コード例 #1
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref source[i], ref hit_com[i], Color.Lime);
            const float normalScale = 10.0f; // easier to see if this is big

            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Vector3 to = hit_surface[i] + normalScale * normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref hit_surface[i], ref to, Color.White);
            Quaternion qFrom = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
            Quaternion qTo   = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.7f);

            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Matrix  from = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(qFrom) * Matrix.Translation(source[i]);
                Matrix  to = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(qTo) * Matrix.Translation(dest[i]);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;
                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(from, to, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix T;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(from, linVel, angVel, hit_fraction[i], out T);
                Vector3 box1 = boxShapeHalfExtents;
                Vector3 box2 = -boxShapeHalfExtents;
                drawer.DrawBox(ref box1, ref box2, ref T, Color.Aqua);
コード例 #2
        public void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
            for (int v = 0; v < NumWheels; v++)
                WheelInfo wheelInfo = GetWheelInfo(v);

                Vector3 wheelColor;
                if (wheelInfo.RaycastInfo.IsInContact)
                    wheelColor = blue;
                    wheelColor = magenta;

                Matrix  transform  = wheelInfo.WorldTransform;
                Vector3 wheelPosWS = transform.Origin;

                Vector3 axle = new Vector3(
                    transform[0, RightAxis],
                    transform[1, RightAxis],
                    transform[2, RightAxis]);

                Vector3 to1 = wheelPosWS + axle;
                Vector3 to2 = GetWheelInfo(v).RaycastInfo.ContactPointWS;

                //debug wheels (cylinders)
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wheelPosWS, ref to1, ref wheelColor);
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wheelPosWS, ref to2, ref wheelColor);
コード例 #3
ファイル: RaycastVehicle.cs プロジェクト: suzuke/BulletXNA
        ///btActionInterface interface
        public virtual void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
            for (int v = 0; v < GetNumWheels(); v++)
                IndexedVector3 wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 1);
                if (GetWheelInfo(v).m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact)
                    wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1);
                    wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 1);

                IndexedVector3 wheelPosWS = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform._origin;

                IndexedMatrix  temp = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform;
                IndexedVector3 axle = new IndexedVector3(

                //debug wheels (cylinders)
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(wheelPosWS, wheelPosWS + axle, wheelColor);
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(wheelPosWS, GetWheelInfo(v).m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS, wheelColor);
コード例 #4
	    ///btActionInterface interface
        public virtual void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
	        for (int v=0;v<GetNumWheels();v++)
		        IndexedVector3 wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(0,1,1);
		        if (GetWheelInfo(v).m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact)
			        wheelColor = new IndexedVector3(0,0,1);
		        } else
			        wheelColor= new IndexedVector3(1,0,1);

		        IndexedVector3 wheelPosWS = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform._origin;

                IndexedMatrix temp = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform;
                IndexedVector3 axle = new IndexedVector3(

		        //debug wheels (cylinders)

コード例 #5
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            foreach (var ray in _rays)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref ray.Source, ref ray.HitPoint, Color.Green);

                Vector3 to = ray.HitPoint + ray.Normal;
                drawer.DrawLine(ref ray.HitPoint, ref to, Color.White);
コード例 #6
        public void ProcessTriangle(Vector3[] triangle, int partID, int triangleIndex)
            Vector3 wv0, wv1, wv2;

            wv0 = Vector3.TransformNormal(triangle[0], _worldTrans);
            wv1 = Vector3.TransformNormal(triangle[1], _worldTrans);
            wv2 = Vector3.TransformNormal(triangle[2], _worldTrans);
            _debugDrawer.DrawLine(wv0, wv1, _color);
            _debugDrawer.DrawLine(wv1, wv2, _color);
            _debugDrawer.DrawLine(wv2, wv0, _color);
コード例 #7
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var pCT = (ConeTwistConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetAFrame());
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetBFrame());
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;

			if (DrawLimits)
				//const float length = float(5);
				float length = DrawSize;
				int nSegments = 8 * 4;
				float fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (nSegments - 1) / nSegments;
				Vector3 pPrev = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
				pPrev = Vector3.Transform(pPrev, tr);
				for (int i = 0; i < nSegments; i++)
					fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * i / nSegments;
					Vector3 pCur = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
					pCur = Vector3.Transform(pCur, tr);
					debugDraw.DrawLine(ref pPrev, ref pCur, ref zero);

					if (i % (nSegments / 8) == 0)
						Vector3 origin = tr.Translation;
						debugDraw.DrawLine(ref origin, ref pCur, ref zero);

