コード例 #1
        public void Initialize(
            ICrossSectionOfLine crossSection,
            double thickness1,
            double thickness2,
            ILineCap startCap,
            ILineCap endCap,
            VectorD3D westVector,
            VectorD3D northVector,
            LineD3D line)
            _crossSection                  = crossSection;
            _crossSectionVertexCount       = crossSection.NumberOfVertices;
            _crossSectionNormalCount       = crossSection.NumberOfNormals;
            _dashStartCap                  = startCap;
            _dashStartCapBaseInsetAbsolute = null == _dashStartCap ? 0 : _dashStartCap.GetAbsoluteBaseInset(thickness1, thickness2);
            _dashEndCap = endCap;
            _dashEndCapBaseInsetAbsolute = null == _dashEndCap ? 0 : _dashEndCap.GetAbsoluteBaseInset(thickness1, thickness2);
            _westVector                    = westVector;
            _northVector                   = northVector;
            _forwardVector                 = line.LineVectorNormalized;
            _lastNormalsTransformed        = new VectorD3D[_crossSectionNormalCount];
            _lastPositionsTransformedStart = new PointD3D[_crossSectionVertexCount];
            _lastPositionsTransformedEnd   = new PointD3D[_crossSectionVertexCount];

            // Get the matrix for the start plane
            var matrix = Math3D.Get2DProjectionToPlane(westVector, northVector, PointD3D.Empty);

            // note: for a single line segment, the normals need to be calculated only once

            for (int i = 0; i < _lastNormalsTransformed.Length; ++i)
                _lastNormalsTransformed[i] = matrix.Transform(crossSection.Normals(i));
コード例 #2
        public static void Add(
            Action <PointD3D, VectorD3D> AddPositionAndNormal,
            Action <int, int, int, bool> AddIndices,
            ref int vertexIndexOffset,
            bool isStartCap,
            PointD3D basePoint,
            VectorD3D westVector,
            VectorD3D northVector,
            VectorD3D forwardVectorNormalized,
            ICrossSectionOfLine lineCrossSection,
            PointD3D[] crossSectionPositions,
            VectorD3D[] crossSectionNormals,
            ref object temporaryStorageSpace,
            ILineCapContour capContour
            var crossSectionVertexCount = lineCrossSection.NumberOfVertices;
            var crossSectionNormalCount = lineCrossSection.NumberOfNormals;
            var contourZScale           = 0.5 * Math.Max(lineCrossSection.Size1, lineCrossSection.Size2);

            // do we need a flat end at the beginning of the cap?
            if (null == crossSectionPositions &&         // if lineCrossSectionPositions are null, it means that our cap is not connected to the line and needs a flat end
                capContour.Vertices(0) == _pointD2D_0_1) // furthermore the cap assumes to be started at the cross section
                // the parameter isStartCap must be negated, because this flat cap is the "counterpart" of our cap to draw
                    ref vertexIndexOffset,

            if (isStartCap)
                forwardVectorNormalized = -forwardVectorNormalized;

            var contourVertexCount = capContour.NumberOfVertices;
            var contourNormalCount = capContour.NumberOfNormals;

            // now the calculation can start

            CrossSectionCases previousCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth;
            int  previousGeneratedPoints            = 0;
            int  previousContourVertexIndex         = 0;
            bool isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp = true;

            for (int contourVertexIndex = 0, contourNormalIndex = 0; contourVertexIndex < contourVertexCount; ++contourVertexIndex, ++contourNormalIndex)
                // we have 4 different situations here:
                // 1st) the crossSection.Y is zero, thus this is the middle point (the normal should then go in z-direction) -> we need only one single vertex and normal for that
                // 2nd) the countour normal is in x-direction  -> we need only a point for each crossSection vertex, but not for each crossSectionNormal
                // 3rd) the regular case -> we need a point for each crossSection normal

                var capContourVertex = capContour.Vertices(contourVertexIndex);
                var capContourNormal = capContour.Normals(contourNormalIndex);

