private HotKey(HotKeyFunction function, Keys key, HotModifierKeys modifiers) : this() { this.Function = function; this.Key = key; this.ModifierKeys = modifiers; }
private void ModHotFlag(bool enabled, HotModifierKeys toggleEnum) { if (enabled) ModifierKeys |= toggleEnum; else ModifierKeys &= ~toggleEnum; }
private void ModHotFlag(bool enabled, HotModifierKeys toggleEnum) { if (enabled) { ModifierKeys |= toggleEnum; } else { ModifierKeys &= ~toggleEnum; } }
internal static void RegisterHotKey(NotifyIcon notifyIcon) { if (hotModifiers.HasFlag(Keys.Delete) || hotKey.HasFlag(Keys.Delete)) { hotModifiers = Keys.None; hotKey = Keys.None; Settings.Default.ModifierKeys = hotModifiers; Settings.Default.Key = hotKey; Settings.Default.Save(); notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(0, "Hot keys removed", "Hot keys have been successfully removed.", ToolTipIcon.Info); return; } HotModifierKeys modkeys = 0; if (hotModifiers.HasFlag(Keys.Control)) { modkeys |= HotModifierKeys.Control; } if (hotModifiers.HasFlag(Keys.Alt)) { modkeys |= HotModifierKeys.Alt; } if (hotModifiers.HasFlag(Keys.Shift)) { modkeys |= HotModifierKeys.Shift; } if (modkeys == 0 || hotKey == 0) { return; } if (RegisterHotKey(handle, HotKeyID, (uint)modkeys, (uint)hotKey)) { Settings.Default.ModifierKeys = hotModifiers; Settings.Default.Key = hotKey; Settings.Default.Save(); var modKeyStr = hotModifiers.ToString() == "0" ? "" : hotModifiers + " + "; notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(0, "AudioSwitch", string.Format( "Hot key {0}{1} has been successfully set.", modKeyStr, hotKey), ToolTipIcon.Info); } else { notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(0, "Hot key registration failed!", "This combination might be already in use. Please try again with a different combination.", ToolTipIcon.Error); } }
private static string GetModifierString(HotModifierKeys keys, params HotModifierKeys[] modifiers) { StringBuilder returnValue = new StringBuilder(); foreach (HotModifierKeys mod in modifiers) { if ((keys & mod) > 0) { returnValue.AppendFormat("{0}+", (mod == HotModifierKeys.Control) ? "Ctrl" : mod.ToString()); } } return(returnValue.ToString()); }
internal static short RegisterGlobalHotKey(short oldID, HotModifierKeys modifierKeys, Keys hotKey) { if (oldID != 0) UnregisterGlobalHotKey(oldID); try { var newID = HotKeyIDCounter++; if (!RegisterHotKey(Handle, newID, (uint)modifierKeys, (uint)hotKey)) return 0; return newID; } catch { return 0; } }
internal static short RegisterGlobalHotKey(short oldId, HotModifierKeys modifierKeys, Keys hotKey) { if (oldId != 0) UnregisterGlobalHotKey(oldId); try { short newId = (short) Runtime.Instance.randomizer.Next(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue); if ( !RegisterHotKey(MainHandle, newId, (uint) modifierKeys, (uint) hotKey)) return 0; return newId; } catch { return 0; } }
internal static short RegisterGlobalHotKey(short oldID, HotModifierKeys modifierKeys, Keys hotKey) { if (oldID != 0) { UnregisterGlobalHotKey(oldID); } try { var newID = HotKeyIDCounter++; if (!RegisterHotKey(Handle, newID, (uint)modifierKeys, (uint)hotKey)) { return(0); } return(newID); } catch { return(0); } }
internal static int RegisterGlobalHotKey(int oldId, HotModifierKeys modifierKeys, Keys hotKey) { if (oldId != 0) { UnregisterGlobalHotKey(oldId); } try { int id = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref hotKeyId); // GlobalHotKeyApplicationId; if (!NativeMethods.RegisterHotKey(GlobalHotKeyManager.MainFormHandle, id, (uint)modifierKeys, (uint)hotKey)) { return(0); } return(id); } catch { return(0); } }
public void AddHotKey(Keys key, Action callback) { HotModifierKeys modifiers = 0; Keys windowKey = key; if ((windowKey & Keys.Shift) > 0) { windowKey -= Keys.Shift; modifiers |= HotModifierKeys.Shift; } if ((windowKey & Keys.Control) > 0) { windowKey -= Keys.Control; modifiers |= HotModifierKeys.Control; } if ((windowKey & Keys.Alt) > 0) { windowKey -= Keys.Alt; modifiers |= HotModifierKeys.Alt; } if (Windows.RegisterHotKey(Handle, NextID, (uint)modifiers, (uint)windowKey)) { HotKeyKeys.Add(key); HotKeysCallbacks.Add(callback); HotKeyIDs.Add(NextID++); } }
private static string GetModifierString(HotModifierKeys keys, params HotModifierKeys[] modifiers) { StringBuilder returnValue = new StringBuilder(); foreach (HotModifierKeys mod in modifiers) if ((keys & mod) > 0) returnValue.AppendFormat("{0}+", (mod == HotModifierKeys.Control) ? "Ctrl" : mod.ToString()); return returnValue.ToString(); }