コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This event handler is called when the robot/user sends a start message
        /// The parameters can be set in the Skill Runner (or as json) and used in the skill if desired
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public async void OnStart(object sender, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
            //TODO Put your code here and update the summary above
            int task_id = 0;

            _timeToTellJokes = true;
                //Get the audio and image lists for use in the skill
                _audioList = (await _misty.GetAudioListAsync())?.Data;
                _imageList = (await _misty.GetImageListAsync())?.Data;

                _misty.PlayAudio("Misty_Hi.wav", 80, null);
                _misty.PlayAudio("Misty_I_am_Annie.wav", 80, null);
                _misty.ChangeLED(255, 255, 255, null);
                _misty.DisplayImage("e_DefaultContent.jpg", 1, null);
                _misty.MoveHead(10, 0, 0, 60, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);

                _misty.RegisterAudioPlayCompleteEvent(AudioPlayCallback, 0, true, null, null);
                // Temporarily disable this voice recognition of the keyphrase wake up words due to SDK software issue.
                // It will be used the the fix is done.
                // The skill will be initiated by the skill sequencer.
//				_misty.StartKeyPhraseRecognition(null);
//				_misty.RegisterKeyPhraseRecognizedEvent(10, false, "KeyPhrase", null);
//				_misty.KeyPhraseRecognizedEventReceived += ProcessKeyPhraseEvent;

                _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(HeartbeatCallback, null, 5000, 3000);
                _moveHeadTimer  = new Timer(MoveHeadCallback, null, 5000, 7000);
                _moveArmsTimer  = new Timer(MoveArmCallback, null, 5000, 4000);
                _ledTimer       = new Timer(ChangeLEDCallback, null, 1000, 1000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (task_id == 0)
                    _misty.SkillLogger.LogVerbose($"TellingJokeSkill : Failed to Load audio and image files");
                else if (task_id == 1)
                    _misty.SkillLogger.LogVerbose($"TellingJokeSkill : Failed to play audio and display image files");
                else if (task_id == 2)
                    _misty.SkillLogger.LogVerbose($"TellingJokeSkill : Failed to register events");
                    _misty.SkillLogger.LogVerbose($"TellingJokeSkill : Failed to setup timers");
                _misty.SkillLogger.Log($"TellingJokeSkill : OnStart: => Exception", ex);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the robot wants to start this skill
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public void OnStart(object sender, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
                //These calls assume system assets on the robot at the time of writing.
                //Update as needed for new or different assets or as an exercise to allow user to pass in asset names :)
                _misty.PlayAudio("s_Acceptance.wav", 100, null);
                _misty.MoveHead(45, 25, 0, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.MoveArms(0, 45, 25, 60, null, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.ChangeLED(0, 255, 0, null);
                _misty.DisplayImage("e_Disoriented.jpg", 1, null);

                //Pause for 4 seconds, if the cancellation token is set during this time, exit the pause and the method
                if (!_misty.Wait(4000))

                _misty.PlayAudio("s_Awe2.wav", 100, null);
                _misty.MoveHead(75, 15, 30, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.MoveArms(-45, 0, 60, 100, null, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.ChangeLED(0, 255, 255, null);
                _misty.DisplayImage("e_ContentRight.jpg", 1, null);

                //Pause for 3.5 seconds, if the cancellation token is set during this time, exit the pause and the method
                if (!_misty.Wait(3500))

                _misty.PlayAudio("s_Joy.wav", 100, null);
                _misty.MoveHead(75, 25, 10, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.MoveArms(-45, 45, 60, 100, null, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.ChangeLED(255, 255, 255, null);
                _misty.DisplayImage("e_ContentLeft.jpg", 1, null);

                //Pause for 2.5 seconds, if the cancellation token is set during this time, exit the pause and the method
                if (!_misty.Wait(2500))

                _misty.PlayAudio("s_PhraseHello.wav", 100, null);
                _misty.MoveHead(-10, 0, -10, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.MoveArms(0, -45, 60, 100, null, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                _misty.ChangeLED(0, 0, 255, null);
                _misty.DisplayImage("e_Joy.jpg", 1, null);

