コード例 #1
        protected async Task AuthorizeAsync(IGrainCallContext grainCallContext,
                                            string accessToken, OAuth2EndpointInfo oAuth2EndpointInfo)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{nameof(accessToken)}");

            if (oAuth2EndpointInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{nameof(oAuth2EndpointInfo)}");

            var accessTokenValidationResult = await _accessTokenValidator.Validate(accessToken, oAuth2EndpointInfo);

            if (accessTokenValidationResult.IsValid)
                IEnumerable <IAuthorizeData> grainAuthorizeData = null;
                var grainMethodAuthorizeData = grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.GetCustomAttributes <AuthorizeAttribute>();

                if (grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.ReflectedType != null)
                    grainAuthorizeData =
                        grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.ReflectedType.GetCustomAttributes <AuthorizeAttribute>();

                await _authorizeHandler.AuthorizeAsync(accessTokenValidationResult.Claims,
                                                       grainAuthorizeData, grainMethodAuthorizeData);
                throw new OrleansClusterUnauthorizedAccessException("Invalid Access Token.",
                                                                    new InvalidAccessTokenException(accessTokenValidationResult.InvalidValidationMessage));
コード例 #2
            public GrainTags(IGrainCallContext target)
                if (target.Grain != null && target.Grain is ISystemTarget == false)
                    if (target.Grain.GetPrimaryKeyString() != null)
                        GrainId = target.Grain.GetPrimaryKeyString();
                    else if (target.Grain.IsPrimaryKeyBasedOnLong())
                        GrainId = target.Grain.GetPrimaryKeyLong(out var keyExt).ToString();
                        GrainId = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyExt) ? "" : keyExt + "/") + GrainId;
                        GrainId = target.Grain.GetPrimaryKey(out var keyExt).ToString();
                        GrainId = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyExt) ? "" : keyExt + "/") + GrainId;

                    // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                    if (target is Grain grainTarget)
                        SiloAddress = grainTarget.RuntimeIdentity;

                TargetType   = target.Grain?.GetType().FullName ?? target.InterfaceMethod?.DeclaringType?.FullName;
                TargetMethod = target.InterfaceMethod?.Name;
コード例 #3
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext ctx)
            // NOTE: this grain demonstrates incorrect usage of grain call interceptors and should not be used
            // as an example of proper usage. Specifically, storing the context for later execution is invalid.

            this.context = ctx;
            if (string.Equals(ctx.Method.Name, nameof(CallWithBadInterceptors)) && (bool)ctx.Arguments[0])
                await ctx.Invoke();

            if (RequestContext.Get(Key) is string value)
                RequestContext.Set(Key, value + '3');
            await ctx.Invoke();

            if (string.Equals(ctx.Method?.Name, nameof(CallWithBadInterceptors)) && (bool)ctx.Arguments[1])
                await ctx.Invoke();

            this.context = null;
コード例 #4
        public bool AuthenticationChallenge(IGrainCallContext grainCallContext)
            var allowAnonymousAttribute =
                grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.GetCustomAttribute <AllowAnonymousAttribute>();

            // No authorization required.
            if (allowAnonymousAttribute != null)

            IEnumerable <IAuthorizeData> grainAuthorizeData = null;
            var grainMethodAuthorizeData = grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.GetCustomAttributes <AuthorizeAttribute>();

            if (grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.ReflectedType != null)
                grainAuthorizeData =
                    grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.ReflectedType.GetCustomAttributes <AuthorizeAttribute>();

            // No authorization required.
            // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToReturnStatement
            if (grainAuthorizeData != null && !grainAuthorizeData.Any() && !grainMethodAuthorizeData.Any())

コード例 #5
        private Activity StartActivity(IGrainCallContext callContext, IDictionary <string, object> requestContext)
            var activity = new Activity(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.GrainRequestIn);

            if (requestContext.TryGetValue(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.RequestIdHeaderName, out object requestId))

                // We expect baggage to be empty by default
                // Only very advanced users will be using it in near future, we encourage them to keep baggage small (few items)

                if (requestContext.TryGetValue(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.CorrelationContextHeaderName, out object baggage))
                    KeyValuePair <string, string>[] values = (KeyValuePair <string, string>[])baggage;

                    foreach (var item in values)
                        activity.AddBaggage(item.Key, item.Value);

            if (_listener.IsEnabled(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.GrainRequestInStartName))
                _listener.StartActivity(activity, new { RequestContext = requestContext, CallContext = callContext });
                // always start activity

