public void GetAllEnabledQueuesTest() { TicketQueueCollection CreatedSet = new TicketQueueCollection(); //Select everything in teh database. TicketQueueCollection PreSelectionSet = HelpdeskService.GetAllEnabledQueues(); //Add the new items into the database and keep of collection of them for deletion later... for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { TicketQueue temp = NewQueue(); HelpdeskService.CreateQueue(temp); CreatedSet.Add(temp); } //Get teh values of everything in teh datbase now that we have done some insertions. TicketQueueCollection PostSelectionSet = HelpdeskService.GetAllEnabledQueues(); //Check their counts to make sure everything went into the database correctly. Assert.IsTrue((PreSelectionSet.Count + 10) == PostSelectionSet.Count); }