                CrossSectionCases currentCrossSectionType;
                if (capContourVertex.Y == 0 && capContourNormal.Y == 0)
                    currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth;
                else if (capContourVertex.Y == 0)
                    currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp;
                else if (0 == capContourNormal.Y)
                    currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly;
                    currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.Regular;

                var currentLocation = basePoint + forwardVectorNormalized * capContourVertex.X * contourZScale;
                var matrix          = Matrix4x3.NewFromBasisVectorsAndLocation(westVector, northVector, forwardVectorNormalized, currentLocation);

                int currentGeneratedPoints = 0;
                switch (currentCrossSectionType)
                case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth:
                    var position = matrix.Transform(PointD2D.Empty);
                    var normal   = matrix.Transform(new VectorD3D(0, 0, capContourNormal.X));
                    AddPositionAndNormal(position, normal);
                    currentGeneratedPoints = 1;

                case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp:
                    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
                        var normal1  = (i == 0) ? lineCrossSection.Normals(crossSectionNormalCount - 1) : lineCrossSection.Normals(j - 1);
                        var normal2  = lineCrossSection.Normals(j);
                        var sn       = (normal1 + normal2).Normalized;
                        var utNormal = GetNormalVector(lineCrossSection.Vertices(i), sn, capContourNormal, contourZScale);
                        AddPositionAndNormal(currentLocation, matrix.Transform(utNormal)); // store the tip point with the averaged normal
                        if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))
                    currentGeneratedPoints = crossSectionVertexCount;

                case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly:
                    var commonNormal = matrix.Transform(new VectorD3D(0, 0, capContourNormal.X));
                    for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
                        var position = matrix.Transform(lineCrossSection.Vertices(i) * capContourVertex.Y);
                        AddPositionAndNormal(position, commonNormal);
                    currentGeneratedPoints = crossSectionVertexCount;

                case CrossSectionCases.Regular:
                    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
                        var sp       = lineCrossSection.Vertices(i);
                        var sn       = lineCrossSection.Normals(j);
                        var utNormal = GetNormalVector(sp, sn, capContourNormal, contourZScale);
                        var position = matrix.Transform(sp * capContourVertex.Y);
                        var normal   = matrix.Transform(utNormal);

                        AddPositionAndNormal(position, normal);

                        if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))
                            sn       = lineCrossSection.Normals(j);
                            utNormal = GetNormalVector(sp, sn, capContourNormal, contourZScale);
                            normal   = matrix.Transform(utNormal);
                            AddPositionAndNormal(position, normal);
                    currentGeneratedPoints = crossSectionNormalCount;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                vertexIndexOffset += currentGeneratedPoints;

                // now we start generating triangles

                if (contourVertexIndex > previousContourVertexIndex)
                    int voffset1 = vertexIndexOffset - currentGeneratedPoints;
                    int voffset0 = voffset1 - previousGeneratedPoints;
                    switch (previousCrossSectionType)
                    case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth:
                        switch (currentCrossSectionType)
                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // Middle point to middle point
                            // no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp: // Middle point to middle point
                            // no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

                        case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // Middle point to vertices only
                            for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
                                AddIndices(voffset0, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionVertexCount, isStartCap);

                        case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // Middle point to regular
                            for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionNormalCount; ++i)
                                AddIndices(voffset0, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionNormalCount, isStartCap);

                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                    case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp:
                        switch (currentCrossSectionType)
                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // Middle point to middle point
                            // no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp: // Middle point to middle point
                            // no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

                        case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // MiddlePointSharp to VerticesOnly
                            for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
                                AddIndices(voffset0, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionVertexCount, isStartCap);

                        case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // MiddlePointSharp to Regular
                            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionNormalCount; ++i, ++j)
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + i, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionNormalCount, isStartCap);

