コード例 #1
        private void SetColorGradientMinMaxColorsHsv(int h, int s, int v)
            Color[] hueColors = new Color[361];

            for (int newH = 0; newH <= 360; ++newH)
                HsvColor hsv = new HsvColor(newH, 100, 100);
                hueColors[newH] = hsv.ToColor();

            hueGradientControl.CustomGradient = hueColors;

            Color[] satColors = new Color[101];

            for (int newS = 0; newS <= 100; ++newS)
                HsvColor hsv = new HsvColor(h, newS, v);
                satColors[newS] = hsv.ToColor();

            saturationGradientControl.CustomGradient = satColors;

            valueGradientControl.MaxColor = new HsvColor(h, s, 100).ToColor();
            valueGradientControl.MinColor = new HsvColor(h, s, 0).ToColor();
コード例 #2
        IntSliderControl m_V = 100;                                      // [0,100] {!m_UseRgbPicker} Value

        void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
            HsvColor  hsv        = new HsvColor(m_H, m_S, m_V);
            var       bgra       = m_UseRgbPicker ? m_RgbColor : ColorBgra.FromColor(hsv.ToColor());
            var       white      = ColorBgra.FromColor(Color.White);
            var       colorToUse = ColorBgra.Lerp(white, bgra, m_TintStrength);
            ColorBgra currentPixel;

            for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
                if (IsCancelRequested)
                for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
                    currentPixel = src[x, y];
                    byte r = currentPixel.R;
                    byte g = currentPixel.G;
                    byte b = currentPixel.B;
                    currentPixel.R = (byte)((int)r * (int)colorToUse.R / 255);
                    currentPixel.G = (byte)((int)g * (int)colorToUse.G / 255);
                    currentPixel.B = (byte)((int)b * (int)colorToUse.B / 255);

                    dst[x, y] = currentPixel;
コード例 #3
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            // Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that
            // prefab override logic works on the entire property.
            EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

            // Grab all values
            SerializedProperty hue        = property.FindPropertyRelative("hue");
            SerializedProperty saturation = property.FindPropertyRelative("saturation");
            SerializedProperty value      = property.FindPropertyRelative("value");
            SerializedProperty alpha      = property.FindPropertyRelative("alpha");

            // Convert these values into a color
            HsvColor color          = new HsvColor(hue.floatValue, saturation.floatValue, value.floatValue, alpha.floatValue);
            Color    convertedColor = color.ToColor();

            // Draw the color field
            convertedColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(position, label, convertedColor);

            // Convert the color back to the values
            color                 = HsvColor.FromColor(convertedColor);
            hue.floatValue        = color.Hue;
            saturation.floatValue = color.Saturation;
            value.floatValue      = color.Value;
            alpha.floatValue      = color.Alpha;

            // End the property
コード例 #4
ファイル: Posterize.cs プロジェクト: efredin/Comic-Mashup
        protected override unsafe void ProcessFilter(UnmanagedImage image)
            //IntPtr scan0 = image.Scan0;
            //int stride = image.Stride;
            int offset = (image.Stride - image.Width * 3);

            int factor = 100 / this.Value;

            byte *ptr = (byte *)image.ImageData.ToPointer();

            for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++, ptr += 3)
                    Color    color = Color.FromArgb(ptr[RGB.R], ptr[RGB.G], ptr[RGB.B]);
                    HsvColor hsv   = HsvColor.FromColor(color);

                    // Posterize value
                    hsv.Value -= (hsv.Value % factor);

                    // Convert back to RGB
                    color = hsv.ToColor();

                    ptr[RGB.R] = (byte)color.R;
                    ptr[RGB.G] = (byte)color.G;
                    ptr[RGB.B] = (byte)color.B;

                ptr += offset;
コード例 #5
        private void HInput_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            if (isInputHText)
                isInputHText = false;

            float f;

            if (float.TryParse(HInput.Text, out f))
                float rH = Math.Min(359, Math.Max(0, f * 359.0f));
                hsv.H   = rH;
                current = hsv.ToColor();
コード例 #6
        protected override void OnRender(Rectangle[] renderRects, int startIndex, int length)
            float           factor      = 255 / (this._upperThres - this._lowerThres);
            bool            interpolate = this._color != this._color2;
            Pair <int, int> hues        = this.GetHues(this._hueDirection);
            double          fHue        = (hues.Second - hues.First) / MathUtil.PIOver2;
            double          fSat        = (this._color2.Saturation - this._color.Saturation) / MathUtil.PIOver2;
            double          fVal        = (this._color2.Value - this._color.Value) / MathUtil.PIOver2;

            for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++)
                Rectangle rect = renderRects[i];
                //Pair<float, float>[,] evs = this._cachedEVs.GetValues(rect);
                TensorCharacteristics[,] charact = this._cachedCharacteristics.GetValues(rect);

                for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
                    for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
                        float ev;
                        TensorCharacteristics tChar = charact[x - rect.Left, y - rect.Top];
                        if (this._mode == Modes.Edge)
                            ev = tChar.MaxEigenvalue;
                            ev = tChar.MinEigenvalue;