                //Tell the robot the skill has completed early
            catch (Exception ex)
                _misty.SkillLogger.Log($"HelloWorldSkill : OnStart: => Exception", ex);
コード例 #3
        public async Task MoveHeadAsync(double pitchDegrees, double rollDegrees, double yawDegrees)
            _misty.RegisterActuatorEvent(ActuatorEventCallback, 0, true, null, "SkillHelperActuatorEventCallback", OnResponse);

            // We move head to non-final position first so that we can verify change in position.
            double firstPitchDegrees = pitchDegrees + 10;

            if (pitchDegrees > 0)
                firstPitchDegrees = pitchDegrees - 10;
            _misty.MoveHead(firstPitchDegrees, rollDegrees, yawDegrees, 70, MistyRobotics.Common.Types.AngularUnit.Degrees, OnResponse);
            await Task.Delay(3000);

            _headPosition          = new HeadPosition();
            _headPositionSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
            await _headPositionSemaphore.WaitAsync(5000);

            double initPitch = _headPosition.Pitch.HasValue ? _headPosition.Pitch.Value : 100;

            LogMessage($"Head position after pre-move: {_headPosition.Pitch:f2}, {_headPosition.Roll:f2}, {_headPosition.Yaw:f2}.");

            // Now move head to final position.
            _headPosition = new HeadPosition();
            int retries = 0;

            while ((!_headPosition.Pitch.HasValue || (_headPosition.Pitch.HasValue && initPitch != 100 && Math.Abs(_headPosition.Pitch.Value - initPitch) < 2)) && retries++ < 3)
                _misty.MoveHead(pitchDegrees, rollDegrees, yawDegrees, 70, MistyRobotics.Common.Types.AngularUnit.Degrees, OnResponse);
                await Task.Delay(5000);

                if (_abort)

                _headPositionSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
                await _headPositionSemaphore.WaitAsync(5000);

                LogMessage($"Head position after move: {_headPosition.Pitch:f2}, {_headPosition.Roll:f2}, {_headPosition.Yaw:f2}.");

            _misty.UnregisterEvent("SkillHelperActuatorEventCallback", OnResponse);
コード例 #4
ファイル: MistySkill.cs プロジェクト: cbattlegear/MistyMiner
        /// <summary>
        /// This event handler is called when the robot/user sends a start message
        /// The parameters can be set in the Skill Runner (or as json) and used in the skill if desired
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public void OnStart(object sender, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
                _misty.SendDebugMessage("MistyMiner skill started", null);
                _misty.MoveHead(20, 0, 0, 0, AngularUnit.Position, null);
                //_takeImageTimer = new Timer(CheckForOreCallback, null, 0, 5000);
                _misty.RegisterCapTouchEvent(CheckForOreCallback, 1000, true, null, null, null);
                _misty.RegisterIMUEvent(setYaw, 5, true, null, null, null);

                List <ActuatorPositionValidation> HeadPositionValidation = new List <ActuatorPositionValidation>();
                HeadPositionValidation.Add(new ActuatorPositionValidation {
                    Name = ActuatorPositionFilter.SensorName, Comparison = ComparisonOperator.Equal, ComparisonValue = ActuatorPosition.HeadPitch
                _misty.RegisterActuatorEvent(setHeadPitch, 10, true, HeadPositionValidation, null, null);

                List <ActuatorPositionValidation> ArmPositionValidation = new List <ActuatorPositionValidation>();
                ArmPositionValidation.Add(new ActuatorPositionValidation {
                    Name = ActuatorPositionFilter.SensorName, Comparison = ComparisonOperator.Equal, ComparisonValue = ActuatorPosition.RightArm
                _misty.RegisterActuatorEvent(setArmPitch, 100, true, ArmPositionValidation, null, null);

                _misty.RegisterTimeOfFlightEvent(setTimeOfFlight, 0, true, null, null, null);