                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                    case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly:
                        switch (currentCrossSectionType)
                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // VerticesOnly to MiddlePoint
                            for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
                                AddIndices(voffset1, voffset0 + i, voffset0 + (i + 1) % crossSectionVertexCount, isStartCap);

                        case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // VerticesOnly to VerticesOnly
                            for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), voffset0 + i, voffset1 + i, isStartCap);
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), voffset1 + i, voffset1 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), isStartCap);

                        case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // VerticesOnly to regular
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                    case CrossSectionCases.Regular:
                        switch (currentCrossSectionType)
                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // Regular to MiddlePointOnly
                            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1, isStartCap);

                                if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

                        case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp: // Regular to MiddlePointSharp
                            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1 + i, isStartCap);

                                if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

                        case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // Regular to VerticesOnly
                            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1 + i, isStartCap);
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset1 + i, voffset1 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), isStartCap);

                                if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

                        case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // Regular to Regular
                            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1 + j, isStartCap);
                                AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset1 + j, voffset1 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), isStartCap);

                                if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (!isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp && capContour.IsVertexSharp(contourVertexIndex) && contourVertexIndex < (contourVertexCount - 1))
                    previousContourVertexIndex = contourVertexIndex;
                    --contourVertexIndex; // trick: decrement the vertex index, it is incremented then again in the following for loop, so that contourVertexIndex stays constant
                    isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp = true;
                isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp = false;

                // now we switch the current calculated positions and normals with the old ones
                previousCrossSectionType   = currentCrossSectionType;
                previousGeneratedPoints    = currentGeneratedPoints;
                previousContourVertexIndex = contourVertexIndex;
コード例 #3
		public void Initialize(
		ICrossSectionOfLine crossSection,
		double thickness1,
		double thickness2,
		ILineCap startCap,
		ILineCap endCap,
		VectorD3D westVector,
		VectorD3D northVector,
		LineD3D line)
			this._crossSection = crossSection;
			this._crossSectionVertexCount = crossSection.NumberOfVertices;
			this._crossSectionNormalCount = crossSection.NumberOfNormals;
			this._dashStartCap = startCap;
			this._dashStartCapBaseInsetAbsolute = null == _dashStartCap ? 0 : _dashStartCap.GetAbsoluteBaseInset(thickness1, thickness2);
			this._dashEndCap = endCap;
			this._dashEndCapBaseInsetAbsolute = null == _dashEndCap ? 0 : _dashEndCap.GetAbsoluteBaseInset(thickness1, thickness2);
			this._westVector = westVector;
			this._northVector = northVector;
			this._forwardVector = line.LineVectorNormalized;
			this._lastNormalsTransformed = new VectorD3D[_crossSectionNormalCount];
			this._lastPositionsTransformedStart = new PointD3D[_crossSectionVertexCount];
			this._lastPositionsTransformedEnd = new PointD3D[_crossSectionVertexCount];

			// Get the matrix for the start plane
			var matrix = Math3D.Get2DProjectionToPlane(westVector, northVector, PointD3D.Empty);

			// note: for a single line segment, the normals need to be calculated only once

			for (int i = 0; i < _lastNormalsTransformed.Length; ++i)
				_lastNormalsTransformed[i] = matrix.Transform(crossSection.Normals(i));
コード例 #4
		public static void Add(
			Action<PointD3D, VectorD3D> AddPositionAndNormal,
			Action<int, int, int, bool> AddIndices,
			ref int vertexIndexOffset,
			bool isStartCap,
			PointD3D basePoint,
			VectorD3D westVector,
			VectorD3D northVector,
			VectorD3D forwardVectorNormalized,
			ICrossSectionOfLine lineCrossSection,
			PointD3D[] crossSectionPositions,
			VectorD3D[] crossSectionNormals,
			ref object temporaryStorageSpace,
			ILineCapContour capContour
			var crossSectionVertexCount = lineCrossSection.NumberOfVertices;
			var crossSectionNormalCount = lineCrossSection.NumberOfNormals;
			var contourZScale = 0.5 * Math.Max(lineCrossSection.Size1, lineCrossSection.Size2);

