagProperties bagProperties, int amount, List <BagContentProperties> toBePlacedInTrays, Person person, String randomSeed)
        int yieldEveryXthItem = 5;
        int yieldCounter      = yieldEveryXthItem;
//        float lastCycleStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        Vector3 bagSize = bagProperties.placingCube.transform.localScale;

        Bounds bagBounds = bagProperties.placingCube.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds;

//        Debug.Log(bagBounds);

        // TODO - Hidden items, make sure to check person config on frequency of putting these items in
        // TODO - For now, always put one item
        GameObject hiddenObj  = ItsRandom.pickRandom <BagContentType>(bagContentTypesHidden.ToList(), randomSeed).contentObj;
        GameObject hiddenItem = Instantiate(hiddenObj);

        hiddenItem.transform.parent = bagProperties.transform;
        BagContentProperties hiddenItemProperties = hiddenItem.GetComponent <BagContentProperties> ();

        // Randomize place in bottom of bag
        findPlaceForItemInBag(hiddenItemProperties, bagProperties, randomSeed, int.MaxValue, true);

        // TODO - This code block is only made for forcing an illegal item
        GameObject gunObj = ItsRandom.pickRandom <BagContentType>(bagContentTypesIllegal.ToList(), randomSeed).contentObj;
        GameObject gun    = Instantiate(gunObj);

        gun.transform.parent = bagProperties.contents.transform;
        BagContentProperties gunProperties = gun.GetComponent <BagContentProperties> ();

        // Randomize place in bag
        findPlaceForItemInBag(gunProperties, bagProperties, randomSeed, int.MaxValue, false);
        // TODO - END

        for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
            List <int>        weights     = bagContentTypesLegal.Select(obj => obj.frequency).ToList();
            List <GameObject> gameObjects = bagContentTypesLegal.Select(obj => obj.contentObj).ToList();
            // TODO - below are the REAL CODE - NOT ABOVE
//            List<int> weights = bagContentTypes.Select(obj => obj.frequency).ToList();
//            List<GameObject> gameObjects = bagContentTypes.Select(obj => obj.contentObj).ToList();
            GameObject randomGameObject = ItsRandom.pickRandomWithWeights(weights, gameObjects, randomSeed);

            // Check if item should be in tray, or not instantiated by any other reason (eg. not place 3 guns in bag...)
            bool acceptItem = true;
            // TODO - Do this!
//            bool acceptItem = randomGameObject.GetComponent<BagContentInstantiationRules>()(toBePlacedInTrays, person);
            if (!acceptItem)

            GameObject contentPiece = Instantiate(randomGameObject);
            contentPiece.transform.parent = bagProperties.contents.transform;
            // Randomly rotate 90°-angle
            // TODO - When rotation turned on, objects seem to fall outside bag
//            contentPiece.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f * Misc.random.Next(), 0f);

            BagContentProperties bagContentProperties = contentPiece.GetComponent <BagContentProperties> ();

            // Randomize place in bag
            bool itemFitsInBag = findPlaceForItemInBag(bagContentProperties, bagProperties, randomSeed, 10, false);

            if (itemFitsInBag)
                bagContentProperties.person = person;


                // Trigger "random"-functions on it
                RandomInterface[] randomInterfaces = contentPiece.GetComponents <RandomInterface>();
                foreach (RandomInterface randomInterface in randomInterfaces)
                Debug.Log("Item removed: " + contentPiece);
                contentPiece.transform.parent = null;

 *          yieldCounter--;
 *          if (yieldCounter == 0) {
 *              yieldCounter = yieldEveryXthItem;
 * //            if (lastCycleStart + MAX_ITEM_PLACE_CYCLE_SECONDS < Time.realtimeSinceStartup) {
 *              Debug.Log("YIELD");
 *              yield return null;
 * //                // TODO - Compact items by code (move downwards)
 * //                yield return null;
 * //                lastCycleStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
 *          }
        Debug.Log("Items in bag: " + bagProperties.bagContents.Count());
//        Debug.Break();
        yield return(null);