                //Clean up any lingering runs
                yaw.YawReached -= HandleYawReached;
                yaw.YawReached -= HandleReturnYawReached;
                yaw.YawReached -= FinalYaw;

                tof.DistanceReached -= HandleOreReached;
                tof.DistanceReached -= HandleReturnReached;

                arm.ArmPosReached -= ArmDown;
                arm.ArmPosReached -= ArmUp;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _misty.SkillLogger.Log($"MistyMiner : OnStart: => Exception", ex);
                _misty.SendDebugMessage($"MistyMiner : OnStart: => Exception" + ex, null);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Move head with retries if pitch isn't where we want it to be.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task MoveHeadAsync(double pitchDegrees, double rollDegrees, double yawDegrees)
            _misty.RegisterActuatorEvent(ActuatorEventCallback, 0, true, null, "SkillHelperActuatorEventCallback", OnResponse);

            LogMessage($"Move head: {pitchDegrees:f0}, {rollDegrees:f0}, {yawDegrees:f0}.");

            _headPosition = new HeadPosition();
            int retries = 0;

            while ((!_headPosition.Pitch.HasValue || Math.Abs(_headPosition.Pitch.Value - pitchDegrees) > 3) && retries++ < 3)
                _misty.MoveHead(pitchDegrees, rollDegrees, yawDegrees, 70, MistyRobotics.Common.Types.AngularUnit.Degrees, OnResponse);
                await Task.Delay(3000);                 // totally arbitrary wait

                if (_abort)

            LogMessage($"Head position after move: {_headPosition.Pitch:f0}, {_headPosition.Roll:f0}, {_headPosition.Yaw:f0}.");

            _misty.UnregisterEvent("SkillHelperActuatorEventCallback", OnResponse);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ForceDriving.cs プロジェクト: akeecha/IntroSkills
		private void MoveHeadCallback(object info)
			_misty.MoveHead(_randomGenerator.Next(-30, 15), _randomGenerator.Next(-30, 30), _randomGenerator.Next(-70, 70), _randomGenerator.Next(10, 30), AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
コード例 #7
        private void ProcessQueryResult(object sender, string stringResult)
            JObject dynamicResponse   = JObject.Parse(stringResult);
            string  color             = ((string)dynamicResponse["queryResult"]?["parameters"]?["Color"])?.ToLower();
            string  position          = ((string)dynamicResponse["queryResult"]?["parameters"]?["Direction"])?.ToLower();
            string  outputAudioString = (string)dynamicResponse["outputAudio"];

            byte[] outputAudio = Convert.FromBase64String(outputAudioString);

                JsonConverter[] converters = new JsonConverter[2] {
                    new ProtoByteStringConverter(), new OutputAudioEncodingConverter()
                DetectIntentResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DetectIntentResponse>(stringResult, converters);
                string intent = response?.QueryResult?.Intent?.DisplayName;

                string defaultResponse = response?.QueryResult?.FulfillmentText;

                switch (intent)
                case "ChangeLED":
                    if (color != null)
                        Color argbColor = Color.FromName(color);
                        _misty.ChangeLED(argbColor.R, argbColor.G, argbColor.B, null);

                case "Joke":
                    _misty.PlayAudio(defaultResponse, 30, null);

                case "Move your arms":
                    if (position == "up")
                        _misty.MoveArms(-90, -90, 50, 50, null, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);

                    if (position == "down")
                        _misty.MoveArms(90, 90, 50, 50, null, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);
                    _misty.Halt(null, null);


                case "MoveHeadPosition":
                    if (position == "up")
                        _misty.MoveHead(-100, 0, 0, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);

                    if (position == "down")
                        _misty.MoveHead(100, 0, 0, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);

                    if (position == "right")
                        _misty.MoveHead(0, 0, -100, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);

                    if (position == "left")
                        _misty.MoveHead(0, 0, 100, 50, AngularUnit.Degrees, null);


                    _misty.SaveAudio("tts.wav", outputAudio, true, true, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #8
 public void MoveHeadCallback(object timerData)
     _misty.MoveHead(_randomGenerator.Next(MinimumPitchDegreesInclusive, MaximumPitchDegreesExclusive), _randomGenerator.Next(MinimumRollDegreesInclusive, MaximumRollDegreesExclusive), _randomGenerator.Next(MinimumYawDegreesInclusive, MaximumYawDegreesExclusive), _randomGenerator.Next(MinimumHeadSpeedInclusive, MaximumHeadSpeedExclusive), AngularUnit.Degrees, null);