コード例 #1
ファイル: TrustedKeygen.cs プロジェクト: LAToken/lachain
 public Config(NetworkConfig network, GenesisConfig genesis, RpcConfig rpc, VaultConfig vault,
               StorageConfig storage, BlockchainConfig blockchain, HardforkConfig hardfork, VersionConfig version,
               CacheConfig cache)
     Network       = network;
     Genesis       = genesis;
     Rpc           = rpc;
     Vault         = vault;
     Storage       = storage;
     Blockchain    = blockchain;
     Hardfork      = hardfork;
     ConfigVersion = version;
     Cache         = cache;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TrustedKeygen.cs プロジェクト: LAToken/lachain
        public static void CloudKeygen(int n, int f, IEnumerable <string> ips, ushort basePort, ushort target, ulong chainId, ulong cycleDuration, ulong validatorsCount, string networkName,
                                       string feedAddress, string feedBalance, string stakeAmount, IEnumerable <ulong> hardforks)
            if (n <= 3 * f)
                throw new Exception("N must be >= 3 * F + 1");
            var tpkeKeyGen = new Crypto.TPKE.TrustedKeyGen(n, f);
            var tpkePubKey = tpkeKeyGen.GetPubKey();

            var sigKeyGen  = new Crypto.ThresholdSignature.TrustedKeyGen(n, f);
            var privShares = sigKeyGen.GetPrivateShares().ToArray();
            var pubShares  = sigKeyGen.GetPrivateShares()
                             .Select(s => s.GetPublicKeyShare())
                             .Select(s => s.ToHex())

            var ecdsaPrivateKeys = new string[n];
            var ecdsaPublicKeys  = new string[n];
            var addresses        = new string[n];
            var crypto           = CryptoProvider.GetCrypto();

            for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                ecdsaPrivateKeys[i] = crypto.GenerateRandomBytes(32).ToHex(false);
                ecdsaPublicKeys[i]  = crypto.ComputePublicKey(ecdsaPrivateKeys[i].HexToBytes(), true).ToHex(false);
                addresses[i]        = ecdsaPrivateKeys[i].HexToBytes().ToPrivateKey().GetPublicKey().GetAddress().ToHex();

            var hubPublicKeys            = new string[n];
            var serializedHubPrivateKeys = new string[n];

            for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                (serializedHubPrivateKeys[i], hubPublicKeys[i]) = PrivateWallet.GenerateHubKey();

            var bootstraps = ips
                             .Zip(hubPublicKeys, (ip, id) => $"{id}@{ip}")
                             .Select((x, i) => $"{x}:{41011 + i}")

            var peers = ecdsaPublicKeys.ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                var net = new NetworkConfig
                    Peers              = peers,
                    MaxPeers           = 100,
                    ForceIPv6          = false,
                    BootstrapAddresses = bootstraps,
                    HubLogLevel        = "Trace",
                    HubMetricsPort     = basePort + 2,
                    NetworkName        = networkName,
                    ChainId            = (int)chainId,
                    CycleDuration      = cycleDuration,
                    ValidatorsCount    = validatorsCount,
                var genesis = new GenesisConfig(tpkePubKey.ToHex(), "5.000000000000000000", "0.000000100000000000")
                    Balances = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            feedAddress, feedBalance
                    Validators = Enumerable.Range(0, n).Select(j => new ValidatorInfo(
                                                                   ecdsaPublicKeys[j], pubShares[j], feedAddress, stakeAmount
                for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                    genesis.Balances[addresses[j]] = "100";

                var secp256K1  = new Secp256k1();
                var privateKey = new byte[32];
                var rnd        = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
                }while (!secp256K1.SecretKeyVerify(privateKey));

                var privateKeyHex = privateKey.ToHex();
                var publicKey     = new byte[64];
                Debug.Assert(secp256K1.PublicKeyCreate(publicKey, privateKey));
                var publicKeyHex = publicKey.ToHex();

                System.Console.WriteLine($"Loop {i + 1:D2}: private key [{privateKeyHex}] associated with public key [{publicKeyHex}]");

                var rpc = new RpcConfig
                    Hosts       = new[] { "+" },
                    Port        = basePort,
                    MetricsPort = (ushort)(basePort + 1),
                    // ApiKey = "0x2e917846fe7487a4ea3a765473a3fc9b2d9227a4d312bc77fb9de357cf73d7e52b771d537394336e9eb2cb4838138f668f4bd7d8cf7e04d9242a42c71b99f166",
                    ApiKey = publicKeyHex
                var walletPath = "wallet.json";
                var vault      = new VaultConfig
                    Path     = walletPath,
                    Password = getRandomPassword()
                var storage = new StorageConfig
                    Path     = "ChainLachain",
                    Provider = "RocksDB",
                var blockchain = new BlockchainConfig
                    TargetBlockTime = target,
                List <ulong> hardforkHeights = hardforks.ToList();
                var          hardfork        = new HardforkConfig
                    Hardfork_1 = hardforkHeights[0],
                    Hardfork_2 = hardforkHeights[1],
                    Hardfork_3 = hardforkHeights[2],
                    Hardfork_4 = hardforkHeights[3],
                var version = new VersionConfig
                    Version = 2

                var blockHeight = new CacheOptions
                    SizeLimit = 100

                var cache = new CacheConfig
                    BlockHeight = blockHeight

                var config = new Config(net, genesis, rpc, vault, storage, blockchain, hardfork, version, cache);
                File.WriteAllText($"config{i + 1:D2}.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, Formatting.Indented));
                    $"wallet{i + 1:D2}.json",

            var tpkePrivKeys = string.Join(
                ", ",
                Enumerable.Range(0, n)
                .Select(idx => tpkeKeyGen.GetPrivKey(idx))
                .Select(x => $"\"{x.ToHex()}\""));
            var tsKeys = string.Join(
                ", ",
                .Select(x => $"(\"{x.GetPublicKeyShare().ToHex()}\", \"{x.ToHex()}\")")

                $"{n}: " + "{" +
                "  \"tpke\": (" +
                $"    \"{tpkePubKey.ToHex()}\"," +
                $"    [{tpkePrivKeys}]" +
                "  )," +
                $"  \"ts\": [{tsKeys}]," +
                string.Join(", ", ecdsaPrivateKeys.Zip(ecdsaPublicKeys).Zip(addresses)
                            .Select(t => $"(\"{t.First.Second}\", \"{t.First.First}\", \"{t.Second}\")"))