					pPrev = pCur;
				float tws = pCT.GetTwistSpan();
				float twa = pCT.GetTwistAngle();
				bool useFrameB = (pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetInvMass() > 0f);
				if (useFrameB)
					tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetBFrame());
					tr = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform(), pCT.GetAFrame());
				Vector3 pivot = tr.Translation;
				Vector3 normal = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				Vector3 axis1 = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 1);

				debugDraw.DrawArc(ref pivot, ref normal, ref axis1, DrawSize, DrawSize, -twa - tws, -twa + tws, ref zero, true);
コード例 #8
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref source[i], ref hit[i], ref green);
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Vector3 to = hit[i] + normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref hit[i], ref to, ref white);
コード例 #9
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _source[i], ref _hitPoint[i], Color.Lime);
            for (i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
                Vector3 to = _hitPoint[i] + _normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _hitPoint[i], ref to, Color.White);
コード例 #10
        public override void AddContactPoint(ref IndexedVector3 normalOnBInWorld, ref IndexedVector3 pointInWorld, float orgDepth)
            IndexedVector3 endPt, startPt;
            float          newDepth;
            IndexedVector3 newNormal = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0);

            if (m_perturbA)
                IndexedVector3 endPtOrg = pointInWorld + normalOnBInWorld * orgDepth;
                endPt    = (m_unPerturbedTransform * m_transformA.Inverse()) * (endPtOrg);
                newDepth = IndexedVector3.Dot((endPt - pointInWorld), normalOnBInWorld);
                startPt  = endPt + normalOnBInWorld * newDepth;
                endPt    = pointInWorld + normalOnBInWorld * orgDepth;
                startPt  = (m_unPerturbedTransform * m_transformB.Inverse()) * (pointInWorld);
                newDepth = IndexedVector3.Dot((endPt - startPt), normalOnBInWorld);

            //#define DEBUG_CONTACTS 1
            m_debugDrawer.DrawLine(startPt, endPt, new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0));
            m_debugDrawer.DrawSphere(startPt, 0.5f, new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0));
            m_debugDrawer.DrawSphere(endPt, 0.5f, new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1));

            m_originalManifoldResult.AddContactPoint(ref normalOnBInWorld, ref startPt, newDepth);
コード例 #11
        public static void DrawAabb(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Vector3 color)
            Vector3 halfExtents = (to - from) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 center      = (to + from) * 0.5f;

            Vector3 edgecoord = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), pa, pb;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    pa = new Vector3(edgecoord.X * halfExtents.X, edgecoord.Y * halfExtents.Y,
                                     edgecoord.Z * halfExtents.Z);
                    pa += center;

                    int othercoord = j % 3;
                    MathHelper.SetElement(ref edgecoord, othercoord, MathHelper.GetElement(edgecoord, othercoord) * -1f);
                    pb = new Vector3(edgecoord.X * halfExtents.X, edgecoord.Y * halfExtents.Y,
                                     edgecoord.Z * halfExtents.Z);
                    pb += center;

                    debugDrawer.DrawLine(pa, pb, color);
                edgecoord = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, -1f);
                if (i < 3)
                    MathHelper.SetElement(ref edgecoord, i, MathHelper.GetElement(edgecoord, i) * -1f);
コード例 #12
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            for (int i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _source[i], ref _hitCenterOfMass[i], Color.Lime);

                Vector3 to = _hitPoint[i] + NormalScale * _normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _hitPoint[i], ref to, Color.White);

                Matrix  fromTransform = _fromRotation * Matrix.Translation(_source[i]);
                Matrix  toTransform = _toRotation * Matrix.Translation(_destination[i]);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;
                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(fromTransform, toTransform, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix transform;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(fromTransform, linVel, angVel, _hitFraction[i], out transform);
                drawer.DrawBox(ref _boxBoundMin, ref _boxBoundMax, ref transform, Color.Aqua);
コード例 #13
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            foreach (var ray in _rays)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref ray.Source, ref ray.HitCenterOfMass, ref _green);

                Vector3 to = ray.HitPoint + NormalScale * ray.Normal;
                drawer.DrawLine(ref ray.HitPoint, ref to, ref _white);

