コード例 #1
ファイル: TokenHandler.cs プロジェクト: MondayCoffee/pnpcore
        internal static IDataModelParent GetParentDataModel(IMetadataExtensible pnpObject)
            var parent = (pnpObject as IDataModelParent).Parent;

            if (parent is IManageableCollection)
                // Parent is a collection, so jump one level up
                parent = (pnpObject as IDataModelParent).Parent.Parent;

コード例 #2
ファイル: TokenHandler.cs プロジェクト: MondayCoffee/pnpcore
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to resolve a set of tokens in a provided tokenized string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenizedValue">A string with tokens</param>
        /// <param name="pnpObject">The domain model object to use as the target reference</param>
        /// <param name="context"><see cref="PnPContext"/> to get information from needed for token resolving</param>
        /// <returns>The string with tokens resolved</returns>
        public static async Task <string> ResolveTokensAsync(IMetadataExtensible pnpObject, string tokenizedValue, PnPContext context = null)
            // Define the result variable
            string result = tokenizedValue;

            // Get the context aware version of the target pnpObject
            var contextAwareObject = pnpObject as IDataModelWithContext;

            // If we don't have an input context, let's try to use
            // the one associated with the input entity, if any
            if (context == null && contextAwareObject != null)
                context = contextAwareObject.PnPContext;

            // Grab the tokens in this input (tokens are between curly braces)
            var matches = regex.Matches(tokenizedValue);

            // Iterate over the tokens and replace them
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                // Replace {Id}
                if (match.Value.Equals("{Id}"))
                    var model = pnpObject;

                    if (model.Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataRestId))
                        result = result.Replace("{Id}", model.Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataRestId]);
                // Replace {Parent.Id}
                else if (match.Value.Equals("{Parent.Id}"))
                    // there's either a collection object inbetween (e.g. ListItem --> ListItemCollection --> List), so take the parent of the parent
                    // or
                    // the parent is model class itself (e.g. Web --> Site.RootWeb)
                    IDataModelParent parent = GetParentDataModel(pnpObject);

                    // Ensure the parent object
                    if (parent != null)

                    if (parent is IMetadataExtensible p)
                        if (p.Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataRestId))
                            result = result.Replace("{Parent.Id}", p.Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataRestId]);
                // Replace {GraphId}
                else if (match.Value.Equals("{GraphId}"))
                    var model = pnpObject;

                    if (model.Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataGraphId))
                        result = result.Replace("{GraphId}", model.Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataGraphId]);
                // Replace {Parent.GraphId}
                else if (match.Value.Equals("{Parent.GraphId}"))
                    // there's either a collection object inbetween (e.g. TeamChannel --> TeamChannelCollection --> Team), so take the parent of the parent
                    // or
                    // the parent is model class itself (e.g. TeamChannel --> Team.PrimaryChannel)
                    IDataModelParent parent = GetParentDataModel(pnpObject);

                    // Ensure the parent object
                    if (parent != null)

                    if (parent is IMetadataExtensible p)
                        if (p.Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataGraphId))
                            result = result.Replace("{Parent.GraphId}", p.Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataGraphId]);
                // Replace tokens coming from the Site object connected to the current PnPContext
                else if (match.Value.StartsWith("{Site.") && context != null)
                    var propertyToLoad = match.Value.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace("}", "");

                    switch (propertyToLoad)
                    case "GroupId":
                        await context.Site.EnsurePropertiesAsync(p => p.GroupId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (context.Site.HasValue(propertyToLoad))
                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, context.Site.GroupId.ToString());

                    case "Id":
                        await context.Site.EnsurePropertiesAsync(p => p.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (context.Site.HasValue(propertyToLoad))
                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, context.Site.Id.ToString());

                    case "Url":
                        await context.Site.EnsurePropertiesAsync(p => p.Url).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (context.Site.HasValue(propertyToLoad))
                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, context.Site.Url.ToString());

                    case "HubSiteId":
                        await context.Site.EnsurePropertiesAsync(p => p.HubSiteId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (context.Site.HasValue(propertyToLoad))
                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, context.Site.HubSiteId.ToString());
                // Replace tokens coming from the Web object connected to the current PnPContext
                else if (match.Value.StartsWith("{Web.") && context != null)
                    var propertyToLoad = match.Value.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace("}", "");

                    switch (propertyToLoad)
                    case "Id":
                        await context.Web.EnsurePropertiesAsync(p => p.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (context.Web.HasValue(propertyToLoad))
                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, context.Web.Id.ToString());

                    case "GraphId":
                        var model = context.Web as IMetadataExtensible;

