コード例 #1
        public void EditCategoryTest()
            TicketCategory temp = NewCategory();


            //Make sure the insertion worked smoothly.
            Assert.IsTrue(temp.Equals(SelectCategoryById(temp.TicketCategoryId)), "The created Category and selected Category do not match.  Insertion or selection might have failed");

            //Change the values...
            temp.Name        = "New Category name!";
            temp.Description = "New Category Description";
            temp.IsActive    = false;
            temp.QueueId     = 3;

            //Peform the update.

            //Create a new instance of the Category object and compare them...
            TicketCategory temp2 = SelectCategoryById(temp.TicketCategoryId);

            //Make sure they match.
            Assert.IsTrue(temp.Equals(temp2), "The updated Category did not match equality with the prepared Category values in the method.");