public ViewInstanceProvider(PoolableView proto, IInstantiator instantiator, Transform parent = null) { this.proto = proto; this.parent = parent; this.instantiator = instantiator; }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates an object of type T. /// </summary> private T CreateItem() { if (m_instantiator == null) { Debug.Log("No instantiator!"); } if (m_instantiator == null) { if (m_prefab) { m_instantiator = new PrefabInstantiator(m_prefab); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Pool<" + typeof(T) + "> instantiation behaviour is undefined. You might need to call SetInstantiator on the pool object if it has been deserialized."); return(null); } } T t = m_instantiator.Create(); if (m_parent != null) { t.transform.SetParent(m_parent, false); } =, - "(Clone)".Length) + " " + (m_reserveList.Count + m_activeList.Count).ToString(); return(t); }
public static NetReflectorTypeTable CreateDefault(IInstantiator instantiator) { NetReflectorTypeTable table = new NetReflectorTypeTable(instantiator); SetupDefaultTable(table); return(table); }
public EnemyEntity InstantiateEnemy(EnemyType enemyType, IInstantiator instantiator, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null) { var enemyObject = GetAsset <GameObject>(assetCache.GetEnemyAsset(enemyType)); return(Instantiate <EnemyEntity>(instantiator, enemyObject, position, rotation, parent)); }
public ProjectileMb InstantiateProjectile(IInstantiator instantiator, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null) { var projectileAsset = GetAsset <GameObject>(assetCache.GetProjectileAsset()); return(Instantiate <ProjectileMb>(instantiator, projectileAsset, position, rotation, parent)); }
public PlayersManagementController(IUnityGameObjectProxy unityGameObjectProxy, IUnityObjectProxy unityObjectProxy, IUnityDebugProxy unityDebugProxy, IInstantiator container) { this.unityGameObjectProxy = unityGameObjectProxy; this.unityObjectProxy = unityObjectProxy; this.unityDebugProxy = unityDebugProxy; this.container = container; }
public PlayerEntity InstantiatePlayer(IInstantiator instantiator, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null) { var playerObject = GetAsset <GameObject>(assetCache.GetPlayerAsset()); return(Instantiate <PlayerEntity>(instantiator, playerObject, position, rotation, parent)); }
protected PooledInjectableViewResolverSystem(IPoolManager poolManager, IEventSystem eventSystem, IInstantiator instantiator) { PoolManager = poolManager; Instantiator = instantiator; EventSystem = eventSystem; PrefabTemplate = ResolvePrefabTemplate(); }
public static bool CanInstantiate(this IInstantiator instantiator, Type concreteType) { return(instantiator.CanInstantiate(new InjectionContext { Container = instantiator.Container, DeclaringType = concreteType, })); }
public ProjectileSpawner(IInstantiator instantiator, IProjectileFactory projectileFactory, SignalBus signalBus) { this.projectileFactory = projectileFactory; this.instantiator = instantiator; this.signalBus = signalBus; SubscribeToDestroySignal(); }
public void Construct(IScreenRegistry screenRegistry, IInstantiator instantiator, IAciEventManager eventManager) { m_ScreenRegistry = screenRegistry; m_EventManager = eventManager; m_Instantiator = instantiator; }
public EnemySpawnController(IInstantiator instantiator, SpawnZone spawnzone, WorldData worldData) { _instantiator = instantiator; _spawnzone = spawnzone; _spawns = worldData.Spawns.OrderBy(x => x.secondsTillSpawn).ToList(); _nextSpawn = _spawns[_nextSpawnId].secondsTillSpawn; }
private IInstantiator getInstantiator() { if (_instantiator == null) { _instantiator = get <IInstantiator>(); } return(_instantiator); }
public static T InstantiatePrefabForComponent <T>( this IInstantiator instantiator, T prefab ) where T : Component { return(instantiator.InstantiatePrefabForComponent <T>( prefab.gameObject )); }
public PrefabToLocationService(IInstantiator instantiator, PrefabsInstaller prefabs, List <IPrefabToLocationContract> contracts, IComponentProvisionService componentProvisionService) { _instantiator = instantiator; _contracts = contracts; _prefabsMap = prefabs; _componentProvisionService = componentProvisionService; }
public BuiltInCollectionsObjectContextFactory(IInstantiator instantiator, IObjectContextFactory recursionFactory) { if (instantiator == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("instantiator"); if (recursionFactory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("recursionFactory"); _recursionFactory = recursionFactory; _instantiator = instantiator; }