                Matrix  fromTransform = _fromRotation * Matrix.Translation(ray.Source);
                Matrix  toTransform = _toRotation * Matrix.Translation(ray.Destination);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;
                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(ref fromTransform, ref toTransform, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix transform;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(ref fromTransform, ref linVel, ref angVel, ray.HitFraction, out transform);
                drawer.DrawBox(ref _boxBoundMin, ref _boxBoundMax, ref transform, ref _cyan);
コード例 #14
        public void draw()
            if (m_debugDraw != null)
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                    m_debugDraw.DrawLine(source[i], hit[i], new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0));
                for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                    m_debugDraw.DrawLine(hit[i], hit[i] + (normal[i] * 5), new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1));
                IndexedVector3 pointSize = new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                    m_debugDraw.DrawLine(hit[i], hit[i] + pointSize, new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 1));
コード例 #15
 public unsafe static void DrawLine(this IDebugDraw obj, ref OpenTK.Vector3 from, ref OpenTK.Vector3 to, ref OpenTK.Vector3 fromColor)
     fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *fromValue = &from)
         fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *toValue = &to)
             fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *fromColorValue = &fromColor)
                 obj.DrawLine(ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)fromValue, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)toValue, ref *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)fromColorValue);
コード例 #16
        public virtual void ProcessTriangle(IndexedVector3[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex)

            IndexedVector3 wv0, wv1, wv2;
            wv0 = m_worldTrans * triangle[0];
            wv1 = m_worldTrans * triangle[1];
            wv2 = m_worldTrans * triangle[2];

            if ((int)(m_debugDrawer.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawNormals) != 0)
                IndexedVector3 center = (wv0 + wv1 + wv2) * (1f / 3f);
                IndexedVector3 normal = (wv1 - wv0).Cross(wv2 - wv0);
                IndexedVector3 normalColor = new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 0);
                //m_debugDrawer.DrawLine(center, center + normal, normalColor);

            m_debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wv0, ref wv1, ref m_color);
            m_debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wv1, ref wv2, ref m_color);
            m_debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wv2, ref wv0, ref m_color);
コード例 #17
ファイル: RaycastVehicle.cs プロジェクト: HaKDMoDz/InVision
	    ///btActionInterface interface
        public virtual void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
	        for (int v=0;v<GetNumWheels();v++)
		        Vector3 wheelColor = new Vector3(0,1,1);
		        if (GetWheelInfo(v).m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact)
			        wheelColor = new Vector3(0,0,1);
		        } else
			        wheelColor= new Vector3(1,0,1);

		        Vector3 wheelPosWS = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform.Translation;

                Matrix temp = GetWheelInfo(v).m_worldTransform;
                Vector3 axle = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref temp, GetRightAxis());

		        //debug wheels (cylinders)

コード例 #18
		public override void Draw(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			var pSlider = (SliderConstraint)constraint;
			Matrix tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB();
			if (DrawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, DrawSize);
			Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;
			if (DrawLimits)
				Matrix tr2 = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
				Vector3 li_min = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(pSlider.GetLowerLinLimit(), 0f, 0f), tr2);
				Vector3 li_max = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(pSlider.GetUpperLinLimit(), 0f, 0f), tr2);
				debugDraw.DrawLine(ref li_min, ref li_max, ref zero);
				Vector3 normal = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 0);
				Vector3 axis = MathUtil.MatrixColumn(ref tr, 1);
				float a_min = pSlider.GetLowerAngLimit();
				float a_max = pSlider.GetUpperAngLimit();
				Vector3 center = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB().Translation;
				debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, DrawSize, DrawSize, a_min, a_max, ref zero, true);
コード例 #19
 public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
         drawer.DrawLine(ref source[i], ref hit[i], Color.Lime);
     for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
         Vector3 to = hit[i] + normal[i];
         drawer.DrawLine(ref hit[i], ref to, Color.White);
コード例 #20
        public void DebugDraw(IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
            for (int v = 0; v < NumWheels; v++)
                WheelInfo wheelInfo = GetWheelInfo(v);

                Color wheelColor;
                if (wheelInfo.RaycastInfo.IsInContact)
                    wheelColor = Color.Blue;
                    wheelColor = Color.Magenta;

                Matrix transform = wheelInfo.WorldTransform;
                Vector3 wheelPosWS = transform.Origin;

                Vector3 axle = new Vector3(
                    transform[0, RightAxis],
                    transform[1, RightAxis],
                    transform[2, RightAxis]);

                Vector3 to1 = wheelPosWS + axle;
                Vector3 to2 = GetWheelInfo(v).RaycastInfo.ContactPointWS;

                //debug wheels (cylinders)
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wheelPosWS, ref to1, wheelColor);
                debugDrawer.DrawLine(ref wheelPosWS, ref to2, wheelColor);

