private static bool CalculateNavMeshQueryParams(ref Vector3 from, Vector3 to, ref Vector3 fromNodePos, ref List <ObstacleVertex> obstacles, bool clampFromInNavMesh, Simulator sim) { if (null == { return(false); } CreateAllPointsList(); _allPoints.Clear(); _allPoints.Add(from); _allPoints.Add(to); NNInfo fromInfo =; if (null == fromInfo.node) { return(false); } fromNodePos = (Vector3)fromInfo.node.position; _allPoints.Add(fromNodePos); Bounds bounds = GameUtils.CalculateBounds(_allPoints); // calculate the bounding box to encapsulate all points we need to consider // sim.GetObstacles() is an alternative - this may be faster const float SearchPadding = 0.1f; sim.GetStaticAndDynamicObstacles(obstacles,, (bounds.max - + SearchPadding); // get all obstacles near our line if (clampFromInNavMesh) { from = CalculatePointOnNavMesh(from, sim, 0.1f, fromInfo, obstacles); } return(true); }
private Bounds GetBounds() { m_RectangleContourPoints.Clear(); CalculateRectangleContourPoints(ref m_RectangleContourPoints); m_Bounds = GameUtils.CalculateBounds(m_RectangleContourPoints); // calculate the bounding box to encapsulate all points we need to consider m_Bounds.size = new Vector3(m_Bounds.size.x, m_Height, m_Bounds.size.z); return(m_Bounds); }
protected void GenerateTileFromInputMesh(AStarPathfindingWalkableArea walkArea) { if (null == walkArea) { EB.Debug.LogWarning("GenerateTileFromInputMesh: walkArea is empty"); return; } Mesh inputMesh = walkArea.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; if (null == inputMesh) { EB.Debug.LogWarning("GenerateTileFromInputMesh: inputMesh is empty"); return; } List <Vector3> allPoints = new List <Vector3>(inputMesh.vertices); Bounds bounds = GameUtils.CalculateBounds(allPoints); forcedBoundsCenter = walkArea.transform.TransformPoint(; forcedBoundsSize = bounds.size; // this section changes the size of the bounds and tile, so that we always get one single tile SetUpNavMeshToFitOnOneTile(); CalculateNumberOfTiles(ref tileXCount, ref tileZCount); Debug.Assert(tileXCount == 1 && tileZCount == 1, "Their should be only one tile when using a prebuilt nav mesh"); tiles = new NavmeshTile[tileXCount * tileZCount]; // only one tile // ignore this setting scanEmptyGraph = false; // the Vector3 vertices in the mesh need to be converted to the APP Int3 format Int3[] Int3Verts = new Int3[inputMesh.vertices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Int3Verts.Length; ++i) { Vector3 tempVert = inputMesh.vertices[i]; tempVert = walkArea.transform.TransformPoint(tempVert); // get the world space position, rather than local space Int3Verts[i] = (Int3)tempVert; } tiles[0] = CreateTile(inputMesh.triangles, Int3Verts, 0, 0); // our single tile //Assign graph index to nodes uint graphIndex = (uint); GraphNodeDelegateCancelable del = delegate(GraphNode n) { n.GraphIndex = graphIndex; return(true); }; GetNodes(del); }
// calculate all the obstacles which will be used in multiple nav mesh IsVisible tests (optimization to avoid doing multiple sim.KDTree.GetObstacles()) // if all the from points are the same in the 'theInput' list, set 'areFromPointsEqual' to true for an optimization public static bool CalculateNavMeshQueryObstacles(ref List <NavMeshQueryInput> theInput, ref List <ObstacleVertex> obstacles, Simulator sim, bool areFromPointsEqual) { if (null == { return(false); } CreateAllPointsList(); _allPoints.Clear(); for (int inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < theInput.Count; ++inputIndex) { NavMeshQueryInput query = theInput[inputIndex]; query.isInputValid = true; _allPoints.Add(query.from); _allPoints.Add(; if (!areFromPointsEqual || 0 == inputIndex) // if from points are not equal or this is the first in the list { query.fromInfo =; } else // (areFromPointsEqual && inputIndex > 0) // from points are equal and we've already calculated one GetNearest() { query.fromInfo = theInput[0].fromInfo; } if (null == query.fromInfo.node) { query.isInputValid = false; continue; } query.fromNodePos = (Vector3)query.fromInfo.node.position; _allPoints.Add(query.fromNodePos); } Bounds bounds = GameUtils.CalculateBounds(_allPoints); // calculate the bounding box to encapsulate all points we need to consider // sim.GetObstacles() is an alternative - this may be faster const float SearchPadding = 0.1f; sim.GetStaticAndDynamicObstacles(obstacles,, (bounds.max - + SearchPadding); // get all obstacles near our line return(true); }
public Bounds GetBounds() { var bounds = new Bounds(); switch (type) { case MeshType.Rectangle: #if BNICKSON_UPDATED rectangleContourPoints.Clear(); CalculateRectangleContourPoints(ref rectangleContourPoints); bounds = GameUtils.CalculateBounds(rectangleContourPoints); // calculate the bounding box to encapsulate all points we need to consider bounds.size = new Vector3(bounds.size.x, height, bounds.size.z); #else if (useRotation) { Matrix4x4 m = tr.localToWorldMatrix; // Calculate the bounds by encapsulating each of the 8 corners in a bounds object bounds = new Bounds(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(-rectangleSize.x, -height, -rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f),; bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(rectangleSize.x, -height, -rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(rectangleSize.x, -height, rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(-rectangleSize.x, -height, rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(-rectangleSize.x, height, -rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(rectangleSize.x, height, -rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(rectangleSize.x, height, rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(-rectangleSize.x, height, rectangleSize.y) * 0.5f)); } else { bounds = new Bounds(tr.position + center, new Vector3(rectangleSize.x, height, rectangleSize.y)); } #endif break; case MeshType.Circle: if (useRotation) { Matrix4x4 m = tr.localToWorldMatrix; bounds = new Bounds(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center), new Vector3(circleRadius * 2, height, circleRadius * 2)); } else { bounds = new Bounds(transform.position + center, new Vector3(circleRadius * 2, height, circleRadius * 2)); } break; case MeshType.CustomMesh: if (mesh == null) { break; } Bounds b = mesh.bounds; if (useRotation) { Matrix4x4 m = tr.localToWorldMatrix; *= meshScale; b.size *= meshScale; bounds = new Bounds(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center +,; Vector3 mx = b.max; Vector3 mn = b.min; bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mx.x, mx.y, mx.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mn.x, mx.y, mx.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mn.x, mx.y, mn.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mx.x, mx.y, mn.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mx.x, mn.y, mx.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mn.x, mn.y, mx.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mn.x, mn.y, mn.z))); bounds.Encapsulate(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(center + new Vector3(mx.x, mn.y, mn.z))); Vector3 size = bounds.size; size.y = Mathf.Max(size.y, height * tr.lossyScale.y); bounds.size = size; } else { Vector3 size = b.size * meshScale; size.y = Mathf.Max(size.y, height); bounds = new Bounds(transform.position + center + * meshScale, size); } break; default: throw new System.Exception("Invalid mesh type"); } return(bounds); }