コード例 #6
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
            if (context.Method.Name == nameof(GetInputAsString))
                context.Result = $"Hah! You wanted {context.Arguments[0]}, but you got me!";

            await context.Invoke();
コード例 #7
ファイル: GrainCallFilterTests.cs プロジェクト: zche/orleans
            public Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
                if (string.Equals(context.Method.Name, nameof(IGrainCallFilterTestGrain.GetRequestContext)))
                    if (RequestContext.Get(GrainCallFilterTestConstants.Key) is string value)
                        RequestContext.Set(GrainCallFilterTestConstants.Key, value + '2');

コード例 #8
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
            var initialLastStreamValue = this.lastStreamValue;
            await context.Invoke();

            // If the last stream value changed after the invoke, then the stream must have produced a value, double
            // it for testing purposes.
            if (this.lastStreamValue != initialLastStreamValue)
                this.lastStreamValue *= 2;
コード例 #9
 private void RecordUnhandledExceptionDiagnostics(IGrainCallContext context, long timestamp, Exception exception)
     //isenabled check is done in parent
         RequestContext = RequestContext.Export(_serializationManager),
         CallContext    = context,
         Exception      = exception,
         Timestamp      = timestamp
コード例 #10
        async Task IGrainCallFilter.Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
            var methodInfo = context.Method;

            if (methodInfo.Name == nameof(One) && methodInfo.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                // Short-circuit the request and return to the caller without actually invoking the grain method.
                context.Result = "intercepted one with no args";

            if (methodInfo.Name == nameof(IncorrectResultType))
                // This method has a string return type, but we are setting the result to a Guid.
                // This should result in an invalid cast exception.
                context.Result = Guid.NewGuid();

            if (methodInfo.Name == nameof(FilterThrows))
                throw new MyDomainSpecificException("Filter THROW!");

            // Invoke the request.
                await context.Invoke();
            catch (MyDomainSpecificException e)
                context.Result = "EXCEPTION! " + e.Message;

            // To prove that the MethodInfo is from the implementation and not the interface,
            // we check for this attribute which is only present on the implementation. This could be
            // done in a simpler fashion, but this demonstrates a potential usage scenario.
            var shouldMessWithResult = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute <MessWithResultAttribute>();
            var resultString         = context.Result as string;

            if (shouldMessWithResult != null && resultString != null)
                context.Result = string.Concat(resultString.Reverse());
コード例 #11
        public static string Format(IGrainCallContext context)
            if (context.InterfaceMethod == null)

            if (string.Equals(context.InterfaceMethod.Name, nameof(IDomainObjectGrain.ExecuteAsync), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                context.Arguments?.Length == 1 &&
                context.Arguments[0] != null)
                var argumentFullName = context.Arguments[0].ToString();

                if (argumentFullName != null)
                    var argumentParts = argumentFullName.Split('.');
                    var argumentName  = argumentParts[^ 1];
コード例 #12
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext ctx)
            // NOTE: this grain demonstrates incorrect usage of grain call interceptors and should not be used
            // as an example of proper usage. Specifically, storing the context for later execution is invalid.

            this.context = ctx;
            var value = RequestContext.Get(Key) as string;

            if (value != null)
                RequestContext.Set(Key, value + '4');
            await ctx.Invoke();

            this.context = null;
コード例 #13
        private void PublishEvent(IGrainCallContext target, Exception ex)
            var grainEvent = _eventPublisher.CreateEvent();

            if (target.Grain != null && target.Grain is ISystemTarget == false)
                if (target.Grain?.GetPrimaryKeyString() != null)
                    grainEvent.GrainKeyString = target.Grain.GetPrimaryKeyString();
                else if (target.Grain.IsPrimaryKeyBasedOnLong())
                    grainEvent.GrainKeyLong      = target.Grain.GetPrimaryKeyLong(out var keyExt);
                    grainEvent.GrainKeyExtention = keyExt;
                    grainEvent.GrainKeyGuid      = target.Grain.GetPrimaryKey(out var keyExt);
                    grainEvent.GrainKeyExtention = keyExt;

                if (target is Grain grainTarget)
                    grainEvent.SiloAddress = grainTarget.RuntimeIdentity;

