private void EditIssue_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stores str = new Stores(); str.LoadAll(); cboStores.DataSource = str.DefaultView; ReceivingUnits rUnit = new ReceivingUnits(); rUnit.GetActiveDispensaries(); cboReceivingUnit.DataSource = rUnit.DefaultView; if (_tranId != 0) { IssueDoc iss = new IssueDoc(); Items itm = new Items(); iss.LoadByPrimaryKey(_tranId); DataTable dtItm = itm.GetItemById(iss.ItemID); string itemName = dtItm.Rows[0]["ItemName"].ToString() + " - " + dtItm.Rows[0]["DosageForm"].ToString() + " - " + dtItm.Rows[0]["Strength"].ToString(); txtRefNo.Text = iss.RefNo; txtBatchNo.Text = iss.BatchNo; try { txtPack.Text = iss.NoOfPack.ToString(); txtQtyPack.Text = iss.QtyPerPack.ToString(); txtPrice.Text = (iss.Cost * iss.QtyPerPack).ToString(); } catch { txtPack.Text = "0"; txtQtyPack.Text = "0"; txtPrice.Text = (iss.Cost * 1).ToString(); } txtQuantity.Text = iss.Quantity.ToString(); DateTime dtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(iss.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); txtDate.Text = dtDate.ToShortDateString(); //dtIssDate.Value = DateTime.Now; //dtIssDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; //DateTime dtCurrent = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIssDate.Text); //long tic = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - dtCurrent.Ticks); //DateTime dtIssG = dtDate.AddTicks(tic); //dtIssDate.Value = dtIssG; cboStores.SelectedValue = iss.StoreId; cboReceivingUnit.SelectedValue = iss.ReceivingUnitID; txtItemName.Text = itemName; txtReceivedBy.Text = iss.IssuedBy; txtRemark.Text = iss.Remark; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string valid = ValidateFields(); if (valid == "true") { if (XtraMessageBox.Show("Are You Sure, You want to save this Transaction?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { IssueDoc iss = new IssueDoc(); ReceiveDoc rec = new ReceiveDoc(); iss.LoadByPrimaryKey(_tranId); string batchNo = iss.BatchNo; Int64 qty = iss.Quantity; rec.GetTransactionByBatch(iss.ItemID, iss.BatchNo, iss.StoreId); iss.RefNo = txtRefNo.Text; iss.BatchNo = txtBatchNo.Text; iss.NoOfPack = Convert.ToInt32(txtPack.Text); iss.QtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(txtQtyPack.Text); iss.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtPack.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(txtQtyPack.Text); iss.StoreId = Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue); iss.ReceivingUnitID = Convert.ToInt32(cboReceivingUnit.SelectedValue); iss.Remark = txtRemark.Text; iss.IssuedBy = txtReceivedBy.Text; iss.Save(); Int64 newQty = 0; if (qty > iss.Quantity) { newQty = rec.QuantityLeft + (qty - iss.Quantity); } else { newQty = rec.QuantityLeft - (iss.Quantity - qty); } rec.QuantityLeft = newQty; if (rec.QuantityLeft > 0) { rec.Out = false; } rec.Save(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Transaction Succsfully Saved!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show(valid, "Validation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } }
private void unconfirmedMenuClicked_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { DataRow dataRow = gridUnconfirmedView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dataRow != null) { if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "Delete") { if (DialogResult.Yes == XtraMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you would like to delete this?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { DeleteIssueDoc(Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["ID"])); // Refresh it gridViewReferences_FocusedRowChanged(null, null); //XtraMessageBox.Show("Issue has been deleted"); } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Text == "Confirm") { IssueDoc doc = new IssueDoc(); doc.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["ID"])); // do some validations if (doc.IsColumnNull("STVID")) { doc.STVID = _stvLogIdChosen.Value; doc.Save(); } // refresh XtraMessageBox.Show("You have confirmed the STV", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); gridViewReferences_FocusedRowChanged(null, null); } } }