コード例 #21
ファイル: DrawHelper.cs プロジェクト: HaKDMoDz/InVision
		protected static void DebugDrawSphere(float radius, ref Matrix transform, ref Vector3 color, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			Vector3 start = transform.Translation;

			Vector3 xoffs = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(radius, 0, 0), transform);
			Vector3 yoffs = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0, radius, 0), transform);
			Vector3 zoffs = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0, 0, radius), transform);

			// XY 
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start - xoffs, start + yoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start + yoffs, start + xoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start + xoffs, start - yoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start - yoffs, start - xoffs, color);

			// XZ
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start - xoffs, start + zoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start + zoffs, start + xoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start + xoffs, start - zoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start - zoffs, start - xoffs, color);

			// YZ
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start - yoffs, start + zoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start + zoffs, start + yoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start + yoffs, start - zoffs, color);
			debugDraw.DrawLine(start - zoffs, start - yoffs, color);
コード例 #22
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref source[i], ref hit_com[i], ref green);
            const float normalScale = 10.0f; // easier to see if this is big
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Vector3 to = hit_surface[i] + normalScale * normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref hit_surface[i], ref to, ref white);
            Quaternion qFrom = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
            Quaternion qTo = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.7f);
            for (i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++)
                Matrix from = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(qFrom) * Matrix.Translation(source[i]);
                Matrix to = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(qTo) * Matrix.Translation(dest[i]);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;

                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(ref from, ref to, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix T;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(ref from, ref linVel, ref angVel, hit_fraction[i], out T);
                Vector3 box1 = boxShapeHalfExtents;
                Vector3 box2 = -boxShapeHalfExtents;
                drawer.DrawBox(ref box1, ref box2, ref T, ref cyan);
コード例 #23
ファイル: DrawHelper.cs プロジェクト: HaKDMoDz/InVision
		public static void DebugDrawObject(ref Matrix worldTransform, CollisionShape shape, ref Vector3 color,
										   IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			// Draw a small simplex at the center of the object
				Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation;
				float scale = 10f;
				debugDraw.DrawLine(start, start + (Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.Right, worldTransform) * scale), Vector3.Right);
				debugDraw.DrawLine(start, start + (Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.Up, worldTransform) * scale), Vector3.Up);
				debugDraw.DrawLine(start, start + (Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.Backward, worldTransform) * scale),
			if (shape.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
				var compoundShape = (CompoundShape)shape;
				for (int i = compoundShape.GetNumChildShapes() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					Matrix childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i);
					CollisionShape colShape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i);
					Matrix temp = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(worldTransform, childTrans);
					DebugDrawObject(ref temp, colShape, ref color, debugDraw);
				switch (shape.ShapeType)
					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							var sphereShape = (SphereShape)shape;
							float radius = sphereShape.Margin; //radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin
							DebugDrawSphere(radius, ref worldTransform, ref color, debugDraw);
					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.MULTI_SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							var multiSphereShape = (MultiSphereShape)shape;

							for (int i = multiSphereShape.GetSphereCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								Matrix childTransform = worldTransform;
								childTransform.Translation += multiSphereShape.GetSpherePosition(i);
								DebugDrawSphere(multiSphereShape.GetSphereRadius(i), ref childTransform, ref color, debugDraw);

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							var capsuleShape = (CapsuleShape)shape;

							float radius = capsuleShape.getRadius();
							float halfHeight = capsuleShape.getHalfHeight();

							int upAxis = capsuleShape.GetUpAxis();

							Vector3 capStart = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capStart, upAxis, -halfHeight);

							Vector3 capEnd = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capEnd, upAxis, halfHeight);

							// Draw the ends
								Matrix childTransform = worldTransform;
								childTransform.Translation = Vector3.Transform(capStart, worldTransform);
								DebugDrawSphere(radius, ref childTransform, ref color, debugDraw);

								Matrix childTransform = worldTransform;
								childTransform.Translation = Vector3.Transform(capEnd, worldTransform);
								DebugDrawSphere(radius, ref childTransform, ref color, debugDraw);

							// Draw some additional lines
							Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation;

							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capStart, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius);
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capEnd, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capStart, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capEnd, worldTransform), color);

							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capStart, (upAxis + 1) % 3, -radius);
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capEnd, (upAxis + 1) % 3, -radius);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capStart, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capEnd, worldTransform), color);

							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capStart, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius);
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capEnd, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius);

							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capStart, (upAxis + 2) % 3, radius);
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capEnd, (upAxis + 2) % 3, radius);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capStart, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capEnd, worldTransform), color);