            grainEvent.SiloDeploymentId = _clusterIdentity.DeploymentId;
            grainEvent.TargetType       = target.Grain?.GetType().FullName ?? target.InterfaceMethod.DeclaringType?.FullName;
            grainEvent.TargetMethod     = target.InterfaceMethod.Name;
            grainEvent.Exception        = ex;
            grainEvent.ErrCode          = ex != null ? null : (int?)0;

            catch (Exception)
コード例 #14
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
            var timerInfo    = context.Method.GetCustomAttribute <LogElapsedTimeAttribute>();
            var globalMillis = _runtimeConfiguration.LogGrainCallsExceedingMilliseconds;

            if (context.Grain is IGrain grain && (timerInfo != null || globalMillis > 0))
                var sw        = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var logMillis = timerInfo?.IfExceedsMilliseconds ?? globalMillis;

                try {
                    await context.Invoke();
                } finally {
                    if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > logMillis)
                        grain.Info($"GRAIN_ELAPSED_TIME {grain.GetType().Name}.{context.Method.Name}: {sw.Elapsed}", "", "", 0);
コード例 #15
        protected static async Task Process(IGrainCallContext context, Activity activity)
            if (activity is not null)
                // rpc attributes from https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/rpc.md
                activity.SetTag("rpc.service", context.InterfaceMethod?.DeclaringType?.FullName);
                activity.SetTag("rpc.method", context.InterfaceMethod?.Name);
                activity.SetTag("net.peer.name", context.Grain?.ToString());
                activity.SetTag("rpc.system", "orleans");

                await context.Invoke();

                if (activity is not null && activity.IsAllDataRequested)
                    activity.SetTag("status", "Ok");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (activity is not null && activity.IsAllDataRequested)
                    // exception attributes from https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/exceptions.md
                    activity.SetTag("exception.type", e.GetType().FullName);
                    activity.SetTag("exception.message", e.Message);
                    activity.SetTag("exception.stacktrace", e.StackTrace);
                    activity.SetTag("exception.escaped", true);
                    activity.SetTag("status", "Error");
コード例 #16
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
            Activity activity = null;

            // export requestcontext once
            IDictionary <string, object> requestContext = RequestContext.Export(_serializationManager);;

            if (requestContext != null && requestContext.ContainsKey(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.RequestIdHeaderName))
                // flow activity from request headers
                activity = StartActivity(context, requestContext);

                await context.Invoke().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (activity != null)
                    // is set when diagnosticslistener is enabled
                    // requestcontext dictionary is also not null
                    StopActivity(context, activity, requestContext);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //capture failed method...
                if (_listener.IsEnabled(DiagnosticsLoggingStrings.DiagnosticsUnhandledExceptionName))
                    var timestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                    // Diagnostics is enabled for UnhandledException, but it may not be for BeginRequest
                    // so call GetTimestamp if currentTimestamp is zero (from above)
                    RecordUnhandledExceptionDiagnostics(context, timestamp, ex);
コード例 #17
        protected async Task <IEnumerable <Claim> > AuthorizeAsync(IGrainCallContext grainCallContext)
            var accessToken = RequestContext.Get(ConfigurationKeys.AccessTokenKey)?.ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessToken))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AccessToken can not be null or empty.");

            var accessTokenVerificationResult = await _accessTokenVerifier.Verify(accessToken);

            // ReSharper disable once InvertIf
            if (accessTokenVerificationResult.IsVerified)
                IEnumerable <IAuthorizeData> grainAuthorizeData = null;
                var grainMethodAuthorizeData = grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.GetCustomAttributes <AuthorizeAttribute>();

                if (grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.ReflectedType != null)
                    grainAuthorizeData =
                        grainCallContext.InterfaceMethod.ReflectedType.GetCustomAttributes <AuthorizeAttribute>();

                var authorizationSucceeded = await _authorizeHandler.AuthorizeAsync(accessTokenVerificationResult.Claims,
                                                                                    grainAuthorizeData, grainMethodAuthorizeData);

                if (!authorizationSucceeded)
                    throw new NotAuthorizedException("Access to the requested grain denied.");


            throw new NotAuthorizedException("Access token verification failed.",
                                             new InvalidAccessTokenException(accessTokenVerificationResult.InvalidValidationMessage));
コード例 #18
ファイル: GrainProfiler.cs プロジェクト: raidnav/DDBMSP
        public async Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context)
            if (siloAddress == null)
                var providerRuntime = services.GetRequiredService <IProviderRuntime>();

                siloAddress = providerRuntime.SiloIdentity.ToSiloAddress();