public static void RecordDiscrepancy(Dictionary<int, decimal> _discrepancyIssueDoc) { foreach(int issueDocID in _discrepancyIssueDoc.Keys) { BLL.IssueDoc issueDoc = new IssueDoc(); issueDoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(issueDocID); issueDoc.NoOfPackIssued = _discrepancyIssueDoc[issueDocID]; issueDoc.Save(); } }
private void tpDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRow dr = gridViewBinCard.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["Precedance"]) != 3) { XtraMessageBox.Show("You cannot delete this"); return; } if (CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.UserType == UserType.Constants.DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER_WITH_DELETE) { if ( XtraMessageBox.Show( "Are you sure you want to delete this transaction? You will not be able to undo this.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr tranMgr = MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr.ThreadTransactionMgr(); try { tranMgr.BeginTransaction(); ReceiveDoc rdoc = new ReceiveDoc(); ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); IssueDoc idoc = new IssueDoc(); PickListDetail pld = new PickListDetail(); int issueID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); //pld.LoadByOrderAndItem(Convert.ToInt32(dr["OrderID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"]), // Convert.ToInt32(dr["Quantity"])); idoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(issueID); pld.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.PLDetailID); string RefNo = idoc.RefNo; rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.RecievDocID); //if (pld.RowCount == 0) //{ // pld.LoadByOrderAndItem(Convert.ToInt32(dr["OrderID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"])); //} rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(pld.ReceivePalletID); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.loadByPalletID(rp.PalletID); if (pl.RowCount == 0) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(pld.PalletLocationID); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); } //rp.LoadNonZeroRPByReceiveID(rdoc.ID); } if (rp.RowCount == 0) { XtraMessageBox.Show("You cannot delete this item, please contact the administrator", "Error"); return; } if (rp.RowCount > 0) { rdoc.QuantityLeft += idoc.Quantity; rp.Balance += idoc.Quantity; pld.QuantityInBU = 0; // are we adding it the pick face? // if so add it to the balance of the pick face also pl.loadByPalletID(rp.PalletID); if (pl.RowCount == 0) { PutawayLocation plocation = new PutawayLocation(rdoc.ItemID); // we don't have a location for this yet, // select a new location //PutawayLocataion pl = new PutawayLocataion(); if (plocation.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(plocation.PalletLocationID); if (pl.RowCount > 0) { pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); } } } if (pl.RowCount > 0) { PickFace pf = new PickFace(); pf.LoadByPalletLocation(pl.ID); if (pf.RowCount > 0) { pf.Balance += Convert.ToInt32(idoc.Quantity); pf.Save(); } IssueDocDeleted.AddNewLog(idoc, CurrentContext.UserId); idoc.MarkAsDeleted(); rdoc.Save(); rp.Save(); idoc.Save(); // now refresh the window XtraMessageBox.Show("Issue Deleted!", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); tranMgr.CommitTransaction(); //TODO: refresh the list // gridViewReferences_FocusedRowChanged(null, null); } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show( "This delete is not successfull because a free pick face location was not selected. please select a free location and try again.", "Error Deleteing issue transaction", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); tranMgr.RollbackTransaction(); } } catch { XtraMessageBox.Show("This delete is not successfull", "Warning ...", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); tranMgr.RollbackTransaction(); } } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show( "You cannot delete this transaction because you don't have previlage. Please contact the administrator if you thing this is an error.", "Delete is not allowed"); } }