							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capStart, (upAxis + 2) % 3, -radius);
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref capEnd, (upAxis + 2) % 3, -radius);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capStart, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(capEnd, worldTransform), color);

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							var coneShape = (ConeShape)shape;
							float radius = coneShape.GetRadius(); //+coneShape->getMargin();
							float height = coneShape.GetHeight(); //+coneShape->getMargin();
							Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation;

							int upAxis = coneShape.GetConeUpIndex();

							Vector3 offsetHeight = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref offsetHeight, upAxis, height * 0.5f);
							Vector3 offsetRadius = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref offsetRadius, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius);

							Vector3 offset2Radius = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref offsetRadius, (upAxis + 2) % 3, radius);

							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight + offsetRadius, worldTransform), color);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight - offsetRadius, worldTransform), color);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight + offset2Radius, worldTransform), color);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight - offset2Radius, worldTransform), color);

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
							var cylinder = (CylinderShape)shape;
							int upAxis = cylinder.GetUpAxis();
							float radius = cylinder.GetRadius();

							float halfHeight = MathUtil.VectorComponent(cylinder.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin(), upAxis);
							Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation;
							Vector3 offsetHeight = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref offsetHeight, upAxis, halfHeight);
							Vector3 offsetRadius = Vector3.Zero;
							MathUtil.VectorComponent(ref offsetRadius, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight + offsetRadius, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight + offsetRadius, worldTransform), color);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight - offsetRadius, worldTransform),
											   start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight - offsetRadius, worldTransform), color);

					case BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE:
							var staticPlaneShape = (StaticPlaneShape)shape;
							float planeConst = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneConstant();
							Vector3 planeNormal = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneNormal();
							Vector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst;
							Vector3 vec0 = Vector3.Zero, vec1 = Vector3.Zero;
							TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, ref vec0, ref vec1);
							float vecLen = 100f;
							Vector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen;
							Vector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen;
							Vector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1 * vecLen;
							Vector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1 * vecLen;
							debugDraw.DrawLine(Vector3.Transform(pt0, worldTransform), Vector3.Transform(pt1, worldTransform), color);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(Vector3.Transform(pt2, worldTransform), Vector3.Transform(pt3, worldTransform), color);
					//case (BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE):
					//    {
					//        BoxShape boxShape = (BoxShape)shape;
					//        Vector3 minPos = Vector3.Zero;
					//        Vector3 maxPos = Vector3.Zero;
					//        Matrix transform = Matrix.Identity;
					//        boxShape.getAabb(ref transform, ref minPos,ref maxPos);
					//        debugDraw.drawBox(ref minPos, ref maxPos, ref worldTransform, ref color);
					//        break;

					//    }
							if (shape.IsConcave())
								var concaveMesh = (ConcaveShape)shape;

								///@todo pass camera, for some culling? no -> we are not a graphics lib
								Vector3 aabbMax = MathUtil.MAX_VECTOR;
								Vector3 aabbMin = MathUtil.MIN_VECTOR;

								var drawCallback = new DebugDrawcallback(debugDraw, ref worldTransform, ref color);
								concaveMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax);
							else if (shape.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_TRIANGLEMESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
								var convexMesh = (ConvexTriangleMeshShape)shape;
								//todo: pass camera for some culling			
								Vector3 aabbMax = MathUtil.MAX_VECTOR;
								Vector3 aabbMin = MathUtil.MIN_VECTOR;

								//DebugDrawcallback drawCallback;
								var drawCallback = new DebugDrawcallback(debugDraw, ref worldTransform, ref color);
								convexMesh.GetMeshInterface().InternalProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax);
							else /// for polyhedral shapes
								if (shape.IsPolyhedral())
									var polyshape = (PolyhedralConvexShape)shape;

									for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumEdges(); i++)
										Vector3 a = Vector3.Zero, b = Vector3.Zero;
										polyshape.GetEdge(i, ref a, ref b);
										Vector3 wa = Vector3.Transform(a, worldTransform);
										Vector3 wb = Vector3.Transform(b, worldTransform);
										debugDraw.DrawLine(ref wa, ref wb, ref color);
コード例 #24
        public static void DrawAabb(IDebugDraw debugDrawer, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Vector3 color)
            Vector3 halfExtents = (to - from) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 center = (to + from) * 0.5f;

