private void Start() { sidesForPyramids = new List <AbstractPolygon>(); myPyramids = new List <DependentPyramid>(); myPrism = GeoObjConstruction.iPrism(GeoObjConstruction.rPoly(nSides, apothem, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height1), Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height2); myPrism.LeapInteraction = false; foreach (AbstractLineSegment mgo in myPrism.allEdges) { mgo.LeapInteraction = false; } foreach (AbstractPolygon mgo in myPrism.allfaces) { mgo.LeapInteraction = false; foreach (AbstractPoint mgol2 in mgo.pointList) { mgol2.LeapInteraction = false; } } foreach (AbstractPolygon side in myPrism.sides) { sidesForPyramids.Add(side); } sidesForPyramids.Add(myPrism.bases[0]); myApex = GeoObjConstruction.iPoint(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height2); //restrict the movement of myApex. flatface1 = flatlandSurface.Constructor(); flatface1.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[0].color = Color.clear; flatface1.attachedObjs.Add(myApex); foreach (AbstractPolygon side in sidesForPyramids) { myPyramids.Add(GeoObjConstruction.dPyramid(side, myApex)); } for (int i = 0; i < myPyramids.Count; i++) { foreach (AbstractPolygon face in myPyramids[i].allfaces) { face.figColor = mgoColor[i]; face.LeapInteraction = false; } foreach (AbstractLineSegment line in myPyramids[i].allEdges) { line.LeapInteraction = false; } foreach (AbstractPoint point in myPyramids[i].basePolygon.pointList) { point.LeapInteraction = false; } } foreach (DependentPyramid pyramid in myPyramids) { pyramid.GetComponent <InteractionBehaviour>().OnHoverBegin += updateGlow; pyramid.GetComponent <InteractionBehaviour>().OnHoverEnd += updateGlow; } }
private void Start() { myPrism = GeoObjConstruction.iPrism(GeoObjConstruction.rPoly(nSides, Mathf.Abs(height1 - height2) / 2f, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height1), Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height2); myPrism.LeapInteraction = false; foreach (AbstractLineSegment mgo in myPrism.allEdges) { mgo.LeapInteraction = false; } foreach (AbstractPolygon mgo in myPrism.bases) { mgo.LeapInteraction = false; foreach (AbstractPoint mgol2 in mgo.pointList) { mgol2.LeapInteraction = false; } } foreach (AbstractPolygon face in myPrism.allfaces) { face.figColor = mgoColor; } //pyramid 1 - base ABC - apex D myPyramids.Add(GeoObjConstruction.dPyramid(myPrism.bases[0], myPrism.bases[1].pointList[0])); //pyramid 2 - base DEF - apex C myPyramids.Add(GeoObjConstruction.dPyramid(myPrism.bases[1], myPrism.bases[0].pointList[2])); //pyramid 3 - base CBD - apex E myPyramids.Add(GeoObjConstruction.dPyramid(myPyramids[0].sides[1], myPrism.bases[1].pointList[1])); foreach (DependentPyramid pyramid in myPyramids) { pyramid.GetComponent <InteractionBehaviour>().OnHoverBegin += updateGlow; pyramid.GetComponent <InteractionBehaviour>().OnHoverEnd += updateGlow; } }
//[ContextMenu("Load from Save")] for debugging make public and uncomment private void xmlToMGO() { Dictionary <string, AbstractGeoObj> spawnedObjects = new Dictionary <string, AbstractGeoObj>(); foreach (GeoObj geo in GeoObjDB.list) { switch (geo.type) { case GeoObjType.point: AbstractGeoObj spawnedPoint = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: spawnedPoint = GeoObjConstruction.dPoint(geo.position); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: spawnedPoint = GeoObjConstruction.iPoint(geo.position); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: spawnedPoint = GeoObjConstruction.sPoint(geo.position); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedPoint != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedPoint, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedPoint); } break; case GeoObjType.line: AbstractGeoObj spawnedLine = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: spawnedLine = GeoObjConstruction.dLineSegment(spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[0]] as AbstractPoint, spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[1]] as AbstractPoint); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: spawnedLine = GeoObjConstruction.iLineSegment(spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[0]] as AbstractPoint, spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[1]] as AbstractPoint); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedLine != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedLine, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedLine); } break; case GeoObjType.polygon: AbstractGeoObj spawnedPoly = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. List <AbstractLineSegment> lineList; List <AbstractPoint> pointList; switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: lineList = new List <AbstractLineSegment>(); geo.dependencies.Where(d => spawnedObjects[d].figType == GeoObjType.line).ToList().ForEach(l => lineList.Add(spawnedObjects[l] as AbstractLineSegment)); pointList = new List <AbstractPoint>(); geo.dependencies.Where(d => spawnedObjects[d].figType == GeoObjType.point).ToList().ForEach(p => pointList.Add(spawnedObjects[p] as AbstractPoint)); spawnedPoly = GeoObjConstruction.dPolygon(lineList, pointList); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: lineList = new List <AbstractLineSegment>(); geo.dependencies.Where(d => spawnedObjects[d].figType == GeoObjType.line).ToList().ForEach(l => lineList.Add(spawnedObjects[l] as AbstractLineSegment)); pointList = new List <AbstractPoint>(); geo.dependencies.Where(d => spawnedObjects[d].figType == GeoObjType.point).ToList().ForEach(p => pointList.Add(spawnedObjects[p] as AbstractPoint)); spawnedPoly = GeoObjConstruction.iPolygon(lineList, pointList); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedPoly != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedPoly, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedPoly); } break; case GeoObjType.prism: AbstractGeoObj spawnedPrism = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: if (!(geo.prismData.bases.Count < 2 || geo.prismData.sides.Count < spawnedObjects[geo.prismData.bases[0]].GetComponent <AbstractPolygon>().pointList.Count)) { List <AbstractPolygon> bases = new List <AbstractPolygon>(); List <AbstractPolygon> sides = new List <AbstractPolygon>(); geo.prismData.bases.ForEach(b => bases.Add(spawnedObjects[b] as AbstractPolygon)); geo.prismData.sides.ForEach(s => sides.Add(spawnedObjects[s] as AbstractPolygon)); spawnedPrism = GeoObjConstruction.iPrism(bases, sides); } else { List <AbstractLineSegment> edges = new List <AbstractLineSegment>(); geo.prismData.edges.ForEach(e => edges.Add(spawnedObjects[e] as AbstractLineSegment)); spawnedPrism = GeoObjConstruction.iPrism(edges); } break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedPrism != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedPrism, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedPrism); } break; case GeoObjType.pyramid: AbstractGeoObj spawnedPyramid = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: spawnedPyramid = GeoObjConstruction.dPyramid(spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[0]] as AbstractPolygon, spawnedObjects[geo.pyramidData.apexName] as AbstractPoint); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedPyramid != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedPyramid, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedPyramid); } break; case AbstractGeoObj spawnedCircle = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: spawnedCircle = GeoObjConstruction.dCircle(spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[0]] as AbstractPoint, spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[1]] as AbstractPoint, geo.circleData.normDir); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedCircle != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedCircle, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedCircle); } break; case GeoObjType.sphere: AbstractGeoObj spawnedSphere = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: spawnedSphere = GeoObjConstruction.dSphere(spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[0]] as AbstractPoint, spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[1]] as AbstractPoint); break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedSphere != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedSphere, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedSphere); } break; case GeoObjType.revolvedsurface: AbstractGeoObj spawnedrevSurf = null; //initialzed as null so that cases that do not spawn still have it initialized but still fails a null check. switch (geo.definition) { case GeoObjDef.Abstract: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Dependent: spawnedrevSurf = GeoObjConstruction.dRevSurface(spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[0]] as AbstractPoint, spawnedObjects[geo.dependencies[1]] as AbstractLineSegment, geo.revSurfData.normDir); spawnedrevSurf.transform.position = geo.position; spawnedrevSurf.transform.rotation = geo.rotation; break; case GeoObjDef.Interactable: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.Static: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; case GeoObjDef.none: Debug.Log(geo.figName + " was attempted to spawn but is not supported yet within XMLManager script! Add construction function in place of this log."); break; default: break; } if (spawnedrevSurf != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(spawnedrevSurf, geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, spawnedrevSurf); } break; case GeoObjType.torus: break; case GeoObjType.flatface: Transform flatface = flatfaceBehave.Constructor().transform; flatface.transform.position = geo.position; flatface.transform.rotation = geo.rotation; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(flatface.GetComponent <flatfaceBehave>(), geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, flatface.GetComponent <AbstractGeoObj>()); break; case GeoObjType.straightedge: Transform straightEdge = straightEdgeBehave.Constructor().transform; straightEdge.transform.position = geo.position; straightEdge.transform.rotation = geo.rotation; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geo.label)) { GeoObjConstruction.label(straightEdge.GetComponent <straightEdgeBehave>(), geo.label); } spawnedObjects.Add(geo.figName, straightEdge.GetComponent <AbstractGeoObj>()); break; default: break; } } }
internal void Start() { shearingLabManager labMan = FindObjectOfType <shearingLabManager>(); labMan.measurementDisplays.Add(surfaceAreaModel.transform); labMan.measurementDisplays.Add(volumeModel.transform); //labMan.measurementDisplays.Add(crossSectionModel.transform); labMan.disableDisplays(); surfaceAreaModel.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[0].color = mgoColor; volumeModel.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[0].color = mgoColor; crossSectionModel.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[0].color = mgoColor; //copy into base scene on Load. //this.transform.parent = SceneManager.GetSceneByName("HandWaverBase").GetRootGameObjects()[0].transform.parent; //construct parallel planes flatface1 = flatlandSurface.Constructor(); flatface2 = flatlandSurface.Constructor(); flatface1.otherFlatlandSurface = flatface2; flatface2.otherFlatlandSurface = flatface1; flatface1.transform.localScale = new Vector3(3f, .0001f, 3f); flatface2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(3f, .0001f, 3f); AbstractPoint apexPoint = GeoObjConstruction.iPoint(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height2); AbstractPolygon basePoly = GeoObjConstruction.rPoly(nSides, .3f, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.position, Vector3.up) + Vector3.up * height1); myPyramid = GeoObjConstruction.dPyramid(basePoly, apexPoint); foreach (AbstractLineSegment line in myPyramid.allEdges) { line.LeapInteraction = false; } foreach (AbstractPoint point in basePoly.pointList) { point.LeapInteraction = false; flatface1.attachedObjs.Add(point); } foreach (AbstractPolygon face in myPyramid.allfaces) { face.LeapInteraction = false; } flatface2.attachedObjs.Add(apexPoint); flatface2.attachedObjs.Add(basePoly); myPyramid.GetComponent <InteractionBehaviour>().enabled = false; mf.transform.position =; mf.transform.localScale =; mf.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; palmDetectors = GetComponentsInChildren <PalmDirectionDetector>(); //NATHAN HELP ME HERE for (int i = 0; i < palmDetectors.Length; i++) { PalmDirectionDetector palm = palmDetectors[i]; palm.OnActivate.AddListener(startUpdateMesh); palm.OnDeactivate.AddListener(endUpdateMesh); ExtendedFingerDetector finger = palm.GetComponent <ExtendedFingerDetector>(); finger.OnDeactivate.AddListener(endUpdateMesh); //the extended finger detectors are set to enable/disable the respective PalmDirectionDetectors. switch (i) { case 0: palm.HandModel = leapHandDataLogger.ins.currHands.Lhand_rigged; finger.HandModel = leapHandDataLogger.ins.currHands.Lhand_rigged; break; case 1: palm.HandModel = leapHandDataLogger.ins.currHands.RHand_rigged; finger.HandModel = leapHandDataLogger.ins.currHands.RHand_rigged; break; default: break; } } updateMesh = updateMeshRoutine(); if (overrideHandInput) { startUpdateMesh(); } foreach (AbstractPolygon face in myPyramid.allfaces) { face.figColor = mgoColor; } myPyramid.apex.GetComponent <InteractionBehaviour>().OnGraspEnd += constantVelOutOfRange; labMan.addApexToList(myPyramid.apex); }