コード例 #1
 public LogParser(IUserInput userInput, IFileReader fileReader, IFileWriter fileWriter)
     this._userInput  = userInput;
     this._fileReader = fileReader;
     this._fileWriter = fileWriter;
     this._lastLogIdFromOldCSVFile = fileReader.GetLastLogIdFromOldCSVFile();
コード例 #2
 public Application(IGroceryKiosk groceryKiosk, IUserInput userInput, IFormatOutput output, ILog logger)
     _groceryKiosk = groceryKiosk;
     _userInput    = userInput;
     _output       = output;
     _logger       = logger;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: TeamWheel2017/DaVinchiCode
        /// <summary>
        /// Game 생성자. 사용자 인터페이스 연결. player들 생성. nowTurnIdx 초기화. JokerCard 없는 ground 생성. playerNum이 4명 초과 시 예외 throw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerNum">Player의 수</param>
        /// <param name="userInput">사용자 입력을 받는 인터페이스</param>
        public Game(int playerNum, IUserInput userInput)
            players = new List <Player>();
            ground  = new List <Card>();

            //Player의 수가 4명 초과면 예외 throw
            if (playerNum > 4)
                throw new Exception("Too Many Players");

            //userInput 초기화
            this.userInput = userInput;

            //players 초기화
            for (int i = 0; i < playerNum; i++)
                players.Add(new Player(this));
                players[i].Eliminated += RemovePlayer;

            //nowTurnIdx 초기화
            nowTurnIdx = 0;

            //ground 초기화
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)            //0 ~ 11까지 Black, White NumCard 총 24개 생성
                ground.Add(new NumCard(i));
コード例 #4
        private void UpdateUserInput()
            Command input = Command.InvalidInput;

            input = this.input.GetInput();
コード例 #5
        public GameOptions()
            this.players = new Player[Player.MaxPlayerCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++)
                this.players[i] = new Player(i);

            this.players[0].InGame = true;
            this.consolePlayer     = 0;

            this.episode = 1;
            this.map     = 1;
            this.skill   = GameSkill.Medium;

            this.netGame = false;

            this.deathmatch      = 0;
            this.fastMonsters    = false;
            this.respawnMonsters = false;
            this.noMonsters      = false;

            this.intermissionInfo = new IntermissionInfo();

            this.renderer  = null;
            this.sound     = NullSound.GetInstance();
            this.music     = NullMusic.GetInstance();
            this.userInput = NullUserInput.GetInstance();
コード例 #6
 private void Awake()
     rigid   = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     anim    = model.GetComponent <Animator>();
     pi      = GetComponent <IUserInput>();
     Capsule = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
コード例 #7
 public PayRollProgram(IUserInput userInput, IFileReader fileReader, IAlternateFactoryPaySlip paySlipFactory, IFactoryStaff staffFactory)
     _fileReader     = fileReader;
     _paySlipfactory = paySlipFactory;
     _userInput      = userInput;
     _staffFactory   = staffFactory;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles the main LogIn functions, using the given input device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input reader to be used for this method.</param>
        public void LogInStart(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
            //print statement welcoming user

            //Re-initialize the logged in customer's ID to -1, in case of returning to this method!
            loggedInCustomer = null;

            //start method logic
                //Ask if they would like to "Sign in" or "Create an account"
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter \"Log in\" to log in to an existing account, \"Sign up\" to create a new account, or \"Exit\" to exit the application.");
                //temporary variable to hold the user input
                userInput = input.GetInput();
                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "log in") || (userInput.ToLower() == "login")) //Log in existing user
                    LogInExistingUser(input, db);
                else if (userInput.ToLower() == "sign up" || (userInput.ToLower() == "signup")) //Create new customer
                    CreateNewCustomer(input, db);
                else if (userInput.ToLower() == "exit") //Close out of application
                else //invalid input
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid command; Please verify your input, and try again.");
            } while (LoggedInCustomer == null); //Loop while there is no logged in customer
コード例 #9
 public Spawner SetCommand(IUserInput input)
     m_Command = input.CharacterShoot;
コード例 #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cameraHandle = transform.parent.gameObject;
        playerHandle = cameraHandle.transform.parent.gameObject;
        model        = playerHandle.GetComponent <ActorController>().model;

        IUserInput[] inputs = playerHandle.GetComponents <IUserInput>();
        foreach (var input in inputs)
            if (input.enabled == true)
                pi = input;

        if (!isAI)
            camera           = Camera.main.gameObject;
            lockDot.enabled  = false;
            Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
        lockState = false;
コード例 #11
        public void Init()
            _userInput  = Substitute.For <IUserInput>();
            _userOutput = Substitute.For <IUserOutput>();