public static Viewer Create <T>(IDatabaseNotifier databaseNotifier, IDatabaseReadOnly readOnlyDatabase, IInstantiator instantiator, IPositionsManager positioner, IBindComponentToDataDbRead bindComponentToDataDbRead) where T : Viewer, new() { var viewer = new T(); viewer.Init(databaseNotifier, readOnlyDatabase, instantiator, positioner, bindComponentToDataDbRead); viewer.Subscribe(); return(viewer); }
protected EnemySpawner(EnemyType handledType, IInstantiator instantiator, IEnemiesFactory enemiesFactory, SignalBus signalBus) { this.enemiesFactory = enemiesFactory; this.instantiator = instantiator; this.signalBus = signalBus; this.handledType = handledType; SubscribeToDestroySignal(); }
protected virtual void Init([NotNull] IDatabaseNotifier databaseNotifier, IDatabaseReadOnly readOnlyDatabase, [NotNull] IInstantiator instantiator, [NotNull] IPositionsManager positioner, [NotNull] IBindComponentToDataDbRead bindComponentToDataDbRead) { _notifier = databaseNotifier ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(databaseNotifier)); _readOnlyDatabase = readOnlyDatabase; _instantiator = instantiator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(instantiator)); _positioner = positioner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(positioner)); _bindComponentToDataDbRead = bindComponentToDataDbRead; }
ExplosionViewResolver( IPoolManager poolManager, IEventSystem eventSystem, IInstantiator instantiator ) : base( poolManager, eventSystem, instantiator ) { ViewPool.PreAllocate(20); }
private T Instantiate <T>(IInstantiator instantiator, GameObject prefab, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null) { T component = default; if (prefab != null && instantiator != null) { component = instantiator.InstantiatePrefabForComponent <T>(prefab, position, rotation, parent); } return(component); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Injector"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="instantiator">Instantiator for creation of new object instances</param> /// <param name="modules">Collection of binding modules backing this injector</param> /// <param name="debug">Enable for debug mode, which includes additional logging</param> public Injector(IInstantiator instantiator, IEnumerable <IModule> modules, bool debug = false) { _instance = this; _instantiator = instantiator; _debug = debug; _binder = new Binder(_debug); // Allow injection of the Injector and Instantiator _binder.Install(new InjectorModule(this, instantiator)); _binder.Install(modules); _binder.Configure(); ConstructEagerSingletons(); }
public void Init(GameObject dataEntityStandardPrefab) { DataEntityStandardPrefab = dataEntityStandardPrefab; LoadBasic(); Commands = LoadCommandsFactory(); BindDataEntitiesToPrefabs(); BindPrimaryCommandsToExecute(); Instantiator = LoadInstantiator(); CommandPrimaryExtension = LoadCommandPrimaryExtension(); LoadBindComponentToDataDbReadAndWrite(); Viewer = LoadViewer(); }
public CachingObjectContextFactory(IInstantiator instantiator, IObjectContextInfoFactory objectContextInfoFactory, IObjectContextFactory recursionFactory) { if (instantiator == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("instantiator"); if (objectContextInfoFactory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("objectContextInfoFactory"); if (recursionFactory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("recursionFactory"); _instantiator = instantiator; _objectContextInfoFactory = objectContextInfoFactory; _recursionFactory = recursionFactory; }
public Container(IContainer parent, IBinder binder, IResolver resolver, IInjector injector, IInstantiator instantiator) { this.parent = parent; this.binder = binder ?? new Binder(this); this.resolver = resolver ?? new Resolver(this); this.injector = injector ?? new Injector(this); this.instantiator = instantiator ?? new Instantiator(this); Binder.Bind(GetType(), typeof(IContainer)).ToInstance(this); Binder.Bind(this.binder.GetType(), typeof(IBinder)).ToInstance(this.binder); Binder.Bind(this.resolver.GetType(), typeof(IResolver)).ToInstance(this.resolver); Binder.Bind(this.injector.GetType(), typeof(IInjector)).ToInstance(this.injector); Binder.Bind(this.instantiator.GetType(), typeof(IInstantiator)).ToInstance(this.instantiator); }
public HitScoreViewResolver( IPoolManager poolManager, IEventSystem eventSystem, IInstantiator instantiator ) : base( poolManager, eventSystem, instantiator ) { _canvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas"); ViewPool.PreAllocate(10); }
public Node(int threads, IDictionary <string, Spawner> types, IDictionary <string, ConcurrentObject> singletons) { _threads = threads; _types = types; _instantiator = new Instantiator(this); _singletons = singletons; foreach (var singleton in singletons) { singleton.Value.startRunning(this, new object[] { }); } Debug.Assert(_threads > 0); createThreads(_threads); }