                        if (model.Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataGraphId))
                            result = result.Replace("{Web.GraphId}", model.Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataGraphId]);
                // Replace tokens coming from the List object connected to the current PnPContext
                else if (match.Value.StartsWith("{List.") && context != null)
                    var propertyToLoad = match.Value.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace("}", "");

                    switch (propertyToLoad)
                    case "Id":
                        // Try to see if the current object is a list
                        var list = pnpObject as Model.SharePoint.IList;

                        // If the object is a list item
                        if (list == null)
                            if (pnpObject is Model.SharePoint.IListItem listItem)
                                // Get the parent list of the current list item
                                list = GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IList;

                                // Option A: the file has the ListId property loaded
                                if (list == null && GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) is Model.SharePoint.IFile file && file.IsPropertyAvailable(p => p.ListId))
                                    result = result.Replace(match.Value, file.ListId.ToString());

                                // Option B: the IListItem has a property that indicates the used list
                                if (list == null && (listItem as IMetadataExtensible).Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataListId))
                                    result = result.Replace(match.Value, (listItem as IMetadataExtensible).Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataListId]);
                            else if (pnpObject is Model.SharePoint.IFile file)
                                listItem = GetParentDataModel(file as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;
                                list     = GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IList;
                            else if (pnpObject is Model.SharePoint.IFileVersion fileVersion)
                                if (fileVersion.Parent is Model.SharePoint.IFile)
                                    var fileVersionfile = GetParentDataModel(fileVersion as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IFile;
                                    listItem = GetParentDataModel(fileVersionfile as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;
                                else if (fileVersion.Parent is Model.SharePoint.IListItemVersion)
                                    var listItemVersion = GetParentDataModel(fileVersion as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItemVersion;
                                    listItem = GetParentDataModel(listItemVersion as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;
                                    listItem = null;

                                list = GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IList;
                            else if (pnpObject is Model.SharePoint.IListItemVersion listItemVersion)
                                listItem = GetParentDataModel(listItemVersion as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;
                                list     = GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IList;
                            else if (pnpObject is Model.SharePoint.IComment comment)
                                listItem = GetParentDataModel(comment as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;

                                if (listItem == null)
                                    // comment was a reply to another comment
                                    var parentComment = GetParentDataModel(comment as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IComment;
                                    listItem = GetParentDataModel(parentComment as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;

                                // the IListItem has a property that indicates the used list
                                if (listItem != null && (listItem as IMetadataExtensible).Metadata.ContainsKey(PnPConstants.MetaDataListId))
                                    result = result.Replace(match.Value, (listItem as IMetadataExtensible).Metadata[PnPConstants.MetaDataListId]);

                                list = GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IList;
                            else if (pnpObject is Model.SharePoint.IAttachment attachment)
                                listItem = GetParentDataModel(attachment as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;
                                list     = GetParentDataModel(listItem as IMetadataExtensible) as Model.SharePoint.IList;

                        // If we've got the list
                        if (list != null)
                            // We retrieve the Id and we use it as the token value
                            await list.EnsurePropertiesAsync(l => l.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, list.Id.ToString());
                // Replace tokens coming from the List Item object connected to the current PnPContext
                else if (match.Value.StartsWith("{Item.") && context != null)
                    var propertyToLoad = match.Value.Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace("}", "");

                    switch (propertyToLoad)
                    case "Id":
                        // Try to see if the current object is a list item
                        var listItem = pnpObject as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;

                        // If the object is a descendant of a list item
                        if (listItem == null)
                            var model = pnpObject;
                            if (model is Model.SharePoint.IFileVersion)
                                // Should return either an IListItemVersion or an IFile
                                model = GetParentDataModel(model) as IMetadataExtensible;

                            if (model is Model.SharePoint.IFile || model is Model.SharePoint.IListItemVersion)
                                // Should return an IListItem
                                listItem = GetParentDataModel(model) as Model.SharePoint.IListItem;

                        // If we've got the list item
                        if (listItem != null)
                            // We retrieve the Id and we use it as the token value
                            await listItem.EnsurePropertiesAsync(l => l.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            result = result.Replace(match.Value, listItem.Id.ToString());
                // Replace {hostname}
                else if (match.Value.Equals("{hostname}"))
                    result = result.Replace("{hostname}", context.Uri.DnsSafeHost);
                // Replace {serverrelativepath}
                else if (match.Value.Equals("{serverrelativepath}"))
                    result = result.Replace("{serverrelativepath}", context.Uri.PathAndQuery);

コード例 #3
 internal async static Task <string> ParseApiRequestAsync(IMetadataExtensible pnpObject, string input)
     return(await TokenHandler.ResolveTokensAsync(pnpObject, input).ConfigureAwait(false));