コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the transport using a <see cref="CloudStorageAccount"/>
        /// </summary>
        public GooglePubSubTransport(CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, string inputQueueName, IRebusLoggerFactory rebusLoggerFactory, GooglePubSubTransportOptions options, IRebusTime rebusTime)
            if (storageAccount == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(storageAccount));
            if (rebusLoggerFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rebusLoggerFactory));

            _options   = options;
            _rebusTime = rebusTime;
            _log       = rebusLoggerFactory.GetLogger <GooglePubSubTransport>();
            _initialVisibilityDelay = options.InitialVisibilityDelay;

            var queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();

            _queueFactory = new CloudQueueClientQueueFactory(queueClient);

            if (inputQueueName != null)
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(inputQueueName, QueueNameValidationRegex))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The inputQueueName {inputQueueName} is not valid - it can contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens, and must not have 2 consecutive hyphens.", nameof(inputQueueName));
                Address = inputQueueName.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #2
        public async Task CanUseAlternativeTimeoutManager()
            var gotTheString = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            _activator.Handle <string>(async str =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Received string: '{str}'");


            var bus = Configure.With(_activator)
                      .Transport(t =>
                var options = new GooglePubSubTransportOptions {
                    UseNativeDeferredMessages = false

                t.UseGooglePubSub(_storageAccount, QueueName, options: options);
                      .Timeouts(t => t.Register(c => new InMemoryTimeoutManager(new DefaultRebusTime())))

            await bus.DeferLocal(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), "hej med dig min ven!!!!!");

            gotTheString.WaitOrDie(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), "Did not receive the string withing 10 s timeout");
コード例 #3
        public async Task RunTest(bool prefetch, int messageCount, int workers, int parallelism)
            var counter    = new SharedCounter(messageCount);
            var activator  = new BuiltinHandlerActivator();
            var dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, object>();


            activator.Handle <string>(async str =>
                dictionary.TryRemove(str, out _);

            var bus = Configure.With(activator)
                      .Logging(l => l.Console(minLevel: LogLevel.Warn))
                      .Transport(t =>
                var options = new GooglePubSubTransportOptions
                    Prefetch = prefetch ? 32 : default(int?)

                t.UseGooglePubSub(AzureConfig.ConnectionString, QueueName, options);
                      .Options(o =>

            await Task.WhenAll(Enumerable.Range(0, messageCount)
                               .Select(async i =>
                var payload         = $"THIS IS MESSAGE {i}";
                dictionary[payload] = DummyObject;
                await bus.SendLocal(payload);

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();



            var elapsedSeconds = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            Console.WriteLine($@"Receiving {messageCount} took {elapsedSeconds:0.0} s - that's {messageCount / elapsedSeconds:0.0} msg/s");
コード例 #4
        public async Task CanUseDedicatedAlternativeTimeoutManager()
            // start the timeout manager
            Configure.With(Using(new BuiltinHandlerActivator()))
            .Transport(t =>
                var options = new GooglePubSubTransportOptions {
                    UseNativeDeferredMessages = false

                t.UseGooglePubSub(_storageAccount, TimeoutManagerQueueName, options: options);
            .Timeouts(t => t.Register(c => new InMemoryTimeoutManager(new DefaultRebusTime())))

            var gotTheString = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            _activator.Handle <string>(async str =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Received string: '{str}'");


            var bus = Configure.With(_activator)
                      .Transport(t =>
                var options = new GooglePubSubTransportOptions {
                    UseNativeDeferredMessages = false

                t.UseGooglePubSub(_storageAccount, QueueName, options: options);
                      .Timeouts(t => t.UseExternalTimeoutManager(TimeoutManagerQueueName))

            await bus.DeferLocal(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), "hej med dig min ven!!!!!");

            gotTheString.WaitOrDie(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), "Did not receive the string withing 10 s timeout");

            //// don't dispose too quickly, or else we'll get annoying errors in the log
            //await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
コード例 #5
        public async Task CanDoIt()
            var activator     = Using(new BuiltinHandlerActivator());
            var gotTheMessage = Using(new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false));

            activator.Handle <string>(async str => gotTheMessage.Set());

            .Transport(t =>
                var options = new GooglePubSubTransportOptions {
                    UseNativeDeferredMessages = false
                t.UseGooglePubSub(AzureConfig.StorageAccount, TestConfig.GetName("myqueue"), options);
            .Timeouts(t => t.StoreInMemory())

            await activator.Bus.DeferLocal(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), "HEJ 🍗");

            gotTheMessage.WaitOrDie(timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));