            Vector3 edgecoord = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), pa, pb;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    pa = new Vector3(edgecoord.X * halfExtents.X, edgecoord.Y * halfExtents.Y,
                        edgecoord.Z * halfExtents.Z);
                    pa += center;

                    int othercoord = j % 3;
                    MathHelper.SetElement(ref edgecoord, othercoord, MathHelper.GetElement(edgecoord, othercoord) * -1f);
                    pb = new Vector3(edgecoord.X * halfExtents.X, edgecoord.Y * halfExtents.Y,
                        edgecoord.Z * halfExtents.Z);
                    pb += center;

                    debugDrawer.DrawLine(pa, pb, color);
                edgecoord = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, -1f);
                if (i < 3)
                    MathHelper.SetElement(ref edgecoord, i, MathHelper.GetElement(edgecoord, i) * -1f);
コード例 #25
        public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
            for (int i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _source[i], ref _hitCenterOfMass[i], ref _green);

                Vector3 to = _hitPoint[i] + NormalScale * _normal[i];
                drawer.DrawLine(ref _hitPoint[i], ref to, ref _white);

                Matrix fromTransform = _fromRotation * Matrix.Translation(_source[i]);
                Matrix toTransform = _toRotation * Matrix.Translation(_destination[i]);
                Vector3 linVel, angVel;
                TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(ref fromTransform, ref toTransform, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);
                Matrix transform;
                TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(ref fromTransform, ref linVel, ref angVel, _hitFraction[i], out transform);
                drawer.DrawBox(ref _boxBoundMin, ref _boxBoundMax, ref transform, ref _cyan);
コード例 #26
 public void Draw(IDebugDraw drawer)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
         drawer.DrawLine(ref _source[i], ref _hitPoint[i], ref green);
     for (i = 0; i < NumRays; i++)
         Vector3 to = _hitPoint[i] + _normal[i];
         drawer.DrawLine(ref _hitPoint[i], ref to, ref white);
コード例 #27
        public static void DebugDrawConstraint(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            bool  drawFrames  = (debugDraw.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraints) != 0;
            bool  drawLimits  = (debugDraw.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraintLimits) != 0;
            float dbgDrawSize = constraint.GetDbgDrawSize();

            if (dbgDrawSize <= 0f)

            switch (constraint.GetConstraintType())
            case TypedConstraintType.POINT2POINT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                Point2PointConstraint p2pC  = constraint as Point2PointConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix         tr    = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                IndexedVector3        pivot = p2pC.GetPivotInA();
                pivot      = p2pC.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pivot;
                tr._origin = pivot;
                debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                // that ideally should draw the same frame
                pivot      = p2pC.GetPivotInB();
                pivot      = p2pC.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pivot;
                tr._origin = pivot;
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);

            case TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                HingeConstraint pHinge = constraint as HingeConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix   tr     = pHinge.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pHinge.GetAFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = pHinge.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pHinge.GetBFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                float minAng = pHinge.GetLowerLimit();
                float maxAng = pHinge.GetUpperLimit();
                if (minAng == maxAng)
                bool drawSect = true;
                if (minAng > maxAng)
                    minAng   = 0f;
                    maxAng   = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI;
                    drawSect = false;
                if (drawLimits)
                    IndexedVector3 center = tr._origin;
                    IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(2);
                    IndexedVector3 axis   = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 zero   = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                    debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minAng, maxAng, ref zero, drawSect);

            case TypedConstraintType.CONETWIST_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                ConeTwistConstraint pCT = constraint as ConeTwistConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix       tr  = pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetAFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetBFrame();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;

                if (drawLimits)
                    //const float length = float(5);
                    float          length          = dbgDrawSize;
                    const int      nSegments       = 8 * 4;
                    float          fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (float)(nSegments - 1) / (float)nSegments;
                    IndexedVector3 pPrev           = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
                    pPrev = tr * pPrev;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nSegments; i++)
                        fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (float)i / (float)nSegments;
                        IndexedVector3 pCur = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
                        pCur = tr * pCur;
                        debugDraw.DrawLine(ref pPrev, ref pCur, ref zero);

                        if (i % (nSegments / 8) == 0)
                            IndexedVector3 origin = tr._origin;
                            debugDraw.DrawLine(ref origin, ref pCur, ref zero);

                        pPrev = pCur;
                    float tws       = pCT.GetTwistSpan();
                    float twa       = pCT.GetTwistAngle();
                    bool  useFrameB = (pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetInvMass() > 0f);
                    if (useFrameB)
                        tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetBFrame();
                        tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pCT.GetAFrame();
                    IndexedVector3 pivot  = tr._origin;
                    IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 axis   = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);

                    debugDraw.DrawArc(ref pivot, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -twa - tws, -twa + tws, ref zero, true);

            case TypedConstraintType.D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
            case TypedConstraintType.D6_SPRING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                Generic6DofConstraint p6DOF = constraint as Generic6DofConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix         tr    = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (drawLimits)
                    tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                    IndexedVector3 center = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB()._origin;
                    // up is axis 1 not 2 ?