            _consolePasswordReader = new ConsolePasswordReader(_userOutput, _userInput);
コード例 #12
        private PlayerMove GetMoveFromPlayer(IUserInput input, IUserResponse userResponse, Player player, PieceColor currentColor)
            bool isValidSelection = false;
            var  move             = player.MakeMove(input);

            while (!isValidSelection)
                if (ChessBoard.IsLegalBoardPosition(move.PieceSelectionXCoordinate, move.PieceSelectionYCoordinate) &&
                    ChessBoard.IsPieceAt(move.PieceSelectionXCoordinate, move.PieceSelectionYCoordinate))
                    if (ChessBoard.PieceAt(move.PieceSelectionXCoordinate, move.PieceSelectionYCoordinate).PieceColor == currentColor)
                        isValidSelection = true;
                        userResponse.BadPieceSelection("You must select your own piece to move.");
                        move = WhitePlayer.MakeMove(input);
                    userResponse.BadPieceSelection("You must select a piece at a valid location.");
                    move = WhitePlayer.MakeMove(input);

コード例 #13
 void Start()
     keyboardInput = new UserKeyboardInput();
     inputStrategy = keyboardInput;
コード例 #14
    void Start()
        animator      = GetComponent <Animator>();
        animatorState = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
        userInput     = GetComponent <IUserInput>();
        inputSkills   = GetComponent <IInputSkills>();

        inputSkills.OnShepsRun += Run;
        inputSkills.OnFire     += () => { StartCoroutine(Fire()); };
        inputSkills.OnJump     += () =>
            if (animatorState.IsTag("Rest"))
        inputSkills.OnRitual += () =>
            if (animatorState.IsTag("Rest"))

        ShepsLiving.OnShepsDying += Dying;
コード例 #15
        static public void swapNumbers(IUserInput input)
            int num1 = input.GetInt();
            int num2 = input.GetInt();

            Console.WriteLine($"{num2}, {num1}");
コード例 #16
    private void Start()
        fireballCounter = shepsSetting.FireballAmount;
        userInput       = GetComponent <IUserInput>();

        userInput.OnFireToggle += () => { StartCoroutine(FireBall()); };
コード例 #17
ファイル: Input.cs プロジェクト: pludmale/organic-race
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">See <see cref="Action"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="object">See <see cref="Object"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="subject">See <see cref="Subject"/>.</param>
 public Input(string action, string @object, string subject, IUserInput userInput)
     this.Action     = action;
     this.Object     = @object;
     this.Subject    = subject;
     this._userInput = userInput;
コード例 #18
 public AssetTrackerCommandBase(IConsoleOutput output, IUserInput inputHandle, IAssetRepository assetRepo, IOfficeRepository officeRepo)
     Assets       = assetRepo;
     Offices      = officeRepo;
     OutputHandle = output;
     InputHandle  = inputHandle;
コード例 #19
    public ActorController Init()
        var inputs = transform.GetComponents <IUserInput>();

        foreach (var item in inputs)
            if (item.enabled)
                pi = item;

        if (!Model)
            Model = transform.Find("Character")?.gameObject;
        if (!Camcon)
            Camcon = transform.Find("CameraHandle")?.GetComponent <CameraController>();
        anim   = Model.GetComponent <Animator>();
        rigi   = transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        capCol = transform.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

        //attackLayer = anim.GetLayerIndex("attack");
コード例 #20
ファイル: CommandParser.cs プロジェクト: JSONLewis/Sculptor
        public ICommand Parse(IUserInput userInput)
            _logger.Instance.Information($"[{nameof(CommandParser)}.{nameof(CommandParser.Parse)}] called with the following parameter: {{@UserInput}}", userInput);

            var parserResult = Parser.Default.ParseArguments(

            // Cache the HelpText on this parser result for future formatting.
            _outputFormatter.HelpText = HelpText.AutoBuild(parserResult, null, null);

            if (parserResult.Tag == ParserResultType.NotParsed)
                _logger.Instance.Error($"[{nameof(CommandParser)}.{nameof(CommandParser.Parse)}] was unable to parse provided command: {{@UserInput}}", userInput);

            if (!((parserResult as Parsed <object>)?.Value is ICommand command))
                throw new SculptorParserException($"[{nameof(CommandParser)}.{nameof(CommandParser.Parse)}] could not find a valid implementation of {nameof(ICommand)} matching {{@UserInput}}", userInput);

            _logger.Instance.Information($"[{nameof(CommandParser)}.{nameof(CommandParser.Parse)}] succesfully parsed: {{@UserInput}}", userInput);

コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Действие сцены
        /// </summary>
        public void Scene(IUserInput userInput, IStatusReporter statusReporter)
            BattleActionHistory = new List <DoBattleAction>();
            BattleActions       = new Dictionary <UserCommand, DoBattleAction>()
                { UserCommand.Attack, Attack },
                { UserCommand.GiveUp, GiveUp },
                { UserCommand.GetStat, GetStat },
                { UserCommand.NoCommand, Boo }

            for ( ; ;)
                foreach (var castle in Castles)
                    UserCommand userCommand = UserCommand.Attack;
                    if (!IsAction)

                        statusReporter.WriteLine($"ход героев замка {castle} ({Utils.EnumValueToString<CastleOwner>(castle.Owner)})");

                        if (castle.Owner == CastleOwner.User)
                            userCommand = userInput.GetUserCommand(statusReporter);
                        /*пользователь будет делать ходы, пока функция не вернёт false*/
                    }while(BattleActions[userCommand](Units, Units, statusReporter));
コード例 #22
        public GameOptions()
            gameVersion = GameVersion.Version109;
            gameMode    = GameMode.Commercial;
            missionPack = MissionPack.Doom2;

            players = new Player[Player.MaxPlayerCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++)
                players[i] = new Player(i);
            players[0].InGame = true;
            consolePlayer     = 0;

            episode = 1;
            map     = 1;
            skill   = GameSkill.Medium;

            demoPlayback = false;
            netGame      = false;

            deathmatch      = 0;
            fastMonsters    = false;
            respawnMonsters = false;
            noMonsters      = false;

            intermissionInfo = new IntermissionInfo();

            random = new DoomRandom();

            video     = NullVideo.GetInstance();
            sound     = NullSound.GetInstance();
            music     = NullMusic.GetInstance();
            userInput = NullUserInput.GetInstance();
コード例 #23
 private void Construct(IBubbleCannon cannon, IUserInput input, IGridWrapper gridWrapper)
     this.cannon = cannon;
     this.input  = input;
     this.grid   = gridWrapper;
     steps       = new Vector3[3];
コード例 #24
ファイル: RobotController.cs プロジェクト: hemmachat/real
 public RobotController(IRobot robot, IUserInput input, IUserOutput output, ICommandParser commandParser)
     _robot         = robot;
     _input         = input;
     _output        = output;
     _commandParser = commandParser;
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new customer and adds them to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User input.</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference.</param>
        void CreateNewCustomer(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
            //create variables to hold user input during creation
            String newFirstName;
            String newLastName;
            String newUsername;
            String newPassword;

            //Thank the user
            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for signing up!");

            //Collect and store first and last names (okay to be duplicated)
            Console.Write("Please enter your first name: ");
            newFirstName = input.GetInput();
            Console.Write("Please enter your last name: ");
            newLastName = input.GetInput();

            do //Username loop -- repeat until available name
                Console.Write("Please enter your desired username: "******"go back") || (newUsername.ToLower() == "goback") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newUsername)) //Username cannot be "Go back" or empty
                    Console.WriteLine("We're sorry, that cannot be used for your username. Please try a different username. ");
                else //valid username input
                    //query database for matching usernames
                    var usernameAvailabilityCheck =
                        (from check in db.CustomersDB
                         where (check.CustUsername == newUsername)
                         select check);
                    if (usernameAvailabilityCheck.Count() == 0) //if the username does not exist yet
                        //inform user name is available
                        Console.Write("Username available! ");

                        //request desired password
                        Console.Write("Please enter your desired password: "******"We're sorry, that username is unavailable. Please select a different name.");
            } while (true);

            //create a new customer object using the input information
            Customer newCustomer = new Customer(newFirstName, newLastName, newUsername, newPassword);


            //query database for newly created Customer's customerID
            loggedInCustomer = newCustomer;
コード例 #26
 public CustomRegistry()
     Board             = new CustomBoard(10, 10);
     Initializer       = new BoardInitializer();
     ActionManager     = new BoardActionManager(Board, (BoardInitializer)Initializer);
     Notifier          = new BoardNotifier(Board);
     ProccessUserInput = new NotifyingInput(Notifier);
コード例 #27
 public static void SetUserInput(IUserInput input)
     if (input is null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));
     userInput = input;
コード例 #28
 public Engine(IRenderer renderer, IUserInput userInterface)
     this.renderer      = renderer;
     this.userInterface = userInterface;
     this.allObjects    = new List <GameObject>();
     this.movingObjects = new List <MovingObject>();
     this.staticObjects = new List <GameObject>();
コード例 #29
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Awake()
     pi            = GetComponent <IUserInput>();
     anim          = model.GetComponent <Animator>();
     rigid         = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     col           = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
     camcon.player = player;
コード例 #30
    //private MyTimer timer = new MyTimer();