                        ev -= this._lowerThres;
                        ev *= factor;
                        ev  = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, ev));
                        HsvColor color = this._color;
                        if (ev > 0 && interpolate)
                            double ang = Utils.NormalizePeriodic(tChar.DominantDirection - this._angle, Math.PI);
                            if (ang > MathUtil.PIOver2)
                                ang = Math.PI - ang;

                            color.Hue        = (int)Utils.NormalizePeriodic(ang * fHue + hues.First, 360);
                            color.Saturation = (int)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(100, ang * fSat + color.Saturation));
                            color.Value      = (int)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(100, ang * fVal + color.Value));
                        var c = ColorBgra.FromColor(color.ToColor());
                        this.DstArgs.Surface[x, y] = c.NewAlpha((byte)ev);
コード例 #7
        private void SetPropertyValueFromHsv(HsvColor hsv)

                RgbColor rgb = hsv.ToRgb();
                SetPropertyValueFromRgb(rgb.Red, rgb.Green, rgb.Blue);

                if (this.hsvColorWheel.HsvColor != hsv)
                    this.hsvColorWheel.HsvColor = hsv;

                if (this.valueSlider.Value != (hsv.Value * 255) / 100)
                    this.valueSlider.Value = (hsv.Value * 255) / 100;

                if (this.saturationSlider.Value != (hsv.Saturation * 255) / 100)
                    this.saturationSlider.Value = (hsv.Saturation * 255) / 100;

                HsvColor hsvValMin = hsv;
                hsvValMin.Value = 0;
                HsvColor hsvValMax = hsv;
                hsvValMax.Value           = 100;
                this.valueSlider.MinColor = hsvValMin.ToColor();
                this.valueSlider.MaxColor = hsvValMax.ToColor();

                HsvColor hsvSatMin = hsv;
                hsvSatMin.Saturation = 0;
                HsvColor hsvSatMax = hsv;
                hsvSatMax.Saturation           = 100;
                this.saturationSlider.MinColor = hsvSatMin.ToColor();
                this.saturationSlider.MaxColor = hsvSatMax.ToColor();


                if (UI.IsControlPaintingEnabled(this))
コード例 #8
        void RedrawHue()
            for (int y = 0; y < hueBitmap.Height; y++)
                float    f = y / (float)hueBitmap.Height;
                float    h = f * 359;
                HsvColor v = new HsvColor(h, 1, 1);
                D.Color  c = v.ToColor();

                for (int x = 0; x < hueBitmap.Width; x++)
                    hueBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, c.R, c.G, c.B, 255);

            HueSelector.Source = hueBitmap.ToImageSource();
コード例 #9
        void RedrawSatVal()
            for (int y = 0; y < svBitmap.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < svBitmap.Width; x++)
                    float sf = x / (float)svBitmap.Width;
                    float sv = 1.0f - y / (float)svBitmap.Height;

                    HsvColor v = new HsvColor(hsv.H, sf, sv);
                    D.Color  c = v.ToColor();

                    svBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, c.R, c.G, c.B, 255);

            SaturationValueSelector.Source = svBitmap.ToImageSource();
コード例 #10
        private void SetPropertyValueFromRgb(int red, int green, int blue)

                if (this.redNud.Value != red)
                    this.redNud.Value = red;

                if (this.greenNud.Value != green)
                    this.greenNud.Value = green;

                if (this.blueNud.Value != blue)
                    this.blueNud.Value = blue;

                if (this.inOnPropertyValueChanged == 0)
                    int newValue = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
                    if (Property.Value != newValue)
                        Property.Value = newValue;

                RgbColor rgb = new RgbColor(red, green, blue);
                HsvColor hsv = rgb.ToHsv();
                this.hsvColorWheel.HsvColor = hsv;
                this.valueSlider.Value      = (hsv.Value * 255) / 100;
                this.saturationSlider.Value = (hsv.Saturation * 255) / 100;

