private static double[] aggregateInteractionFeatures(InteractionFeatures inter, Node nui, Node[] nodes, Substroke[] substrokes) { double[] ret = new double[21]; int indexToSkip = Array.IndexOf(nodes, nui); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; ++i) { if (i == indexToSkip) { continue; } double[] intermediate = inter.evalInteractionFeatures(nui, nodes[i], substrokes); for (int j = 0; j < intermediate.Length; ++j) { // Move the values to be between 0 and 1 instead of between -1 and 1 intermediate[j] += 1; intermediate[j] /= 2; } for (int j = 0; j < ret.Length; ++j) { ret[j] += intermediate[j]; } } return(ret); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { bool fragment = false; #region Handle Input List <string> arguments = new List <string>(args); // First, look for flags List <string> flags = arguments.FindAll(delegate(string s) { return(s[0] == '-'); }); foreach (string f in flags) { arguments.Remove(f); } foreach (string flag in flags) { switch (flag[1]) { case 'F': fragment = true; break; } } if (arguments.Count != 2) { printUsageAndExit(); } if (!Directory.Exists(arguments[1])) { Console.WriteLine("Directory {0} not found!", arguments[1]); Console.WriteLine(); printUsageAndExit(); } if (!File.Exists(arguments[0])) { Console.WriteLine("LabelMapper Description File {0} not found!{1}", arguments[0], Environment.NewLine); printUsageAndExit(); } string lmFile = arguments[0]; List <string> files = new List <string>(Directory.GetFiles(arguments[1], "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); if (files.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No XML files found in {0}!{1}", arguments[1], Environment.NewLine); printUsageAndExit(); } string outputDirectory; if (fragment) { outputDirectory = arguments[1] + @"\DTF_Fragmented"; Console.WriteLine("Will auto-fragment all sketches"); } else { outputDirectory = arguments[1] + @"\DTF_Unfragmented"; Console.WriteLine("Will not auto-fragment any sketches"); } if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) { Console.WriteLine("Creating output directory {0}", outputDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); } else { Console.WriteLine("Using existing output directory {0}", outputDirectory); } #endregion string names_file = outputDirectory + "\\features.names"; LabelMapper.LabelMapper lm = new LabelMapper.LabelMapper(lmFile); DTF all = new DTF(lm.translatedClasses); addFeaturesToDTF(ref all); all.WriteNamesFile(names_file); Console.WriteLine("Beginning DTF calculations at {0}", DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); foreach (string filename in files) { Console.Write("."); if (!File.Exists(filename)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File {0} not found", filename); } Sketch.Sketch sk; try { ConverterXML.ReadXML reader = new ConverterXML.ReadXML(filename); sk = reader.Sketch; } catch (System.Xml.XmlException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error reading file {0} with ConverterXML. Exception Text: {1}", filename, e.Message); continue; } if (fragment) { Fragmenter.Fragment.fragmentSketch(sk); } FeatureSketch sketch = new FeatureSketch(ref sk); Node[] nodes = new Node[sk.Substrokes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sk.Substrokes.Length; ++i) { nodes[i] = new Node(sk.Substrokes[i], lm.translatedClasses.Count, i); } #region Calculate Features double totalMinDistBetweenFrag = sketch.TotalMinDistBetweenSubstrokes; double totalAverageDistBetweenFrag = sketch.TotalAvgDistBetweenSubstrokes; double totalMaxDistBetweenFrag = sketch.TotalMaxDistBetweenSubstrokes; double totalTimeBetweenFrag = CreateGraph.totTimeBetweenFrag(nodes); double totalArcLength = sketch.TotalArcLength; double totalLengthOfFrag = sketch.TotalDistance; double averageSpeedOfFrag = sketch.AverageAverageSpeed; double totalMinDistBetweenEnds = sketch.TotalMinDistBetweenSubstrokes; double[] bbox = sketch.BBox.ToArray(); SiteFeatures.setStageNumber(1); InteractionFeatures.setStageNumber(1); SiteFeatures site = new SiteFeatures(totalMinDistBetweenFrag, totalAverageDistBetweenFrag, totalMaxDistBetweenFrag, totalTimeBetweenFrag, totalArcLength, totalLengthOfFrag, averageSpeedOfFrag, totalMinDistBetweenEnds, bbox, ref sketch); InteractionFeatures inter = new InteractionFeatures(totalMinDistBetweenFrag, totalAverageDistBetweenFrag, totalMaxDistBetweenFrag, totalTimeBetweenFrag, totalArcLength, totalLengthOfFrag, averageSpeedOfFrag, totalMinDistBetweenEnds, ref sketch); #endregion #region Write out for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; ++i) { if (!lm.labelMap.ContainsKey(sk.Substrokes[i].FirstLabel)) { Console.WriteLine("Label {0} not found in label map, continuing", sk.Substrokes[i].FirstLabel); continue; } double[] ret = site.evalSiteFeatures(nodes[i], sk.Substrokes); int allIdx = addSSStrokeToDTF(ref all, ref ret, ref sk.Substrokes[i], ref lm); ret = aggregateInteractionFeatures(inter, nodes[i], nodes, sk.Substrokes); addMSStrokeToDTF(ref all, ref ret, allIdx); } #endregion } Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); all.WriteDataFile(outputDirectory + "\\"); Console.WriteLine("DTF Calculations finished at {0}", DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); }