public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <Client.Models.Customer> > GetLatestCustomersAsync() { using (var connection = _sqlConnection.GetConnection()) { var result = (await connection.QueryAsync <Customer>("dbo.Customer_GetLatest", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, commandTimeout: 0) .ConfigureAwait(false)).ToList().AsReadOnly(); //Could bring auto mapper in here List <Client.Models.Customer> customerList = new List <Client.Models.Customer>(); foreach (var customer in result) { customerList.Add(new Client.Models.Customer { Id = customer.Id, Name = customer.Name, PreviouslyOrdered = customer.PreviouslyOrdered, WebCustomer = customer.WebCustomer, LastActive = customer.LastActive, FavouriteColours = new List <string>(customer.FavouriteColours.Split(',').ToList()) }); } return(customerList.AsReadOnly()); } }
public IEnumerable <Product> GetProducts() { using (var conn = _sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection()) { return(conn.GetList <Product>()); } }
public void Create() { using (var connection = _connectionFactory.GetConnection(initialCatalog: "master")) using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder { ConnectionString = _connectionFactory.GetConnection().ConnectionString }; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.CommandText = SqlScripts.Database_Create.Replace("CatalogName", builder.InitialCatalog); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
public async Task <Unit> Handle(ProcessOutboxCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); var entities = (await connection.QueryAsync <OutboxNotificationProcessingDto>( @"SELECT id, type, data FROM app.outbox_notifications WHERE processed_date IS NULL;" )).AsList(); if (entities.Any()) { var updateSql = @"UPDATE app.outbox_notifications SET processed_date = @Date WHERE id = @Id;"; foreach (var entity in entities) { var type = Assemblies.Application.GetType(entity.Type); var notification = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(entity.Data, type) as IDomainEventNotification; await mediator.Publish(notification, cancellationToken); await connection.ExecuteAsync(updateSql, new { Date = DateTime.Now, Id = entity.Id }); } } return(Unit.Value); }
public async Task <ScheduleDto> Handle(GetScheduleByIdQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); var schedule = await connection.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <ScheduleDto>( @"SELECT name, start_date as StartDate, end_date as EndDate, creation_date AS CreationDate FROM accessibility.schedules WHERE schedule_id = @ScheduleId;", new { request.ScheduleId }); var availabilities = (await connection.QueryAsync <AvailabilityDto>( @"SELECT employee_id AS EmployeeId, start_time AS StartTime, end_time AS EndTime, priority, creator_id AS CreatorId, creation_date AS CreationDate FROM accessibility.availabilities WHERE schedule_id = @ScheduleId;", new { request.ScheduleId })).AsList(); schedule.Availabilities = availabilities; return(schedule); }
public async Task <List <BookedRecordOfFacilityDto> > Handle(GetBookedRecordsOfFacilityQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); return((await connection.QueryAsync <BookedRecordOfFacilityDto>( @"SELECT b.booking_id as BookingId, r.offer_id as OfferId, as OfferName, r.employee_id as EmployeeId, null as EmployeeName, b.customer_id as CustomerId, as DateFrom, + r.duration * INTERVAL '1 minute' as DateTo, r.duration as Duration, r.status as Status, r.price as Price, r.currency as Currency FROM booking.bookings b INNER JOIN booking.booked_records r ON b.booking_id = r.booking_id INNER JOIN facility.offers o ON r.offer_id = o.offer_id WHERE b.facility_id = @FacilityId AND BETWEEN @DateFrom::timestamp AND @DateTo::timestamp", new { request.FacilityId, request.DateFrom, request.DateTo })) .AsList()); }
public bool IsAvailable(FacilityId facilityId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); var result = connection.QuerySingleOrDefault <int?>( @"SELECT 1 FROM accessibility.schedules WHERE facility_id = @FacilityId AND startDate < @EndDate AND @StartDate < end_date LIMIT 1;", new { FacilityId = facilityId.Value, StartDate = startDate, EndDate = endDate }); return(!result.HasValue); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Todo> > GetAll() { using (SqlConnection connection = _sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection()) { return(await connection.GetListAsync <Todo>()); } }