public static void DeleteIssueDoc(int issueID) { MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr tranMgr = MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr.ThreadTransactionMgr(); try { tranMgr.BeginTransaction(); var pld = new PickListDetail(); var rdoc = new ReceiveDoc(); var rp = new ReceivePallet(); var idoc = new IssueDoc(); idoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(issueID); pld.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.PLDetailID); rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.RecievDocID); rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(pld.ReceivePalletID); var pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.loadByPalletID(rp.PalletID); if (pl.RowCount == 0) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(pld.PalletLocationID); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); } } if (rp.RowCount == 0) { XtraMessageBox.Show("You cannot delete this item, please contact the administrator", "Error"); return; } if (rp.RowCount > 0) { // in error cases this could lead to a number greater than the received quantity // instead of being an error, it should just delete the respective issue and // adjust the remaining quantity to the received quantity. if (rdoc.QuantityLeft + idoc.Quantity > rdoc.Quantity) { rdoc.QuantityLeft = rp.Balance = rdoc.Quantity; } else { rdoc.QuantityLeft += idoc.Quantity; rp.Balance += idoc.Quantity; } //Delete from picklistDetail and add to pickListDetailDeleted PickListDetailDeleted.AddNewLog(pld, BLL.CurrentContext.UserId); pld.MarkAsDeleted(); // are we adding it the pick face? // if so add it to the balance of the pick face also pl.loadByPalletID(rp.PalletID); if (pl.RowCount == 0) { var plocation = new PutawayLocation(rdoc.ItemID); // we don't have a location for this yet, // select a new location //PutawayLocataion pl = new PutawayLocataion(); if (plocation.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(plocation.PalletLocationID); if (pl.RowCount > 0) { pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); } } } if (pl.RowCount > 0) { var pf = new PickFace(); pf.LoadByPalletLocation(pl.ID); if (pf.RowCount > 0) { pf.Balance += Convert.ToInt32(idoc.Quantity); pf.Save(); } IssueDocDeleted.AddNewLog(idoc, CurrentContext.UserId); idoc.MarkAsDeleted(); rdoc.Save(); rp.Save(); idoc.Save(); pld.Save(); // now refresh the window XtraMessageBox.Show("Issue Deleted!", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); tranMgr.CommitTransaction(); } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show( "This delete is not successfull because a free pick face location was not selected. please select a free location and try again.", "Error Deleteing issue transaction", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); tranMgr.RollbackTransaction(); } } catch { XtraMessageBox.Show("This delete is not successfull", "Warning ...", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); tranMgr.RollbackTransaction(); } }
private void PrintReceiptConfirmation(string referenceNumber, int?reprintOfReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID) { var rc = new ReceiptConfirmationPrintout(); var srmPrintout = new HCMIS.Desktop.Reports.SRMPrintout(CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName); int ReceiptID = Convert.ToInt32(gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow()["ReceiptID"]); var receiveDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); receiveDoc.LoadByReceiptID(ReceiptID); ReceiptConfirmationPrintout.GetGRNFNo(ReceiptID); srmPrintout.BranchName.Text = GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName; rc.PrepareDataForPrintout(ReceiptID, CurrentContext.UserId, false, 3, null, reprintOfReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID, FiscalYear.Current); srmPrintout.DataSource = rc.DefaultView.ToTable(); var rUnit = new Institution(); var idoc = new IssueDoc(); if (!receiveDoc.IsColumnNull("ReturnedFromIssueDocID")) { idoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDoc.ReturnedFromIssueDocID); rUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.ReceivingUnitID); } else { var po = new PO(); po.LoadByReceiptID(receiveDoc.ReceiptID); rUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(int.Parse(po.RefNo)); } srmPrintout.xrFromValue.Text = rUnit.Name; srmPrintout.xrWoredaValue.Text = rUnit.WoredaText; srmPrintout.xrRegionValue.Text = rUnit.Region; srmPrintout.xrZoneValue.Text = rUnit.ZoneText; if (!receiveDoc.IsColumnNull("ReturnedFromIssueDocID")) { var stvLog = new BLL.Issue(); stvLog.