コード例 #1
 protected override void BeforeExecute(CommandInfo command)
     dataContext = new WaitingListDataContext();
     waitingList = new CommandWaitingList(dataContext, Context.Client.Rest, Context.Guild.Id);
     guildData   = dataContext.GetOrCreateGuildData(Context.Guild) !;
コード例 #2
        //[Summary("Pauses the joining of the list.")]
        //public async Task Unpause()
        //    storage.IsPaused = false;
        //    storage.Save();

        //    await UpdateReactionMessageAsync(waitingList, Context.Guild, storage);

        //    await Context.Message.ReplyAsync("Waiting list has been unpaused");

        public static async Task UpdatePublicMessageAsync(IWaitingList waitingList, IGuild guild, GuildData guildData)
            var message = await GetMessageAsync(guild, guildData);

            if (message is not IUserMessage)

            var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder
                Color = Color.Green,
                Title = $"Waiting list"

            var sortedList = await waitingList.GetPlayerListAsync();

            var description = "";
            int counter     = 0;

            foreach (var player in sortedList)
                description += $"**{++counter}.** {player.Name} ({GetMentionWithId(player.UserId)}) {(player.IsSub ? "(Sub) " : "")}";
                if (player.PlayCount > 0)
                    description += $"(Played { player.PlayCount} time{ (player.PlayCount > 1 ? "s" : "")})";
                description += "\r\n";
            string url = "https://wl.pdelvo.com/WaitingList/" + guild.Id;

            embedBuilder.Description = description;
            embedBuilder.AddField("\u200B", "[View this list in real time](" + url + ")");

            ComponentBuilder componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder();

            componentBuilder.WithButton("Join", customId: "join", disabled: guildData.IsPaused);
            componentBuilder.WithButton("Leave", customId: "leave");

            // Waiting for an updated Discord.Net package for this to work
            componentBuilder.WithButton("Website", null, style: ButtonStyle.Link, url: url);

            Embed embed = embedBuilder.Build();

            await message.ModifyAsync(p =>
                p.Content    = $"Join the waiting list now!:";
                p.Embed      = embed;
                p.Components = componentBuilder.Build();