public void ClampTurnsPositiveNumberToOne() { float number = 1; var want = 1f; float got = GridMath.Clamp(number, 0, 1); Assert.Equal(want, got); }
public void ClampTurnsNegativeNumberToZero() { float number = -1; var want = 0f; float got = GridMath.Clamp(number, 0, 1); Assert.Equal(want, got); }
void UpdateChunks() { // Get focal point. Vector3 targetPosition = Target.transform.position; int3 focalChunk = GridMath.WorldToGrid(targetPosition, BlockSize); DebugDrawChunk(GridMath.Clamp(targetPosition, BlockSize), Color.cyan); //TODO: fix extents being treated differently (-extents is in bounds. +extents is not) and remove the +0.5 in chunk to world. Figure out a more elegant approach? maybe Profiler.BeginSample("LevelGenerator - Queue Create Chunks"); int3 loadSize = LoadExtents * 2; loadSize = new int3(Collapse.x ? 1 :loadSize.x, Collapse.y ? 1 :loadSize.y, Collapse.z ? 1 :loadSize.z); float volume = loadSize.x * loadSize.y * loadSize.z; float blockExtents = BlockSize / 2f; // Create new chunks for (int i = 0; i < volume; i++) { //still in chunk space but moved from 1d to 3d int3 positiveChunkPosition = GridMath.IndexToPosition(i, loadSize.x, loadSize.y); //subtract extents to center position on focal chunk (otherwise it starts at focalChunk and extends into positive only. int3 centeredPosition = positiveChunkPosition - new int3(Collapse.x?0:LoadExtents.x, Collapse.y?0:LoadExtents.y, Collapse.z?0:LoadExtents.z); int3 chunkPosition = focalChunk + centeredPosition; //Convert to world position and add extents so the blocks corner is at the position of the chunk (chunks origin is in corner, we want it in center) float3 chunkWorldPosition = GridMath.GridToWorld(chunkPosition, BlockSize) + new float3(Collapse.x?0:blockExtents, Collapse.y?0:blockExtents, Collapse.z?0:blockExtents); //Dont want to generate a block outside of the cameras view if (!BlockInViewFrustum(chunkWorldPosition)) { continue; } uint positionHash = math.hash(chunkPosition); bool chunkExists = _validChunks.ContainsKey(positionHash); //If we are unloading a chunk in a valid cell we need to cancel it before its too late! if (_unloadingChunks.Contains(positionHash)) { _unloadingChunks.Remove(positionHash); } //Additions if (chunkExists) { //Draw existing chunk bounds DebugDrawChunk(chunkWorldPosition, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.25f)); } else if (_loadingChunks.Contains(positionHash)) { DebugDrawChunk(chunkWorldPosition,; //Draw green if busy loading } else { //Load a new chunk _loadingChunks.Add(positionHash); OnChunkLoadBegin(positionHash, chunkPosition, BlockSize, () => { _validChunks.Add(positionHash, chunkPosition); _loadingChunks.Remove(positionHash); }); } } Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("LevelGenerator - Queue Remove Chunks"); //Remove out of bounds chunks. Need to iterate over all (cant check just around valid area) to ensure they are removed even if we teleport if (_validChunks.Count > volume) { List <Tuple <uint, int3> > toRemove = new List <Tuple <uint, int3> >(); foreach (var chunkKVP in _validChunks) { int3 pos = chunkKVP.Value; bool alreadyUnloading = _unloadingChunks.Contains(chunkKVP.Key); float3 worldPos = GridMath.GridToWorld(pos, BlockSize) + new float3(blockExtents); //Dont want to keep a block outside of the bounds or the cameras view if (!GridMath.BlockInBounds(pos, focalChunk, LoadExtents) || !BlockInViewFrustum(worldPos)) { //Offset position so its centered DebugDrawChunk(worldPos,; if (!alreadyUnloading) { toRemove.Add(new Tuple <uint, int3>(chunkKVP.Key, chunkKVP.Value)); } } } foreach (Tuple <uint, int3> data in toRemove) { uint hash = data.Item1; int3 chunkPosition = data.Item2; _unloadingChunks.Add(hash); OnChunkUnloadBegin(hash, chunkPosition, BlockSize, () => { _validChunks.Remove(hash); //only mark invalid after removal as removal is atomic and we want to still treat the chunk as active before its unloaded. //TODO: this true? _unloadingChunks.Remove(hash); }); } } Profiler.EndSample(); }