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.STVID); srmPrintout.xrIssueDateValue.Text = idoc.Date.ToString("M/d/yyyy"); var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.StoreId); srmPrintout.xrAccountName.Text = activity.FullActivityName; var rct = new BLL.Receipt(); rct.LoadByPrimaryKey(ReceiptID); var rctInvoice = new ReceiptInvoice(); rctInvoice.LoadByPrimaryKey(rct.ReceiptInvoiceID); srmPrintout.xrSTVNoValue.Text = rctInvoice.STVOrInvoiceNo; } else { var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDoc.StoreID); srmPrintout.xrAccountName.Text = activity.FullActivityName; srmPrintout.xrSTVNoValue.Text = receiveDoc.RefNo; } var dtDate = new DateTimePickerEx(); dtDate.Value = receiveDoc.EurDate; srmPrintout.Date.Text = dtDate.Text; if (srmPrintout.PrintDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { throw new Exception("Print cancelled by user!"); } //Successfully printed //Release Product var GRV = new CostCalculator(); GRV.LoadGRV(ReceiptID); GRV.ReleaseForIssue(); String reference = gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow()["RefNo"].ToString(); var recDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); recDoc.LoadByReferenceNo(reference); recDoc.ConfirmGRVPrinted(CurrentContext.UserId); BLL.Receipt receiptStatus = new BLL.Receipt(); receiptStatus.LoadByPrimaryKey(ReceiptID); receiptStatus.ChangeStatus(ReceiptConfirmationStatus.Constants.GRV_PRINTED, null, this.GetFormIdentifier(), CurrentContext.UserId, "GRV Printed"); BindFormContents(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an extra report containing the GRNF. /// This function is used for creating the report for the first time as well (Not just export). Which is why we can't /// just use the overload with the ReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID as a parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="receiptID"></param> /// <param name="IDPrinted">Use this if you're trying to get a GRNF printed previously using some ID</param> /// <param name="isDocumentBrowser">Use this For Docuement Browser </param> /// <returns></returns> public static XtraReport CreateGRNFPrintout(int receiptID, int?IDPrinted, bool isDocumentBrowser, FiscalYear fiscalYear) { ReceiptConfirmationPrintoutStore printout = new ReceiptConfirmationPrintoutStore(CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName); BLL.ReceiptConfirmationPrintout rc = new BLL.ReceiptConfirmationPrintout(); printout.BranchName.Text = GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName; printout.xrGRVLabel.Text = "GRNF No."; int printedID; BLL.ReceiveDoc rDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); rDoc.LoadByReceiptID(receiptID); var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(rDoc.StoreID); var supplier = new Supplier(); supplier.LoadByPrimaryKey(rDoc.SupplierID); var hsup = new Supplier(); DataTable homeOffice = hsup.GetHubHeadOffice(); if (supplier.ID == (int)homeOffice.Rows[0]["SupplierID"] && !Settings.IsCenter) { printout.ReportType = ReceiptConfirmationPrintoutStore.GRNFReportType.IGRV; } else if (supplier.ID != (int)homeOffice.Rows[0]["SupplierID"]) { printout.ReportType = ReceiptConfirmationPrintoutStore.GRNFReportType.GRV; } if (rDoc.RowCount == 0 && isDocumentBrowser) { rDoc.LoadDeletedByReceiptID(receiptID); } else if (rDoc.RowCount == 0) { throw new Exception("This Receipt Doesn't have corresponding Receipt Doc Entries."); } if (rDoc.ReturnedStock) { BLL.Institution ru = new Institution(); BLL.IssueDoc issueDoc = new IssueDoc(); if (!rDoc.IsColumnNull("ReturnedFromIssueDocID")) { issueDoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(rDoc.ReturnedFromIssueDocID); ru.LoadByPrimaryKey(issueDoc.ReceivingUnitID); } else { BLL.PO po = new PO(); po.LoadByReceiptID(receiptID); ru.LoadByPrimaryKey(Int32.Parse(po.RefNo)); } printout.xrFromFacilityValue.Text = ru.Name; printout.ReportType = ReceiptConfirmationPrintoutStore.GRNFReportType.SRM; } // determine if this is a transfer? account to account or store to store Receipt receipt = new Receipt(); receipt.