public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { keyboard.Update(gameTime); if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Enter) && !firstText && !Done) { Name = Output; Output = string.Empty; firstText = true; keyboard.Output = string.Empty; InputEngine.ClearState(); } if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Enter) && firstText && !Done) { Output = string.Empty; keyboard.Output = string.Empty; Done = true; Enabled = false; Visible = false; } if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Back)) { if (Output.Length > 0) { Output = Output.Remove(Output.Length - 1); } } if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Space)) { Output += " "; } base.Update(gameTime); }
public void Clear() { firstText = false; Name = string.Empty; output = string.Empty; input.KeysPressedInLastFrame.Clear(); InputEngine.ClearState(); Done = false; }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { LeaveGame(); Exit(); #region starting in menu and switching to game //sets mouse state mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); //switch for setting the scene switch (CurrentScreen) { case MENU: //What we want to happen in the MENU screen goes in here. //GO TO PLAYGAME SCREEN if (playGameButton.update(new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y)) == true && mouseState != previousMouseState && mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && !firstText && !Done) { Name = Output; Output = string.Empty; firstText = true; InputEngine.ClearState(); CurrentScreen = PLAYGAME; } if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Enter) && firstText && !Done) { Output = string.Empty; Done = true; } if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Back)) { if (Output.Length > 0) { Output = Output.Remove(Output.Length - 1); } } if (InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Space)) { Output += " "; } break; case PLAYGAME: //What we want to happen when we play our GAME goes in here. startGame(); break; } } // TODO: Add your update logic here previousMouseState = mouseState; #endregion base.Update(gameTime); }