/// <summary> /// Create a pool container. Pools reduce instantiation by storing references to inactive /// Components. You can also provide a transform to parent the instantiated objects, /// and an initial capacity of prefabs to instantiate as active. /// </summary> public Pool(IInstantiator <T> instantiator, IActivator <T> activator, Transform parent = null, int preloadCount = -1) { SetInstantiator(instantiator); SetActivator(activator); m_parent = parent; m_reserveList = new List <T>(Mathf.Max(preloadCount, 0)); m_activeList = new List <T>(Mathf.Max(preloadCount, 0)); if (preloadCount > 0) { AddToReserve(preloadCount); } }
public ThreadedConcurrentApp(FactoryMap types = null, IInstantiator instantiator = null, int threadCount = 1, bool blockUntilNextEvent = true, ThreadPriority priority = ThreadPriority.Normal, int stopCount = 1) : base(types, instantiator) { _threadCount = threadCount; _priority = priority; _stopCount = stopCount; if (blockUntilNextEvent) { _blockUntilNextEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); } }
protected ViewHandler(IPoolManager poolManager, IEventSystem eventSystem, IInstantiator instantiator) { PoolManager = poolManager; EventSystem = eventSystem; Instantiator = instantiator; _viewCache = new Dictionary <Guid, GameObject>(); _destructionSubscription = EventSystem.Receive <ComponentRemovedEvent>() .Where(x => x.Component is ViewComponent && _viewCache.ContainsKey(x.Entity.Id)) .Subscribe(x => { var view = _viewCache[x.Entity.Id]; _viewCache.Remove(x.Entity.Id); DestroyView(view); }); }
public NavigationComponent(NavMeshAgent agent, IEnumerable <DestinationPoint> destinationPoints, Transform mainTransform, Transform syncTransform, HealthController healthController, WinLoseController winLoseController, GameObject hitEffect, IInstantiator instantiator) { _agent = agent; _mainTransform = mainTransform; _syncTransform = syncTransform; _healthController = healthController; _winLoseController = winLoseController; _hitEffect = hitEffect; _instantiator = instantiator; var random = new System.Random(); _destination = destinationPoints.OrderBy(x => random.Next()).First(); mainTransform.LookAt(_destination.transform.position); }
public AppOpenTk() { new DiscardableNodeFactoryImpl( root => this.rootDiscardableNode_ = root); this.Audio = new AudioOpenTk(this.rootDiscardableNode_); this.Instantiator = new InstantiatorImpl(this.rootDiscardableNode_); this.windowManager_ = new WindowManagerOpenTk(this, this.rootDiscardableNode_); this.root_ = this.Instantiator.NewRoot(); var settings = Settings.Load(); this.ticker_ = RecurrentCaller.FromFrequency(settings.Framerate, this.CompileTick_()); }
protected internal AbstractComponentTuplizer(Mapping.Component component) { propertySpan = component.PropertySpan; getters = new IGetter[propertySpan]; setters = new ISetter[propertySpan]; bool foundCustomAccessor = false; int i = 0; foreach (Mapping.Property prop in component.PropertyIterator) { getters[i] = BuildGetter(component, prop); setters[i] = BuildSetter(component, prop); if (!prop.IsBasicPropertyAccessor) { foundCustomAccessor = true; } i++; } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.DebugFormat("{0} accessors found for component: {1}", foundCustomAccessor ? "Custom" : "No custom", component.ComponentClassName); } hasCustomAccessors = foundCustomAccessor; // Only to be secure that we can access to every things string[] getterNames = new string[propertySpan]; string[] setterNames = new string[propertySpan]; System.Type[] propTypes = new System.Type[propertySpan]; for (int j = 0; j < propertySpan; j++) { getterNames[j] = getters[j].PropertyName; setterNames[j] = setters[j].PropertyName; propTypes[j] = getters[j].ReturnType; } instantiator = BuildInstantiator(component); }
public ShipStateDead(Settings settings, Ship ship, IInstantiator gameObjectCreator) : base(ship) { _settings = settings; _gameObjectCreator = gameObjectCreator; }