                    IndexedVector3 up    = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    IndexedVector3 axis  = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    float          minTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_loLimit;
                    float          maxTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_hiLimit;
                    float          minPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_loLimit;
                    float          maxPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_hiLimit;
                    debugDraw.DrawSpherePatch(ref center, ref up, ref axis, dbgDrawSize * .9f, minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, ref zero);
                    axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    float          ay   = p6DOF.GetAngle(1);
                    float          az   = p6DOF.GetAngle(2);
                    float          cy   = (float)Math.Cos(ay);
                    float          sy   = (float)Math.Sin(ay);
                    float          cz   = (float)Math.Cos(az);
                    float          sz   = (float)Math.Sin(az);
                    IndexedVector3 ref1 = new IndexedVector3(
                        cy * cz * axis.X + cy * sz * axis.Y - sy * axis.Z,
                        -sz * axis.X + cz * axis.Y,
                        cz * sy * axis.X + sz * sy * axis.Y + cy * axis.Z);
                    tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                    IndexedVector3 normal = -tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    float          minFi  = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_loLimit;
                    float          maxFi  = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_hiLimit;
                    if (minFi > maxFi)
                        debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -MathUtil.SIMD_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_PI, ref zero, false);
                    else if (minFi < maxFi)
                        debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minFi, maxFi, ref zero, false);
                    tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                    IndexedVector3 bbMin = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_lowerLimit;
                    IndexedVector3 bbMax = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_upperLimit;
                    debugDraw.DrawBox(ref bbMin, ref bbMax, ref tr, ref zero);

            case TypedConstraintType.SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
                SliderConstraint pSlider = constraint as SliderConstraint;
                IndexedMatrix    tr      = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                if (drawFrames)
                    debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
                IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (drawLimits)
                    IndexedMatrix  tr2    = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
                    IndexedVector3 li_min = tr2 * new IndexedVector3(pSlider.GetLowerLinLimit(), 0f, 0f);
                    IndexedVector3 li_max = tr2 * new IndexedVector3(pSlider.GetUpperLinLimit(), 0f, 0f);
                    debugDraw.DrawLine(ref li_min, ref li_max, ref zero);
                    IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 axis   = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    float          a_min  = pSlider.GetLowerAngLimit();
                    float          a_max  = pSlider.GetUpperAngLimit();
                    IndexedVector3 center = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB()._origin;
                    debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, a_min, a_max, ref zero, true);

コード例 #28
		public static void DebugDrawConstraint(TypedConstraint constraint, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
			bool drawFrames = (debugDraw.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraints) != 0;
			bool drawLimits = (debugDraw.GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraintLimits) != 0;
			float dbgDrawSize = constraint.GetDbgDrawSize();
			if (dbgDrawSize <= 0f)

			switch (constraint.GetConstraintType())
				case TypedConstraintType.POINT2POINT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						Point2PointConstraint p2pC = constraint as Point2PointConstraint;
						IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
						IndexedVector3 pivot = p2pC.GetPivotInA();
						pivot = p2pC.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform()* pivot;
						tr._origin = pivot;
						debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						// that ideally should draw the same frame	
						pivot = p2pC.GetPivotInB();
						pivot = p2pC.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pivot;
						tr._origin = pivot;
						if (drawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
				case TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						HingeConstraint pHinge = constraint as HingeConstraint;
						IndexedMatrix tr = pHinge.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pHinge.GetAFrame();
						if (drawFrames)
							debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						tr = pHinge.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() *  pHinge.GetBFrame();
						if (drawFrames)
							debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						float minAng = pHinge.GetLowerLimit();
						float maxAng = pHinge.GetUpperLimit();
						if (minAng == maxAng)
						bool drawSect = true;
						if (minAng > maxAng)
							minAng = 0f;
							maxAng = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI;
							drawSect = false;
						if (drawLimits)
							IndexedVector3 center = tr._origin;
							IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(2);
                            IndexedVector3 axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
							IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
							debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minAng, maxAng, ref zero, drawSect);
				case TypedConstraintType.CONETWIST_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						ConeTwistConstraint pCT = constraint as ConeTwistConstraint;
						IndexedMatrix tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() *  pCT.GetAFrame();
						if (drawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() *  pCT.GetBFrame();
						if (drawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;

