void Checker_UpdateFound(UpgradeChecker.UpgradeInfo Info) { using (UpgradeForm uf = new UpgradeForm()) { uf.Owner = this; uf.NewVersion = Info; uf.ShowDialog(); uf.Dispose(); } }
private bool SetEverythingUp() { HistoryItem firstItem = new HistoryItem(); firstItem.Action = Yedda.Twitter.ActionType.Friends_Timeline; History.Push(firstItem); if (System.IO.File.Exists(ClientSettings.AppPath + "\\crash.txt")) { using (CrashReport errorForm = new CrashReport()) { //errorForm.Owner = this; errorForm.ShowDialog(); errorForm.Dispose(); } } if (!StartBackground) { this.Show(); } bool ret = true; if (ClientSettings.CheckVersion) { Checker = new UpgradeChecker(); Checker.UpgradeFound += new UpgradeChecker.delUpgradeFound(UpdateChecker_UpdateFound); } SetUpListControl(); try { ResetDictionaries(); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { PockeTwit.Localization.LocalizedMessageBox.Show("There's not enough memory to run PockeTwit. You may want to close some applications and try again."); if (Manager != null) { Manager.ShutDown(); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { PockeTwit.Localization.LocalizedMessageBox.Show("Corrupt settings - {0}\r\nPlease reconfigure.", ex.Message); ClearSettings(); ResetDictionaries(); } CurrentlySelectedAccount = ClientSettings.DefaultAccount; Notifyer = new NotificationHandler(); Notifyer.MessagesNotificationClicked += new NotificationHandler.DelNotificationClicked(Notifyer_MessagesNotificationClicked); return ret; }
//�Private�Methods�(5)� void Checker_CurrentVersion(UpgradeChecker.UpgradeInfo Info) { PockeTwit.Localization.LocalizedMessageBox.Show("{0} is the latest version.", "No upgrades found.", Info.webVersion.ToString()); }
void UpdateChecker_UpdateFound(UpgradeChecker.UpgradeInfo Info) { using (UpgradeForm uf = new UpgradeForm()) { uf.NewVersion = Info; uf.ShowDialog(); } }