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var isException = false;

                await context.Invoke();
            catch (Exception)
                isException = true;

                    var elapsedMs  = (double)stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
                    var grainName  = context.Grain.GetType().FullName;
                    var methodName = formatMethodName(context);

                    var key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", grainName, methodName);

                    grainTrace.AddOrUpdate(key, _ =>
                                           new GrainTraceEntry
                        Count          = 1,
                        ExceptionCount = (isException ? 1 : 0),
                        SiloAddress    = siloAddress,
                        ElapsedTime    = elapsedMs,
                        Grain          = grainName,
                        Method         = methodName,
                        Period         = DateTime.UtcNow
                                           (_, last) =>
                        last.Count       += 1;
                        last.ElapsedTime += elapsedMs;

                        if (isException)
                            last.ExceptionCount += 1;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.LogError(100002, "error recording results for grain", ex);
コード例 #19
 public Task Invoke(IGrainCallContext context) => this.interceptor.Invoke(context);
コード例 #20
        private void RejectRequestIfLateOrOverloaded(IGrainCallContext grainCallContext)
            var config = _loadSheddingConfig();
            var now    = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            // Too much time passed since our direct caller made the request to us; something's causing a delay. Log or reject the request, if needed.
            if (config.DropOrleansRequestsBySpanTime != LoadShedding.Toggle.Disabled &&
                TracingContext.SpanStartTime != null &&
                TracingContext.SpanStartTime.Value + config.DropOrleansRequestsOlderThanSpanTimeBy < now)
                if (config.DropOrleansRequestsBySpanTime == LoadShedding.Toggle.LogOnly)
                    _log.Warn(_ => _("Accepted Orleans request despite that too much time passed since the client sent it to us.", unencryptedTags: new
                        clientSendTime    = TracingContext.SpanStartTime,
                        currentTime       = now,
                        maxDelayInSecs    = config.DropOrleansRequestsOlderThanSpanTimeBy.TotalSeconds,
                        actualDelayInSecs = (now - TracingContext.SpanStartTime.Value).TotalSeconds,
                else if (config.DropOrleansRequestsBySpanTime == LoadShedding.Toggle.Drop)
                    //Add grain  id to tags
                    throw new EnvironmentException(
                              "Dropping Orleans request since too much time passed since the client sent it to us.",
                              unencrypted: new Tags
                        ["clientSendTime"]    = TracingContext.SpanStartTime.ToString(),
                        ["currentTime"]       = now.ToString(),
                        ["maxDelayInSecs"]    = config.DropOrleansRequestsOlderThanSpanTimeBy.TotalSeconds.ToString(),
                        ["actualDelayInSecs"] = (now - TracingContext.SpanStartTime.Value).TotalSeconds.ToString(),

            // Too much time passed since the API gateway initially sent this request till it reached us (potentially
            // passing through other micro-services along the way). Log or reject the request, if needed.
            if (config.DropRequestsByDeathTime != LoadShedding.Toggle.Disabled &&
                TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy != null &&
                now > TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy.Value - config.TimeToDropBeforeDeathTime)
                if (config.DropRequestsByDeathTime == LoadShedding.Toggle.LogOnly)
                    _log.Warn(_ => _("Accepted Orleans request despite exceeding the API gateway timeout.", unencryptedTags: new
                        requestDeathTime = TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy,
                        currentTime      = now,
                        overTimeInSecs   = (now - TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy.Value).TotalSeconds,
                else if (config.DropRequestsByDeathTime == LoadShedding.Toggle.Drop)
                    //Add grain  id to tags
                    throw new EnvironmentException("Dropping Orleans request since the API gateway timeout passed.", unencrypted: new Tags
                        ["requestDeathTime"] = TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy.ToString(),
                        ["currentTime"]      = now.ToString(),
                        ["overTimeInSecs"]   = (now - TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy.Value).TotalSeconds.ToString(),
コード例 #21
 private void StopActivity(IGrainCallContext callContext, Activity activity, IDictionary <string, object> requestContext)
     _listener.StopActivity(activity, new { RequestContext = requestContext, CallContext = callContext });