コード例 #1
        public bool Intersect(Ray ray, out HitData hitData)
            // Outsource this into the scene to enable accelerating data structures.
            Ray     offsettedRay = new Ray(ray.Start - Position, ray.Direction);
            HitData closestHit   = HitData.NoHit;
            HitData lastHit;

            triangles.ForEach((IIntersectable) =>
                if (IIntersectable.Intersect(offsettedRay, out lastHit))
                    HitData offsettedHit = new HitData(lastHit.Position + Position, lastHit.Normal, lastHit.TextureCoords, lastHit.Material);
                    if (!closestHit.exists() && lastHit.exists())
                        closestHit = offsettedHit;
                    if (offsettedRay.Start.Distance(offsettedHit.Position) < offsettedRay.Start.Distance(closestHit.Position))
                        closestHit = offsettedHit;

            hitData = closestHit;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersect a ray with scene objects. Writes out hit data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">The ray that will be intersected with the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="hitData">The hit data of the closest hit that will be written out if there is an intersection.
        /// Will output HitData.NoHit otherwise and can be checked with the exists() method on the object.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true, if there is an intersection with at least one scene object, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Intersect(Ray ray, out HitData hitData, bool isShadowRay = false)
            // TODO: Use acceleration Data structures
            HitData closestHit = HitData.NoHit;
            HitData lastHit;

            ObjectList.ForEach((IIntersectable) =>
                if (isShadowRay && IIntersectable.CastShadows == false)

                if (IIntersectable.Intersect(ray, out lastHit))
                    if (!closestHit.exists() && lastHit.exists())
                        closestHit = lastHit;
                    if (ray.Start.Distance(lastHit.Position) < ray.Start.Distance(closestHit.Position))
                        closestHit = lastHit;

            hitData = closestHit;