						if (drawLimits)
							//const float length = float(5);
							float length = dbgDrawSize;
							const int nSegments = 8 * 4;
							float fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (float)(nSegments - 1) / (float)nSegments;
							IndexedVector3 pPrev = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
                            pPrev = tr * pPrev;
							for (int i = 0; i < nSegments; i++)
								fAngleInRadians = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * (float)i / (float)nSegments;
								IndexedVector3 pCur = pCT.GetPointForAngle(fAngleInRadians, length);
                                pCur = tr * pCur;
								debugDraw.DrawLine(ref pPrev, ref pCur, ref zero);

								if (i % (nSegments / 8) == 0)
									IndexedVector3 origin = tr._origin;
									debugDraw.DrawLine(ref origin, ref pCur, ref zero);

								pPrev = pCur;
							float tws = pCT.GetTwistSpan();
							float twa = pCT.GetTwistAngle();
							bool useFrameB = (pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetInvMass() > 0f);
							if (useFrameB)
								tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyB().GetCenterOfMassTransform() *  pCT.GetBFrame();
								tr = pCT.GetRigidBodyA().GetCenterOfMassTransform() *  pCT.GetAFrame();
							IndexedVector3 pivot = tr._origin;
                            IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                            IndexedVector3 axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);

							debugDraw.DrawArc(ref pivot, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -twa - tws, -twa + tws, ref zero, true);
				case TypedConstraintType.D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
				case TypedConstraintType.D6_SPRING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						Generic6DofConstraint p6DOF = constraint as Generic6DofConstraint;
						IndexedMatrix tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
						if (drawFrames)
							debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
						if (drawFrames)
							debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
						if (drawLimits)
							tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
							IndexedVector3 center = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB()._origin;
							// up is axis 1 not 2 ?

							IndexedVector3 up = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
							IndexedVector3 axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
							float minTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_loLimit;
							float maxTh = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(1).m_hiLimit;
							float minPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_loLimit;
							float maxPs = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(2).m_hiLimit;
							debugDraw.DrawSpherePatch(ref center, ref up, ref axis, dbgDrawSize * .9f, minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, ref zero);
                            axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
							float ay = p6DOF.GetAngle(1);
							float az = p6DOF.GetAngle(2);
							float cy = (float)Math.Cos(ay);
							float sy = (float)Math.Sin(ay);
							float cz = (float)Math.Cos(az);
							float sz = (float)Math.Sin(az);
							IndexedVector3 ref1 = new IndexedVector3(
							    cy * cz * axis.X + cy * sz * axis.Y - sy * axis.Z,
							    -sz * axis.X + cz * axis.Y,
							    cz * sy * axis.X + sz * sy * axis.Y + cy * axis.Z);
							tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformB();
                            IndexedVector3 normal = -tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
							float minFi = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_loLimit;
							float maxFi = p6DOF.GetRotationalLimitMotor(0).m_hiLimit;
							if (minFi > maxFi)
								debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -MathUtil.SIMD_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_PI, ref zero, false);
							else if (minFi < maxFi)
								debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref ref1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minFi, maxFi, ref zero, false);
							tr = p6DOF.GetCalculatedTransformA();
							IndexedVector3 bbMin = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_lowerLimit;
							IndexedVector3 bbMax = p6DOF.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_upperLimit;
							debugDraw.DrawBox(ref bbMin, ref bbMax, ref tr, ref zero);
				case TypedConstraintType.SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						SliderConstraint pSlider = constraint as SliderConstraint;
						IndexedMatrix tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
						if (drawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						tr = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB();
						if (drawFrames) debugDraw.DrawTransform(ref tr, dbgDrawSize);
						IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;
						if (drawLimits)
							IndexedMatrix tr2 = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformA();
							IndexedVector3 li_min = tr2 * new IndexedVector3(pSlider.GetLowerLinLimit(), 0f, 0f);
							IndexedVector3 li_max = tr2 * new IndexedVector3(pSlider.GetUpperLinLimit(), 0f, 0f);
							debugDraw.DrawLine(ref li_min, ref li_max, ref zero);
                            IndexedVector3 normal = tr._basis.GetColumn(0);
                            IndexedVector3 axis = tr._basis.GetColumn(1);
							float a_min = pSlider.GetLowerAngLimit();
							float a_max = pSlider.GetUpperAngLimit();
							IndexedVector3 center = pSlider.GetCalculatedTransformB()._origin;
							debugDraw.DrawArc(ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, a_min, a_max, ref zero, true);