private async Task <bool> CanConnectToDb() { try { using var connection = _sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); var query = "SELECT 1"; var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, connection); await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Could not connect to database"); return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task <bool> Handle(AnyUnfinishedBookingOfEmployeeQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); return((await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <int?>( @"SELECT 1 FROM accessibility.booked_records r INNER JOIN accessibility.bookings b ON r.booking_id = b.booking_id WHERE r.employee_id = @EmployeeId AND b.facility_id = @FacilityId AND r.status = 0 LIMIT 1;", new { request.EmployeeId, request.FacilityId })).HasValue); }
public async Task <SubscriberDiscountProjection> Find(Guid id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var connection = _sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); var sql = new[] { "SELECT DISTINCT", "discount.Code as DiscountCode,", "subscriber.Email", "FROM", "Discounts discount", "JOIN", "Subscribers subscriber", "ON", "discount.SubscriberId = subscriber.Id", "WHERE", "subscriber.Id = @SubscriberId" }; var subscriberDiscountProjections = await connection.QueryAsync <SubscriberDiscountProjection>(string.Join(" ", sql), new { SubscriberId = id }); return(subscriberDiscountProjections.SingleOrDefault()); }
public async Task <bool> IsRecordAvailable( BookingId bookingId, FacilityId facilityId, EmployeeId employeeId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); var result = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <int?>( @"SELECT 1 FROM booking.bookings b INNER JOIN booking.booked_records r ON b.booking_id = r.booking_id WHERE b.booking_id != @BookingId AND b.status = @Status AND b.facility_id = @FacilityId AND r.status = @RecordStatus AND r.employee_id = @EmployeeId AND < @EndDate AND @StartDate < + r.duration * INTERVAL '1 minute';", new { BookingId = bookingId.Value, Status = (int)BookingStatus.Booked, FacilityId = facilityId.Value, RecordStatus = (int)BookedRecordStatus.Booked, EmployeeId = employeeId.Value, StartDate = startDate, EndDate = endDate } ); return(!result.HasValue); }
protected async Task BackgroundProcessing(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { bool hasItems = true; while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { var allItems = new List <QueueItem>(); using (var connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection()) { await sqlConnectionFactory.OpenAsync(connection, cancellationToken); if (!hasItems) { hasItems = await queueItemRepository.HasItems(connection); if (!hasItems) { logger.LogInformation($"No items to process, going to sleep for {config.NoQueueItemsToProcessSleepTimeMS} milliseconds"); await Task.Delay(config.NoQueueItemsToProcessSleepTimeMS, cancellationToken); sqlConnectionFactory.Close(connection); continue; } } var workers = await queueWorkerRepository.GetQueueWorkers(connection); foreach (var worker in workers.Where(w => w.Enabled).OrderByDescending(w => w.Priority)) { var items = await queueItemRepository.GetQueueItems(connection, worker.Id, worker.Retries, worker.BatchSize); items.ForEach(i => i.QueueWorker = worker); allItems.AddRange(items); if (allItems.Count > config.GlobalBatchSizeLimit) { break; } } sqlConnectionFactory.Close(connection); } if (!allItems.Any()) { logger.LogInformation($"No items to process, going to sleep for {config.NoQueueItemsToProcessSleepTimeMS} milliseconds"); hasItems = false; await Task.Delay(config.NoQueueItemsToProcessSleepTimeMS, cancellationToken); continue; } var allTasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var item in allItems.OrderByDescending(i => i.QueueWorker.Priority).ThenBy(i => i.Id)) { allTasks.Add(ProcessItem(item, cancellationToken)); } await Task.WhenAll(allTasks); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, $"Error processing queue."); await Task.Delay(config.NoQueueItemsToProcessSleepTimeMS, cancellationToken); } } logger.LogInformation("QueueProcessor Service is cancelled."); }
public ScheduleQueryRepository(ISqlConnectionFactory sqlConnectionFactory) { connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); }
public async Task SaveAsync(Account account) { using var connection = connectionFactory.GetConnection(); await connection.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO Account (Id, CustomerId, Balance) VALUES (@Id, @CustomerId, @Balance)", new { Id = account.Id.Value, CustomerId = account.CustomerId.Value, account.Balance }); }
public OfferQueryRepository(ISqlConnectionFactory sqlConnectionFactory) { connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); }
public BookingQueryRepository(ISqlConnectionFactory sqlConnectionFactory) { connection = sqlConnectionFactory.GetConnection(); }