			// do we need a flat end at the beginning of the cap?
			if (null == crossSectionPositions && // if lineCrossSectionPositions are null, it means that our cap is not connected to the line and needs a flat end
						capContour.Vertices(0) == _pointD2D_0_1) // furthermore the cap assumes to be started at the cross section
				// the parameter isStartCap must be negated, because this flat cap is the "counterpart" of our cap to draw
					ref vertexIndexOffset,

			if (isStartCap)
				forwardVectorNormalized = -forwardVectorNormalized;

			var contourVertexCount = capContour.NumberOfVertices;
			var contourNormalCount = capContour.NumberOfNormals;

			// now the calculation can start

			CrossSectionCases previousCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth;
			int previousGeneratedPoints = 0;
			int previousContourVertexIndex = 0;
			bool isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp = true;
			for (int contourVertexIndex = 0, contourNormalIndex = 0; contourVertexIndex < contourVertexCount; ++contourVertexIndex, ++contourNormalIndex)
				// we have 4 different situations here:
				// 1st) the crossSection.Y is zero, thus this is the middle point (the normal should then go in z-direction) -> we need only one single vertex and normal for that
				// 2nd) the countour normal is in x-direction  -> we need only a point for each crossSection vertex, but not for each crossSectionNormal
				// 3rd) the regular case -> we need a point for each crossSection normal

				var capContourVertex = capContour.Vertices(contourVertexIndex);
				var capContourNormal = capContour.Normals(contourNormalIndex);

				CrossSectionCases currentCrossSectionType;
				if (capContourVertex.Y == 0 && capContourNormal.Y == 0)
					currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth;
				else if (capContourVertex.Y == 0)
					currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp;
				else if (0 == capContourNormal.Y)
					currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly;
					currentCrossSectionType = CrossSectionCases.Regular;

				var currentLocation = basePoint + forwardVectorNormalized * capContourVertex.X * contourZScale;
				var matrix = Matrix4x3.NewFromBasisVectorsAndLocation(westVector, northVector, forwardVectorNormalized, currentLocation);

				int currentGeneratedPoints = 0;
				switch (currentCrossSectionType)
					case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth:
							var position = matrix.Transform(PointD2D.Empty);
							var normal = matrix.Transform(new VectorD3D(0, 0, capContourNormal.X));
							AddPositionAndNormal(position, normal);
							currentGeneratedPoints = 1;

					case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp:
							for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
								var normal1 = (i == 0) ? lineCrossSection.Normals(crossSectionNormalCount - 1) : lineCrossSection.Normals(j - 1);
								var normal2 = lineCrossSection.Normals(j);
								var sn = (normal1 + normal2).Normalized;
								var utNormal = GetNormalVector(lineCrossSection.Vertices(i), sn, capContourNormal, contourZScale);
								AddPositionAndNormal(currentLocation, matrix.Transform(utNormal)); // store the tip point with the averaged normal
								if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))
							currentGeneratedPoints = crossSectionVertexCount;

					case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly:
							var commonNormal = matrix.Transform(new VectorD3D(0, 0, capContourNormal.X));
							for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
								var position = matrix.Transform(lineCrossSection.Vertices(i) * capContourVertex.Y);
								AddPositionAndNormal(position, commonNormal);
							currentGeneratedPoints = crossSectionVertexCount;

					case CrossSectionCases.Regular:
							for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
								var sp = lineCrossSection.Vertices(i);
								var sn = lineCrossSection.Normals(j);
								var utNormal = GetNormalVector(sp, sn, capContourNormal, contourZScale);
								var position = matrix.Transform(sp * capContourVertex.Y);
								var normal = matrix.Transform(utNormal);