                HsvColor hsvValMin = hsv;
                hsvValMin.Value = 0;
                HsvColor hsvValMax = hsv;
                hsvValMax.Value           = 100;
                this.valueSlider.MinColor = hsvValMin.ToColor();
                this.valueSlider.MaxColor = hsvValMax.ToColor();

                HsvColor hsvSatMin = hsv;
                hsvSatMin.Saturation = 0;
                HsvColor hsvSatMax = hsv;
                hsvSatMax.Saturation           = 100;
                this.saturationSlider.MinColor = hsvSatMin.ToColor();
                this.saturationSlider.MaxColor = hsvSatMax.ToColor();


                if (UI.IsControlPaintingEnabled(this))
コード例 #11
        public override void Draw()

            _secondaryColor.H += TimeKeeper.Global.Time(360 / 4f);
            if (_secondaryColor.H >= 360f)
                _secondaryColor.H -= 360;

            // This code shows how to draw shapes using static methods and instanced objects.

            var startingPosition = new Vector2(100, 100);
            var position         = startingPosition;
            var spacing          = 100;

            // Circles.
            GraphicsMgr.CurrentColor = _mainColor;             // Setting current color. It's active for all shapes and sprites.
            CircleShape.Draw(position, 24, false);             // Filled circle.

            GraphicsMgr.CurrentColor = _secondaryColor.ToColor();
            CircleShape.Draw(position, 32, true);             // Outline.

            position += Vector2.UnitX * spacing;

            CircleShape.CircleVerticesCount = 8;             // Changing the amount of circle vertices.

            GraphicsMgr.CurrentColor = _mainColor;
            CircleShape.Draw(position, 24, false);

            GraphicsMgr.CurrentColor = _secondaryColor.ToColor();
            CircleShape.Draw(position, 32, true);

            CircleShape.CircleVerticesCount = 32;
            // Circles.

            position  += Vector2.UnitY * spacing;
            position.X = startingPosition.X;

            // Rectangles.

            // You can draw rectangle using its top left and bottom right point...
            RectangleShape.Draw(position - Vector2.One * 24, position + Vector2.One * 24, false);

            GraphicsMgr.CurrentColor = _mainColor;
            // ...or its center position and size!
            RectangleShape.DrawBySize(position, Vector2.One * 64, true);

            position += Vector2.UnitX * spacing;

            RectangleShape.Draw(             // We can also manually set colors for each vertex.
                position - Vector2.One * 24,
                position + Vector2.One * 24,

                Vector2.One * 64,
            // Rectangles.

            position  += Vector2.UnitY * spacing;
            position.X = startingPosition.X;

            // Triangles.

            _triangle.Position = position;
            _triangle.Draw();             // Drawing an instantiated triangle.

            GraphicsMgr.CurrentColor = _mainColor;

                position + new Vector2(-24, -24),
                position + new Vector2(24, -24),
                position + new Vector2(24, 24),

            // Be aware of culling. This triangle, for example, will be culled.
            // You can disable culling, if you don't want to deal with it.
            TriangleShape.Draw(new Vector2(-24, -24), new Vector2(24, 24), new Vector2(24, -24), false);

            // Triangles.

            // Lines.

            position += Vector2.UnitX * spacing;
            LineShape.Draw(position - Vector2.One * 24, position + Vector2.One * 24);

            position += Vector2.UnitX * spacing / 2f;
            ThickLineShape.Draw(position - Vector2.One * 24, position + Vector2.One * 24, 5);

            // Lines.
コード例 #12
            private void RenderSelectedLineBackground(IntPtr hdc, RendererState rs)
                var rect = new RECT
                    left   = rs.TextRectangle.Left - this.TextView.ScrollHost.ScrollPosH,
                    right  = int.MaxValue,
                    top    = rs.TextRectangle.Top + rs.Y - rs.ViewportY,
                    bottom = rs.TextRectangle.Top + rs.Y + rs.LineHeight - rs.ViewportY

                if (this.TextView.BackgroundImage == null)
                    SafeNativeMethods.FillRect(hdc, ref rect, this._brushCurrentLine.DangerousGetHandle());
                    // Paint using GDI+ if a background image is used, for the sake of using transparency.
                    using (var g = Graphics.FromHdc(hdc))
                        HsvColor c = HsvColor.FromColor(this.TextView.LineHighlightColor);

                        var alpha = (int)(255 - (255 * ((100 - c.Saturation) / 100d)));
                        c.Saturation = 100;

                        using (var currentLineBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, c.ToColor())))
                            g.FillRectangle(currentLineBrush, rect.left, rect.top, this.TextView.ClientSize.Width, rs.LineHeight);