public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext ctx) { // // NOTE: this grain demonstrates incorrect usage of grain call interceptors and should not be used // as an example of proper usage. Specifically, storing the context for later execution is invalid. // this.context = ctx; if (string.Equals(ctx.Method.Name, nameof(CallWithBadInterceptors)) && (bool)ctx.Arguments[0]) { await ctx.Invoke(); } if (RequestContext.Get(Key) is string value) { RequestContext.Set(Key, value + '3'); } await ctx.Invoke(); if (string.Equals(ctx.Method?.Name, nameof(CallWithBadInterceptors)) && (bool)ctx.Arguments[1]) { await ctx.Invoke(); } this.context = null; }
public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { if (context.Method.Name == nameof(GetInputAsString)) { context.Result = $"Hah! You wanted {context.Arguments[0]}, but you got me!"; return; } await context.Invoke(); }
public Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { if (string.Equals(context.Method.Name, nameof(IGrainCallFilterTestGrain.GetRequestContext))) { if (RequestContext.Get(GrainCallFilterTestConstants.Key) is string value) { RequestContext.Set(GrainCallFilterTestConstants.Key, value + '2'); } } return(context.Invoke()); }
public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { var initialLastStreamValue = this.lastStreamValue; await context.Invoke(); // If the last stream value changed after the invoke, then the stream must have produced a value, double // it for testing purposes. if (this.lastStreamValue != initialLastStreamValue) { this.lastStreamValue *= 2; } }
public async Task <object> Invoke(MethodInfo method, InvokeMethodRequest request, IGrainMethodInvoker invoker) { var value = RequestContext.Get(Key) as string; if (value != null) { RequestContext.Set(Key, value + '5'); } if (string.Equals(method?.Name, nameof(CallWithBadInterceptors)) && (bool)request.Arguments[0]) { await context.Invoke(); } var result = await invoker.Invoke(this, request); if (string.Equals(method?.Name, nameof(CallWithBadInterceptors)) && (bool)request.Arguments[1]) { await context.Invoke(); } return(result); }
async Task IGrainCallFilter.Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { var methodInfo = context.Method; if (methodInfo.Name == nameof(One) && methodInfo.GetParameters().Length == 0) { // Short-circuit the request and return to the caller without actually invoking the grain method. context.Result = "intercepted one with no args"; return; } if (methodInfo.Name == nameof(IncorrectResultType)) { // This method has a string return type, but we are setting the result to a Guid. // This should result in an invalid cast exception. context.Result = Guid.NewGuid(); return; } if (methodInfo.Name == nameof(FilterThrows)) { throw new MyDomainSpecificException("Filter THROW!"); } // Invoke the request. try { await context.Invoke(); } catch (MyDomainSpecificException e) { context.Result = "EXCEPTION! " + e.Message; return; } // To prove that the MethodInfo is from the implementation and not the interface, // we check for this attribute which is only present on the implementation. This could be // done in a simpler fashion, but this demonstrates a potential usage scenario. var shouldMessWithResult = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute <MessWithResultAttribute>(); var resultString = context.Result as string; if (shouldMessWithResult != null && resultString != null) { context.Result = string.Concat(resultString.Reverse()); } }
public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext ctx) { // // NOTE: this grain demonstrates incorrect usage of grain call interceptors and should not be used // as an example of proper usage. Specifically, storing the context for later execution is invalid. // this.context = ctx; var value = RequestContext.Get(Key) as string; if (value != null) { RequestContext.Set(Key, value + '4'); } await ctx.Invoke(); this.context = null; }
public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { var timerInfo = context.Method.GetCustomAttribute <LogElapsedTimeAttribute>(); var globalMillis = _runtimeConfiguration.LogGrainCallsExceedingMilliseconds; if (context.Grain is IGrain grain && (timerInfo != null || globalMillis > 0)) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var logMillis = timerInfo?.IfExceedsMilliseconds ?? globalMillis; try { await context.Invoke(); } finally { sw.Stop(); if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > logMillis) { grain.Info($"GRAIN_ELAPSED_TIME {grain.GetType().Name}.{context.Method.Name}: {sw.Elapsed}", "", "", 0); } } }
protected static async Task Process(IGrainCallContext context, Activity activity) { if (activity is not null) { // rpc attributes from activity.SetTag("rpc.service", context.InterfaceMethod?.DeclaringType?.FullName); activity.SetTag("rpc.method", context.InterfaceMethod?.Name); activity.SetTag("", context.Grain?.ToString()); activity.SetTag("rpc.system", "orleans"); } try { await context.Invoke(); if (activity is not null && activity.IsAllDataRequested) { activity.SetTag("status", "Ok"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (activity is not null && activity.IsAllDataRequested) { // exception attributes from activity.SetTag("exception.type", e.GetType().FullName); activity.SetTag("exception.message", e.Message); activity.SetTag("exception.stacktrace", e.StackTrace); activity.SetTag("exception.escaped", true); activity.SetTag("status", "Error"); } throw; } finally { activity?.Stop(); } }
public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { Activity activity = null; // export requestcontext once IDictionary <string, object> requestContext = RequestContext.Export(_serializationManager);; if (requestContext != null && requestContext.ContainsKey(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.RequestIdHeaderName)) { // flow activity from request headers activity = StartActivity(context, requestContext); } try { await context.Invoke().ConfigureAwait(false); if (activity != null) { // is set when diagnosticslistener is enabled // requestcontext dictionary is also not null StopActivity(context, activity, requestContext); } } catch (Exception ex) { //capture failed method... if (_listener.IsEnabled(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.DiagnosticsUnhandledExceptionName)) { var timestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // Diagnostics is enabled for UnhandledException, but it may not be for BeginRequest // so call GetTimestamp if currentTimestamp is zero (from above) RecordUnhandledExceptionDiagnostics(context, timestamp, ex); } throw; } }
public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) { if (siloAddress == null) { var providerRuntime = services.GetRequiredService <IProviderRuntime>(); siloAddress = providerRuntime.SiloIdentity.ToSiloAddress(); } var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var isException = false; try { await context.Invoke(); } catch (Exception) { isException = true; throw; } finally { try { stopwatch.Stop(); var elapsedMs = (double)stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; var grainName = context.Grain.GetType().FullName; var methodName = formatMethodName(context); var key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", grainName, methodName); grainTrace.AddOrUpdate(key, _ => new GrainTraceEntry { Count = 1, ExceptionCount = (isException ? 1 : 0), SiloAddress = siloAddress, ElapsedTime = elapsedMs, Grain = grainName, Method = methodName, Period = DateTime.UtcNow }, (_, last) => { last.Count += 1; last.ElapsedTime += elapsedMs; if (isException) { last.ExceptionCount += 1; } return(last); }); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(100002, "error recording results for grain", ex); } } }