/// <summary> Constructs a new AbstractEntityTuplizer instance. </summary> /// <param name="entityMetamodel">The "interpreted" information relating to the mapped entity. </param> /// <param name="mappingInfo">The parsed "raw" mapping data relating to the given entity. </param> public AbstractEntityTuplizer(EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel, PersistentClass mappingInfo) { this.entityMetamodel = entityMetamodel; if (!entityMetamodel.IdentifierProperty.IsVirtual) { idGetter = BuildPropertyGetter(mappingInfo.IdentifierProperty, mappingInfo); idSetter = BuildPropertySetter(mappingInfo.IdentifierProperty, mappingInfo); } else { idGetter = null; idSetter = null; } propertySpan = entityMetamodel.PropertySpan; getters = new IGetter[propertySpan]; setters = new ISetter[propertySpan]; bool foundCustomAccessor = false; int i = 0; foreach (Mapping.Property property in mappingInfo.PropertyClosureIterator) { getters[i] = BuildPropertyGetter(property, mappingInfo); setters[i] = BuildPropertySetter(property, mappingInfo); if (!property.IsBasicPropertyAccessor) foundCustomAccessor = true; i++; } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.DebugFormat("{0} accessors found for entity: {1}", foundCustomAccessor ? "Custom" : "No custom", mappingInfo.EntityName); } hasCustomAccessors = foundCustomAccessor; instantiator = BuildInstantiator(mappingInfo); if (entityMetamodel.IsLazy) { /* NH Different implementation * When we are using an interface we need to use the interface itself to have * the getter and setter of the identifier to prevent proxy initialization. * The BasicLazyInitializer use method.Equals to recognize the the identifier setter. */ IGetter pidGetter = idGetter; ISetter pidSetter = idSetter; if (mappingInfo.HasIdentifierProperty && mappingInfo.ProxyInterface != null) { pidGetter = mappingInfo.IdentifierProperty.GetGetter(mappingInfo.ProxyInterface); pidSetter = mappingInfo.IdentifierProperty.GetSetter(mappingInfo.ProxyInterface); } proxyFactory = BuildProxyFactory(mappingInfo, pidGetter, pidSetter); /*******************************************************************************/ if (proxyFactory == null) { entityMetamodel.IsLazy = false; } } else { proxyFactory = null; } Mapping.Component mapper = mappingInfo.IdentifierMapper; identifierMapperType = mapper == null ? null : (IAbstractComponentType)mapper.Type; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PlanetSystemSpawner"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="instantiator">The instantiator.</param> /// <param name="initialPlanetSystemPosition">The initial planet system position.</param> /// <param name="characterPlanetSystemPrefab">The character planet system prefab.</param> /// <param name="comicPlanetSystemPrefab">The comic planet system prefab.</param> /// <param name="creatorPlanetSystemPrefab">The creator planet system prefab.</param> /// <param name="eventPlanetSystemPrefab">The event planet system prefab.</param> /// <param name="seriesPlanetSystemPrefab">The series planet system prefab.</param> /// <param name="spawnSphereRadius">The spawn sphere radius.</param> /// <param name="planetSystemSize">The planet system size.</param> /// <param name="planetSize">The planet size.</param> /// <param name="mainCamera">The main camera.</param> public PlanetSystemSpawner( IInstantiator instantiator, Vector3 initialPlanetSystemPosition, GameObject characterPlanetSystemPrefab, GameObject comicPlanetSystemPrefab, GameObject creatorPlanetSystemPrefab, GameObject eventPlanetSystemPrefab, GameObject seriesPlanetSystemPrefab, int spawnSphereRadius, float planetSystemSize, Vector3 planetSize, Camera mainCamera) { this.instantiator = instantiator; this.initialPlanetSystemPosition = initialPlanetSystemPosition; this.characterPlanetSystemPrefab = characterPlanetSystemPrefab; this.comicPlanetSystemPrefab = comicPlanetSystemPrefab; this.creatorPlanetSystemPrefab = creatorPlanetSystemPrefab; this.eventPlanetSystemPrefab = eventPlanetSystemPrefab; this.seriesPlanetSystemPrefab = seriesPlanetSystemPrefab; this.spawnSphereRadius = spawnSphereRadius; this.planetSystemSize = planetSystemSize; this.planetSize = planetSize; this.mainCamera = mainCamera; }
public NetReflectorTypeTable(IInstantiator instantiator) { this.instantiator = instantiator; InvalidNode = new InvalidNodeEventHandler(NullHandler); }
public static NetReflectorTypeTable CreateDefault(IInstantiator instantiator) { NetReflectorTypeTable table = new NetReflectorTypeTable(instantiator); SetupDefaultTable(table); return table; }
public ValueInjectorUnFlattenMapper(LazyService<IMapper> mapper, IInstantiator instantiator) { this.lazyMapper = mapper; this.instantiator = instantiator; }
public XmlTypeSerialiser(Type type, ReflectorTypeAttribute attribute, IInstantiator instantiator) { this.type = type; this.attribute = attribute; this.instantiator = instantiator; }
public IXmlSerialiser CreateSerialiser(Type type, IInstantiator instantiator) { return new XmlTypeSerialiser(type, this, instantiator); }
public XmlMemberSerialiser(ReflectorMember member, ReflectorPropertyAttribute attribute) { this.member = member; this.attribute = attribute; this.instantiator = new DefaultInstantiator(); }