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiptID); printedID = rc.PrepareDataForPrintout(receiptID, CurrentContext.UserId, false, 1, IDPrinted, null, fiscalYear); DataTable dataTable = rc.DefaultView.ToTable(); printout.DataSource = dataTable; printout.xrLabelStoreName.Text = activity.FullActivityName; ReceiveDocConfirmation receiveDocConfirmation = new ReceiveDocConfirmation(); DataTable Users = receiveDocConfirmation.GetUserNamebyReceipt(receiptID); if (Users.Rows.Count > 0) { printout.PreparedBy.Text = Users.Rows[0]["ReceivedBy"].ToString(); printout.CheckedBy.Text = Users.Rows[0]["ConfirmedBy"].ToString(); } if (ReceiveDoc.IsThereShortageOrDamage(receiptID)) { ReceiptConfirmationShortagePrintout printoutShortage = new ReceiptConfirmationShortagePrintout(); rc.PrepareDataForPrintout(receiptID, CurrentContext.UserId, true, 1, printedID, null, fiscalYear); printoutShortage.DataSource = rc.DefaultView.ToTable(); printout.xrShortageReport.ReportSource = printoutShortage; printout.PrintingSystem.ContinuousPageNumbering = true; } else { printout.ReportFooter.Visible = false; } CalendarLib.DateTimePickerEx dtDate = new CalendarLib.DateTimePickerEx(); //dtDate.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; dtDate.Value = rDoc.EurDate; printout.Date.Text = dtDate.Text; if (InstitutionIType.IsVaccine(GeneralInfo.Current)) { return(CreateModel19Printout(dataTable.DefaultView.ToTable(), dtDate.Text)); } return(printout); }
public static XtraReport PrintReceiptConfirmation(string printedBy, int receiptID, int?previousReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID, bool forExporting, FiscalYear fiscalYear) { var rcPrevious = new BLL.ReceiptConfirmationPrintout(); int?idToBePrintedOut = null; if (forExporting && previousReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID.HasValue) { rcPrevious.LoadByPrimaryKey(previousReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID.Value); idToBePrintedOut = rcPrevious.IDPrinted; } var rc = new BLL.ReceiptConfirmationPrintout(); var printout = new HCMIS.Desktop.Reports.ReceiptConfirmationPrintout(printedBy); var srmPrintout = new HCMIS.Desktop.Reports.SRMPrintout(printedBy); var receiveDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); var receipt = new BLL.Receipt(); receipt.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiptID); receiveDoc.LoadByReceiptID(receiptID); var referenceNumber = receiveDoc.RefNo; var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDoc.StoreID); var supplier = new Supplier(); supplier.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDoc.SupplierID); int printedID = 0; string GRNFNo = fiscalYear.GetCode(BLL.ReceiptConfirmationPrintout.GetGRNFNo(receiptID)); if (receipt.ReceiptTypeID == ReceiptType.CONSTANTS.STANDARD_RECEIPT || receipt.ReceiptTypeID == ReceiptType.CONSTANTS.DELIVERY_NOTE || receipt.ReceiptTypeID == ReceiptType.CONSTANTS.ACCOUNT_TO_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName)) { printout.BranchName.Text = GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName; } else { throw new Exception("Branch name could not be read from the database."); } PrepareGRVPrintout(printout); // String reference = gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow()["RefNo"].ToString(); if (supplier.SupplierTypeID == SupplierType.CONSTANTS.HOME_OFFICE || supplier.SupplierTypeID == SupplierType.CONSTANTS.HUBS || supplier.SupplierTypeID == SupplierType.CONSTANTS.ACCOUNTS || supplier.SupplierTypeID == SupplierType.CONSTANTS.STORES) { printout.xrGRVLabel.Text = "iGRV No."; printout.xrAir.Visible = false; printout.xrAirValue.Visible = false; printout.xrTransit.Visible = false; printout.xrTransitValue.Visible = false; printout.xrInsurance.Visible = false; printout.xrInsuranceValue.Visible = false; printout.xrNumberOfCases.Visible = false; printout.xrNumberOfCasesValue.Visible = false; printout.xrInvoiceNo.Text = "STV No."; printout.xrPurchaseOrderNo.Visible = false; printout.xrPurchaseOrderNoValue.Visible = false; printout.xrLabelGRNF.Text = GRNFNo; printout.xrSTV.Visible = false; printout.xrSTVNoValue.Visible = false; printedID = rc.PrepareDataForPrintout(receiptID, CurrentContext.UserId, false, 4, idToBePrintedOut, previousReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID, fiscalYear); printout.DataSource = rc.DefaultView.ToTable(); var dtDate = new DateTimePickerEx(); //dtDate.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; dtDate.Value = receiveDoc.EurDate; printout.Date.Text = dtDate.Text; } else { printout.xrGRVLabel.Text = "GRV No."; printout.xrSTV.Visible = false; printout.xrSTVNoValue.Visible = false; printedID = rc.PrepareDataForPrintout(receiptID, CurrentContext.UserId, false, 2, idToBePrintedOut, previousReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID, fiscalYear); printout.xrLabelGRNF.Text = GRNFNo; printout.DataSource = rc.DefaultView.ToTable(); var dtDate = new DateTimePickerEx(); //dtDate.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; dtDate.Value = receiveDoc.EurDate; printout.Date.Text = dtDate.Text; } printout.xrLabelStoreName.Text = activity.FullActivityName; if (ReceiveDoc.IsThereShortageOrDamage(receiptID)) { ReceiptConfirmationShortagePrintout printoutShortage = PrintReceiptConfirmationForShortage(receiptID, printedID, fiscalYear); PrepareGRVPrintout(printoutShortage); printout.xrShortageReport.ReportSource = printoutShortage; printout.PrintingSystem.ContinuousPageNumbering = true; } else { printout.ReportFooter.Visible = false; } if (!forExporting) //If this is not for exporting, we print on paper. { if (printout.PrintDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { throw new Exception("Print cancelled by user!"); } } return(printout); } else if (receipt.ReceiptTypeID == ReceiptType.CONSTANTS.STOCK_RETURN) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName)) { srmPrintout.BranchName.Text = GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName; } rc.PrepareDataForPrintout(receiptID, CurrentContext.UserId, false, 3, idToBePrintedOut, previousReceiptConfirmationPrintoutID, fiscalYear); srmPrintout.DataSource = rc.DefaultView.ToTable(); var rUnit = new Institution(); var idoc = new IssueDoc(); if (!receiveDoc.IsColumnNull("ReturnedFromIssueDocID")) { idoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDoc.ReturnedFromIssueDocID); rUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.ReceivingUnitID); } else { var po = new PO(); po.LoadByReceiptID(receiveDoc.ReceiptID); rUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(int.Parse(po.RefNo)); } srmPrintout.xrFromValue.Text = rUnit.Name; srmPrintout.xrWoredaValue.Text = rUnit.WoredaText; srmPrintout.xrRegionValue.Text = rUnit.Region; srmPrintout.xrZoneValue.Text = rUnit.ZoneText; if (!receiveDoc.IsColumnNull("ReturnedFromIssueDocID")) { var stvLog = new Issue(); stvLog.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.STVID); var issuedActivity = new Activity(); issuedActivity.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.StoreId); srmPrintout.xrAccountName.Text = issuedActivity.FullActivityName; srmPrintout.xrSTVNoValue.Text = stvLog.IDPrinted.ToString("00000"); } else { srmPrintout.xrAccountName.Text = activity.FullActivityName;; srmPrintout.xrSTVNoValue.Text = receiveDoc.RefNo; } var dtDate = new DateTimePickerEx(); dtDate.Value = receiveDoc.EurDate; srmPrintout.Date.Text = dtDate.Text; if (!forExporting) { if (srmPrintout.PrintDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { throw new Exception("Print cancelled by user!"); } } return(srmPrintout); } else //TODO: Implement Delivery notes. { return(null); } }