    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        pi      = GetComponent <IUserInput>();
        anim    = model.GetComponent <Animator>();
        rigid2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        col     = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>();
コード例 #31
    /// <summary>
    /// Used for initialization. The Start method is called just
    /// before any of the Update methods is called the first time.
    /// </summary>
    public Avatar(IAvatarBehaviour avatarBehaviour, IUserInput userInput)
        this.Track = 2;
        this.MoveSpeed = 15;

        this.AvatarBehaviour = avatarBehaviour;
        this.UserInput = userInput;

コード例 #32
 public Engine(IRenderer renderer, IUserInput userInput)
     this.renderer = renderer;
     this.userInput = userInput;
     this.robotShips = new List<Ship>();
     this.playerShips = new List<Ship>();
     this.playerGifts = new List<Gift>();
     this.robotGifts = new List<Gift>();
     this.seas = new List<Sea>();
     this.playerFleet = 0;
     this.robotFleet = 0;
     this.iBoot = new IntelligentBot();
コード例 #33
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: Zhenya21/Checkers
        public void Start()
            Player1 = new HumanPlayer(true);
            Player2 = new HumanPlayer(false);
            CurrentPlayer = Player1;


            // TEST SITUATION #1
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, true, 2, 3)); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, true, 0, 1));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, true, 1, 2));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, true, 1, 4));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, true, 0, 5));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, true, 7, 0));

            // TEST SITUATION #2
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, false, 2, 3)); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, false, 7, 0));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(4, 3)));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, false,new Coordinate(5, 2)));

            // TEST SITUATION #3 - white cheker is surrounded with reds
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, false, 3, 4)); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 2, 3));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 2, 5));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 4, 3));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 4, 5));

            // TEST SITUATION #4 - compound move
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, false, 4, 3)); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 3, 4));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 1, 4));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 1, 2));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 3, 2));

            // TEST SITUATION #5 - the only white checker is blocked
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(true, false, 4, 3)); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 3, 4));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 2, 5));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 3, 2));
            //CheckersSet.Add(new Checker(false, false, 2, 1));

            Board = new Board();
コード例 #34
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: Zhenya21/Checkers
 public IUserInput SwitchPlayer()
     return CurrentPlayer = (CurrentPlayer == Player1) ? Player2 : Player1;
コード例 #35
		public UserInputEventArgs(IUserInput inputChannel)
			this.inputChannel = inputChannel;
コード例 #36
ファイル: Checkers.cs プロジェクト: kolinlob/Checkers
 public List<Checker> GetOwnCheckers(IUserInput currentPlayer)
     return new List<Checker>(checkers.Where(checker => currentPlayer.PlaysWhites == checker.IsWhite));
コード例 #37
 public ApplicationController(INotifier notifier, IUserInput userInput, Calculator calculator)
     _notifier = notifier;
     _userInput = userInput;
     _calculator = calculator;
コード例 #38
ファイル: Screen.cs プロジェクト: kolinlob/Checkers
 public static void DisplayCurrentPlayerMessage(IUserInput currentPlayer)
     Console.SetCursorPosition(50, 1); Console.Write("                     ");
     Console.SetCursorPosition(50, 1); Console.Write("{0} move!", currentPlayer.PlaysWhites ? "White" : "Black");
     Console.SetCursorPosition(50, 3);
コード例 #39
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: kolinlob/Checkers
        public void Start()
            player1 = new HumanPlayer(true);
            player2 = new HumanPlayer(false);
            CurrentPlayer = player1;


            // TEST SITUATION #1
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  true, new Coordinate(2, 3))); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  true, new Coordinate(7, 0)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, true, new Coordinate(0, 1)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, true, new Coordinate(1, 2)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, true, new Coordinate(1, 4)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, true, new Coordinate(0, 5)));

            // TEST SITUATION #2
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  false, new Coordinate(2, 3))); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  false, new Coordinate(7, 0)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(6, 1)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(5, 2)));

            // TEST SITUATION #3 - white cheker is surrounded with reds
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true, false,  new Coordinate(3, 4))); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(2, 3)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(2, 5)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(4, 3)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(4, 5)));

            // TEST SITUATION #4 - compound move
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  false, new Coordinate(4, 3))); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(3, 4)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(1, 4)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(1, 2)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(3, 2)));

            // TEST SITUATION #5 - the only white checker is blocked
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  false, new Coordinate(4, 3))); // CHECKER WE TEST
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(3, 4)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(2, 5)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(3, 2)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(2, 1)));

            // TEST SITUATION #6 - for Take tests
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(true,  false, new Coordinate(2, 1)));
            //checkers.Set.Add(new Checker(false, false, new Coordinate(1, 2)));

            Board = new Board();



            while (!IsGameOver())