コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new scalar type to the global collection of recognized scalar values. These graph types are used as
        /// singleton instances across all schema's and all querys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphType">The scalar type to register.</param>
        public void RegisterCustomScalar(IScalarGraphType graphType)
            Validation.ThrowIfNull(graphType, nameof(graphType));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(graphType.Name))
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          "The scalar must supply a name that is not null or whitespace.");

            if (!GraphValidation.IsValidGraphName(graphType.Name))
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"The scalar must supply a name that that conforms to the standard rules for GraphQL. (Regex: {Constants.RegExPatterns.NameRegex})");

            if (graphType.Kind != TypeKind.SCALAR)
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"The scalar's type kind must be set to '{nameof(TypeKind.SCALAR)}'.");

            if (graphType.ObjectType == null)
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"The scalar must supply a value for '{nameof(graphType.ObjectType)}', is cannot be null.");

            if (graphType.SourceResolver == null)
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"The scalar must supply a value for '{nameof(graphType.SourceResolver)}' that can convert data from a " +
                          $"query into the primary object type of '{graphType.ObjectType.FriendlyName()}'.");

            if (graphType.ValueType == ScalarValueType.Unknown)
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"The scalar must supply a value for '{nameof(graphType.ValueType)}'. This lets the validation engine " +
                          "know what data types submitted on a user query could be parsed into a value for this scale.");

            if (graphType.OtherKnownTypes == null)
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"Custom scalars must supply a value for '{nameof(graphType.OtherKnownTypes)}', it cannot be null. " +
                          "Use an empty list if there are no other known types.");

            var isAScalarAlready = this.IsScalar(graphType.Name);

            if (isAScalarAlready)
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"A scalar named '{graphType.Name}' already exists in this graphql instance.");

            isAScalarAlready = this.IsScalar(graphType.ObjectType);
            if (isAScalarAlready)
                var scalar = this.RetrieveScalar(graphType.ObjectType);
                throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                          $"The scalar's primary object type of '{graphType.ObjectType.FriendlyName()}' is " +
                          $"already reserved by the scalar '{scalar.Name}'. Scalar object types must be unique.");

            foreach (var type in graphType.OtherKnownTypes)
                isAScalarAlready = this.IsScalar(type);
                if (isAScalarAlready)
                    var scalar = this.RetrieveScalar(type);
                    throw new GraphTypeDeclarationException(
                              $"The scalar's other known type of '{type.FriendlyName()}' is " +
                              $"already reserved by the scalar '{scalar.Name}'. Scalar object types must be unique.");