private void toolStripMenuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var us = new User(); var userID = MainWindow.LoggedinId; us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userID); DataRow dr = grdLogIssue.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr == null) { return; } int tranId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); var rec = new ReceiveDoc(); var iss = new IssueDoc(); iss.LoadByPrimaryKey(tranId); string batchNo = iss.BatchNo; try { if (iss.RecievDocID.ToString() != "") { rec.LoadByPrimaryKey(iss.RecievDocID); } else { rec.GetTransactionByBatch(iss.ItemID, iss.BatchNo, iss.StoreId); } } catch { rec.GetTransactionByBatch(iss.ItemID, iss.BatchNo, iss.StoreId); } if (batchNo != rec.BatchNo && batchNo != string.Empty) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Unable to Delete, This Transaction has been processed. Try Loss and Adjustment.", "Unable to Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } else if (batchNo == string.Empty || batchNo == rec.BatchNo) { if (XtraMessageBox.Show("Are You Sure, You want to delete this Transaction? You will not be able to restore this data.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { rec.QuantityLeft = rec.QuantityLeft + iss.Quantity; if (rec.QuantityLeft > 0) { rec.Out = false; } rec.Save(); AddIssueLodDelete(iss); DeletedRelatedModel(iss); iss.MarkAsDeleted(); iss.Save(); DataTable dtRec = iss.GetAllTransaction(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue)); gridIssues.DataSource = dtRec; } } }
public void DeleteAnIssue(int issueDociD) { ReceiveDoc rdoc = new ReceiveDoc(); ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); IssueDoc idoc = new IssueDoc(); idoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(issueDociD); if (idoc.IsThereSRM) { throw new Exception("There is an SRM for this issue. You can't void it."); } PickListDetail pld = new PickListDetail(); //pld.LoadByOrderAndItem(idoc.OrderID, idoc.ItemID, idoc.NoOfPack); pld.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.PLDetailID); string RefNo = idoc.RefNo; rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(idoc.RecievDocID); //if (pld.RowCount == 0) //{ // pld.LoadByOrderAndItem(idoc.OrderID, idoc.ItemID); //} rp.LoadByReceiveDocID(idoc.RecievDocID); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.loadByPalletID(rp.PalletID); if (pl.RowCount == 0) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(pld.PalletLocationID); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); } } if (rp.RowCount == 0) { XtraMessageBox.Show("You cannot delete this item, please contact the administrator", "Error"); return; } if (rp.RowCount > 0) { rdoc.QuantityLeft += idoc.Quantity; rp.Balance += idoc.Quantity; //Delete from picklistDetail and add to pickListDetailDeleted PickListDetailDeleted.AddNewLog(pld, BLL.CurrentContext.UserId); pld.MarkAsDeleted(); // are we adding it the pick face? // if so add it to the balance of the pick face also pl.loadByPalletID(rp.PalletID); if (pl.RowCount == 0) { PutawayLocation plocation = new PutawayLocation(rdoc.ItemID); // we don't have a location for this yet, // select a new location //PutawayLocataion pl = new PutawayLocataion(); if (plocation.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(plocation.PalletLocationID); if (pl.RowCount > 0) { pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); } } } if (pl.RowCount > 0) { PickFace pf = new PickFace(); pf.LoadByPalletLocation(pl.ID); if (pf.RowCount > 0) { pf.Balance += Convert.ToInt32(idoc.Quantity); pf.Save(); } IssueDocDeleted.AddNewLog(idoc, CurrentContext.UserId); idoc.MarkAsDeleted(); rdoc.Save(); rp.Save(); idoc.Save(); pld.Save(); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show( "This delete is not successful because a free pick face location was not selected. please select a free location and try again.", "Error Deleteing issue transaction", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }