コード例 #1
        public RedirectResult RedirectToAuthenticate(string providerKey)
            // Which provider are we after?
            // NOTE: We don't want to use the default callback route, so we're specifying our own route, here.
            var settings = _authenticationService.GetAuthenticateServiceSettings(providerKey, Request.Url,

            // For shits and giggles, we'll remember the referrer to highlight that we can
            // redirect back to where we started, if we want to.
            string referrer = null;

            if (Request != null &&
                Request.UrlReferrer != null &&
                referrer = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;

            // Create the CRSF Token.
            var token = _antiForgery.CreateToken(referrer);

            settings.State = token.ToSend;

            // Remember this token for when we are handling the callback.
            var cookie = new HttpCookie(_antiForgery.DefaultCookieName)
                Value = token.ToKeep, HttpOnly = true


            // Determine the provider's end point Url we need to redirect to.
            var uri = _authenticationService.RedirectToAuthenticationProvider(settings);

            // Kthxgo!
        public RedirectResult RedirectToProvider(RedirectToProviderInputModel inputModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Some binding errors occured. This means at least one Request value (eg. form post or querystring parameter) provided is invalid. Generally, we need a ProviderName as a string.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputModel.ProviderKey))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "ProviderKey value missing. You need to supply a valid provider key so we know where to redirect the user Eg. google.");

            // Grab the required Provider settings.
            var settings = AuthenticationService.GetAuthenticateServiceSettings(inputModel.ProviderKey,

            // An OpenId specific settings provided?
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputModel.Identifier) &&
                settings is IOpenIdAuthenticationServiceSettings)
                Uri identifier;
                if (!Uri.TryCreate(inputModel.Identifier, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out identifier))
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              "Indentifier value was not in the correct Uri format. Eg. http://myopenid.com or https://yourname.myopenid.com");
                ((IOpenIdAuthenticationServiceSettings)settings).Identifier = identifier;

            // Our convention is to remember some redirect url once we are finished in the callback.
            // NOTE: If no redirectUrl data has been provided, then default to the Referrer, if one exists.
            string extraData = null;

            if (RedirectUrl != null &&
                // We have extra state information we will need to retrieve.
                extraData = RedirectUrl.AbsoluteUri;
            else if (Request != null &&
                     Request.UrlReferrer != null &&
                extraData = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;

            // Generate a token pair.
            var token = _antiForgery.CreateToken(extraData);

            // Put the "ToSend" value in the state parameter to send along to the OAuth Provider.
            settings.State = token.ToSend;

            // Serialize the ToKeep value in the cookie.
            SerializeToken(Response, token.ToKeep);

            // Determine the provider's end point Url we need to redirect to.
            var uri = AuthenticationService.RedirectToAuthenticationProvider(settings);

            // Kthxgo!