public override void Execute() { #region Setup and display Variables //Vars String sConfig = Config.SITE_SRC_LOGIN.ToString(); // get Inputs InputVars myVars = new InputVars(); Mod_SetupVars dispVars = new Mod_SetupVars(); dispVars.Setup(sConfig, ref myVars); #endregion #region Unpublish and Restore if (myVars.restore) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(myVars.sQLServerName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(myVars.databaseName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(myVars.backupLocation)) { throw new Exception("Not enough inputs to attempt Restore"); } if (!File.Exists(myVars.backupLocation.ToString())) { Console.WriteLine("Backup file not found! " + myVars.backupLocation.ToString()); throw new Exception("Backup File not found!"); } Mod_RestoreDB restore = new Mod_RestoreDB(); restore.ResetSite(myVars); } #endregion }
public virtual void ResetSite(InputVars myVars) { Console.WriteLine("- UnPublish Customizations"); using (TestExecution.CreateTestCaseGroup("UnPublish Customizations")) { string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); CustomizationMgr myMgr = new CustomizationMgr(); myMgr.OpenScreen(); myMgr.ActionUndoPublish(); } using (TestExecution.CreateTestCaseGroup("Restore fresh database")) { Console.WriteLine("- Restore SQL DB"); DatabaseOperations db = new DatabaseOperations(); db.RestoreDB(myVars.sQLServerName, myVars.databaseName, myVars.backupLocation); } using (TestExecution.CreateTestStepGroup("Sign in")) { Console.WriteLine("Logging into " + Config.SITE_DST_URL); Browser.StartingUrl = Config.SITE_DST_URL; PxLogin LoginPage = new PxLogin(); String login = Config.SITE_DST_LOGIN; String company = ""; int location = login.IndexOf("@"); if (location > 0) { company = login.Substring(location + 1); login = login.Substring(0, location); } LoginPage.Username.Type(login); LoginPage.Password.Type(Config.SITE_DST_PASSWORD); if (company != "") { LoginPage.CompanyId.SelectValue(company); } LoginPage.SignIn.Click(); Console.WriteLine("You have successfully logged into Acumatica."); } }
public virtual void Setup(String Config, ref InputVars myVars) { string[] Creds = Config.Split(';'); myVars.buildName = Creds[0] != null ? Creds[0].Trim() : ""; myVars.userName = Creds[1] != null ? Creds[1].Trim() : ""; myVars.password = Creds[2] != null ? Creds[2].Trim() : ""; myVars.uRL = Creds[3] != null ? Creds[3].Trim() : ""; myVars.restore = Creds[4] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[4].ToString()) : false; myVars.sQLServerName = Creds[5] != null ? Creds[5].Trim() : ""; myVars.databaseName = Creds[6] != null ? Creds[6].Trim() : ""; myVars.backupLocation = Creds[7] != null ? Creds[7].Trim() : ""; myVars.regresionSetups = Creds[8] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[8].ToString()) : false; myVars.publish = Creds[9] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[9].ToString()) : false; myVars.testXrefs = Creds[10] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[10].ToString()) : false; myVars.testCustomer = Creds[11] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[11].ToString()) : false; myVars.shipmentType = Creds[12] != null ? Creds[12].Trim() : ""; myVars.printLabels = Creds[13] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[13].ToString()) : false; myVars.processShipments = Creds[14] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[14].ToString()) : false; myVars.testVendor = Creds[15] != null?Convert.ToBoolean(Creds[15].ToString()) : false; Console.WriteLine("-------------"); Console.WriteLine(" Test Inputs"); string[] varNames = myVars.varNames.Split(';'); int count = 0; foreach (string var in varNames) { Console.WriteLine(var + " : " + Creds[count].Trim()); count++; } Console.WriteLine("-------------"); }
// the splicer assumes that this is the first method in // the class public ClassMethod(Application app) { application = app; nextBlock = Blocks.Enter; handlerBlock = Blocks.None; locals = new LocalVars(this); inputs = new InputVars(this); outputs = new OutputVars(this); }