								AddPositionAndNormal(position, normal);

								if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))
									sn = lineCrossSection.Normals(j);
									utNormal = GetNormalVector(sp, sn, capContourNormal, contourZScale);
									normal = matrix.Transform(utNormal);
									AddPositionAndNormal(position, normal);
							currentGeneratedPoints = crossSectionNormalCount;

						throw new NotImplementedException();
				vertexIndexOffset += currentGeneratedPoints;

				// now we start generating triangles

				if (contourVertexIndex > previousContourVertexIndex)
					int voffset1 = vertexIndexOffset - currentGeneratedPoints;
					int voffset0 = voffset1 - previousGeneratedPoints;
					switch (previousCrossSectionType)
						case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth:
								switch (currentCrossSectionType)
									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // Middle point to middle point
											// no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp: // Middle point to middle point
											// no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

									case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // Middle point to vertices only
											for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
												AddIndices(voffset0, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionVertexCount, isStartCap);

									case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // Middle point to regular
											for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionNormalCount; ++i)
												AddIndices(voffset0, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionNormalCount, isStartCap);

										throw new NotImplementedException();

						case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp:
								switch (currentCrossSectionType)
									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // Middle point to middle point
											// no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp: // Middle point to middle point
											// no triangles, since from middle point to middle point we have an infinity thin line

									case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // MiddlePointSharp to VerticesOnly
											for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
												AddIndices(voffset0, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionVertexCount, isStartCap);

									case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // MiddlePointSharp to Regular
											for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionNormalCount; ++i, ++j)
												AddIndices(voffset0 + i, voffset1 + i, voffset1 + (i + 1) % crossSectionNormalCount, isStartCap);

										throw new NotImplementedException();

						case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly:
								switch (currentCrossSectionType)
									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // VerticesOnly to MiddlePoint
											for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
												AddIndices(voffset1, voffset0 + i, voffset0 + (i + 1) % crossSectionVertexCount, isStartCap);

									case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // VerticesOnly to VerticesOnly
											for (int i = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i)
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), voffset0 + i, voffset1 + i, isStartCap);
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), voffset1 + i, voffset1 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), isStartCap);

									case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // VerticesOnly to regular
											throw new NotImplementedException();

										throw new NotImplementedException();

						case CrossSectionCases.Regular:
								switch (currentCrossSectionType)
									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSmooth: // Regular to MiddlePointOnly
											for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1, isStartCap);

												if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

									case CrossSectionCases.MiddlePointSharp: // Regular to MiddlePointSharp
											for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1 + i, isStartCap);

												if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

									case CrossSectionCases.VerticesOnly: // Regular to VerticesOnly
											for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1 + i, isStartCap);
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset1 + i, voffset1 + ((i == 0) ? crossSectionVertexCount - 1 : i - 1), isStartCap);

												if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

									case CrossSectionCases.Regular: // Regular to Regular
											for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < crossSectionVertexCount; ++i, ++j)
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset0 + j, voffset1 + j, isStartCap);
												AddIndices(voffset0 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), voffset1 + j, voffset1 + ((j == 0) ? crossSectionNormalCount - 1 : j - 1), isStartCap);

												if (lineCrossSection.IsVertexSharp(i))

										throw new NotImplementedException();

							throw new NotImplementedException();

				if (!isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp && capContour.IsVertexSharp(contourVertexIndex) && contourVertexIndex < (contourVertexCount - 1))
					previousContourVertexIndex = contourVertexIndex;
					--contourVertexIndex; // trick: decrement the vertex index, it is incremented then again in the following for loop, so that contourVertexIndex stays constant
					isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp = true;
				isOnSecondSideOfContourVertexSharp = false;

				// now we switch the current calculated positions and normals with the old ones
				previousCrossSectionType = currentCrossSectionType;
				previousGeneratedPoints = currentGeneratedPoints;
				previousContourVertexIndex = contourVertexIndex;